package com.tcs.hrr.dao;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import com.tcs.hrr.domain.candidateCompetency;
* A data access object (DAO) providing persistence and search support for
* candidateCompetency entities. Transaction control of the save(), update() and
* delete() operations can directly support Spring container-managed
* transactions or they can be augmented to handle user-managed Spring
* transactions. Each of these methods provides additional information for how
* to configure it for the desired type of transaction control.
* @see com.tcs.hrr.domain.candidateCompetency
* @author MyEclipse Persistence Tools
public class candidateCompetencyDAO extends HibernateDaoSupport {
private static final Log log = LogFactory
// property constants
protected void initDao() {
// do nothing
public void save(candidateCompetency transientInstance) {
log.debug("saving candidateCompetency instance");
try {
log.debug("save successful");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("save failed", re);
throw re;
public void delete(candidateCompetency persistentInstance) {
log.debug("deleting candidateCompetency instance");
try {
log.debug("delete successful");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("delete failed", re);
throw re;
public candidateCompetency findById(java.lang.Integer id) {
log.debug("getting candidateCompetency instance with id: " + id);
try {
candidateCompetency instance = (candidateCompetency) getHibernateTemplate()
.get("com.tcs.hrr.domain.candidateCompetency", id);
return instance;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("get failed", re);
throw re;
public List findByExample(candidateCompetency instance) {
log.debug("finding candidateCompetency instance by example");
try {
List results = getHibernateTemplate().findByExample(instance);
log.debug("find by example successful, result size: "
+ results.size());
return results;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("find by example failed", re);
throw re;
public List findByProperty(String propertyName, Object value) {
log.debug("finding candidateCompetency instance with property: "
+ propertyName + ", value: " + value);
try {
String queryString = "from candidateCompetency as model where model."
+ propertyName + "= ?";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString, value);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("find by property name failed", re);
throw re;
public List findAll() {
log.debug("finding all candidateCompetency instances");
try {
String queryString = "from candidateCompetency";
return getHibernateTemplate().find(queryString);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("find all failed", re);
throw re;
public candidateCompetency merge(candidateCompetency detachedInstance) {
log.debug("merging candidateCompetency instance");
try {
candidateCompetency result = (candidateCompetency) getHibernateTemplate()
log.debug("merge successful");
return result;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("merge failed", re);
throw re;
public void attachDirty(candidateCompetency instance) {
log.debug("attaching dirty candidateCompetency instance");
try {
log.debug("attach successful");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("attach failed", re);
throw re;
public void attachClean(candidateCompetency instance) {
log.debug("attaching clean candidateCompetency instance");
try {
getHibernateTemplate().lock(instance, LockMode.NONE);
log.debug("attach successful");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
log.error("attach failed", re);
throw re;
public static candidateCompetencyDAO getFromApplicationContext(
ApplicationContext ctx) {
return (candidateCompetencyDAO) ctx.getBean("candidateCompetencyDAO");