package mykeynote.keynote;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import mykeynote.exceptions.ExceptionString;
import mykeynote.exceptions.FileCreateException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.FileDeleteException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.FileNotWritableException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.FileWriteException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.keynote.MalformedKeyException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.keynote.NoAuthorizerFoundException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.keynote.RetValStringNotParsableException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.keynote.SignatureVerificationException;
import mykeynote.exceptions.keynote.SyntaxError;
import mykeynote.misc.CommonFunctions;
import mykeynote.misc.FormatConstants;
import mykeynote.server.Report;
import mykeynote.server.configuration.Configuration;
public class KeyNoteCL {
private CommonFunctions common = new CommonFunctions();
private static Configuration config = null;
private static Report report = null;
private static final String badend = "did not verify!";
private static final String sigverstart = "Signature on assertion ";
private static final String okend = "verified.";
private static final String auth = "authorizer:";
private static final String signature = "signature:\n";
private static final String syntaxerror = "Syntax error while parsing assertion ";
private static final KeyNoteCommon knc = new KeyNoteCommon();
//defining the process variables
private InputStream stdin;
private InputStreamReader isr;
private InputStream stderr;
private InputStreamReader esr;
private BufferedReader ibr;
private BufferedReader ebr;
private Process process;
private KeyNoteCommon keynoteCommon = new KeyNoteCommon();
* The default constructor. Note that if you don't use multiple
* configurations and/or reports, you need only one instance as
* it is thread save.
* @param config The configuration
* @param report The report
public KeyNoteCL(Configuration config,Report report){
KeyNoteCL.config = config; = report;
* This method is used to start the keynote program and check what the permissions
* for the given set of credentials and resource is. Note that some configuration
* options are missing, which are automatically inserted: <br>
* The file where the <b>return values</b> reside:
* @param unique The unique id
* @param report The report
* @param resource The resource, which we want to use.
* @param key The file, where the public key resides.
* @return Returns the keynote permission string.
* @throws IOException
* @throws RetValStringNotParsableException
* @throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException
* @throws KeyNoteCLException
* @throws InterruptedException
public String verify(String unique, Report report, File resource, File key) throws IOException, RetValStringNotParsableException, KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException, KeyNoteCLException, InterruptedException{
File env = keynoteCommon.getEnvironmentFile(unique, report, resource, false);
String retvalString = keynoteCommon.getReturnValueString(unique, report, resource);
File assertion = keynoteCommon.getAssertionFile(unique, report, resource, false);
return verify(unique, report, env, retvalString, assertion , key);
* This method is used to run the keynote program and get the answer.
* @param unique The unique identifier.
* @param environmentFile The environment file.
* @param returnValueFile The file, where the possible answers, separated by a comma and no space, are stored.
* @param assertionFile The assertion file.
* @param key The public key, given as a String.
* @return Return the keynote answer.
* @throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException This error reports that the keynote process could not be started.
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown only if a line could not be read correctly.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws RetValStringNotParsableException This exception is thrown if the return value String is not parsable
public String verify(String unique, File environmentFile, File returnValueFile,
File assertionFile, File key) throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException, KeyNoteCLException, InterruptedException, IOException, RetValStringNotParsableException{
//read the return value file
ArrayList<String> returnValuesArray = common.readFile(returnValueFile);
//get the 1st line as it holds the return values
String returnValues = returnValuesArray.get(0);
//let the other method do the work
String answer = verify(unique, report, environmentFile, returnValues, assertionFile, key);
//return the answer
return answer;
* This method is used to run the keynote program and get the answer.
* @param unique The unique identifier.
* @param environment The environment file.
* @param returnValues The possible answers, separated by a comma and no space.
* @param assertion The assertion file.
* @param key The public key, given as a file.
* @return Return the keynote answer.
* @throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException This error reports that the keynote process could not be started.
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown only if a line could not be read correctly.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws RetValStringNotParsableException This exception is thrown if the return value String is not parsable
public String verify(String unique, Report report, File environment, String returnValues,
File assertion, File key) throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException, KeyNoteCLException, InterruptedException, IOException, RetValStringNotParsableException{
throw new RetValStringNotParsableException(unique, report, String.format(ExceptionString.RETVALSTRINGPARSEEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), returnValues));
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.FILENOTFOUND.getExceptionString(), environment.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new FileNotFoundException();
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.FILENOTFOUND.getExceptionString(), assertion.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new FileNotFoundException();
//create the process and execute the keynote command
if(key == null){
createVerifyProcess(unique, environment.getAbsolutePath() ,returnValues, assertion.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
createVerifyProcess(unique, environment.getAbsolutePath() ,returnValues, assertion.getAbsolutePath(), key.getAbsolutePath());
//open the IOs to read the answer
//get the answer
String answer = getAnswer(unique, KeyNoteString.VERIFYM.getString());
/* The answer has the following format: Query result = <answer> that
* means the real answer starts at the 15char */
answer = answer.substring(15);
report.reportDebugLog(unique, "KeyNote answer: " + answer);
//Close the IOs
//and return it
return answer;
* This method is used to run the keynote program and get the answer.
* @param unique The unique identifier.
* @param environment The environment file.
* @param returnValues The possible answers, separated by a comma and no space.
* @param assertion The assertion file.
* @param key The public key, given as a file.
* @return Return the keynote answer.
* @throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException This error reports that the keynote process could not be started.
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown only if a line could not be read correctly.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws RetValStringNotParsableException This exception is thrown if the return value String is not parsable
public String verify(String unique, Report report, File environment,
File assertion, File key, File resource) throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException, KeyNoteCLException, InterruptedException, IOException, RetValStringNotParsableException{
String returnValues = keynoteCommon.getReturnValueString(unique, report, resource);
throw new RetValStringNotParsableException(unique, report, String.format(ExceptionString.RETVALSTRINGPARSEEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), returnValues));
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.FILENOTFOUND.getExceptionString(), environment.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new FileNotFoundException();
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.FILENOTFOUND.getExceptionString(), assertion.getAbsolutePath()));
throw new FileNotFoundException();
//create the process and execute the keynote command
if(key == null){
createVerifyProcess(unique, environment.getAbsolutePath() ,returnValues, assertion.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
createVerifyProcess(unique, environment.getAbsolutePath() ,returnValues, assertion.getAbsolutePath(), key.getAbsolutePath());
//open the IOs to read the answer
//get the answer
String answer = getAnswer(unique, KeyNoteString.VERIFYM.getString());
/* The answer has the following format: Query result = <answer> that
* means the real answer starts at the 15char */
answer = answer.substring(15);
report.reportDebugLog(unique, "KeyNote answer: " + answer);
//Close the IOs
//and return it
return answer;
private String getAnswer(String unique, String module) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeyNoteCLException{
String answer = "", temp;
int exitval;
try {
exitval = process.waitFor();
} catch (InterruptedException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLINTERRUPTEDEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), module));
throw e;
if (exitval == 0) {
if((temp =ibr.readLine()) != null){
answer = temp;
while((temp =ibr.readLine()) != null){
answer += "\n" + temp;
} catch (IOException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), module));
throw e;
return answer;
} else {
//that means that keynote exited with error.
String message = "";
if((message = ebr.readLine()) != null){
answer = message;
while ((message = ebr.readLine()) != null){
answer += "\n" + message;
} catch (IOException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format( ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), module));
if(answer.length() < 1){//no message at all
throw new KeyNoteCLException(unique, report, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLEXCEPTIONNM.getExceptionString(), exitval));
throw new KeyNoteCLException(unique, report, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), exitval, answer));
private void createSigVerifyProcess(String unique, String filename){
String command = String.format("%s sigver %s", config.getPathToKeynote(), filename);
report.reportDebugLog(unique, command);
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
} catch (IOException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), KeyNoteString.SIGVERIFYM.getString()));
* This method verifies if a file is signed correctly. If the method executes with no
* exception throw, that means that all signatures were verified.
* @param unique The unique identifier
* @param filename The file name denoted as string
* @throws InterruptedException This exception is thrown if the keynote CL
* process is terminated.
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown when there was a problem reading
* the output of the stdin/stderr.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws SignatureVerificationException This exception is thrown, when some of the certificate signatures
* were not verified.
* @throws SyntaxError
* @throws UnknownCLException
public void sigVerify(String unique, String filename) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeyNoteCLException, SignatureVerificationException, UnknownCLException, SyntaxError{
//create the process
createSigVerifyProcess(unique, filename);
//open the IO
getSigVerifyAnswer(unique, KeyNoteString.SIGVERIFYM.getString());
* This method verifies if a file is signed correctly. If the method executes with no
* exception throw, that means that all signatures were verified. This method uses
* {@link #sign(String, String)}, by getting the absolute path of the file.
* @param unique The unique identifier
* @param file The file, which has to be checked.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception is thrown if the keynote CL
* process is terminated.
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown when there was a problem reading
* the output of the stdin/stderr.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws SignatureVerificationException This exception is thrown, when some of the certificate signatures
* were not verified.
* @throws SyntaxError
* @throws UnknownCLException
public void sigVerify(String unique, File file) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeyNoteCLException, SignatureVerificationException, UnknownCLException, SyntaxError{
sigVerify(unique, file.getAbsolutePath());
private void getSigVerifyAnswer(String unique, String module) throws IOException, InterruptedException, SignatureVerificationException, KeyNoteCLException, UnknownCLException, SyntaxError{
String answer = "";
int exitval;
try {
exitval = process.waitFor();
} catch (InterruptedException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLINTERRUPTEDEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), module));
throw e;
String errors = "";
if(exitval == 0) {
try {
while ((answer = ibr.readLine()) != null){
report.reportDebugLog(unique, answer);
errors += (String) answer.subSequence(sigverstart.length(), answer.lastIndexOf(badend)-1) + " ";
} else if(!answer.endsWith(okend)){
throw new UnknownCLException(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.UNKNOWNCLEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), answer), report);
} else {
throw new UnknownCLException(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.UNKNOWNCLEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), answer), report);
while((answer = ebr.readLine()) !=null){
report.reportDebugLog(unique, answer);
throw new SyntaxError(unique, answer, report);
if(answer.startsWith(sigverstart) && answer.endsWith(badend)){
errors += (String) answer.subSequence(sigverstart.length(), answer.lastIndexOf(badend)-1);
errors.concat(" ");
} else {
throw new UnknownCLException(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.UNKNOWNCLEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), answer), report);
} catch (IOException e) {
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), module));
throw e;
if(errors.length() > 0) {
//errors = errors.substring(0, errors.length() - 2); //remove the last space bar
throw new SignatureVerificationException(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.SIGNATUREVERIFICATIONEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), errors), report);
} else {
//that means that keynote exited with error.
String message = "";
while ((message = ibr.readLine()) != null)
answer += message + "\n";
} catch (IOException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format( ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), module));
if(answer.length() < 1){//no message at all
throw new KeyNoteCLException(unique, report, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLEXCEPTIONNM.getExceptionString(), exitval));
throw new KeyNoteCLException(unique, report, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), exitval, answer));
private void normalizeCertificate(String unique, File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, FileDeleteException, FileCreateException, FileNotWritableException, FileWriteException, MalformedKeyException{
//get the usable key
String usablekey = keynoteCommon.getNormalizedKey(unique, report, file);
//write the new key to a file
common.writeFile(new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + FormatConstants.ASSERTIONFORMAT), usablekey, true);
* This method is the general way to go and sign a file.
* @param unique The unique id
* @param report The report
* @param fileToSign The assertion, which needs to be signed
* @param keyFile The file, where the private key resides
* @param outputFile The file, where the signed assertion is to be saved
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown only if a line could not be read correctly.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws FileDeleteException This exception is thrown if the file could not be deleted.
* @throws FileCreateException This exception is thrown if the file could not be created.
* @throws FileNotWritableException This exception is not writable due to write permeations.
* @throws FileWriteException This exception indicates, that during the writing to a file
* an error has occurred.
* @throws MalformedKeyException The supplied key is not in a supported format
public void sign(String unique, Report report, File fileToSign, File keyFile, File outputFile) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeyNoteCLException, FileDeleteException, FileCreateException, FileNotWritableException, FileWriteException, MalformedKeyException{
ArrayList<String> answer = common.readFile(fileToSign);
common.writeFile(outputFile, answer, true);
String signature = sign(unique, report, outputFile, keyFile);
common.writeFile(outputFile, signature, false);
* This method signs an assertion. It can be used for advanced signing. When unsure use
* if you need this, use {@link #sign(String, Report, File, File, File)}.
* @param unique The unique identifier.
* @param report The current report.
* @param file The file, which has to be signed.
* @param key The file, where the key resides and should be used to
* sign the assertion.
* @return Returns the signature, without the starting <b>signature:\n</b>, which should be in the file to sign
* @throws IOException An IOException is thrown only if a line could not be read correctly.
* @throws InterruptedException This exception indicates that the keynote program was terminated before it ended.
* @throws KeyNoteCLException This error indicates that the keynote program exited with a value, different then 0,
* which means that an error has occurred.
* @throws MalformedKeyException The supplied key is not in a supported format
public String sign(String unique, Report report, File fileToSign, File keyFile) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeyNoteCLException, MalformedKeyException{
//String hashAlgo = knc.getKNHashAlgorithmIdentifier(unique, report, keyFile);;
String hashAlgo = knc.getKeyPem(unique, report, keyFile);
hashAlgo = knc.getKNSignAlgorithmIdentifierHelper(hashAlgo);
String command = String.format("%s sign %s %s %s",
config.getPathToKeynote(), hashAlgo,
fileToSign.getAbsoluteFile(), keyFile.getAbsolutePath());
report.reportDebugLog(unique, command);
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
} catch (IOException e){
report.reportErrorLog(unique, String.format(ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOEXCEPTION.getExceptionString(), KeyNoteString.SIGVERIFYM.getString()));
String answer = "";
answer += getAnswer(unique, KeyNoteString.SIGNFYM.getString());
return answer;
* This method is depreciated in favor of {@link KeyNoteCL#sign(String, Report, File, File)
* @deprecated
public String sign(String unique, String input) throws InterruptedException, IOException,
NoAuthorizerFoundException, FileDeleteException, FileCreateException, FileNotWritableException,
FileWriteException, MalformedKeyException{
File output = new File(config.getTempDir(), unique + FormatConstants.CREDFORMAT);
File in = new File(input);
String privateKey = copyAdd(unique, in, output);
String execute = String.format("%s sign \"%s\" %s %s",
config.getPathToKeynote(), "sig-x509-sha1-base64:",
output.getAbsoluteFile(), privateKey);
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execute);
InputStream stdin = p.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stdin);
InputStream stderr = p.getErrorStream();
InputStreamReader esr = new InputStreamReader(stderr);
BufferedReader ibr = new BufferedReader(isr);
BufferedReader ebr = new BufferedReader(esr);
int exitval;
String ans = "", temp;
if ((exitval = p.waitFor()) == 0){
while((temp = ibr.readLine()) != null){
ans += temp + "\n";
common.writeFile(output, ans, false);
return output.getAbsolutePath();
} else{
while((temp = ebr.readLine()) != null){
ans += temp + "\n";
throw new RuntimeException("The program ended with an error code of " + exitval);
private String copyAdd(String unique,File src, File dst) throws IOException, NoAuthorizerFoundException, FileDeleteException, FileCreateException, FileNotWritableException, FileWriteException, MalformedKeyException {
ArrayList<String> temp = common.readFile(src);
int i = 0, end = temp.size();
String s, name = "";
while(i < end){
if((s = temp.get(i)).startsWith(auth)){
// lets take the name of the key and change the key with the name
// needed to be able to start the keynote
if(s.indexOf("\"") > 0){
name = s.substring(s.indexOf("\"")+1, s.length()-1);}
name = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(' ')+1);
// now name is the private key, lets change it with a real key
// because the cert should be only 1 line (and start with
// authorizer:) there is
// no need to do something else here
File key = new File(config.getPrivateKeyDir(), name + FormatConstants.KEYPEM);
File cert = new File(config.getPublicKeyDir(), name + FormatConstants.CERTPEM);
File normalized = new File(config.getPublicKeyDir(), name + FormatConstants.ASSERTIONFORMAT);
normalizeCertificate(unique, cert);
s = common.readFile(normalized).get(0);
temp.set(i, s);
// lets add the signature and save
// save to dest
end = temp.size();
i = 0;
s = "";
while (i < end)
s += temp.get(i++) +"\n";
common.writeFile(dst, s, true);
// we are ready :)
return key.getAbsolutePath();
throw new NoAuthorizerFoundException(unique, report, "The authorizer " + name + " was not found");
private void createVerifyProcess(String unique, String enviroment,
String returnValues, String assertion, String key) throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException {
String command = String.format("%s verify -e %s -r %s -l %s -k %s",
config.getPathToKeynote(), enviroment, returnValues, assertion, key);
report.reportDebugLog(unique, command);
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
} catch (IOException e){
throw new KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException(unique, report, ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLPROCESSCREATIONEXCEPTION.getExceptionString());
private void createVerifyProcess(String unique, String enviroment,
String returnValues, String assertion) throws KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException {
String command = String.format("%s verify -e %s -r %s -l %s",
config.getPathToKeynote(), enviroment, returnValues, assertion);
report.reportDebugLog(unique, command);
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
} catch (IOException e){
throw new KeyNoteCLProcessCreationException(unique, report, ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLPROCESSCREATIONEXCEPTION.getExceptionString());
private void openIO(String unique){
stdin = process.getInputStream();
isr = new InputStreamReader(stdin);
stderr = process.getErrorStream();
esr = new InputStreamReader(stderr);
ibr = new BufferedReader(isr);
ebr = new BufferedReader(esr);
private void closeIO(String unique){
int end = 6; //we have only six
for(int i = 0; i < end; i ++ ){
} catch (IOException e) {
report.reportErrorLog(unique, ExceptionString.KEYNOTECLIOCLOSEEXCEPTION.getExceptionString());
//try to close the rest
* This is a helper method, which just closes the different readers/writers.
* @param i The number of the reader/writer to be closed.
* @throws IOException An IOException can occur when closing the reader/writer.
private void closeIOHelper(int i) throws IOException{
switch (i){
case 0: ebr.close(); break;
case 1: ibr.close(); break;
case 2: esr.close(); break;
case 3: isr.close(); break;
case 4: stderr.close(); break;
case 5: stdin.close(); break;
default: break;