Examples of ActionInsertFact

Examples of org.drools.brms.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

        m.addLhsItem( new FactPattern( "Person" ) );
        m.addLhsItem( new FactPattern( "Accident" ) );
        m.addAttribute( new RuleAttribute( "no-loop",
                                           "true" ) );

        m.addRhsItem( new ActionInsertFact( "Report" ) );
        m.name = "my rule";

        final String drl = p.marshal( m );
        assertEquals( expected,
                      drl );
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Examples of org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

          ActionInsertFactCol ac = (ActionInsertFactCol)c;
          LabelledAction a = find(actions, ac.boundName);
          if (a == null) {
            a = new LabelledAction();
            a.boundName  = ac.boundName;
            ActionInsertFact ins = new ActionInsertFact(ac.factType);
            a.action = ins;
          ActionInsertFact ins = (ActionInsertFact) a.action;
          ActionFieldValue val = new ActionFieldValue(ac.factField, cell, ac.type);
        } else if (c instanceof ActionRetractFactCol) {
          ActionRetractFactCol rf = (ActionRetractFactCol)c;
          LabelledAction a = find(actions, rf.boundName);
          if (a == null) {
            a = new LabelledAction();
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Examples of org.drools.guvnor.models.commons.shared.rule.ActionInsertFact

    private void addAction( IAction action,
                            List<LabelledAction> actions ) {
        String binding = null;
        LabelledAction a = null;
        if ( action instanceof ActionInsertFact ) {
            final ActionInsertFact af = (ActionInsertFact) action;
            binding = af.getBoundName();
            a = findByLabelledAction( actions,
                                      binding );

        } else if ( action instanceof ActionSetField ) {
            final ActionSetField af = (ActionSetField) action;
            binding = af.getVariable();
            a = findByLabelledAction( actions,
                                      binding );

        //Binding is used to group related field setters together. It is essential for
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Examples of org.drools.guvnor.models.commons.shared.rule.ActionInsertFact

                                                     ac.getBoundName() );
            if ( a == null ) {
                a = new LabelledAction();
                a.boundName = ac.getBoundName();
                if ( !ac.isInsertLogical() ) {
                    ActionInsertFact ins = new ActionInsertFact( ac.getFactType() );
                    ins.setBoundName( ac.getBoundName() );
                    a.action = ins;
                } else {
                    ActionInsertLogicalFact ins = new ActionInsertLogicalFact( ac.getFactType() );
                    ins.setBoundName( ac.getBoundName() );
                    a.action = ins;
                actions.add( a );
            ActionInsertFact ins = (ActionInsertFact) a.action;
            ActionWorkItemFieldValue val = new ActionWorkItemFieldValue( ac.getFactField(),
                                                                         ac.getParameterClassName() );
            ins.addFieldValue( val );
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

         * add the bound variable of the rhs
        List<String> vars2 = model.getModel().getRHSBoundFacts();
        for ( String v : vars2 ) {
            ActionInsertFact factPattern = model.getModel().getRHSBoundFact( v );
            if ( factPattern.factType.equals( this.methodParameter.type ) ) {
                // First selection is empty
                if ( listVariable.getItemCount() == 0 ) {
                    listVariable.addItem( "..." );
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

                FactPattern factPattern = model.getModel().getLHSBoundFact( v );
                if ( factPattern.getFactType().equals( this.parameterType ) ) {
                    createButton = true;
            } else {
                ActionInsertFact factPattern = model.getModel().getRHSBoundFact( v );
                if ( factPattern.factType.equals( this.parameterType ) ) {
                    createButton = true;
            if ( createButton == true ) {
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

        ins.setFactType( "Person" );
        ins.setType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        dt.getActionCols().add( ins );

        BRLActionColumn brlAction = new BRLActionColumn();
        ActionInsertFact aif = new ActionInsertFact( "Person" );
        aif.setBoundName( "$aif" );
        aif.addFieldValue( new ActionFieldValue( "rating",
                                                 SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING ) );
        aif.fieldValues[0].nature = BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        brlAction.getDefinition().add( aif );
        dt.getActionCols().add( brlAction );

        BRLRuleModel model = new BRLRuleModel( dt );

        assertNotNull( model.getAllVariables() );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      model.getAllVariables().size() );
        assertTrue( model.getAllVariables().contains( "$p1" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getAllVariables().contains( "$c1" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getAllVariables().contains( "$ins" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getAllVariables().contains( "$aif" ) );

        assertNotNull( model.getRHSBoundFacts() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.getRHSBoundFacts().size() );
        assertTrue( model.getRHSBoundFacts().contains( "$ins" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getRHSBoundFacts().contains( "$aif" ) );

        ActionInsertFact r1 = model.getRHSBoundFact( "$ins" );
        assertNotNull( r1 );
        assertTrue( r1 instanceof BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertFactAdaptor );
        BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertFactAdaptor raif1 = (BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertFactAdaptor) r1;
        assertEquals( "Person",
                      raif1.factType );
        assertEquals( "rating",
                      raif1.fieldValues[0].field );
        assertEquals( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING,
                      raif1.fieldValues[0].type );
        assertNull( raif1.fieldValues[0].value );
        assertEquals( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL,
                      raif1.fieldValues[0].nature );

        ActionInsertFact r2 = model.getRHSBoundFact( "$aif" );
        assertNotNull( r2 );
        assertTrue( r2 instanceof ActionInsertFact );
        ActionInsertFact raif2 = (ActionInsertFact) r2;
        assertEquals( "Person",
                      raif2.factType );
        assertEquals( "rating",
                      raif2.fieldValues[0].field );
        assertEquals( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING,
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

        ins2.setFactType( "Person2" );
        ins2.setType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        dt.getActionCols().add( ins2 );

        BRLActionColumn brlAction = new BRLActionColumn();
        ActionInsertFact aif = new ActionInsertFact( "Person" );
        aif.setBoundName( "$aif" );
        aif.addFieldValue( new ActionFieldValue( "rating",
                                                 SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING ) );
        aif.fieldValues[0].nature = BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL;

        brlAction.getDefinition().add( aif );
        dt.getActionCols().add( brlAction );

        BRLRuleModel model = new BRLRuleModel( dt );

        assertNotNull( model.getRHSBoundFacts() );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      model.getRHSBoundFacts().size() );
        assertTrue( model.getRHSBoundFacts().contains( "$ins" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getRHSBoundFacts().contains( "$ins2" ) );
        assertTrue( model.getRHSBoundFacts().contains( "$aif" ) );

        ActionInsertFact r1 = model.getRHSBoundFact( "$ins" );
        assertNotNull( r1 );
        assertTrue( r1 instanceof BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertFactAdaptor );
        BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertFactAdaptor raif1 = (BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertFactAdaptor) r1;
        assertEquals( "Person",
                      raif1.factType );
        assertEquals( "rating",
                      raif1.fieldValues[0].field );
        assertEquals( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING,
                      raif1.fieldValues[0].type );
        assertNull( raif1.fieldValues[0].value );
        assertEquals( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL,
                      raif1.fieldValues[0].nature );

        ActionInsertFact r2 = model.getRHSBoundFact( "$ins2" );
        assertNotNull( r2 );
        assertTrue( r2 instanceof BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertLogicalFactAdaptor );
        BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertLogicalFactAdaptor raif2 = (BRLRuleModel.ActionInsertFactCol52ActionInsertLogicalFactAdaptor) r2;
        assertEquals( "Person2",
                      raif2.factType );
        assertEquals( "rating2",
                      raif2.fieldValues[0].field );
        assertEquals( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING,
                      raif2.fieldValues[0].type );
        assertNull( raif2.fieldValues[0].value );
        assertEquals( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL,
                      raif2.fieldValues[0].nature );

        ActionInsertFact r3 = model.getRHSBoundFact( "$aif" );
        assertNotNull( r3 );
        assertTrue( r3 instanceof ActionInsertFact );
        ActionInsertFact raif3 = (ActionInsertFact) r3;
        assertEquals( "Person",
                      raif3.factType );
        assertEquals( "rating",
                      raif3.fieldValues[0].field );
        assertEquals( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING,
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

    public void testActionInsertFact() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.rhs = new IAction[2];
        ActionInsertFact aif0 = new ActionInsertFact( "AIF0" );
        aif0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        ActionFieldValue aif0f0 = new ActionFieldValue( "AIF0F0",
                                                        SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        aif0f0.setNature( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        aif0.addFieldValue( aif0f0 );
        ActionFieldValue aif0f1 = new ActionFieldValue( "AIF0F1",
                                                        SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        aif0f0.setNature( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        aif0.addFieldValue( aif0f1 );
        model.rhs[0] = aif0;

        ActionInsertFact aif1 = new ActionInsertFact( "AIF1" );
        aif1.setBoundName( "$t1" );
        ActionFieldValue aif1f0 = new ActionFieldValue( "AIF1F0",
                                                        SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        aif1f0.setNature( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        aif1.addFieldValue( aif1f0 );
        ActionFieldValue aif1f1 = new ActionFieldValue( "AIF1F1",
                                                        SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        aif1f1.setNature( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        aif1.addFieldValue( aif1f1 );
        model.rhs[1] = aif1;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      clone.rhs.length );

        assertNotSame( model.rhs[0],
                       clone.rhs[0] );
        assertNotNull( clone.rhs[0] );
        assertTrue( clone.rhs[0] instanceof ActionInsertFact );
        ActionInsertFact aif0Clone = (ActionInsertFact) clone.rhs[0];
        assertEquals( "AIF0",
                      aif0Clone.factType );
        assertEquals( "$t0",
                      aif0Clone.getBoundName() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      aif0Clone.fieldValues.length );

        assertNotSame( aif0.fieldValues[0],
                       aif0Clone.fieldValues[0] );
        assertNotNull( aif0Clone.fieldValues[0] );
        assertTrue( aif0Clone.fieldValues[0] instanceof ActionFieldValue );
        ActionFieldValue aif0f0Clone = (ActionFieldValue) aif0Clone.fieldValues[0];
        assertEquals( aif0f0.field,
                      aif0f0Clone.field );
        assertEquals( aif0f0.nature,
                      aif0f0Clone.nature );
        assertEquals( aif0f0.type,
                      aif0f0Clone.type );
        assertEquals( aif0f0.value,
                      aif0f0Clone.value );

        assertNotSame( aif0.fieldValues[1],
                       aif0Clone.fieldValues[1] );
        assertNotNull( aif0Clone.fieldValues[1] );
        assertTrue( aif0Clone.fieldValues[1] instanceof ActionFieldValue );
        ActionFieldValue aif0f1Clone = (ActionFieldValue) aif0Clone.fieldValues[1];
        assertEquals( aif0f1.field,
                      aif0f1Clone.field );
        assertEquals( aif0f1.nature,
                      aif0f1Clone.nature );
        assertEquals( aif0f1.type,
                      aif0f1Clone.type );
        assertEquals( aif0f1.value,
                      aif0f1Clone.value );

        assertNotSame( model.rhs[1],
                       clone.rhs[1] );
        assertNotNull( clone.rhs[1] );
        assertTrue( clone.rhs[1] instanceof ActionInsertFact );
        ActionInsertFact aif1Clone = (ActionInsertFact) clone.rhs[1];
        assertEquals( "AIF1",
                      aif1Clone.factType );
        assertEquals( "$t1",
                      aif1Clone.getBoundName() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      aif1Clone.fieldValues.length );

        assertNotSame( aif1.fieldValues[0],
                       aif1Clone.fieldValues[0] );
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Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionInsertFact

        ActionRetractFact a2 = (ActionRetractFact) rm.rhs[1];
        assertEquals( "retract",
                      a2.variableName );

        // examine the insert
        ActionInsertFact a3 = (ActionInsertFact) rm.rhs[2];
        assertEquals( "Cheese",
                      a3.factType );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      a3.fieldValues.length );
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