Abstract configuration class. Provides basic functionality but does not store any data.
If you want to write your own Configuration class then you should implement only abstract methods from this class. A lot of functionality needed by typical implementations of the Configuration
interface is already provided by this base class. Following is a list of features implemented here:
interface are already handled by this base class. A concrete sub class only needs to provide a generic getProperty()
) will be replaced by their corresponding values.setListDelimiter()
method the delimiter character can be specified; per default a comma is used. The setDelimiterParsingDisabled()
method can be used to disable list splitting completely.)setThrowExceptionOnMissing()
method this behavior can be changed to throw an exception when a requested property cannot be found.EVENT_XXX
constants to get an impression about which event types are supported.Abstract configuration class. Provides basic functionality but does not store any data.
If you want to write your own Configuration class then you should implement only abstract methods from this class. A lot of functionality needed by typical implementations of the {@code Configuration}interface is already provided by this base class. Following is a list of features implemented here:
) will be replaced by their corresponding values.Most methods defined by the {@code Configuration} interface are alreadyimplemented in this class. Many method implementations perform basic book-keeping tasks (e.g. firing events, handling synchronization), and then delegate to other (protected) methods executing the actual work. Subclasses override these protected methods to define or adapt behavior. The public entry point methods are final to prevent subclasses from breaking basic functionality.
@author Konstantin Shaposhnikov @author Henning P. Schmiedehausen @version $Id: AbstractConfiguration.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $