An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
An activity is a specific user action that an advertiser wants to track, such as the completion of a purchase or a visit to a webpage. You create and manage activities in DFP. When a user performs the action after seeing an advertiser's ad, that's a conversion.
For example, you set up an activity in DFP to track how many users visit an advertiser's promotional website after viewing or clicking on an ad. When a user views an ad, then visits the page, that's one conversion.
adds some functions to the {@link OMG activity}.
. An undefined / emptypause value must be expressed using {@link Duration#ZERO}. Calling {@link #setPause(Duration)} with null
will throw an{@link IllegalArgumentException}. null
. An undefined / emptyduration value must be expressed using {@link Duration#ZERO}. Calling {@link #setDuration(Duration)} with null
will throw an{@link IllegalArgumentException}. null
. Calling{@link #setStart(Time)} with null
will throw an{@link IllegalArgumentException}. Representation of an activity.
Activities are rendered with a title and an optional activity body.
You may set the title and body directly as strings when calling opensocial.newActivity. However, it is usually beneficial to create activities using Message Templates for the title and body.
Users will have many activities in their activity streams, and containers will not show every activity that is visible to a user. To help display large numbers of activities, containers will summarize a list of activities from a given source to a single entry.
You can provide Activity Summaries to customize the text shown when multiple activities are summarized. If no customization is provided, a container may ignore your activities altogether or provide default text such as "Bob changed his status message + 20 other events like this."
<messagebundle> <msg name="LISTEN_TO_THIS_SONG:Artist"> ${Subject.Count} of your friends have suggested listening to songs by ${Artist}! </msg> <msg name="LISTEN_TO_THIS_SONG:Song"> ${Subject.Count} of your friends have suggested listening to ${Song} !</msg> <msg name="LISTEN_TO_THIS_SONG:Subject"> ${Subject.DisplayName} has recommended ${Song.Count} songs to you. </msg> </messagebundle>
The following features are supported:
The following features are supported:
The activity supports both graph based process models as well as block structured (tree based) process models. First we describe tranisions that can be used to formResourceName graph based process structures and then we'll describe activity composition to formResourceName block structured process models. Both models can be combined as well.
Activities have {@link #getIncomingTransitions() incoming}and {@link #getOutgoingTransitions() outgoing transitions}. These are lists of transitions.
Optionally, transitions can have names. In that case the transition {@link #getOutgoingTransition(String) names are associated to activity's outgoing transitions}. The {@link #getOutgoingTransitionsMap() map of outgoing transitions} provides easy access to the named transitions.
One of the outgoing transitions can optionally be marked as {@link #getDefaultOutgoingTransition() the default transition}.
Block structured process languages have composite activities that can be modeled with the {@link #getParent() parent}- {@link #getActivities() child} relation.
@author Tom Baeyens@author Christian Schudt @see XEP-0108: User Activity @see XML SchemaEach activity has a REQUIRED general category and an OPTIONAL specific instance. One can understand each specifier as '[user] is [activity]' (e.g., 'Juliet is partying'), where the relevant value is the most specific activity provided (e.g., specifically "partying" rather than generally "relaxing").