PutResult put = indexedRepo.put(IO.getFile("jar/osgi.jar").toURI().toURL().openStream(), null);
// Can we get it?
ResourceDescriptor desc = indexedRepo.getDescriptor("osgi", new Version("4.0"));
// Got the same file?
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(put.digest, desc.id));
// Check if the description was copied
assertEquals("OSGi Service Platform Release 4 Interfaces and Classes for use in compiling bundles.",
// We must be able to access by its sha1
ResourceDescriptor resource = indexedRepo.getResource(put.digest);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(resource.id, desc.id));
// Check if we now have a set of resources
SortedSet<ResourceDescriptor> resources = indexedRepo.getResources();
assertEquals(1, resources.size());
ResourceDescriptor rd = resources.iterator().next();
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(rd.id, put.digest));
// Check if the bsn brings us back