// notify the Model that a new row has bee added
((ArrayFieldModel)this.getModel()).shouldIgnoreRowChange(e); //Required to prevent multiple AfterRowEntry events
// CraigM:12/06/2008 - If they created a new row on a button column, create an event as if they had pressed the button
ArrayColumnModel cm = (ArrayColumnModel)getColumnModel();
// CraigM:26/06/2008 - Don't use the getRealColumn method as we have obtained this column from x,y coords
Component comp = this.getColumnTemplate((ArrayColumn)cm.getColumn(col));
// CraigM:25/07/2008 - Do this for DataFields as well
if (comp instanceof TableJButton || comp instanceof DataField) {
// CraigM:12/06/2008 - Create a new mouse event with x,y coords in the middle of the button
e = new MouseEvent(comp,