package character;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import application.LabyrinthApp;
import labyrinth.Labyrinth;
import labyrinth.Room;
* @author adrien
public class GhostCharacter extends DefaultCharacter {
protected Random r;
protected Room previousRoom;
public static ImageIcon gLeft;
public static ImageIcon gRight;
public static ImageIcon gUp;
public static ImageIcon gDown;
public GhostCharacter(Room start, Labyrinth lab) {
labyrinth = lab;
r = new Random();
this.movement = 0.7f;
* Tells if this character is a monster or not.
* @return true if is a monster, false if not.
public boolean isMonster()
return true;
* Put the character in another room
* @param current the room where you want to put him
public void moveRandom() {
Room choosen = currentRoom;
int cpt = 0, maxLight = 0;
// Find the brightest room (i.e. find the player if the monster sees the light).
for (Room r : accessibleRooms)
if (r.getLight() > maxLight)
cpt = 0;
maxLight = r.getLight();
choosen = r;
else if (r.getLight() == maxLight)
// IfW there are several rooms at the same bright level (i.e. no light).
if (cpt > 0)
ArrayList<Room> forwardRooms = new ArrayList<Room>();
if(forwardRooms.isEmpty()) // We chose a room in front of the player ...
choosen = previousRoom;
else // ... or the room backward if it's the only choice.
choosen = forwardRooms.get(r.nextInt(forwardRooms.size()));
* Put the character in another room
* @param current the room where you want to put him
public void setLocation(Room current) {
if (movable)
previousRoom = currentRoom;
this.currentRoom = current;
Collection<Character> tmp = LabyrinthApp.getPlayers();
for(Character c : tmp)
if (c.getLocation() == currentRoom)
* Updates the pixel position using the current room.
* @param unite the unite of the grid
* @param movement the scale of the movement
* @return the corresponding sprite (which is a reference to a static sprite)
public ImageIcon updatePos()
ImageIcon res = super.updatePos();
if (res == DefaultCharacter.dDown)
res = GhostCharacter.gDown;
if (res == DefaultCharacter.dUp)
res = GhostCharacter.gUp;
if (res == DefaultCharacter.dLeft)
res = GhostCharacter.gLeft;
if (res == DefaultCharacter.dRight)
res = GhostCharacter.gRight;
return res;