// make sure the 'rep:policy' node has been created.
assertTrue(superuser.itemExists(tmpl.getPath() + "/rep:policy"));
Session testSession = getTestSession();
AccessControlManager testAcMgr = getTestACManager();
// test: MODIFY_AC granted at 'path'
assertTrue(testAcMgr.hasPrivileges(path, privilegesFromName(Privilege.JCR_MODIFY_ACCESS_CONTROL)));
// test if testuser can READ access control on the path and on the
// entire subtree that gets the policy inherited.
AccessControlPolicy[] policies = testAcMgr.getPolicies(path);
// test: READ_AC privilege does not apply outside of the tree.
try {
fail("READ_AC privilege must not apply outside of the tree it has applied to.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success
// test: MODIFY_AC privilege does not apply outside of the tree.
try {
testAcMgr.setPolicy(siblingPath, policies[0]);
fail("MODIFY_AC privilege must not apply outside of the tree it has applied to.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success
// test if testuser can modify AC-items
// 1) add an ac-entry
ACLTemplate acl = (ACLTemplate) policies[0];
acl.addAccessControlEntry(testUser.getPrincipal(), privilegesFromName(PrivilegeRegistry.REP_WRITE));
testAcMgr.setPolicy(path, acl);
// 2) remove the policy
testAcMgr.removePolicy(path, policies[0]);
// Finally: testuser removed the policy that granted him permission
// to modify the AC content. Since testuser removed the policy, it's
// privileges must be gone again...
try {
fail("READ_AC privilege has been revoked -> must throw again.");
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
// success
// ... and since the ACE is stored with the policy all right except