Encapsulate an action. Usage:
<action method="..." args="...">
<action method="..." args="component_id[,...]" class="...">
An Action reproduces a user semantic action (such as a mouse click, menu selection, or drag/drop action) on a particular component. The id of the component being operated on must be the first argument, and the class of that component must be identified by the class tag if the action is not provided by the base
ComponentTester class.
Note that the method name is the name of the actionXXX method, e.g. to click a button (actionClick on AbstractButtonTester), the XML would appear thus:
<action method="actionClick" args="My Button" class=javax.swing.AbstractButton>
Note that if the first argument is a Component, the class tag is required. Note also that the specified class is the
tested class, not the target class for the method invocation.
The target class for the method invocation is always a ComponentTester-derived class.