* DummyTransferHandler.java
* SwingOSC
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 25-Dec-05 created
* 25-Mar-06 uses OSCClient
* 15-Jan-08 handles cut/copy/paste from/to clipboard
* 30-Jan-08 adds file-list import
package de.sciss.swingosc;
import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.ActionMap;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.TransferHandler;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener;
import de.sciss.net.OSCMessage;
* A proxy transfer handler to attach to any swing
* gadget ; the actual drag+drop handling should
* be done by the OSC client.
* <p>
* How it works: You create a <code>DummyTransferHandler</code> for a <code>JComponent</code>
* registered with the <code>SwingOSC</code> server. When the user initiates a
* drag gesture with this component being the drag source, an OSC message
* <pre>
* [ "/transfer", <var><objectID></var>, "export" ]
* </pre>
* is sent to the client who
* created the transfer handler. This client should then immediately reply
* with a
* <pre>
* [ "/set", <var><transferHandlerID></var>, \string, <var><stringRepresentation></var> ]#
* </pre>
* message if it wishes that the component's drag content can be exported
* to other applications as a string ; otherwise it should set that string
* to <code>null</code>, sending
* <pre>
* [ "/set", <var><transferHandlerID></var>, \string, [ "/ref", \null ]]
* </pre>
* <p>
* On the other hand, if a string is dragged onto the <code>JComponent</code>, a message
* <pre>
* [ "/transfer", <var><objectID></var>, "import", "string", <var><draggedString></var> ]
* </pre>
* is sent to
* the client. If the drag-and-drop happens within SwingOSC, using two <code>JComponent</code>s
* with two <code>DummyTransferHandler</code>s, instead the message
* <pre>
* [ "/transfer", <var><objectID></var>, "import", "dummy" ]
* </pre>
* is sent ; in this case the
* client is assumed to have recognized the most recent export message and "knows"
* what kind of object is being transferred. Have a look at the SuperCollider class
* <code>JSCView</code> and its usage of the <code>currentDrag</code> field to find out how this works.
* <p>
* Note that this class encompasses both the handler and the transferable.
* This will never generate separate transferables which means that setting the
* <code>stringData</code> to a value will always effect the ongoing drag-and-drop!
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.59, 25-Feb-08
public class DummyTransferHandler
extends TransferHandler
implements Transferable, MouseInputListener
private static final DataFlavor dummyFlavor = new DataFlavor( Object.class, "Dummy" );
private static final Object dummy = new Object();
private static final DataFlavor[] flavors = new DataFlavor[] {
dummyFlavor, DataFlavor.stringFlavor, DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor };
// "Meta" key modifier is only available on Mac OS X
// private static final boolean isMac = System.getProperty( "os.name" ).indexOf( "Mac OS" ) >= 0;
private final SwingOSC osc;
// private final Object objectID;
private TransferHandler oldHandler = null;
private final JComponent object;
private final SwingClient client;
protected boolean isListening = false;
private final int modifiers;
private MouseEvent dndFirstEvent = null;
private final OSCMessage exportMsg;
private final OSCMessage importDummyMsg;
private final Object[] importStringArgs;
private String stringData = null;
* Creates and registers a new transfer handler for an existing <code>JComponent</code>.
* This will also start listening to mouse events fired from that component and
* initiate a drag export automatically when a mouse drag with the specified modifier
* keys occurs.
* @param objectID SwingOSC reference pointing to a </code>JComponent<code> object
* @param modifiers mask of modifiers that need to be pressed to initiate a drag ; like
* <code>2</code> for <code>InputEvent.CTRL_MASK</code>, or
* <code>8</code> for <code>InputEvent.ALT_MASK</code>
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>objectID</code> doesn't denote a <code>JComponent</code>
public DummyTransferHandler( Object objectID, int modifiers )
osc = SwingOSC.getInstance();
client = osc.getCurrentClient();
object = (JComponent) client.getObject( objectID );
exportMsg = new OSCMessage( getOSCCommand(), new Object[] { objectID, "export" });
importDummyMsg = new OSCMessage( getOSCCommand(), new Object[] { objectID, "import", "dummy" });
importStringArgs = new Object[] { objectID, "import", "string", null };
this.modifiers = modifiers;
public void add()
if( !isListening ) {
oldHandler = object.getTransferHandler();
object.setTransferHandler( this );
object.addMouseListener( this );
object.addMouseMotionListener( this );
isListening = true;
public void remove()
if( isListening ) {
object.setTransferHandler( oldHandler );
object.removeMouseListener( this );
object.removeMouseMotionListener( this );
isListening = false;
private void installSuperBehavior()
final ActionMap amap = object.getActionMap();
final Action actionPasteFromClipboard = amap.get( "paste-from-clipboard" );
final Action actionCopyToClipboard = amap.get( "copy-to-clipboard" );
final Action actionCutToClipboard = amap.get( "cut-to-clipboard" );
if( actionPasteFromClipboard != null ) {
amap.put( "paste-from-clipboard", new ActionSuperBehavior( actionPasteFromClipboard ));
if( actionCopyToClipboard != null ) {
amap.put( "copy-to-clipboard", new ActionSuperBehavior( actionCopyToClipboard ));
if( actionCutToClipboard != null ) {
amap.put( "cut-to-clipboard", new ActionSuperBehavior( actionCutToClipboard ));
* Sets the string representation of the <code>Transferable</code>.
* This allows the drag to be exported to other applications in the
* operating system.
* @param s the string representation or <code>null</code> to
* disallow the drag to be exported to the OS
public void setString( String s )
stringData = s;
private String getOSCCommand()
return "/transfer";
// --------------- TransferHandler methods ---------------
public void exportAsDrag( JComponent c, InputEvent e, int action )
//System.err.println( "exportAsDrag " + action );
try {
client.reply( exportMsg );
catch( IOException ex ) {
SwingOSC.printException( ex, getOSCCommand() );
super.exportAsDrag( c, e, action );
public boolean importData( JComponent c, Transferable t )
//System.out.println( "import " + t );
try {
if( t.isDataFlavorSupported( dummyFlavor )) {
client.reply( importDummyMsg );
return true;
} else if( t.isDataFlavorSupported( DataFlavor.stringFlavor )) {
importStringArgs[ 3 ] = t.getTransferData( DataFlavor.stringFlavor );
client.reply( new OSCMessage( getOSCCommand(), importStringArgs ));
return true;
} else if( t.isDataFlavorSupported( DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor )) {
final List fileList = (List) t.getTransferData( DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor );
//System.out.println( "fileList.size() = " + fileList.size() );
if( !fileList.isEmpty() ) {
final Object[] importFilesArgs = new Object[ fileList.size() + 3 ];
importFilesArgs[ 0 ] = importStringArgs[ 0 ];
importFilesArgs[ 1 ] = importStringArgs[ 1 ];
importFilesArgs[ 2 ] = "files";
for( int i = 0, j = 3; i < fileList.size(); i++, j++ ) {
importFilesArgs[ j ] = ((File) fileList.get( i )).getAbsolutePath();
//System.out.println( "replying..." );
client.reply( new OSCMessage( getOSCCommand(), importFilesArgs ));
return true;
//System.out.println( "...none" );
return oldHandler == null ? super.importData( c, t ) : oldHandler.importData( c, t );
catch( IOException ex ) {
SwingOSC.printException( ex, getOSCCommand() );
catch( UnsupportedFlavorException ex ) {
SwingOSC.printException( ex, getOSCCommand() );
return false;
public boolean canImport( JComponent c, DataFlavor[] f )
//System.out.println( "canImport" );
for( int i = 0; i < f.length; i++ ) {
//System.out.println( " " + f[ i ]);
for( int j = 0; j < flavors.length; j++ ) {
if( f[ i ].equals( flavors[ j ])) return true;
//System.out.println( "... no!" );
return oldHandler == null ? super.canImport( c, f ) : oldHandler.canImport( c, f );
public int getSourceActions( JComponent c )
// return( COPY | (oldHandler == null ? super.getSourceActions( c ) : oldHandler.getSourceActions( c )));
return( COPY );
// public Icon getVisualRepresentation( Transferable t )
// {
// if( t.isDataFlavorSupported( dummyFlavor )) {
// return this;
// } else {
//// return oldHandler == null ? super.getVisualRepresentation( t ) : oldHandler.getVisualRepresentation( t );
// return super.getVisualRepresentation( t );
// }
// }
protected Transferable createTransferable( JComponent c )
//System.out.println( "createTransferable" );
return this;
// public void exportToClipboard( JComponent comp, Clipboard clip, int action )
// {
// System.out.println( "exportToClipboard" );
// super.exportToClipboard( comp, clip, action );
// }
// protected void exportDone( JComponent c, Transferable t, int action )
// {
////System.out.println( "exportDone " + t + "; " + action );
// super.exportDone( c, t, action );
// }
// protected void exportDone( JComponent c, Transferable t, int action )
// {
// if( t.isDataFlavorSupported( dummyFlavor )) {
// // XXX send OSC message here
// } else {
// super.exportDone( c, t, action );
// }
// }
private boolean hasDragModifiers( MouseEvent e )
return( (e.getModifiers() & modifiers) == modifiers );
private void checkDrag( MouseEvent e )
if( dndFirstEvent == null ) return;
if( e.getPoint().distanceSq( dndFirstEvent.getPoint() ) > 9 ) {
// e.consume();
// dndFirstEvent.consume();
// if( object instanceof AbstractButton ) {
// // fix a problem with buttons staying armed
// ((AbstractButton) object).getModel().setArmed( false );
// }
exportAsDrag( object, dndFirstEvent, COPY );
dndFirstEvent = null;
// --------------- Transferable interface ---------------
public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors()
return flavors;
public boolean isDataFlavorSupported( DataFlavor f )
for( int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++ ) {
if( f.equals( flavors[ i ])) return true;
return false;
public Object getTransferData( DataFlavor f )
throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException
if( f.equals( dummyFlavor )) {
return dummy;
} else if( f.equals( DataFlavor.stringFlavor )) {
return stringData;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedFlavorException( f );
// --------------- MouseInputListener interface ---------------
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e )
if( hasDragModifiers( e )) {
// e.consume();
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
if( e.getComponent().isEnabled() && hasDragModifiers( e )) {
dndFirstEvent = e;
// e.consume();
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
dndFirstEvent = null;
if( hasDragModifiers( e )) {
// e.consume();
public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) { /* ignored */ }
public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ){ /* ignored */ }
public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e )
checkDrag( e );
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e )
checkDrag( e );
// // --------------- Icon interface ---------------
// public void paintIcon( Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y )
// {
// g.translate( x, y );
// g.setColor( Color.red );
// g.fillRect( 0, 0, 32, 32 );
// g.translate( -x, -y );
// }
// public int getIconWidth()
// {
// return 32;
// }
// public int getIconHeight()
// {
// return 32;
// }
private class ActionSuperBehavior
extends AbstractAction
private final Action superBehavior;
protected ActionSuperBehavior( Action superBehavior )
this.superBehavior = superBehavior;
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( isListening ) {
try {
superBehavior.actionPerformed( e );
} finally {
superBehavior.actionPerformed( e );