public void action( LdapMessageContainer<AbandonRequestDecorator> container ) throws DecoderException
// Create the AbandonRequest LdapMessage instance and store it in the container
AbandonRequest internalAbandonRequest = new AbandonRequestImpl();
internalAbandonRequest.setMessageId( container.getMessageId() );
AbandonRequestDecorator abandonRequest = new AbandonRequestDecorator(
container.getLdapCodecService(), internalAbandonRequest );
container.setMessage( abandonRequest );
// The current TLV should be a integer
// We get it and store it in MessageId
TLV tlv = container.getCurrentTLV();
BerValue value = tlv.getValue();
if ( ( value == null ) || ( value.getData() == null ) )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04075 );
LOG.error( msg );
// This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
throw new DecoderException( msg );
int abandonnedMessageId = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
abandonRequest.setAbandoned( abandonnedMessageId );
if ( IS_DEBUG )
.debug( "AbandonMessage Id has been decoded : {}", Integer