// CraigM:18/10/2008 - If we are modifying a component which is in a grid in the array field, then this will not affect the column
if (t != null && ArrayFieldCellHelper.isInGridFieldInArrayField(comp) == false) {
int col = ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayFieldColumn((JComponent)comp);
ArrayColumnModel model = (ArrayColumnModel) t.getColumnModel();
ArrayColumn column = (ArrayColumn)model.getRealColumn(col);
if (column != null) {
// CraigM:17/10/2008 - If the component is not focusable (like TextFields), then don't allow it to be editable
if (value && Focusable.is(comp)) {
else {
// TF:8/4/08:Removed the else test, so that the enabled state is set on both the
// underlying widget and the column if the checkbox is in a column