public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
try {
Adaptrex adaptrex = Adaptrex.getAdaptrex();
AdaptrexConfig config = adaptrex.getConfig();
Map<String,Object> tagAttr = getAttributes();
String contextPath = context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath();
if (contextPath.isEmpty()) contextPath = "/";
* Weblib path
String weblibPath = (String) tagAttr.get(AdaptrexConfig.WEBLIB);
if (weblibPath == null) weblibPath = config.get(AdaptrexConfig.WEBLIB);
* Read and configure ext path and build information
String extVersion = (String) tagAttr.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_VERSION);
if (extVersion == null) extVersion = config.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_VERSION);
String extBuild = (String) tagAttr.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_BUILD);
if (extBuild == null) extBuild = config.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_BUILD, "production");
String extPath = (String) tagAttr.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_PATH);
if (extPath == null) extPath = config.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_PATH);
if (extPath == null) {
if (extVersion != null) {
extPath = weblibPath + "/extjs-" + extVersion + "/ext" + (extBuild.equals("production") ? "" : "-" + extBuild) + ".js";
* Write ext bootstrap code
if (extPath != null) {
write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + contextPath + extPath + "'></script>");
String extFolder = extPath.substring(0, extPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
String theme = (String) tagAttr.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_THEME);
if (theme == null) theme = config.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_THEME, "all");
if (!theme.contains("/")) {
theme = extFolder + "/resources/css/ext-" + theme + ".css";
write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + contextPath + theme + "' />");
if (theme.contains("neptune")) {
write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + contextPath + extFolder + "/ext-neptune.js'></script>");
* Bootstrap Ext classes we need for adaptrex stores and models
write ("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + contextPath + weblibPath + "/adaptrex-bootstrap-ext-" + extVersion + ".js'></script>");
* Set up adaptrex loader if we're in debug mode
String adaptrexFolder = contextPath + weblibPath + "/adaptrexjs";
write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + adaptrexFolder + "/adaptrex.js'></script>");
write("<script type='text/javascript'>Adaptrex.Context={path:'" + contextPath + "'}</script>");
if (config.get(AdaptrexConfig.DEBUG).equals("true")) {
write("<script type='text/javascript'>" +
"Ext.Loader.setPath('Adaptrex', '" + adaptrexFolder + "/src')</script>");
* Set up namespace
String namespace = (String) tagAttr.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_NAMESPACE);
if (namespace == null) namespace = (String) tagAttr.get("ns");
if (namespace == null) namespace = (String) tagAttr.get("namespace");
if (namespace == null) namespace = config.get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_NAMESPACE);
if (namespace != null) {
setAttribute("namespace", namespace);
write("<script type='text/javascript'>Ext.ns('" + namespace + "')</script>");