* MultiSlider.java
* SwingOSC
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 27-Oct-06 created
* 05-Feb-07 extends AbstractMultiSlider
package de.sciss.swingosc;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
* Swing implementation of SCMultiSliderView by Jan Truetzschler.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @author Tim Blechmann
* @version 0.64, 14-Mar-10
public class MultiSlider
extends AbstractMultiSlider
protected float thumbWidth = 12f;
protected float thumbHeight = 12f;
private Color fillColor = Color.black;
private Color indexColor = new Color( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55 );
private boolean hasFill = true;
private float xOffset = 1f;
protected float xStep = 13f;
protected boolean showIndex = false;
protected boolean isFilled = false;
protected boolean horizontal = true;
protected boolean readOnly = false;
protected float[] values = new float[ 0 ];
protected int startIndex = 0;
private float[][] drawValues = new float[][] { values };
protected int dirtyStart = -1;
protected int dirtyStop = -1;
protected int selectedIndex = -1;
protected int selectionSize = 1;
private static final double PIH = Math.PI / 2;
// protected static final int precisionModifier = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();
protected static final int precisionModifier = SwingOSC.isMacOS() ?
InputEvent.META_MASK : InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK;
protected boolean steady = false;
protected float highPrecision = 0.05f;
// private static final Stroke strkOutline =
// new BasicStroke( 1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND );
public MultiSlider()
// setOpaque( true );
final MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter();
addMouseListener( ma );
addMouseMotionListener( ma );
protected void paintKnob( Graphics2D g2, int cw, int ch )
// final AffineTransform atOrig = g2.getTransform();
final Shape clipOrig = g2.getClip();
final int h, w;
final float hm;
final Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Float();
final RoundRectangle2D rr;
float thumbWidth, thumbWidthH, xOffset, xStep;
float x, y, y2, lastX;
GeneralPath gpOutline, gpFill, gpLines;
float[] values;
int numValues;
// g2.setColor( getBackground() );
// g2.fillRect( 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() );
// g2.clearRect( 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() );
cw -= 2;
ch -= 2;
g2.translate( 1, 1 );
g2.clipRect( 0, 0, cw, ch );
// cw -= 2;
// ch -= 2;
g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
if( horizontal ) {
w = cw; // getWidth() - 2;
h = ch; // getHeight() - 2;
g2.translate( 0, h );
g2.scale( 1f, -1f );
} else {
w = ch; // getHeight() - 2;
h = cw; // getWidth() - 2;
// g2.translate( 1, 1 );
g2.scale( -1f, 1f );
g2.rotate( PIH, 0, 0 );
hm = h - thumbHeight;
gpOutline = new GeneralPath();
gpFill = new GeneralPath();
gpLines = new GeneralPath();
rr = new RoundRectangle2D.Float( 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 2f, 2f );
for( int n = drawValues.length - 1; n >= 0; n-- ) {
values = drawValues[ n ];
numValues = values.length;
if( elasticResize ) {
final float scale = w / (numValues * this.xStep);
thumbWidth = this.thumbWidth; // * scale;
xOffset = this.xOffset * scale;
xStep = this.xStep * scale;
} else {
thumbWidth = this.thumbWidth;
xOffset = this.xOffset;
xStep = this.xStep;
thumbWidthH = thumbWidth * 0.5f;
if( drawLines && (values.length > 0) ) {
y2 = values[ 0 ] * hm + thumbHeight + 1;
gpLines.moveTo( thumbWidthH, y2 );
lastX = 0f;
for( int i = 0, j = startIndex; j < numValues; i++, j++ ) {
x = i * xStep;
if( lastX > w ) break;
y = values[ j ] * hm;
y2 = y + thumbHeight;
if( isFilled ) {
r.setFrame( x, -1f, thumbWidth, y2 + 1 );
rr.setFrame( x - 0.5f, -0.5f, thumbWidth, y2 + 1 );
} else {
r.setFrame( x, y, thumbWidth, thumbHeight );
rr.setFrame( x - 0.5f, y + 0.5f, thumbWidth, thumbHeight );
if( drawRects ) {
if( hasFill ) gpFill.append( r, false );
if( hasStroke ) gpOutline.append( rr, false );
if( drawLines ) {
gpLines.lineTo( x + thumbWidthH, y2 );
lastX = x;
if( drawLines && isFilled && (numValues > 0) ) {
x = (numValues - 1 - startIndex) * xStep;
y2 = values[ numValues - 1 ] * hm + thumbHeight;
gpLines.lineTo( x + thumbWidthH, y2 );
if( hasFill ) {
g2.setColor( fillColor );
g2.fill( gpFill );
if( hasStroke ) {
g2.setColor( strokeColor );
// g2.setStroke( strkOutline );
g2.draw( gpOutline );
if( drawLines ) {
if( isFilled ) {
g2.setColor( fillColor );
g2.fill( gpLines );
} else {
g2.setColor( strokeColor );
g2.draw( gpLines );
if( showIndex && (selectedIndex >= 0) && (n == 0) ) {
r.setFrame( (selectedIndex - startIndex) * xStep, 0, selectionSize * xStep - xOffset, h );
g2.setColor( indexColor );
g2.fill( r );
// g2.setTransform( atOrig );
g2.setClip( clipOrig );
public void setValues( float[] values )
this.values = values;
if( selectedIndex >= 0 ) {
selectedIndex = Math.min( selectedIndex, values.length - 1 );
selectionSize = Math.min( selectionSize, values.length - selectedIndex );
drawValues[ 0 ] = values;
public void setValues( Object[] values )
final float[] fValues = new float[ values.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
fValues[ i ] = ((Number) values[ i ]).floatValue();
setValues( fValues );
public float[] getValues()
return values;
public void setReferenceValues( float[] refValues )
if( (refValues != null) && (refValues.length > 0) ) {
drawValues = new float[][] { values, refValues };
} else {
drawValues = new float[][] { values };
public void setReferenceValues( Object[] values )
final float[] fValues = new float[ values.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
fValues[ i ] = ((Number) values[ i ]).floatValue();
setReferenceValues( fValues );
public void sendValues( Object id, int offset, int num )
offset = Math.max( 0, Math.min( values.length - 1, offset ));
num = Math.min( values.length - offset, num );
final SwingOSC osc = SwingOSC.getInstance();
final SwingClient client = osc.getCurrentClient();
final Object[] replyArgs = new Object[ 3 + num ];
replyArgs[ 0 ] = id;
replyArgs[ 1 ] = new Integer( offset );
replyArgs[ 2 ] = new Integer( num );
for( int i = offset, j = 3; j < replyArgs.length; i++, j++ ) {
replyArgs[ j ] = new Float( values[ i ]);
try {
client.reply( new OSCMessage( "/values", replyArgs ));
catch( IOException ex ) {
SwingOSC.printException( ex, "sendValues" );
public void sendValuesAndClear( Object id )
sendValues( id, dirtyStart, dirtyStop - dirtyStart );
public void setThumbWidth( float w )
thumbWidth = w;
// thumbWidthH = w / 2;
xStep = thumbWidth + xOffset;
hasStroke = (strokeColor.getAlpha() > 0x00) && (thumbWidth > 1);
public float getThumbWidth()
return thumbWidth;
public void setThumbHeight( float h )
thumbHeight = h;
public float getThumbHeight()
return thumbHeight;
public void setThumbSize( float size )
setThumbWidth( size );
setThumbHeight( size );
public void setFillColor( Color c )
fillColor = c;
hasFill = fillColor.getAlpha() > 0x00;
indexColor = new Color( fillColor.getRed(), fillColor.getGreen(), fillColor.getBlue(),
fillColor.getAlpha() / 3 );
public Color getFillColor()
return fillColor;
public void setStrokeColor( Color c )
strokeColor = c;
hasStroke = (strokeColor.getAlpha() > 0x00) && (thumbWidth > 1);
public Color getStrokeColor()
return strokeColor;
public void setXOffset( float off )
xOffset = off;
xStep = thumbWidth + xOffset;
public float getXOffset()
return xOffset;
public void setShowIndex( boolean onOff )
showIndex = onOff;
public boolean getShowIndex()
return showIndex;
public void setFilled( boolean onOff )
isFilled = onOff;
public boolean getFilled()
return isFilled;
public void setOrientation( int orient )
if( orient == HORIZONTAL ) {
horizontal = true;
} else if( orient == VERTICAL ) {
horizontal = false;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( orient ));
public int getOrientation()
return horizontal ? HORIZONTAL : VERTICAL;
public void setStepSize( float stepSize )
super.setStepSize( stepSize );
if( stepSize > 0f ) {
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
values[ i ] = snap( values[ i ]);
public void setStartIndex( int idx )
startIndex = Math.max( 0, idx );
public int getStartIndex()
return startIndex;
public void setReadOnly( boolean onOff )
readOnly = onOff;
public boolean getReadOnly()
return readOnly;
public void setSelectedIndex( int idx )
selectedIndex = idx;
if( showIndex ) repaint();
public int getSelectedIndex()
return selectedIndex;
public void setSelectionSize( int numIndices )
selectionSize = numIndices;
if( showIndex ) repaint();
public int getSelectionSize()
return selectionSize;
public int getDirtyIndex()
return dirtyStart;
public int getDirtySize()
return( dirtyStop - dirtyStart );
public void clearDirty()
dirtyStart = -1;
dirtyStop = -1;
public boolean getSteady()
return steady;
public void setSteady( boolean stdy )
steady = stdy;
public float getPrecision()
return highPrecision;
public void setPrecision( float hghPrcsn )
highPrecision = hghPrcsn;
// --------------- internal classes ---------------
private class MouseAdapter
extends MouseInputAdapter
private boolean dragExtend = false;
private int lastDragIdx = -1;
private boolean dragExtendDir = false;
private float lastDragY = 0.f;
protected MouseAdapter() { /* empty */ }
private float computeVal( MouseEvent e, float y, float h, int dragIdx, boolean isDrag )
if( steady && (lastDragIdx == -1) ) {
return values[ dragIdx ];
final boolean meta = (e.getModifiers() & precisionModifier) == precisionModifier;
final float valueRaw;
if( steady || (meta && isDrag )) {
// todo: how to handle sliders index changes?
// if (lastDragIdx != dragIdx) lastDragIdx = dragIdx;
final float precisionFactor = meta ? highPrecision : 1f;
final float lastVal = values[ lastDragIdx ];
final float diffY = y - lastDragY;
final float diffVal = (diffY * precisionFactor) / (h - thumbHeight);
valueRaw = lastVal + diffVal;
} else {
final float localThumbHeight = isFilled ? thumbHeight : thumbHeight / 2;
valueRaw = (y - localThumbHeight) / (h - thumbHeight);
return Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, valueRaw ));
private void processMouse( MouseEvent e, boolean init )
if( values.length == 0 ) return;
final int x, w, y, h;
final Insets ins = getInsets();
final float scale, xSub, value;
final int dragIdx, dragIdx2;
final int newSelStop;
boolean action = false;
boolean repaint = false;
if( horizontal ) {
w = getWidth() - ins.left - ins.right - 2;
h = getHeight() - ins.top - ins.bottom - 2;
x = e.getX() - ins.left - 1;
y = h - (e.getY() - ins.top - 1);
} else {
h = getWidth() - ins.left - ins.right - 2;
w = getHeight() - ins.top - ins.bottom - 2;
x = e.getY() - ins.top - 1;
y = e.getX() - ins.left - 1;
// if( isFilled ) {
// val = Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, (y - thumbHeight) / (h - thumbHeight) ));
// } else {
// val = Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, (y - thumbHeight/2) / (h - thumbHeight) ));
// }
if( elasticResize ) {
scale = values.length / (float) w;
xSub = thumbWidth/2 * (w / (values.length * xStep));
} else {
scale = 1 / xStep;
xSub = thumbWidth/2;
dragIdx2 = (int) ((x - xSub) * scale + 0.5f) + startIndex;
dragIdx = Math.max( 0, Math.min( values.length - 1, dragIdx2 ));
// values might have been modified!!!
if( lastDragIdx >= values.length ) lastDragIdx = -1;
if( init ) dragExtend = e.isShiftDown();
value = computeVal( e, y, h, dragIdx, !init );
lastDragY = y;
if( dragExtend ) {
if( selectedIndex >= 0 ) {
if( init ) dragExtendDir = dragIdx2 > (selectedIndex + (selectionSize >> 1));
if( dragExtendDir ) {
newSelStop = dragIdx2; // + 1;
if( newSelStop != selectedIndex + selectionSize ) {
selectionSize = newSelStop - selectedIndex;
if( selectionSize < 0 ) {
selectionSize = -selectionSize;
selectedIndex = newSelStop - selectionSize + 1;
dragExtendDir = !dragExtendDir;
// System.out.println( "A ");
selectedIndex = Math.max( 0, Math.min( values.length - 1, selectedIndex ));
selectionSize = Math.min( values.length - selectedIndex, selectionSize );
action = true;
repaint |= showIndex;
} else {
if( dragIdx != selectedIndex ) {
selectionSize += selectedIndex - dragIdx2;
selectedIndex = dragIdx2;
if( selectionSize < 0 ) {
// newSelStop = selectedIndex + selectionSize;
selectionSize = -selectionSize;
selectedIndex = dragIdx2 - selectionSize;
dragExtendDir = !dragExtendDir;
selectedIndex = Math.max( 0, Math.min( values.length - 1, selectedIndex ));
selectionSize = Math.min( values.length - selectedIndex, selectionSize );
action = true;
repaint |= showIndex;
} else {
selectedIndex = dragIdx;
action = true;
repaint |= showIndex;
} else if( !readOnly ) {
if( (lastDragIdx == -1) || (lastDragIdx == dragIdx) ) {
if( snap( value ) != values[ dragIdx ]) {
values[ dragIdx ] = snap( value );
action = true;
repaint = true;
if( dirtyStart == -1 ) {
dirtyStart = dragIdx;
dirtyStop = dirtyStart + 1;
} else {
dirtyStart = Math.min( dirtyStart, dragIdx );
dirtyStop = Math.max( dirtyStop, dragIdx + 1 );
} else {
final int step = dragIdx < lastDragIdx ? -1 : 1;
final float valOff = values[ lastDragIdx ];
final float valScale= (value - valOff) / Math.abs( lastDragIdx - dragIdx );
for( int i = lastDragIdx + step, j = 1; i != dragIdx; i += step, j++ ) {
values[ i ] = snap( j * valScale + valOff );
values[ dragIdx ] = snap( value );
action = true;
repaint = true;
if( dirtyStart == -1 ) {
dirtyStart = Math.min( dragIdx, lastDragIdx );
dirtyStop = Math.max( dragIdx, lastDragIdx ) + 1;
} else {
dirtyStart = Math.min( dirtyStart, Math.min( dragIdx, lastDragIdx ));
dirtyStop = Math.max( dirtyStop, Math.max( dragIdx, lastDragIdx ) + 1 );
lastDragIdx = dragIdx;
if( !dragExtend && (selectedIndex != lastDragIdx) ) {
selectedIndex = lastDragIdx;
action = true;
selectionSize = Math.min( selectionSize, values.length - selectedIndex );
repaint |= showIndex;
if( action ) fireActionPerformed();
if( repaint ) repaint(); // XXX should use painting rectangle here!!
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
if( !isEnabled() || e.isControlDown() ) return;
processMouse( e, true );
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
lastDragIdx = -1;
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
if( !isEnabled() ) return;
processMouse( e, false );