Package Jama

Examples of Jama.Matrix

         * The JAMA constructor uses column-major array (FORTRAN convention) while SIS uses row-major
         * array. In other words, the JAMA matrix is already transposed from the SIS point of view.
        assertEqualsJAMA(new Matrix(elements, numCol), matrix, STRICT);
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            final int numRow = getNumRow();
            final int numCol = getNumCol();
            double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
            final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
            final Matrix reference = new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose();
             * Computes new random value for the argument. We mix positive and negative values,
             * but with more positive values than negative ones in order to reduce the chances
             * to have a product of zero for an element.
            final int nx = random.nextInt(8) + 1;
            elements = new double[numCol * nx];
            for (int k=0; k<elements.length; k++) {
                elements[k] = 8 - random.nextDouble() * 10;
            final Matrix referenceArg = new Matrix(elements, nx).transpose();
            final MatrixSIS matrixArg = Matrices.create(numCol, nx, elements);
             * Performs the multiplication and compare.
            final Matrix referenceResult = reference.times(referenceArg);
            final MatrixSIS matrixResult = matrix.multiply(matrixArg);
            assertEqualsJAMA(referenceResult, matrixResult, TOLERANCE);
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        for (int n=0; n<NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS; n++) {
            final int numRow = getNumRow();
            final int numCol = getNumCol();
            double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
            final Matrix reference = new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose();
            if (!(reference.det() >= DETERMINANT_THRESHOLD)) {
                continue; // To close to a singular matrix - search an other one.
            final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
             * Computes new random value for the argument. We mix positive and negative values,
             * but with more positive values than negative ones in order to reduce the chances
             * to have a product of zero for an element.
            final int nx = random.nextInt(8) + 1;
            elements = new double[numCol * nx];
            for (int k=0; k<elements.length; k++) {
                elements[k] = 8 - random.nextDouble() * 10;
            final Matrix referenceArg = new Matrix(elements, nx).transpose();
            final MatrixSIS matrixArg = Matrices.create(numCol, nx, elements);
             * Performs the operation and compare.
            final Matrix referenceResult = reference.solve(referenceArg);
            final MatrixSIS matrixResult = matrix.solve(matrixArg);
            assertEqualsJAMA(referenceResult, matrixResult, SolverTest.TOLERANCE);
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        for (int n=0; n<NUMBER_OF_REPETITIONS; n++) {
            final int numRow = getNumRow();
            final int numCol = getNumCol();
            final double[] elements = createRandomPositiveValues(numRow * numCol);
            final Matrix reference = new Matrix(elements, numCol).transpose();
            if (!(reference.det() >= DETERMINANT_THRESHOLD)) {
                continue; // To close to a singular matrix - search an other one.
            final MatrixSIS matrix = Matrices.create(numRow, numCol, elements);
            assertEqualsJAMA(reference.inverse(), matrix.inverse(), TOLERANCE);
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    private Matrix cachedSigmaInverse;
    final private ExpandingArrayList<Double> pVarInGaussian;

    public MultivariateGaussian( final int numAnnotations ) {
        mu = new double[numAnnotations];
        sigma = new Matrix(numAnnotations, numAnnotations);
        pVarInGaussian = new ExpandingArrayList<>();
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    public void zeroOutSigma() {
        final double[][] zeroSigma = new double[mu.length][mu.length];
        for( final double[] row : zeroSigma ) {
            Arrays.fill(row, 0);
        final Matrix tmp = new Matrix(zeroSigma);
        sigma.setMatrix(0, mu.length - 1, 0, mu.length - 1, tmp);
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                    randSigma[jjj][iii] *= -1.0;
                if( iii != jjj ) { randSigma[iii][jjj] = 0.0; } // Sigma is a symmetric, positive-definite matrix created by taking a lower diagonal matrix and multiplying it by its transpose
        Matrix tmp = new Matrix( randSigma );
        tmp = tmp.times(tmp.transpose());
        sigma.setMatrix(0, mu.length - 1, 0, mu.length - 1, tmp);
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    public void maximizeGaussian( final List<VariantDatum> data, final double[] empiricalMu, final Matrix empiricalSigma,
                                  final double SHRINKAGE, final double DIRICHLET_PARAMETER, final double DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM ) {
        sumProb = 1E-10;
        final Matrix wishart = new Matrix(mu.length, mu.length);
        int datumIndex = 0;
        for( final VariantDatum datum : data ) {
            final double prob = pVarInGaussian.get(datumIndex++);
            sumProb += prob;
            incrementMu( datum, prob );
        divideEqualsMu( sumProb );

        final double shrinkageFactor = (SHRINKAGE * sumProb) / (SHRINKAGE + sumProb);
        for( int iii = 0; iii < mu.length; iii++ ) {
            for( int jjj = 0; jjj < mu.length; jjj++ ) {
                wishart.set(iii, jjj, shrinkageFactor * (mu[iii] - empiricalMu[iii]) * (mu[jjj] - empiricalMu[jjj]));

        datumIndex = 0;
        final Matrix pVarSigma = new Matrix(mu.length, mu.length);
        for( final VariantDatum datum : data ) {
            final double prob = pVarInGaussian.get(datumIndex++);
            for( int iii = 0; iii < mu.length; iii++ ) {
                for( int jjj = 0; jjj < mu.length; jjj++ ) {
                    pVarSigma.set(iii, jjj, prob * (datum.annotations[iii]-mu[iii]) * (datum.annotations[jjj]-mu[jjj]));
            sigma.plusEquals( pVarSigma );

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            incrementMu( datum, prob );
        divideEqualsMu( sumProb );

        datumIndex = 0;
        final Matrix pVarSigma = new Matrix(mu.length, mu.length);
        for( final VariantDatum datum : data ) {
            final double prob = pVarInGaussian.get(datumIndex++);
            for( int iii = 0; iii < mu.length; iii++ ) {
                for( int jjj = 0; jjj < mu.length; jjj++ ) {
                    pVarSigma.set(iii, jjj, prob * (datum.annotations[iii]-mu[iii]) * (datum.annotations[jjj]-mu[jjj]));
            sigma.plusEquals( pVarSigma );
        sigma.timesEquals( 1.0 / sumProb );
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        this.shrinkage = shrinkage;
        this.dirichletParameter = dirichletParameter;
        this.priorCounts = priorCounts;
        empiricalMu = new double[numAnnotations];
        empiricalSigma = new Matrix(numAnnotations, numAnnotations);
        isModelReadyForEvaluation = false;
        Arrays.fill(empiricalMu, 0.0);
        empiricalSigma.setMatrix(0, empiricalMu.length - 1, 0, empiricalMu.length - 1, Matrix.identity(empiricalMu.length, empiricalMu.length).times(200.0).inverse());
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Related Classes of Jama.Matrix

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