import java.util.Arrays;
* A class which implements the <i>Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm</i>
* (LMA) fit for non-linear, multidimensional parameter space
* for any multidimensional fit function.
* <p>
* The algorithm is described in <i>Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN</i>,
* 2nd edition, p. 676-679, ISBN 0-521-43064X, 1992 and also
* <a href="">here</a> as a pdf file.
* <p>
* The matrix (<code>LMAMatrix</code>) class used in the fit is an interface, so you can use your
* favourite implementation. This package uses <code>Matrix</code> from JAMA-math libraries,
* but feel free to use anything you want. Note that you have to implement
* the actual model function and its partial derivates as <code>LMAFunction</code>
* or <code>LMAMultiDimFunction</code> before making the fit.
* <p>
* Note that there are <i>three</i> different ways to input the data points.
* Read the documentation for each constructor carefully.
* @author Janne Holopainen (,
* @version 1.2, 24.04.2007
* The algorithm is free for non-commercial use.
public class LMA {
/** Set true to print details while fitting. */
public boolean verbose = false;
* The model function to be fitted, y = y(x[], a[]),
* where <code>x[]</code> the array of x-values and <code>a</code>
* is the array of fit parameters.
public LMAMultiDimFunction function;
* The array of fit parameters (a.k.a, the a-vector).
public double[] parameters;
* Measured y-data points for which the model function is to be fitted,
* yDataPoints[j] = y(xDataPoints[j], a[]).
public double yDataPoints[];
* Measured x-data point arrays for which the model function is to be fitted,
* yDataPoints[j] = y(xDataPoints[j], a[]).
* xDataPoints.length must be equal to yDataPoints.length and
* xDataPoints[].length must equal to the fit function's dimension.
public double xDataPoints[][];
* Weights for each data point. The merit function is:
* chi2 = Sum[(y_i - y(x_i;a))^2 * w_i].
* For gaussian errors in datapoints, set w_i = (sigma_i)^-2.
public double[] weights;
public LMAMatrix alpha;
public double[] beta;
public double[] da;
public double lambda = 0.001;
public double lambdaFactor = 10;
public double incrementedChi2;
public double[] incrementedParameters;
public int iterationCount;
public double chi2;
// default end conditions
public double minDeltaChi2 = 1e-30;
public int maxIterations = 100;
* One dimensional convenience constructor for LMAFunction.
* You can also implement the same function using LMAMultiDimFunction.
* <p>
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of data points, M is the number of fit parameters.
* Call <code>fit()</code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Must be able to take M input parameters.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in an array, <code>double[0 = x, 1 = y][point index]</code>.
* Size must be <code>double[2][N]</code>.
public LMA(final LMAFunction function, double[] parameters, double[][] dataPoints) {
this(function, parameters, dataPoints, function.constructWeights(dataPoints));
* One dimensional convenience constructor for LMAFunction.
* You can also implement the same function using LMAMultiDimFunction.
* <p>
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of data points, M is the number of fit parameters.
* Call <code>fit()</code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Must be able to take M input parameters.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in an array, <code>double[0 = x, 1 = y][point index]</code>.
* Size must be <code>double[2][N]</code>.
public LMA(final LMAFunction function, double[] parameters, double[][] dataPoints, double[] weights) {
this (
// convert LMAFunction to LMAMultiDimFunction
new LMAMultiDimFunction() {
private LMAFunction f = function;
public double getPartialDerivate(double[] x, double[] a, int parameterIndex) {
return f.getPartialDerivate(x[0], a, parameterIndex);
public double getY(double[] x, double[] a) {
return f.getY(x[0], a);
dataPoints[1], // y-data
ArrayConverter.transpose(dataPoints[0]), // x-data
new JAMAMatrix(parameters.length, parameters.length)
* One dimensional convenience constructor for LMAFunction.
* You can also implement the same function using LMAMultiDimFunction.
* <p>
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of data points, M is the number of fit parameters.
* Call <code>fit()</code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Must be able to take M input parameters.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in an array, <code>float[0 = x, 1 = y][point index]</code>.
* Size must be <code>float[2][N]</code>.
public LMA(final LMAFunction function, float[] parameters, float[][] dataPoints) {
* One dimensional convenience constructor for LMAFunction.
* You can also implement the same function using LMAMultiDimFunction.
* <p>
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of data points, M is the number of fit parameters.
* Call <code>fit()</code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Must be able to take M input parameters.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in an array, <code>float[0 = x, 1 = y][point index]</code>.
* Size must be <code>float[2][N]</code>.
* @param weights The weights, normally given as: <code>weights[i] = 1 / sigma_i^2</code>.
* If you have a bad data point, set its weight to zero.
* If the given array is null, a new array is created with all elements set to 1.
public LMA(final LMAFunction function, float[] parameters, float[][] dataPoints, float[] weights) {
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Input parameter sizes K and M.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in two dimensional array where each array, dataPoints[i],
* contains one y-value followed by the corresponding x-array values.
* I.e., the arrays should look like this:
* <p>
* dataPoints[0] = y0 x00 x01 x02 ... x0[K-1]<br>
* dataPoints[1] = y1 x10 x11 x12 ... x1[K-1]<br>
* ...<br>
* dataPoints[N] = yN xN0 xN1 xN2 ... x[N-1][K-1]
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, float[] parameters, float[][] dataPoints) {
this (
new JAMAMatrix(parameters.length, parameters.length)
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Input parameter sizes K and M.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in two dimensional array where each array, dataPoints[i],
* contains one y-value followed by the corresponding x-array values.
* I.e., the arrays should look like this:
* <p>
* dataPoints[0] = y0 x00 x01 x02 ... x0[K-1]<br>
* dataPoints[1] = y1 x10 x11 x12 ... x1[K-1]<br>
* ...<br>
* dataPoints[N] = yN xN0 xN1 xN2 ... x[N-1][K-1]
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, double[] parameters, double[][] dataPoints) {
this (
new JAMAMatrix(parameters.length, parameters.length)
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Input parameter sizes K and M.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param yDataPoints The y-data points in an array.
* @param xDataPoints The x-data points for each y data point, double[y-index][x-index]
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, double[] parameters, float[] yDataPoints, float[][] xDataPoints) {
this (
function.constructWeights(ArrayConverter.combineMultiDimDataPoints(yDataPoints, xDataPoints)),
new JAMAMatrix(parameters.length, parameters.length)
* Initiates the fit with function constructed weights and a JAMA matrix.
* N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Input parameter sizes K and M.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param yDataPoints The y-data points in an array.
* @param xDataPoints The x-data points for each y data point, double[y-index][x-index]
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, double[] parameters, double[] yDataPoints, double[][] xDataPoints) {
this (
function.constructWeights(ArrayConverter.combineMultiDimDataPoints(yDataPoints, xDataPoints)),
new JAMAMatrix(parameters.length, parameters.length)
* Initiates the fit. N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Input parameter sizes K and M.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in two dimensional array where each array, dataPoints[i],
* contains one y-value followed by the corresponding x-array values.
* I.e., the arrays should look like this:
* <p>
* dataPoints[0] = y0 x00 x01 x02 ... x0[K-1]<br>
* dataPoints[1] = y1 x10 x11 x12 ... x1[K-1]<br>
* ...<br>
* dataPoints[N] = yN xN0 xN1 xN2 ... x[N-1][K-1]
* <p>
* @param weights The weights, normally given as: <code>weights[i] = 1 / sigma_i^2</code>.
* If you have a bad data point, set its weight to zero.
* If the given array is null, a new array is created with all elements set to 1.
* @param alpha An LMAMatrix instance. Must be initiated to (M x M) size.
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, float[] parameters, float[][] dataPoints, float[] weights, LMAMatrix alpha) {
* Initiates the fit. N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Input parameter sizes K and M.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param dataPoints The data points in two dimensional array where each array, dataPoints[i],
* contains one y-value followed by the corresponding x-array values.
* I.e., the arrays should look like this:
* <p>
* dataPoints[0] = y0 x00 x01 x02 ... x0[K-1]<br>
* dataPoints[1] = y1 x10 x11 x12 ... x1[K-1]<br>
* ...<br>
* dataPoints[N] = yN xN0 xN1 xN2 ... x[N-1][K-1]
* <p>
* @param weights The weights, normally given as: <code>weights[i] = 1 / sigma_i^2</code>.
* If you have a bad data point, set its weight to zero.
* If the given array is null, a new array is created with all elements set to 1.
* @param alpha An LMAMatrix instance. Must be initiated to (M x M) size.
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, double[] parameters, double[][] dataPoints, double[] weights, LMAMatrix alpha) {
SeparatedData s = ArrayConverter.separateMultiDimDataToXY(dataPoints);
this.yDataPoints = s.yDataPoints;
this.xDataPoints = s.xDataPoints;
init(function, parameters, yDataPoints, xDataPoints, weights, alpha);
* Initiates the fit. N is the number of y-data points, K is the dimension of the fit function and
* M is the number of fit parameters. Call <code></code> to start the actual fitting.
* @param function The model function to be fitted. Must be able to take M input parameters.
* @param parameters The initial guess for the fit parameters, length M.
* @param yDataPoints The y-data points in an array.
* @param xDataPoints The x-data points for each y data point, double[y-index][x-index]
* Size must be <code>double[N][K]</code>, where N is the number of measurements
* and K is the dimension of the fit function.
* @param weights The weights, normally given as: <code>weights[i] = 1 / sigma_i^2</code>.
* If you have a bad data point, set its weight to zero. If the given array is null,
* a new array is created with all elements set to 1.
* @param alpha An LMAMatrix instance. Must be initiated to (M x M) size.
public LMA(LMAMultiDimFunction function, double[] parameters, double[] yDataPoints, double[][] xDataPoints, double[] weights, LMAMatrix alpha) {
init(function, parameters, yDataPoints, xDataPoints, weights, alpha);
protected void init(LMAMultiDimFunction function, double[] parameters, double[] yDataPoints, double[][] xDataPoints, double[] weights, LMAMatrix alpha) {
if (yDataPoints.length != xDataPoints.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data must contain an x-array for each y-value. Check your xDataPoints-array.");
this.function = function;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.yDataPoints = yDataPoints;
this.xDataPoints = xDataPoints;
this.weights = checkWeights(yDataPoints.length, weights);
this.incrementedParameters = new double[parameters.length];
this.alpha = alpha;
this.beta = new double[parameters.length];
this.da = new double[parameters.length];
* The default fit. If used after calling fit(lambda, minDeltaChi2, maxIterations),
* uses those values. The stop condition is fetched from <code>this.stop()</code>.
* Override <code>this.stop()</code> if you want to use another stop condition.
public void fit() throws LMAMatrix.InvertException {
iterationCount = 0;
if (Double.isNaN(calculateChi2())) throw new RuntimeException("INITIAL PARAMETERS ARE ILLEGAL.");
do {
chi2 = calculateChi2();
if (verbose) System.out.println(iterationCount + ": chi2 = " + chi2 + ", " + Arrays.toString(parameters));
try {
incrementedChi2 = calculateIncrementedChi2();
// The guess results to worse chi2 or NaN - make the step smaller
if (incrementedChi2 >= chi2 || Double.isNaN(incrementedChi2)) {
lambda *= lambdaFactor;
// The guess results to better chi2 - move and make the step larger
else {
lambda /= lambdaFactor;
catch (LMAMatrix.InvertException e) {
// If the error happens on the last round, the fit has failed - throw the error out
if (iterationCount == maxIterations) throw e;
// otherwise make the step smaller and try again
if (verbose) {
lambda *= lambdaFactor;
} while (!stop());
private void printEndReport() {
if (verbose) {
System.out.println(" ***** FIT ENDED ***** ");
System.out.println(" Goodness: " + chi2Goodness());
try {
System.out.println(" Parameter std errors: " + Arrays.toString(getStandardErrorsOfParameters()));
catch (LMAMatrix.InvertException e) {
System.err.println(" Fit ended OK, but cannot calculate covariance matrix.");
System.out.println(" ********************* ");
System.out.println(" ********************* ");
* Initializes and starts the fit. The stop condition is fetched from <code>this.stop()</code>.
* Override <code>this.stop()</code> if you want to use another stop condition.
public void fit(double lambda, double minDeltaChi2, int maxIterations) throws LMAMatrix.InvertException {
this.lambda = lambda;
this.minDeltaChi2 = minDeltaChi2;
this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
* The stop condition for the fit.
* Override this if you want to use another stop condition.
public boolean stop() {
return Math.abs(chi2 - incrementedChi2) < minDeltaChi2 || iterationCount > maxIterations;
/** Updates parameters from incrementedParameters. */
protected void updateParameters() {
System.arraycopy(incrementedParameters, 0, parameters, 0, parameters.length);
* Solves the increments array (<code>this.da</code>) using alpha and beta.
* Then updates the <code>this.incrementedParameters</code> array.
* NOTE: Inverts alpha. Call at least <code>updateAlpha()</code> before calling this.
protected void solveIncrements() throws LMAMatrix.InvertException {
alpha.invert(); // throws InvertException if matrix is singular
alpha.multiply(beta, da);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
incrementedParameters[i] = parameters[i] + da[i];
* @return The calculated evalution function value (chi2) for the given parameter array.
* NOTE: Does not change the value of chi2.
protected double calculateChi2(double[] a) {
double result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yDataPoints.length; i++) {
double dy = yDataPoints[i] - function.getY(xDataPoints[i], a);
// check if NaN occurred
if (Double.isNaN(dy)) {
"Chi2 calculation produced a NaN value at point " + i + ":\n" +
" x = " + Arrays.toString(xDataPoints[i]) + "\n" +
" y = " + yDataPoints[i] + "\n" +
" parameters: " + Arrays.toString(a) + "\n" +
" iteration count = " + iterationCount
return Double.NaN;
result += weights[i] * dy * dy;
return result;
* @return The calculated evaluation function value for the current fit parameters.
* NOTE: Does not change the value of chi2.
protected double calculateChi2() {
return calculateChi2(parameters);
* @return The calculated evaluation function value for the incremented parameters (da + a).
* NOTE: Does not change the value of chi2.
protected double calculateIncrementedChi2() {
return calculateChi2(incrementedParameters);
/** Calculates all elements for <code>this.alpha</code>. */
protected void updateAlpha() {
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) {
alpha.setElement(i, j, calculateAlphaElement(i, j));
* @return An calculated lambda weighted element for the alpha-matrix.
* NOTE: Does not change the value of alpha-matrix.
protected double calculateAlphaElement(int row, int col) {
double result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yDataPoints.length; i++) {
result +=
weights[i] *
function.getPartialDerivate(xDataPoints[i], parameters, row) *
function.getPartialDerivate(xDataPoints[i], parameters, col);
// Marquardt's lambda addition
if (row == col) result *= (1 + lambda);
return result;
/** Calculates all elements for <code>this.beta</code>. */
protected void updateBeta() {
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
beta[i] = calculateBetaElement(i);
* @return An calculated element for the beta-matrix.
* NOTE: Does not change the value of beta-matrix.
protected double calculateBetaElement(int row) {
double result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yDataPoints.length; i++) {
result +=
weights[i] *
(yDataPoints[i] - function.getY(xDataPoints[i], parameters)) *
function.getPartialDerivate(xDataPoints[i], parameters, row);
return result;
/** @return Estimate for goodness of fit, used for binned data, Sum[(y_data - y_fit)^2 / y_data] */
public float getRelativeChi2() {
float result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yDataPoints.length; i++) {
double dy = yDataPoints[i] - function.getY(xDataPoints[i], parameters);
if (yDataPoints[i] != 0) {
result += (float) (dy * dy) / yDataPoints[i];
return result;
/** @return Estimate for goodness of fit, Sum[|y_data - y_fit| / y_fit] / n */
public float getMeanRelativeError() {
float result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < yDataPoints.length; i++) {
double fy = function.getY(xDataPoints[i], parameters);
double dy = Math.abs(yDataPoints[i] - fy);
if (fy != 0) {
result += (float) (dy / fy);
return result / (float) yDataPoints.length;
/** @return Estimate for goodness of fit, Sum[(y_data - y_fit)^2] / n */
public float chi2Goodness() {
return (float) (chi2 / (double) (yDataPoints.length - parameters.length));
* Checks that the given array in not null, filled with zeros or contain negative weights.
* @return A valid weights array.
protected double[] checkWeights(int length, double[] weights) {
boolean damaged = false;
// check for null
if (weights == null) {
damaged = true;
weights = new double[length];
// check if all elements are zeros or if there are negative, NaN or Infinite elements
else {
boolean allZero = true;
boolean illegalElement = false;
for (int i = 0; i < weights.length && !illegalElement; i++) {
if (weights[i] < 0 || Double.isNaN(weights[i]) || Double.isInfinite(weights[i])) illegalElement = true;
allZero = (weights[i] == 0) && allZero;
damaged = allZero || illegalElement;
if (!damaged) return weights;
System.out.println("WARNING: weights were not well defined. All elements set to 1.");
Arrays.fill(weights, 1);
return weights;
* @return The covariance matrix of the fit parameters.
* @throws LMAMatrix.InvertException if the inversion of alpha fails.
* Note that even if the fit does NOT throw the invert exception,
* this method can still do it, because here alpha is inverted with lambda = 0.
public double[][] getCovarianceMatrixOfStandardErrorsInParameters() throws LMAMatrix.InvertException {
double[][] result = new double[parameters.length][parameters.length];
double oldLambda = lambda;
lambda = 0;
try {
catch (LMAMatrix.InvertException e) {
// restore alpha just in case
lambda = oldLambda;
throw new LMAMatrix.InvertException("Inverting alpha failed with lambda = 0\n" + e.getMessage());
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
result[i][j] = alpha.getElement(i, j);
lambda = oldLambda;
return result;
* @return The estimated standard errors of the fit parameters.
* @throws LMAMatrix.InvertException if the inversion of alpha fails.
* Note that even if the fit does NOT throw the invert exception,
* this method can still do it, because here alpha is inverted with lambda = 0.
public double[] getStandardErrorsOfParameters() throws LMAMatrix.InvertException {
double[][] cov = getCovarianceMatrixOfStandardErrorsInParameters();
if (cov == null) return null;
double[] result = new double[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
result[i] = Math.sqrt(cov[i][i]);
return result;
* @return Fit function values with the current x- and parameter-values.
public double[] generateData() {
return function.generateData(this);