* EnvelopeView.java
* SwingOSC
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 05-Feb-07 created
* 26-Jul-07 added support for connection shapes, added horizEditMode
* 04-Apr-09 completed and fixed shapes drawing
package de.sciss.swingosc;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
//import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
* Swing implementation and extension of SCEnvelopeView by Jan Truetzschler.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.61, 23-Apr-09
public class EnvelopeView
extends AbstractMultiSlider
* Horizontal editing mode: Points can be freely moved unconstrainted
public static final int HEDIT_FREE = 0;
* Horizontal editing mode: Points can be moved only between adjectant nodes
public static final int HEDIT_CLAMP = 1;
* Horizontal editing mode: Points can be freely moved, but the node indices
* are relayed in order to maintain "causality"
public static final int HEDIT_RELAY = 2;
protected Node[] nodes = new Node[ 0 ];
// when setValues is called and the number of values
// increases, the new nodes are created from the prototype
// (thumb size + colour)
private final Node protoNode = new Node( -1 );
protected boolean clipThumbs;
private Color selectionColor = Color.black;
protected int recentWidth = -1;
protected int recentHeight = -1;
private int index = -1;
private boolean connectionsUsed = false;
protected int horizEditMode = HEDIT_FREE;
protected boolean lockBounds = false;
// private boolean shiftMode = false;
private static final Stroke[] strkRubber;
private int strkRubberIdx = 0;
protected final Rectangle rubberRect = new Rectangle();
private static final Color colrRubber = new Color( 0x40, 0x40, 0x40 );
// helper constants for shape calculation
private static final float EXPM1 = (float) Math.exp(-1);
private static final float EXPM1R = (float) (1.0 - Math.exp(-1));
private Node[] dirtyNodes = new Node[ 0 ];
private int numDirty = 0;
protected int lastIndex = -1;
static {
final float[] dash = new float[] { 4f, 4f };
strkRubber = new Stroke[ 8 ];
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
strkRubber[ i ] = new BasicStroke( 1f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10f, dash, i );
public EnvelopeView()
this( true );
public EnvelopeView( boolean clipThumbs )
this.clipThumbs = clipThumbs;
drawLines = true;
final MouseAdapter ma = new MouseAdapter();
addMouseListener( ma );
addMouseMotionListener( ma );
public void setHorizontalEditMode( int mode )
horizEditMode = mode;
public void setLockBounds( boolean onOff ) {
lockBounds = onOff;
protected void paintKnob( Graphics2D g2, int cw, int ch )
// final AffineTransform atOrig = g2.getTransform();
final Shape clipOrig = g2.getClip();
final int h, w;
final int numValues = nodes.length;
final boolean reallyDrawLines = drawLines && hasStroke && (numValues > 0);
final GeneralPath gpLines;
final GeneralPath gpOutline;
final boolean invalidAll = (cw != recentWidth) || (ch != recentHeight);
final boolean drawORects = drawRects && hasStroke;
final FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
float bx, by, thumbWidthH, thumbHeightH;
Node n, n2;
Shape subClip;
if( invalidAll ) {
recentWidth = cw;
recentHeight = ch;
// g2.setColor( getBackground() );
// g2.fillRect( 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() );
// g2.clearRect( 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() );
cw -= 2;
ch -= 2;
g2.translate( 1, 1 );
g2.clipRect( 0, 0, cw, ch );
// cw -= 2;
// ch -= 2;
g2.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
w = cw; // getWidth() - 2;
h = ch; // getHeight() - 2;
gpLines = reallyDrawLines ? new GeneralPath() : null;
gpOutline = (drawRects && hasStroke) ? new GeneralPath() : null;
for( int i = 0; i < numValues; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
if( invalidAll || n.invalid ) {
thumbWidthH = n.thumbWidth / 2;
thumbHeightH = n.thumbHeight / 2;
if( clipThumbs ) {
n.cx = w * n.x;
n.cy = h * (1f - n.y);
bx = n.cx - thumbWidthH;
by = n.cy - thumbHeightH;
} else {
bx = (w - n.thumbWidth) * n.x;
by = (h - n.thumbHeight) * (1f - n.y);
n.cx = bx + thumbWidthH;
n.cy = by + thumbHeightH;
n.r.setFrame( bx, by, n.thumbWidth, n.thumbHeight );
n.rr.setFrame( bx - 0.5f, by - 0.5f, n.thumbWidth, n.thumbHeight );
if( n.label != null ) {
n.tx = n.cx - fm.stringWidth( n.label ) / 2;
n.ty = n.cy + (fm.getAscent() - fm.getDescent()) / 2 - 1;
n.invalid = false;
if( drawORects ) {
gpOutline.append( n.rr, false );
if( reallyDrawLines ) { // implies numValues >= 1
if( connectionsUsed ) { // -------------------- custom connections --------------------
for( int i = 0; i < numValues; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
switch( n.shape ) {
case Node.SHP_STEP:
for( int j = 0; j < n.connections.length; j++ ) {
n2 = n.connections[ j ];
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n.cx, n2.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n2.cx, n2.cy );
case Node.SHP_LINEAR:
for( int j = 0; j < n.connections.length; j++ ) {
n2 = n.connections[ j ];
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n2.cx, n2.cy );
case Node.SHP_SINE:
for( int j = 0; j < n.connections.length; j++ ) {
n2 = n.connections[ j ];
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.curveTo( n.cx * EXPM1R + n2.cx * EXPM1, n.cy, n.cx * EXPM1 + n2.cx * EXPM1R, n2.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
case Node.SHP_CURVE:
case Node.SHP_WELCH:
case Node.SHP_SQUARED:
case Node.SHP_CUBED:
for( int j = 0; j < n.connections.length; j++ ) {
n2 = n.connections[ j ];
final float oy1, oy2, sy1, sy2;
// sx = 1.0f / Math.max( 1, w );
// final int istep;
final Node n1s, n2s;
if( n.x == n2.x ) {
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n2.cx, n2.cy );
} else if( n.x < n2.x ) {
// istep = 2;
n1s = n;
n2s = n2;
} else {
// istep = -2;
n1s = n2;
n2s = n;
final float dx = n2s.cx - n1s.cx;
if( clipThumbs ) {
oy1 = 0f;
oy2 = 0f;
sy1 = h;
sy2 = h;
} else {
oy1 = n1s.thumbHeight / 2;
oy2 = n2s.thumbHeight / 2;
sy1 = h - n1s.thumbHeight;
sy2 = h - n2s.thumbHeight;
float ix = 0f; // n.cx - n1s.cx;
float rx, ry;
gpLines.moveTo( n1s.cx, n1s.cy );
do {
// ix = Math.max( 0, Math.min( dx, ix + istep ));
ix = Math.min( dx, ix + 2 );
rx = ix / dx;
ry = (1f - envAt( n1s, n2s, rx ));
gpLines.lineTo( ix + n1s.cx, (sy1 * ry + oy1) * (1 - rx) +
(sy2 * ry + oy2) * rx );
} while( ix != dx );
} else { // -------------------- sequential connections --------------------
n = nodes[ 0 ];
for( int i = 1; i < numValues; i++ ) {
n2 = nodes[ i ];
switch( n.shape ) {
case Node.SHP_STEP:
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n.cx, n2.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n2.cx, n2.cy );
// n = n2;
case Node.SHP_LINEAR:
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n2.cx, n2.cy );
case Node.SHP_CURVE:
case Node.SHP_WELCH:
case Node.SHP_SQUARED:
case Node.SHP_CUBED:
// gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
final float oy1, oy2, sy1, sy2;
// sx = 1.0f / Math.max( 1, w );
// final int istep;
final Node n1s, n2s;
if( n.x == n2.x ) {
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.lineTo( n2.cx, n2.cy );
} else if( n.x < n2.x ) {
// istep = 2;
n1s = n;
n2s = n2;
} else {
// istep = -2;
n1s = n2;
n2s = n;
final float dx = n2s.cx - n1s.cx;
if( clipThumbs ) {
oy1 = 0f;
oy2 = 0f;
sy1 = h;
sy2 = h;
} else {
oy1 = n1s.thumbHeight / 2;
oy2 = n2s.thumbHeight / 2;
sy1 = h - n1s.thumbHeight;
sy2 = h - n2s.thumbHeight;
float ix = 0f; // n.cx - n1s.cx;
float rx, ry;
gpLines.moveTo( n1s.cx, n1s.cy );
do {
// ix = Math.max( 0, Math.min( dx, ix + istep ));
ix = Math.min( dx, ix + 2 );
rx = ix / dx;
ry = (1f - envAt( n1s, n2s, rx ));
gpLines.lineTo( ix + n1s.cx, (sy1 * ry + oy1) * (1 - rx) +
(sy2 * ry + oy2) * rx );
} while( ix != dx );
case Node.SHP_SINE:
gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
gpLines.curveTo( n.cx * EXPM1R + n2.cx * EXPM1, n.cy, n.cx * EXPM1 + n2.cx * EXPM1R, n2.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// case Node.SHP_WELCH:
// // approximate... WRONG
// gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
// if( n.y < n2.y ) {
// gpLines.curveTo( n.cx * 0.556f + n2.cx * 0.444f, n.cy * 0.278f + n2.cy * 0.722f, n.cx * 0.29f + n2.cx * 0.71f, n2.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// } else {
// gpLines.curveTo( n2.cx * 0.29f + n.cx * 0.71f, n.cy, n2.cx * 0.556f + n.cx * 0.444f, n2.cy * 0.278f + n.cy * 0.722f, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// }
// break;
// case Node.SHP_SQUARED:
// // approximate... WRONG
// gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
// if( n.y < n2.y ) {
// gpLines.curveTo( n.cx * 0.9f + n2.cx * 0.1f, n.cy, n.cx * 0.5f + n2.cx * 0.5f, n.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// } else {
// gpLines.curveTo( n2.cx * 0.5f + n.cx * 0.5f, n2.cy, n2.cx * 0.9f + n.cx * 0.1f, n2.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// }
// break;
// case Node.SHP_CUBED:
// // approximate... WRONG
// gpLines.moveTo( n.cx, n.cy );
// if( n.y < n2.y ) {
// gpLines.curveTo( n.cx * 0.6667f + n2.cx * 0.3333f, n.cy, n.cx * 0.3333f + n2.cx * 0.6667f, n.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// } else {
// gpLines.curveTo( n2.cx * 0.3333f + n.cx * 0.6667f, n2.cy, n2.cx * 0.6667f + n.cx * 0.3333f, n2.cy, n2.cx, n2.cy );
// }
// break;
n = n2;
g2.setColor( strokeColor );
g2.draw( gpLines );
if( drawRects ) {
for( int i = 0; i < numValues; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
if( n.selected ) {
g2.setColor( selectionColor );
g2.fill( n.r );
} else {
if( n.fillColor != null ) {
g2.setColor( n.fillColor );
g2.fill( n.r );
if( n.label != null ) {
g2.setColor( strokeColor );
subClip = g2.getClip();
g2.clip( n.r );
g2.drawString( n.label, n.tx, n.ty );
g2.setClip( subClip );
if( hasStroke ) {
g2.setColor( strokeColor );
g2.draw( gpOutline );
// if( showIndex && (selectedIndex >= 0) && (n == 0) ) {
// r.setFrame( (selectedIndex - startIndex) * xStep, 0, selectionSize * xStep - xOffset, h );
// g2.setColor( indexColor );
// g2.fill( r );
// }
// g2.setTransform( atOrig );
if( !rubberRect.isEmpty() ) {
// XOR-mode not working properly on Linux / Windows !!
// final Composite cmpOrig = g2.getComposite();
final Stroke strkOrig = g2.getStroke();
// g2.setXORMode( colrRubber );
g2.setColor( colrRubber );
g2.setStroke( strkRubber[ (strkRubberIdx++) & 0x07 ]);
g2.draw( rubberRect );
g2.setStroke( strkOrig );
// g2.setComposite( cmpOrig );
g2.setClip( clipOrig );
public void setClipThumbs( boolean onOff )
if( onOff != clipThumbs ) {
clipThumbs = onOff;
recentWidth = -1; // triggers re-calculations
recentHeight = -1;
public void setIndex( int idx )
index = idx;
public int getLastIndex()
return lastIndex;
public void setX( float x )
if( (index >= 0) && (index < nodes.length) ) {
nodes[ index ].x = x;
nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
public void setY( float y )
if( (index >= 0) && (index < nodes.length) ) {
nodes[ index ].y = y;
nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
// public void setSelectedIndex( int idx )
// {
// if( idx != selectedIndex ) {
// selectedIndex = idx;
// repaint();
// }
// }
public void setSelectionColor( Color c )
selectionColor = c;
public void setLabel( int index, String label )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].label = label;
nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
} else {
nodes[ index ].label = label;
nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
// protoNode.label = label;
public void setShape( int index, int shape, float curve )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].shape = shape;
nodes[ i ].curve = curve;
// nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
} else {
nodes[ index ].shape = shape;
nodes[ index ].curve = curve;
// nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
protoNode.shape = shape;
protoNode.curve = curve;
public void sendDirtyValues( Object id )
final SwingOSC osc = SwingOSC.getInstance();
final SwingClient client = osc.getCurrentClient();
final Object[] replyArgs = new Object[ 2 + (numDirty * 4) ];
Node n;
replyArgs[ 0 ] = id;
replyArgs[ 1 ] = new Integer( numDirty );
for( int i = 0, j = 2; i < numDirty; i++ ) {
n = dirtyNodes[ i ];
replyArgs[ j++ ] = new Integer( n.idx );
replyArgs[ j++ ] = new Float( n.x );
replyArgs[ j++ ] = new Float( n.y );
replyArgs[ j++ ] = new Integer( n.selected ? 1 : 0 );
try {
client.reply( new OSCMessage( "/values", replyArgs ));
catch( IOException ex ) {
SwingOSC.printException( ex, "sendDirtyValues" );
public void sendDirtyValuesAndClear( Object id )
sendDirtyValues( id );
public void setStepSize( float stepSize )
super.setStepSize( stepSize );
Node n;
if( stepSize > 0f ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
n.x = snap( n.x );
n.y = snap( n.y );
n.invalid = true;
public void setReadOnly( int index, boolean readOnly )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].readOnly = readOnly;
} else {
nodes[ index ].readOnly = readOnly;
// protoNode.readOnly = readOnly;
public void setSelected( int index, boolean selected )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].selected = selected;
} else {
nodes[ index ].selected = selected;
if( drawRects ) repaint();
public void setFillColor( int index, Color c )
if( c.getAlpha() == 0 ) c = null;
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].fillColor = c;
} else {
nodes[ index ].fillColor = c;
protoNode.fillColor = c;
if( drawRects ) repaint();
public void setStrokeColor( Color c )
strokeColor = c;
public void setThumbSize( int index, float size )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].thumbWidth = size;
nodes[ i ].thumbHeight = size;
nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
} else {
nodes[ index ].thumbWidth = size;
nodes[ index ].thumbHeight = size;
nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
protoNode.thumbWidth = size;
protoNode.thumbHeight = size;
public void setThumbWidth( int index, float w )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].thumbWidth = w;
nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
} else {
nodes[ index ].thumbWidth = w;
nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
protoNode.thumbWidth = w;
public void setThumbHeight( int index, float h )
if( index == -1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].thumbHeight = h;
nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
} else {
nodes[ index ].thumbHeight = h;
nodes[ index ].invalid = true;
protoNode.thumbHeight = h;
public void setValues( float[] x, float[] y )
final int newNumVals = x.length;
final int oldNumVals = nodes.length;
final int minNum;
Node[] tmp;
if( y.length != newNumVals ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// if( selectedIndex >= 0 ) {
// selectedIndex = Math.min( selectedIndex, newNumVals - 1 );
// selectionSize = Math.min( selectionSize, newNumVals - selectedIndex );
// }
if( oldNumVals != newNumVals ) {
tmp = new Node[ newNumVals ];
minNum = Math.min( oldNumVals, newNumVals );
System.arraycopy( nodes, 0, tmp, 0, minNum );
for( int i = minNum; i < newNumVals; i++ ) {
tmp[ i ] = new Node( i, protoNode );
nodes = tmp;
tmp = new Node[ newNumVals ];
System.arraycopy( dirtyNodes, 0, tmp, 0, minNum );
dirtyNodes = tmp;
numDirty = Math.min( numDirty, newNumVals );
for( int i = 0; i < newNumVals; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].x = x[ i ];
nodes[ i ].y = y[ i ];
nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
public void setValues( float[] x, float[] y, int[] shapes, float[] curves )
final int newNumVals = x.length;
final int oldNumVals = nodes.length;
final int minNum;
Node[] tmp;
if( y.length != newNumVals ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// if( selectedIndex >= 0 ) {
// selectedIndex = Math.min( selectedIndex, newNumVals - 1 );
// selectionSize = Math.min( selectionSize, newNumVals - selectedIndex );
// }
if( oldNumVals != newNumVals ) {
tmp = new Node[ newNumVals ];
minNum = Math.min( oldNumVals, newNumVals );
System.arraycopy( nodes, 0, tmp, 0, minNum );
for( int i = minNum; i < newNumVals; i++ ) {
tmp[ i ] = new Node( i, protoNode );
nodes = tmp;
tmp = new Node[ newNumVals ];
System.arraycopy( dirtyNodes, 0, tmp, 0, minNum );
dirtyNodes = tmp;
numDirty = Math.min( numDirty, newNumVals );
for( int i = 0; i < newNumVals; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].x = x[ i ];
nodes[ i ].y = y[ i ];
nodes[ i ].shape = shapes[ i ];
nodes[ i ].curve = curves[ i ];
nodes[ i ].invalid = true;
public void setValues( Object[] x, Object[] y )
final float[] fx = new float[ x.length ];
final float[] fy = new float[ y.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < fx.length; i++ ) {
fx[ i ] = ((Number) x[ i ]).floatValue();
fy[ i ] = ((Number) y[ i ]).floatValue();
setValues( fx, fy );
public void setValues( Object[] x, Object[] y, Object[] shapes, Object[] curves )
final float[] fx = new float[ x.length ];
final float[] fy = new float[ y.length ];
final int[] ishapes = new int[ shapes.length ];
final float[] fcurves = new float[ curves.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < fx.length; i++ ) {
fx[ i ] = ((Number) x[ i ]).floatValue();
fy[ i ] = ((Number) y[ i ]).floatValue();
ishapes[ i ] = ((Number) shapes[ i ]).intValue();
fcurves[ i ] = ((Number) curves[ i ]).floatValue();
setValues( fx, fy, ishapes, fcurves );
public void setValues( Object[] x, Object[] y, int shape, float curve )
final float[] fx = new float[ x.length ];
final float[] fy = new float[ y.length ];
final int[] shapes = new int[ x.length ];
final float[] curves = new float[ x.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < fx.length; i++ ) {
fx[ i ] = ((Number) x[ i ]).floatValue();
fy[ i ] = ((Number) y[ i ]).floatValue();
shapes[ i ] = shape;
curves[ i ] = curve;
setValues( fx, fy, shapes, curves );
// public float[] getValues()
// {
// return values;
// }
public void setConnections( int index, int[] targets )
final Node[] nTargets = new Node[ targets.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++ ) {
nTargets[ i ] = nodes[ targets[ i ]];
nodes[ index ].connections = nTargets;
if( drawLines && connectionsUsed ) repaint();
public void setConnections( int index, Object[] targets )
final int[] iTargets = new int[ targets.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++ ) {
iTargets[ i ] = ((Number) targets[ i ]).intValue();
setConnections( index, iTargets );
public void setConnectionsUsed( boolean onOff )
if( onOff != connectionsUsed ) {
connectionsUsed = onOff;
public int getDirtySize()
return( numDirty );
public void clearDirty()
for( int i = 0; i < numDirty; i++ ) {
dirtyNodes[ i ].dirty = false;
numDirty = 0;
protected void dirty( Node n )
if( !n.dirty ) {
n.dirty = true;
dirtyNodes[ numDirty++ ] = n;
* Analoguous to the code in PyrArrayPrimitives.cpp.
* @param x a relative position between 0.0 (at n1)
* and 1.0 (at n2)
private float envAt( Node n1, Node n2, float pos )
if( nodes.length == 0 ) return 0f;
final float /* pos, */ y;
// for( idx = 0; idx < nodes.length; idx++ ) {
// if( nodes[ idx ].x > x ) break;
// }
// n1 = nodes[ Math.max( 0, idx - 1 )];
// n2 = nodes[ Math.min( nodes.length - 1, idx )];
// if( n1.x < n2.x ) {
// tmp = n1;
// n1 = n2;
// n2 = tmp;
// }
// if( x <= n1.x ) return n1.y;
// if( x >= n2.x ) return n2.y;
// pos = (x - n1.x) / (n2.x - n1.x);
if( pos <= 0f ) return n1.y;
if( pos >= 1f ) return n2.y;
switch( n1.shape ) {
case Node.SHP_STEP:
y = n2.y;
case Node.SHP_LINEAR:
y = pos * (n2.y - n1.y) + n1.y;
final float y1Lim = Math.max( 0.0001f, n1.y );
y = (float) (y1Lim * Math.pow( n2.y / y1Lim, pos ));
case Node.SHP_SINE:
y = (float) (n1.y + (n2.y - n1.y) * (-Math.cos( Math.PI * pos ) * 0.5 + 0.5));
case Node.SHP_WELCH:
if( n1.y < n2.y ) {
y = (float) (n1.y + (n2.y - n1.y) * Math.sin( Math.PI * 0.5 * pos ));
} else {
y = (float) (n2.y - (n2.y - n1.y) * Math.sin( Math.PI * 0.5 * (1 - pos) ));
case Node.SHP_CURVE:
if( Math.abs( n1.curve ) < 0.0001f ) {
y = pos * (n2.y - n1.y) + n1.y;
} else {
final double denom = 1.0 - Math.exp( n1.curve );
final double numer = 1.0 - Math.exp( pos * n1.curve );
y = (float) (n1.y + (n2.y - n1.y) * (numer / denom));
case Node.SHP_SQUARED:
final double y1Pow2 = Math.sqrt( n1.y );
final double y2Pow2 = Math.sqrt( n2.y );
final double yPow2 = pos * (y2Pow2 - y1Pow2) + y1Pow2;
y = (float) (yPow2 * yPow2);
case Node.SHP_CUBED:
final double y1Pow3 = Math.pow( n1.y, 0.3333333 );
final double y2Pow3 = Math.pow( n2.y, 0.3333333 );
final double yPow3 = pos * (y2Pow3 - y1Pow3) + y1Pow3;
y = (float) (yPow3 * yPow3 * yPow3);
return y;
// --------------- internal classes ---------------
private class MouseAdapter
extends MouseInputAdapter
private boolean shiftDrag = false;
private Point dragFirstPt = null;
private boolean dragRubber;
private final Rectangle oldRubberRect = new Rectangle();
private final Rectangle mouseRect = new Rectangle(); // e.g. rect around mouse for easier nav
protected MouseAdapter() { /* empty */ }
private Point insetMouse( MouseEvent e )
final Insets ins = getInsets();
final Point pt = e.getPoint();
pt.translate( -(ins.left + 1), -(ins.top + 1) );
return pt;
private Node findNode( Point pt )
Node n;
// note that we do a little outline since we check against n.r not n.rr!
mouseRect.setBounds( pt.x - 1, pt.y - 1, 4, 4 );
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
// if( !n.invalid && n.r.contains( pt )) return n;
if( !n.invalid && mouseRect.intersects( n.r )) return n;
return null;
// private Point2D screenToVirtual( Point screen )
// {
// }
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
if( !isEnabled() || e.isControlDown() ) return;
// final Point2D pt = screenToVirtual( e.getPoint() );
dragFirstPt = insetMouse( e );
final Node n = findNode( dragFirstPt );
boolean repaint = false;
boolean action = false;
Node n2;
shiftDrag = e.isShiftDown();
dragRubber = n == null;
if( shiftDrag ) {
if( dragRubber ) return;
n.selected = !n.selected;
dirty( n );
repaint = true;
action = true;
} else {
if( dragRubber || !n.selected ) {
lastIndex = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
n2 = nodes[ i ];
if( (n != n2) && n2.selected ) {
n2.selected = false;
dirty( n2 );
repaint = true;
action = true;
if( !dragRubber && !n.selected ) {
n.selected = true;
dirty( n );
repaint = true;
action = true;
if( !dragRubber ) {
lastIndex = n.idx;
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
n2 = nodes[ i ];
n2.oldX = n2.x;
n2.oldY = n2.y;
if( repaint ) repaint();
if( action ) fireActionPerformed();
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
dragFirstPt = null;
// macht das sinn?
// lastIndex = -1;
if( dragRubber ) {
rubberRect.setBounds( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
//private boolean korrupt = false;
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
//if( korrupt ) return;
if( !isEnabled() || (dragFirstPt == null) ) return;
final Point dragCurrentPt = insetMouse( e );
// final int idxStart, idxInc;
Node n, n2, nPred = null, nSucc;
boolean repaint = false;
boolean action = false;
boolean reallyNotLocked;
if( dragRubber ) { // ------------------ rubber band ------------------
oldRubberRect.setBounds( rubberRect );
rubberRect.setFrameFromDiagonal( dragFirstPt, dragCurrentPt );
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
if( n.invalid ) continue;
if( oldRubberRect.intersects( n.r ) != rubberRect.intersects( n.r )) {
n.selected = !n.selected;
dirty( n );
action = true;
repaint = true;
} else if( (recentWidth > 0) && (recentHeight > 0) ) { // ------------------ move ------------------
final float dx, dy;
float x, y;
if( clipThumbs ) {
dx = (float) (dragCurrentPt.x - dragFirstPt.x) / recentWidth;
dy = (float) (dragFirstPt.y - dragCurrentPt.y) / recentHeight;
} else {
dx = dragCurrentPt.x - dragFirstPt.x;
dy = dragFirstPt.y - dragCurrentPt.y;
// if( dx >= 0f ) {
// idxStart = 0;
// idxInc = 1;
// } else {
// idxStart = nodes.length - 1;
// idxInc = -1;
// }
final Node[] nodesBak = new Node[ nodes.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
nodes[ i ].done = false;
nodesBak[ i ] = new Node( nodes[ i ].idx, nodes[ i ]);
nodesBak[ i ].x = nodes[ i ].x;
nodesBak[ i ].y = nodes[ i ].y;
nodesBak[ i ].selected = nodes[ i ].selected;
for( int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) {
n = nodes[ i ];
if( !n.selected || n.done || n.readOnly ) {
n.done = true;
reallyNotLocked = !lockBounds || ((i > 0) && (i < nodes.length - 1));
if( clipThumbs ) {
if( reallyNotLocked ) {
x = snap( Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, n.oldX + dx )));
} else {
x = n.x;
y = snap( Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, n.oldY + dy )));
} else {
if( reallyNotLocked ) {
x = snap( Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, n.oldX +
dx / Math.max( 1, recentWidth - n.thumbWidth ))));
} else {
x = n.x;
y = snap( Math.max( 0f, Math.min( 1f, n.oldY +
dy / Math.max( 1, recentHeight - n.thumbHeight ))));
n2 = n;
if( reallyNotLocked && (horizEditMode != HEDIT_FREE) ) {
if( horizEditMode == HEDIT_CLAMP ) { ///////////////////
if( x < n.x ) {
for( int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
if( !nodes[ j ].selected ) {
nPred = nodes[ j ];
x = Math.max( x, nPred.x );
} else if( x > n.x ) {
for( int j = i + 1; j < nodes.length; j++ ) {
if( !nodes[ j ].selected ) {
nSucc = nodes[ j ];
x = Math.min( x, nSucc.x );
} // else nothing (no x change)
} else if( horizEditMode == HEDIT_RELAY ) { ////////////////
int pos = i;
for( int j = i + 1; j < nodes.length; j++ ) {
if( !nodes[ j ].selected || nodes[ j ].readOnly ) {
if( nodes[ j ].x >= x ) break;
pos = j;
if( pos > i ) { // shift left
nPred = n;
final float oldX = n.oldX;
final float oldY = n.oldY;
for( int j = i + 1; j <= pos; j++ ) {
nSucc = nodes[ j ];
nPred.x = nSucc.x;
nPred.y = nSucc.y;
nPred.selected = nSucc.selected;
nPred.oldX = nSucc.oldX;
nPred.oldY = nSucc.oldY;
dirty( nPred );
nPred.invalid = true;
nPred = nSucc;
nPred.x = x;
nPred.y = y;
nPred.selected = true;
nPred.oldX = oldX;
nPred.oldY = oldY;
nPred.done = true;
dirty( nPred );
nPred.invalid = true;
repaint = true;
action = true;
n2 = nPred;
} else { // check backwards
for( int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) {
if( !nodes[ j ].selected || nodes[ j ].readOnly ) {
if( nodes[ j ].x <= x ) break;
pos = j;
if( pos < i ) { // shift right
nSucc = n;
final float oldX = n.oldX;
final float oldY = n.oldY;
for( int j = i - 1; j >= pos; j-- ) {
nPred = nodes[ j ];
nSucc.x = nPred.x;
nSucc.y = nPred.y;
nSucc.selected = nPred.selected;
nSucc.oldX = nPred.oldX;
nSucc.oldY = nPred.oldY;
dirty( nSucc );
nSucc.invalid = true;
nSucc = nPred;
nSucc.x = x;
nSucc.y = y;
nSucc.selected = true;
nSucc.oldX = oldX;
nSucc.oldY = oldY;
nSucc.done = true;
dirty( nSucc );
nSucc.invalid = true;
repaint = true;
action = true;
n2 = nSucc;
if( (x != n2.x) || (y != n2.y) ) {
n2.x = x;
n2.y = y;
dirty( n2 );
n2.invalid = true;
repaint = true;
action = true;
// if( !korrupt ) {
// for( int ii = 1; ii < nodes.length; ii++ ) {
// if( nodes[ ii ].x < nodes[ ii - 1 ].x ) {
// System.out.println( "KORRUPT. Bak = " );
// korrupt = true;
// for( int jj = 0; jj < nodes.length; jj++ ) {
// System.out.println( "" + jj + " (" + nodesBak[ jj ].x + ", " + nodesBak[ jj ].y + ") " + nodesBak[ jj ].selected );
// }
// System.out.println( " New = " );
// for( int jj = 0; jj < nodes.length; jj++ ) {
// System.out.println( "" + jj + " (" + nodes[ jj ].x + ", " + nodes[ jj ].y + ")" + nodes[ jj ].selected );
// }
// }
// }
// }
if( repaint ) repaint();
if( action ) fireActionPerformed();
// if( selectedIndex != -1 ) {
// nodeJump( e );
// }
// processMouse( e, false );
private static class Node
private static final Node[] NO_CONNECTIONS = new Node[ 0 ];
private static final int SHP_STEP = 0;
private static final int SHP_LINEAR = 1;
private static final int SHP_EXPONENTIAL = 2;
private static final int SHP_SINE = 3;
private static final int SHP_WELCH = 4;
private static final int SHP_CURVE = 5;
private static final int SHP_SQUARED = 6;
private static final int SHP_CUBED = 7;
protected float x = 0f;
protected float y = 0f;
protected int shape = SHP_LINEAR;
protected float curve = 0f;
protected Color fillColor = Color.black;
protected float thumbWidth = 5f; // 12f;
protected float thumbHeight = 5f; // 12f;
protected boolean readOnly = false;
protected boolean selected = false;
protected Node[] connections = NO_CONNECTIONS;
protected String label = null;
protected final Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Float();
protected final RoundRectangle2D rr = new RoundRectangle2D.Float( 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 2f, 2f );
protected boolean invalid = true;
protected boolean done; // for dnd
protected float cx, cy, tx, ty;
// dnd
protected boolean dirty = false;
protected float oldX, oldY;
protected final int idx;
protected Node( int idx )
this.idx = idx;
protected Node( int idx, Node orig )
this.fillColor = orig.fillColor;
this.thumbWidth = orig.thumbWidth;
this.thumbHeight = orig.thumbHeight;
this.shape = orig.shape;
this.curve = orig.curve;
this.idx = idx;