* Pen.java
* SwingOSC
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 03-Oct-06 modified string commands (font + colour are separate)
* 11-Dec-06 ConstrStringInRect takes additional halign and valign args.
* ConstrDraw uses CmdFill instead of CmdDraw (making the
* pixel coordinates identical to cocoa pen)
* 04-Feb-07 discovered a weird performance problem with complex shapes
* generated through g2.fill( stroke.createStrokedShape( ... ))
* (probably due to
* joining calculations). interestingly, this problem disappears
* when we go back to g2.draw(). using a translation of -0.5,-0.5
* we still get images pixel-compatible with cocoa.
* ; clip and matrix are concatenating
* 24-Nov-07 stroke is transformed according to current AffineTransform
* at draw statement (behaves like cocoa counterpart)
* 25-Feb-08 image support
* 14-Jul-09 replacing hashmap with array (should be faster)
package de.sciss.swingosc;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GradientPaint;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer;
import java.awt.font.LineMetrics;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.AttributedString;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
* @version 0.62, 14-Jul-09
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
public class Pen
implements Icon
protected Component c = null;
private Cmd[] cmds = new Cmd[ 0 ];
protected final Stack context = new Stack();
protected final List recCmds = new ArrayList();
private final Constr[] constrs = new Constr[ 40 ];
protected final float[] pt = new float[ 8 ];
private static final float kRad2DegM = (float) (-180.0 / Math.PI);
protected static final BasicStroke strkDefault = new BasicStroke( 1f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER );
protected static final Font fntDefault = new Font( "SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 11 );
protected final FontRenderContext frc;
protected GraphicsContext gc;
protected GeneralPath gp;
private boolean absCoords;
private Component lastComp = null;
private Component lastRef = null;
protected final static Map antiAliasOn;
protected final static Map antiAliasOff;
private final Point ptOrigin = new Point();
protected Composite compOrig;
static {
antiAliasOn = new RenderingHints( null );
antiAliasOff = new RenderingHints( null );
antiAliasOn.put( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
antiAliasOff.put( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF );
antiAliasOn.put( RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC );
public Pen()
this( false );
public Pen( boolean absCoords )
constrs[ 0 ] = new ConstrDraw();
constrs[ 1 ] = new ConstrFill();
constrs[ 2 ] = new ConstrFillDraw();
constrs[ 3 ] = new ConstrWidth();
constrs[ 4 ] = new ConstrDash();
constrs[ 5 ] = new ConstrJoin();
constrs[ 6 ] = new ConstrMoveTo();
constrs[ 7 ] = new ConstrLineTo();
constrs[ 8 ] = new ConstrQuadTo();
constrs[ 9 ] = new ConstrCurveTo();
constrs[ 10 ] = new ConstrAddRect( new Rectangle2D.Float() );
constrs[ 11 ] = new ConstrAddRect( new Ellipse2D.Float() );
constrs[ 12 ] = new ConstrAddArc( Arc2D.OPEN, true );
constrs[ 13 ] = new ConstrAddArc( Arc2D.PIE, false );
constrs[ 14 ] = new ConstrAddCylSector();
constrs[ 15 ] = new ConstrReset();
constrs[ 16 ] = new ConstrTranslate();
constrs[ 17 ] = new ConstrScale();
constrs[ 18 ] = new ConstrRotate();
constrs[ 19 ] = new ConstrShear();
constrs[ 20 ] = new ConstrMatrix();
constrs[ 21 ] = new ConstrDrawColor();
constrs[ 22 ] = new ConstrFillColor();
constrs[ 23 ] = new ConstrFont();
constrs[ 24 ] = new ConstrFillRect();
constrs[ 25 ] = new ConstrFillOval();
constrs[ 26 ] = new ConstrDrawRect();
constrs[ 27 ] = new ConstrDrawOval();
constrs[ 28 ] = new ConstrStringAtPoint();
constrs[ 29 ] = new ConstrStringInRect();
constrs[ 30 ] = new ConstrPush();
constrs[ 31 ] = new ConstrPop();
constrs[ 32 ] = new ConstrClip();
constrs[ 33 ] = new ConstrSmooth();
constrs[ 34 ] = new ConstrAlpha();
constrs[ 35 ] = new ConstrImage();
constrs[ 36 ] = new ConstrCroppedImage();
constrs[ 37 ] = new ConstrPaint();
constrs[ 38 ] = new ConstrArcTo();
constrs[ 39 ] = new ConstrFillAxialGrad();
frc = new FontRenderContext( GraphicsEnvironment.
getNormalizingTransform(), true, true );
// frc = new FontRenderContext( null, true, true );
this.absCoords = absCoords;
public Pen( Component c )
this( c, false );
// absCoords : if true, all coordinates are
// seen as relative to the window's top left
// as is the case unfortunately with sc
public Pen( Component c, boolean absCoords )
this( absCoords );
setComponent( c );
public void setAbsCoords( boolean absCoords )
this.absCoords = absCoords;
public boolean getAbsCoords()
return absCoords;
public void beginRec()
gc = new GraphicsContext();
// emptyGP.reset();
// gp = emptyGP;
gp = new GeneralPath();
public void setComponent( Component c )
this.c = c;
public Component getComponent()
return c;
public void add( Object[] oscCmds )
// Object cmdID = null;
int cmdID = -1;
try {
for( int off = 0; off < oscCmds.length; ) {
cmdID = ((Number) oscCmds[ off++ ]).intValue();
// off = ((Constr) constrs.get( cmdID )).constr( oscCmds, off );
off = constrs[ cmdID ].constr( oscCmds, off );
catch( NullPointerException e1 ) {
System.out.println( "Pen.add : unknown command " + cmdID );
catch( NumberFormatException e1 ) {
System.out.println( "Pen.add : argument type mismatch for " + cmdID );
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e1 ) {
System.out.println( "Pen.add : argument count mismatch for " + cmdID );
public void stopRec()
final int numCmds = recCmds.size();
cmds = new Cmd[ numCmds ];
for( int i = 0; i < numCmds; i++ ) {
cmds[ i ] = (Cmd) recCmds.get( i );
gc = null;
gp = null;
public void dispose()
gc = null;
cmds = new Cmd[ 0 ];
public void paintIcon( Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y )
final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
final AffineTransform atOrig = g2.getTransform();
final Stroke strkOrig = g2.getStroke();
final Shape clipOrig = g2.getClip();
compOrig = g2.getComposite();
//System.out.println( "compOrig = " + compOrig );
// g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
g2.addRenderingHints( antiAliasOn );
if( absCoords ) {
// final Component ref = SwingUtilities.getRootPane( c ).getContentPane();
final Point ptCorr;
if( (c != lastComp) || (lastRef == null) ) {
lastRef = c;
while( lastRef.getParent() != null &&
(!(lastRef instanceof JComponent) ||
(((JComponent) lastRef).getClientProperty( "origin" ) == null)) ) {
lastRef = lastRef.getParent();
lastComp = c;
ptOrigin.setLocation( x, y );
ptCorr = GUIUtil.convertPoint( lastRef, ptOrigin, c );
// System.out.println( "translate " + x + ", " + y );
if( (ptCorr.x != 0 ) || (ptCorr.y != 0) ) g2.translate( ptCorr.x, ptCorr.y );
} else {
if( (x != 0 ) || (y != 0) ) g2.translate( x, y );
for( int i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++ ) {
cmds[ i ].perform( g2 );
//System.out.println( "transform was " + g2.getTransform() + "; orig " + atOrig );
g2.setComposite( compOrig );
g2.setTransform( atOrig );
g2.setStroke( strkOrig );
g2.setClip( clipOrig );
public int getIconWidth()
return c == null ? 0 : c.getWidth();
public int getIconHeight()
return c == null ? 0 : c.getHeight();
private class GraphicsContext
protected Paint pntDraw;
protected Paint pntFill;
protected BasicStroke strk;
protected final AffineTransform at;
protected Shape clip;
// private final GeneralPath gp;
// protected GeneralPath gp;
protected Font fnt;
protected Map hints;
protected Composite comp;
protected GraphicsContext()
pntDraw = Color.black;
pntFill = Color.black;
strk = strkDefault;
at = new AffineTransform();
clip = null;
// gp = new GeneralPath();
fnt = fntDefault;
hints = antiAliasOn;
protected GraphicsContext( GraphicsContext orig )
pntDraw = orig.pntDraw;
pntFill = orig.pntFill;
strk = orig.strk;
at = new AffineTransform( orig.at );
clip = orig.clip;
// gp = new GeneralPath( orig.gp );
fnt = orig.fnt;
hints = orig.hints;
protected void restore( Graphics2D g2 )
g2.setClip( clip );
g2.addRenderingHints( hints );
g2.setComposite( comp == null ? compOrig : comp );
private abstract class Cmd
protected Cmd() { /* empty */ }
protected abstract void perform( Graphics2D g2 );
private class CmdFill
extends Cmd
private final Shape shp;
private final Paint pnt;
private final AffineTransform at;
protected CmdFill( Shape shp )
pnt = gc.pntFill;
// test: if( (pnt.getClass() == Color.class) ||
// ((gc.at.getShearX() == 0.0) && (gc.at.getShearY() == 0.0) &&
// (gc.at.getScaleX() == 1.0) && (gc.at.getScaleY() == 1.0)) ) {
test: if( pnt.getClass() == Color.class ) {
this.shp = shp;
at = null;
} else {
final AffineTransform atInv;
try {
atInv = gc.at.createInverse();
} catch( NoninvertibleTransformException e1 ) {
System.err.println( "Pen->CmdFill : NoninvertibleTransformException" );
// ... what can we do ...
at = null;
this.shp = shp;
break test;
this.shp = atInv.createTransformedShape( shp );
at = new AffineTransform( gc.at );
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
if( at == null ) {
g2.setPaint( pnt );
g2.fill( shp );
} else {
final AffineTransform atOrig = g2.getTransform();
g2.transform( at );
g2.setPaint( pnt );
g2.fill( shp );
g2.setTransform( atOrig );
private class CmdFill
extends Cmd
private final Shape shp;
private final Paint pnt;
protected CmdFill( Shape shp )
this.shp = shp;
pnt = gc.pntFill;
// private CmdFill( Shape shp, Paint pnt )
// {
// this.shp = shp;
// this.pnt = pnt;
// }
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
g2.setPaint( pnt );
g2.fill( shp );
private class CmdDraw
extends Cmd
private final Shape shp;
private final Paint pnt;
private final Stroke strk;
private final AffineTransform at;
protected CmdDraw( Shape shp )
pnt = gc.pntDraw;
test: if( (gc.at.getShearX() == 0.0) && (gc.at.getShearY() == 0.0) &&
(gc.at.getScaleX() == gc.at.getScaleY()) ) {
this.shp = shp;
if( gc.at.getScaleX() == 1.0 ) {
strk = gc.strk;
at = null;
} else {
final float scalex = (float) Math.abs( gc.at.getScaleX() );
final float[] dash = gc.strk.getDashArray(); // might be null!
final float[] dash2;
if( (dash == null) || (dash.length < 2) ) {
dash2 = dash;
} else {
dash2 = new float[ dash.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < dash.length; i++ ) {
dash2[ i ] = dash[ i ] * scalex;
strk = new BasicStroke( gc.strk.getLineWidth() * scalex,
gc.strk.getEndCap(), gc.strk.getLineJoin(),
gc.strk.getMiterLimit() * scalex,
dash2, gc.strk.getDashPhase() * scalex );
at = null;
} else {
final AffineTransform atInv;
strk = gc.strk;
try {
atInv = gc.at.createInverse();
} catch( NoninvertibleTransformException e1 ) {
System.err.println( "Pen->CmdDraw : NoninvertibleTransformException" );
// ... what can we do ...
at = null;
this.shp = shp;
break test;
this.shp = atInv.createTransformedShape( shp );
at = new AffineTransform( gc.at );
at.translate( -0.5, -0.5 );
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
final AffineTransform atOrig = g2.getTransform();
if( at != null ) {
g2.transform( at );
} else {
g2.translate( -0.5, -0.5 );
g2.setPaint( pnt );
g2.setStroke( strk );
g2.draw( shp );
g2.setTransform( atOrig );
private class CmdClip
extends Cmd
private final Shape shp;
protected CmdClip( Shape shp )
this.shp = shp;
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
// g2.setClip( shp );
g2.clip( shp );
private class CmdRestore
extends Cmd
private final GraphicsContext gcOld;
protected CmdRestore( GraphicsContext gc )
gcOld = gc;
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
gcOld.restore( g2 );
private class CmdHints
extends Cmd
private final Map hints;
// protected CmdHints( RenderingHints.Key key, Object value )
// {
// hints = new RenderingHints( key, value );
// }
protected CmdHints( Map hints )
this.hints = hints;
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
g2.addRenderingHints( hints );
private class CmdComposite
extends Cmd
private final Composite comp;
protected CmdComposite( Composite comp )
this.comp = comp;
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
g2.setComposite( comp );
private class CmdImage
extends Cmd
private final Image img;
private final AffineTransform at;
private final Shape clip;
// private final Map hints;
protected CmdImage( Image img, float tx, float ty )
this.img = img;
at = new AffineTransform( gc.at );
at.translate( tx, ty );
clip = null;
// hints = gc.hints;
protected CmdImage( Image img, float tx, float ty, float sx, float sy, float w, float h )
this.img = img;
at = new AffineTransform( gc.at );
at.translate( tx - sx, ty - sy );
clip = at.createTransformedShape( new Rectangle2D.Float( sx, sy, w, h ));
// hints = gc.hints;
protected void perform( Graphics2D g2 )
// g2.addRenderingHints( hints );
if( clip != null ) {
final Shape clipOrig = g2.getClip();
g2.clip( clip );
g2.drawImage( img, at, c );
g2.setClip( clipOrig );
} else {
g2.drawImage( img, at, c );
private abstract class Constr
protected Constr() { /* empty */ }
protected abstract int constr( Object[] cmd, int off );
protected final int transform( Object[] cmd, int off, int num )
for( int i = 0, j = num << 1; i < j; ) {
pt[ i++ ] = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue();
gc.at.transform( pt, 0, pt, 0, num );
return off;
protected final int decode( Object[] cmd, int off, int num )
for( int i = 0; i < num; ) {
pt[ i++ ] = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue();
return off;
protected Color getColor( Object[] cmd, int off )
return new Color( Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue() )),
Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue() )),
Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue() )),
Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue() )));
private class ConstrDrawColor
extends Constr
protected ConstrDrawColor() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc.pntDraw = getColor( cmd, off );
return off + 4;
private class ConstrFillColor
extends Constr
protected ConstrFillColor() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc.pntFill = getColor( cmd, off );
return off + 4;
private class ConstrFont
extends Constr
protected ConstrFont() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final String fntName;
final int fntSize, fntStyle;
fntName = cmd[ off++ ].toString();
fntSize = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
fntStyle = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
gc.fnt = new Font( fntName, fntStyle, fntSize );
return off;
private class ConstrMoveTo
extends Constr
protected ConstrMoveTo() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = transform( cmd, off, 1 );
gp.moveTo( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ]);
return off;
private class ConstrLineTo
extends Constr
protected ConstrLineTo() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = transform( cmd, off, 1 );
gp.lineTo( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ]);
return off;
private class ConstrQuadTo
extends Constr
protected ConstrQuadTo() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = transform( cmd, off, 2 );
gp.quadTo( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
return off;
private class ConstrCurveTo
extends Constr
protected ConstrCurveTo() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = transform( cmd, off, 3 );
gp.curveTo( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ], pt[ 4 ], pt[ 5 ]);
return off;
private class ConstrArcTo
extends Constr
private final Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float();
// private final Point2D p1 = new Point2D.Float();
private final Point2D.Float p2 = new Point2D.Float();
private final Point2D.Float p3 = new Point2D.Float();
protected ConstrArcTo() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 5 );
final Point2D p1 = gp.getCurrentPoint();
try {
gc.at.inverseTransform( p1, p1 );
catch( NoninvertibleTransformException e1 ) { /* hmmm... ignore */ }
p2.setLocation( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ]);
p3.setLocation( pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
arc.setArcByTangent( p1, p2, p3, pt[ 4 ]);
gp.append( gc.at.createTransformedShape( arc ), true );
// gp.moveTo( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ]); // behave like cocoa
return off;
private class ConstrReset
extends Constr
protected ConstrReset() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
return off;
private class ConstrDraw
extends Constr
protected ConstrDraw() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
recCmds.add( new CmdDraw( gp ));
gp = new GeneralPath();
return off;
private class ConstrFill
extends Constr
protected ConstrFill() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gp ));
gp = new GeneralPath();
return off;
// 0: type
private class ConstrFillDraw
extends Constr
protected ConstrFillDraw() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final int type = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
switch( type ) {
case 0: // fill (NON_ZERO)
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gp ));
case 1: // fill (EVEN_ODD)
gp.setWindingRule( GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD );
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gp ));
case 2: // draw
recCmds.add( new CmdDraw( gp ));
case 3: // fill (NON_ZERO) and draw
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gp ));
recCmds.add( new CmdDraw( gp ));
case 4: // fill (EVEN_ODD) and draw
gp.setWindingRule( GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD );
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gp ));
recCmds.add( new CmdDraw( gp ));
System.out.println( "JPen.fillDraw illegal type " + type );
gp = new GeneralPath();
return off;
private class ConstrClip
extends Constr
protected ConstrClip() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
recCmds.add( new CmdClip( gp ));
gc.clip = gp;
gp = new GeneralPath();
return off;
private class ConstrTranslate
extends Constr
protected ConstrTranslate() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc.at.translate( ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue(), ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue() );
return off;
private class ConstrScale
extends Constr
protected ConstrScale() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc.at.scale( ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue(), ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue() );
return off;
private class ConstrRotate
extends Constr
protected ConstrRotate() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc.at.rotate( ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue(),
((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue(), ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue() );
return off;
private class ConstrShear
extends Constr
protected ConstrShear() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc.at.shear( ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue(), ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue() );
return off;
// 0: sx, 1: shy, 2: shx, 3: sy, 4: tx, 5: ty
private class ConstrMatrix
extends Constr
protected ConstrMatrix() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final double sx = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue();
final double shx = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue();
final double shy = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue();
final double sy = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue();
final double tx = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue();
final double ty = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).doubleValue();
// gc.at.setTransform( sx, shx, shy, sy, tx, ty );
gc.at.concatenate( new AffineTransform( sx, shx, shy, sy, tx, ty ));
return off;
// 0: width
private class ConstrWidth
extends Constr
protected ConstrWidth() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final float width = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue();
gc.strk = new BasicStroke( width,
BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, gc.strk.getLineJoin(),
gc.strk.getMiterLimit(), gc.strk.getDashArray(),
gc.strk.getDashPhase() );
return off;
// 0: type
private class ConstrJoin
extends Constr
protected ConstrJoin() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
// 0 = miter, 1 = round, 2 = bevel (same as in Java2D!)
final int join = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
gc.strk = new BasicStroke( gc.strk.getLineWidth(),
BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, join,
gc.strk.getMiterLimit(), gc.strk.getDashArray(),
gc.strk.getDashPhase() );
return off;
// 0: N (num values), 1..N = float values
private class ConstrDash
extends Constr
protected ConstrDash() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final int dashNum = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
final float dash[] = new float[ dashNum ];
for( int i = 0; i < dashNum; i++ ) {
dash[ i ] = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue();
gc.strk = new BasicStroke( gc.strk.getLineWidth(),
BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, gc.strk.getLineJoin(),
gc.strk.getMiterLimit(), dash,
gc.strk.getDashPhase() );
return off;
private class ConstrFillRect
extends Constr
private final RectangularShape shp = new Rectangle2D.Float();
protected ConstrFillRect() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 4 );
// final Shape shp = new Rectangle2D.Float( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
shp.setFrame( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp )));
return off;
private class ConstrDrawRect
extends Constr
private final RectangularShape shp = new Rectangle2D.Float();
protected ConstrDrawRect() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 4 );
// final Shape shp = new Rectangle2D.Float( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
shp.setFrame( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
recCmds.add( new CmdDraw( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp )));
return off;
private class ConstrFillOval
extends Constr
private final RectangularShape shp = new Ellipse2D.Float();
protected ConstrFillOval() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 4 );
// final Shape shp = new Ellipse2D.Float( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
shp.setFrame( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp )));
return off;
private class ConstrDrawOval
extends Constr
private final RectangularShape shp = new Ellipse2D.Float();
protected ConstrDrawOval() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 4 );
// final Shape shp = new Ellipse2D.Float( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
shp.setFrame( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
recCmds.add( new CmdDraw( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp )));
return off;
// 0: x, 1: y, 2: w, 3: h
private class ConstrAddRect
extends Constr
private final RectangularShape shp;
protected ConstrAddRect( RectangularShape shp )
this.shp = shp;
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 4 );
shp.setFrame( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ]);
gp.append( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp ), false );
return off;
private class ConstrAddArc
extends Constr
private final Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float();
private final int type;
private final boolean connect;
protected ConstrAddArc( int type, boolean connect )
this.type = type;
this.connect = connect;
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 5 );
// final Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float();
// arc.setArcByCenter( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ],
// (pt[ 3 ] + pt[ 4 ]) * kRad2DegM, pt[ 4 ] * kRad2Deg, type );
arc.setArcByCenter( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 2 ],
pt[ 3 ] * kRad2DegM, pt[ 4 ] * kRad2DegM, type );
// gc.gp.append( gc.at.createTransformedShape( arc ), false );
gp.append( gc.at.createTransformedShape( arc ), connect );
if( type == Arc2D.PIE ) {
gp.moveTo( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ]); // behave like cocoa
return off;
private class ConstrAddCylSector
extends Constr
private final Arc2D pie = new Arc2D.Float();
private final Ellipse2D cyl = new Ellipse2D.Float();
protected ConstrAddCylSector() { /* empty */ }
// 0: cx, 1: cy, 2: ri, 3: ro, 4: angSt, 5, angExt
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
off = decode( cmd, off, 6 );
// final Arc2D pie = new Arc2D.Float();
final float innerDiam = pt[ 2 ] * 2;
pie.setArcByCenter( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], pt[ 3 ],
pt[ 4 ] * kRad2DegM, pt[ 5 ] * kRad2DegM, Arc2D.PIE );
// final Ellipse2D cyl = new Ellipse2D.Float(
// pt[ 0 ] - pt[ 2 ], pt[ 1 ] - pt[ 2 ], innerDiam, innerDiam );
cyl.setFrame( pt[ 0 ] - pt[ 2 ], pt[ 1 ] - pt[ 2 ], innerDiam, innerDiam );
final Area shp = new Area( pie );
shp.subtract( new Area( cyl ));
gp.append( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp ), false );
gp.moveTo( pt[ 0 ] + (float) Math.cos( pt[ 4 ]) * pt[ 2 ],
pt[ 1 ] + (float) Math.sin( pt[ 4 ]) * pt[ 2 ]); // behave like cocoa
return off;
// 0: str, 1: x, 2: y, NOT ANY MORE: 3: fntName, 4: fntSize, 5: fntStyle,
// 6: colrRed, 7: colrGreen, 8: colrBlue, 9: colrAlpha
private class ConstrStringAtPoint
extends Constr
protected ConstrStringAtPoint() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final String str;
// final String fntName;
// final Paint pnt;
// final int fntSize, fntStyle;
// final Font fnt;
final GlyphVector glyph;
final LineMetrics lineMetr;
final Shape shp;
str = cmd[ off++ ].toString();
off = decode( cmd, off, 2 );
// off = transform( cmd, off, 1 );
// fntName = cmd[ off++ ].toString();
// fntSize = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
// fntStyle = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue();
// fnt = new Font( fntName, fntStyle, fntSize );
// pnt = getColor( cmd, off );
// off += 4;
//System.out.println( "text '"+str+"'; at "+pt[0]+","+pt[1]+"; font "+fnt+"; colr "+pnt );
glyph = gc.fnt.createGlyphVector( frc, str );
lineMetr= gc.fnt.getLineMetrics( str, frc );
shp = glyph.getOutline( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ] + lineMetr.getAscent() + lineMetr.getDescent() ); // ???
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gc.at.createTransformedShape( shp )));
return off;
// 0: str, 1: x, 2: y, 3: w, 4: h, 5: halign, 6: valign
private class ConstrStringInRect
extends Constr
private final GeneralPath gpStr = new GeneralPath();
private final AffineTransform atPos = new AffineTransform();
protected ConstrStringInRect() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final String str;
str = cmd[ off++ ].toString();
off = decode( cmd, off, 6 );
final AttributedCharacterIterator styledText = new AttributedString( str, gc.fnt.getAttributes() ).getIterator();
final LineBreakMeasurer lbm = new LineBreakMeasurer( styledText, frc);
final float w = pt[ 2 ];
float x = pt[ 0 ];
float y = pt[ 1 ];
final float yStop = y + pt[ 3 ];
final float halign = pt[ 4 ];
final float valign = pt[ 5 ];
// final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
// final AffineTransform atPos = new AffineTransform();
final float dy;
float dx;
TextLayout txtLay;
try {
while( lbm.getPosition() < styledText.getEndIndex() ) {
txtLay = lbm.nextLayout( w );
y += txtLay.getAscent();
if( y + txtLay.getDescent() > yStop ) break;
dx = (w - txtLay.getVisibleAdvance()) *
(txtLay.isLeftToRight() ? halign : (1.0f - halign));
atPos.setToTranslation( x + dx, y );
gpStr.append( txtLay.getOutline( atPos ), false );
y += txtLay.getDescent() + txtLay.getLeading();
dy = (yStop - y) * valign;
if( dy != 0f ) gpStr.transform( AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance( 0, dy ));
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gc.at.createTransformedShape( gpStr )));
return off;
} finally {
private class ConstrPush
extends Constr
protected ConstrPush() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
context.push( gc );
gc = new GraphicsContext( gc );
return off;
private class ConstrPop
extends Constr
protected ConstrPop() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
gc = (GraphicsContext) context.pop();
recCmds.add( new CmdRestore( gc ));
return off;
// 0: on/off
private class ConstrSmooth
extends Constr
protected ConstrSmooth() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
// final boolean onOff;
final Map hints;
if( ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).intValue() != 0 ) {
hints = antiAliasOn;
} else {
hints = antiAliasOff;
gc.hints = hints;
// key = RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING;
// value = onOff ? RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY : RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED;
// key = RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING;
// value = onOff ? RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE : RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_DISABLE;
// key = RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING;
// value = onOff ? RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY : RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_SPEED;
recCmds.add( new CmdHints( hints ));
return off;
// 0: opacity
private class ConstrAlpha
extends Constr
protected ConstrAlpha() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final float opacity = ((Number) cmd[ off++ ]).floatValue();
final Composite c;
if( opacity == 1f ) {
c = AlphaComposite.SrcOver;
} else {
c = AlphaComposite.getInstance( AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, opacity );
gc.comp = c;
recCmds.add( new CmdComposite( c ));
return off;
private abstract class ConstrAbstractImage
extends Constr
protected ConstrAbstractImage() { /* empty */ }
protected Image getImage( Object id )
final Object img;
final SwingOSC osc;
final SwingClient client;
osc = SwingOSC.getInstance();
client = osc.getCurrentClient();
img = client.getObject( id );
if( (img == null) || !(img instanceof Image) ) {
System.out.println( "ERROR: Pen: image '" + id + "' not found" );
return null;
return (Image) img;
// 0: id, 1: x, 2: y
private class ConstrImage
extends ConstrAbstractImage
protected ConstrImage() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final Object id;
final float x, y;
final Image img;
id = cmd[ off++ ];
off = decode( cmd, off, 2 );
x = pt[ 0 ];
y = pt[ 1 ];
img = getImage( id );
if( img != null ) {
recCmds.add( new CmdImage( img, x, y ));
return off;
// 0: id, 1: dx, 2: dy, 3: sx, 4: sy, 5: w, 6: h
private class ConstrCroppedImage
extends ConstrAbstractImage
protected ConstrCroppedImage() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final Object id;
final float dx, dy, sx, sy, w, h;
final Image img;
id = cmd[ off++ ];
off = decode( cmd, off, 6 );
dx = pt[ 0 ];
dy = pt[ 1 ];
sx = pt[ 2 ];
sy = pt[ 3 ];
w = pt[ 4 ];
h = pt[ 5 ];
img = getImage( id );
if( img != null ) {
recCmds.add( new CmdImage( img, dx, dy, sx, sy, w, h ));
return off;
// 0: id
private class ConstrPaint
extends Constr
protected ConstrPaint() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final Object id, pnt;
final SwingOSC osc;
final SwingClient client;
osc = SwingOSC.getInstance();
client = osc.getCurrentClient();
id = cmd[ off++ ];
pnt = client.getObject( id );
if( (pnt == null) || !(pnt instanceof Paint) ) {
System.out.println( "ERROR: Pen: paint '" + id + "' not found" );
} else {
gc.pntFill = (Paint) pnt;
return off;
// 0: id
private class ConstrFillAxialGrad
extends Constr
protected ConstrFillAxialGrad() { /* empty */ }
protected int constr( Object[] cmd, int off )
final Color colr1, colr2;
final Paint pntOld, pnt;
off = decode( cmd, off, 4 );
colr1 = getColor( cmd, off );
off += 4;
colr2 = getColor( cmd, off );
off += 4;
pnt = new GradientPaint( pt[ 0 ], pt[ 1 ], colr1, pt[ 2 ], pt[ 3 ], colr2 );
pntOld = gc.pntFill;
gc.pntFill = pnt;
recCmds.add( new CmdFill( gp ));
gp = new GeneralPath();
gc.pntFill = pntOld;
return off;