This file is part of spectralHMM.
spectralHMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
spectralHMM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with spectralHMM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.oneD;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Formatter;
import org.nevec.rjm.BigDecimalMath;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.FlaggedOption;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAP;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Parameter;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.SimpleJSAP;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.Switch;
import com.martiansoftware.jsap.stringparsers.FileStringParser;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.algorithms.Combinatorics;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.MatrixPower;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded.EigenRefineError;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded.EigenRefineException;
public class SelectionHMM {
public static BigDecimal run (BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, InitialConditionEnum initCondition, BigDecimal initFrequency, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int maxN, TimedSample sample, Boolean ignoreBinomials, boolean condOnLastSegregating, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
// get the sample
ArrayList<BigDecimal> times = sample.times;
ArrayList<Integer> N = sample.N;
ArrayList<Integer> S = sample.S;
// this the number of samples
int numSamples = N.size();
// everything all right?
assert (times.size() == N.size() + 1);
assert (times.size() == S.size() + 1);
// a and b
ArrayList<ArrayList<BigDecimal>> a = new ArrayList<ArrayList<BigDecimal>> (numSamples + 1);
ArrayList<ArrayList<BigDecimal>> b = new ArrayList<ArrayList<BigDecimal>> (numSamples + 1);
// initialize for all timepoints
for (int i = 0; i <= numSamples; i++) {
ArrayList<BigDecimal> va = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>(maxN + 1);
ArrayList<BigDecimal> vb = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>(maxN + 1);
// get constants
BigDecimal C = SelectionEigenfunktion.getC (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
BigDecimal c0 = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluateSquaredLength (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, 0, mc);
// check C
System.out.println ("# [see]\t" + C + "\t" + c0);
BigDecimal[][] W = SelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenVectorMatrixCopy (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxN+1, maxM+1, mc);
// transpose the matrix
BigDecimal[][] tildeW = MatrixPower.transpose (W);
for (int j = 0; j <= maxN; j++) {
BigDecimal cj = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluateSquaredLength(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, j, mc);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxM; i++) {
tildeW[i][j] = tildeW[i][j].divide(cj, mc);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxM; i++) {
BigDecimal ciSquaredLength = JacobiPolynomials.evaluateSquaredLength (alpha, beta, i, mc);
for (int j = 0; j <= maxN; j++) {
tildeW[i][j] = tildeW[i][j].multiply(ciSquaredLength, mc);
// copy the initial values
ArrayList<BigDecimal> vb0 = b.get(0);
// and initialize them
if (initCondition == InitialConditionEnum.MutationSelection) {
// this is initial vector for mutation selection balance
for (int n = 0; n <= maxN; n++) {
// don't forget the normalizing constant
if (n == 0) vb0.add(C.divide(c0, mc));
else vb0.add(BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(mc.getPrecision()));
else if (initCondition == InitialConditionEnum.InitialFrequency) {
// this is initial vector for a given initial frequency
for (int n = 0; n <= maxN; n++) {
BigDecimal BnX = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluate (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, initFrequency, mc);
BigDecimal cn = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluateSquaredLength (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, mc);
vb0.add (BnX.divide(cn, mc));
else if (initCondition == InitialConditionEnum.MutationDrift) {
// this is initial vector for a drift mutation balance
//implicitly using heterozygous and homozygous fitnesses for hetF and homF
BigDecimal mHetF = BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(hetF, mc);
BigDecimal mHomF = BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(homF, mc);
// get a copy of the eigenvector
BigDecimal[] v = SelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenVectorCopy(alpha, beta, mHetF, mHomF, matrixCutoff, maxM, 0, mc);
BigDecimal Cp = SelectionEigenfunktion.getC (alpha, beta, mHetF, mHomF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
BigDecimal thisBetaFunction = JacobiPolynomials.betaFunction(alpha, beta, mc);
for (int i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
v[i] = v[i].multiply(JacobiPolynomials.evaluateSquaredLength (alpha, beta, i, mc), mc);
// calculate entries
for (int n = 0; n <= maxN; n++) {
BigDecimal value = BigDecimal.ZERO;
for (int m=0; m<=maxM; m++) {
BigDecimal increment = W[n][m].multiply(v[m], mc);
value = value.add(increment, mc);
BigDecimal cn = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluateSquaredLength (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, mc);
value = value.divide(cn, mc).divide(thisBetaFunction, mc).divide(Cp, mc);
else {
// no other initial condition allowed for now
assert (false);
// analyze sample
for (int k = 1; k <= numSamples; k++) {
Integer Nk = N.get(k-1);
Integer Sk = S.get(k-1);
//update a's
ArrayList<BigDecimal> va = a.get(k);
for (int n = 0; n <= maxN; n++) {
BigDecimal LambdaN = SelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenValue (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, mc);
BigDecimal val = BigDecimalMath.exp (BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(mc.getPrecision()).subtract(times.get(k).subtract(times.get(k-1), mc).multiply(LambdaN , mc), mc), mc);
val = val.multiply(b.get(k-1).get(n), mc);
//update b's
ArrayList<BigDecimal> vb = b.get(k);
// get the whole N
BigDecimal[][] nMatrix = getNMatrix (alpha, beta, Nk, Sk, maxM, mc);
BigDecimal[][] aMat = new BigDecimal[1][maxN+1];
for (int i = 0; i <= maxN; i++) {
aMat[0][i] = a.get(k).get(i);
BigDecimal[][] ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded(aMat, W, maxN, maxM, mc);
ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded(ret, nMatrix, maxM, Nk, mc);
ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded(ret, tildeW, maxM, maxM, mc);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxN; i++) {
if (! ignoreBinomials) {
// calculate the binomial
BigDecimal binom = new BigDecimal (Combinatorics.choose(N.get(k-1), S.get(k-1)).toString());
ret[0][i] = ret[0][i].multiply(binom, mc);
// to get final answer, we see whether we want to condition
BigDecimal ans = b.get(numSamples).get(0);
// whats the conditioning
if (!condOnLastSegregating) {
// just normalize it with the right value
ans = ans.multiply(c0, mc).divide(C, mc);
else {
// if we condition on the last one segregating, we have to normalize our result
// we have to start with the initial condition in b^(0) and evolve it all the way till the end
// get the total time
BigDecimal totalTime = times.get(numSamples).subtract (times.get (0), mc);
// and evolve
ArrayList<BigDecimal> totalA = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>(maxN + 1);
for (int n = 0; n <= maxN; n++) {
BigDecimal LambdaN = SelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenValue (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, mc);
BigDecimal val = BigDecimalMath.exp (BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(totalTime, mc).multiply(LambdaN , mc), mc);
val = val.multiply(b.get(0).get(n), mc);
// then compute the probability of finding no derived allele at the end
// we only need endB_0
// thus, we only need some matrix product between some endA matrix
BigDecimal[][] totalAMat = new BigDecimal[1][maxN+1];
for (int i = 0; i <= maxN; i++) {
totalAMat[0][i] = totalA.get(i);
// end the corresponding sampling matrix
int lastN = N.get(N.size()-1);
BigDecimal[][] nMatrix = getNMatrix (alpha, beta, lastN, 0, maxM, mc);
// with some W involved
BigDecimal[][] ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded (totalAMat, W, maxN, maxM, mc);
ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded(ret, nMatrix, maxM, lastN, mc);
ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded(ret, tildeW, maxM, maxM, mc);
// copy the last entry
BigDecimal totalB_0 = ret[0][0];
if (! ignoreBinomials) {
// calculate the binomial
BigDecimal binom = new BigDecimal (Combinatorics.choose(lastN, 0).toString());
totalB_0 = totalB_0.multiply(binom, mc);
// then adjust the final answer (divide by prob of segregating) [put the factor in there]
ans = ans.divide (C.divide(c0, mc).subtract (totalB_0, mc), mc);
// and return the result
return ans;
public static BigDecimal[][] getNMatrix(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, Integer Nk, Integer Sk, int maxM, MathContext mc) {
BigDecimal[][] L = JacobiPolynomials.coefficientMatrix(alpha, beta, Sk, maxM, mc, true);
BigDecimal[][] M = JacobiPolynomials.coefficientMatrix(alpha, beta, Nk - Sk, maxM, mc, false);
BigDecimal[][] ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded (L, M, Sk, Nk - Sk, mc);
return ret;
private static BigDecimal[][] getNMatrixRescaled(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, Integer Nk, Integer Sk, int maxM, MathContext mc) {
BigDecimal[][] L = JacobiPolynomials.coefficientMatrixRescaled(alpha, beta, Nk, Sk, maxM, mc, true, (Sk > Nk - Sk));
BigDecimal[][] M = JacobiPolynomials.coefficientMatrixRescaled(alpha, beta, Nk, Nk - Sk, maxM, mc, false, (Sk <= Nk - Sk));
BigDecimal[][] ret = MatrixPower.multiplyMatricesBanded (L, M, Sk, Nk - Sk, mc);
return ret;
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
// private static BigDecimal[][] getEigenfunctions(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int maxN, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
// // make a grid
// int resolution = 50;
// BigDecimal bigResolution = new BigDecimal(resolution);
// BigDecimal[] theGrid = new BigDecimal[resolution + 1];
// // beginning
// theGrid[0] = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// theGrid[0] = theGrid[0].setScale(mc.getPrecision());
// // the middle
// for (int i=1; i< resolution; i++) {
// theGrid[i] = new BigDecimal(i).divide(bigResolution, mc);
// theGrid[i] = theGrid[i].setScale(mc.getPrecision());
// }
// // end
// theGrid[resolution] = BigDecimal.ONE;
// theGrid[resolution] = theGrid[resolution].setScale(mc.getPrecision());
// // we also need the weight function on the yGrid
// BigDecimal[] weightFunction = new BigDecimal[theGrid.length];
// for (int y=0; y<weightFunction.length; y++) {
//// exp(\bar\sigma(y)) y^(alpha-1) (1-y)^(beta-1)
// BigDecimal jacobiWeight = BigDecimalMath.pow(theGrid[y], alpha.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE, mc), mc).multiply(BigDecimalMath.pow (BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(theGrid[y], mc), beta.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE, mc), mc), mc);
// weightFunction[y] = (BigDecimalMath.exp (SelectionEigenfunktion.meanFitness(hetF, homF, theGrid[y], mc), mc)).multiply (jacobiWeight, mc);
// }
// // get the forward eigenfunctions on that grid
// BigDecimal[][] results = new BigDecimal[maxN+1][theGrid.length];
// for (int n=0; n<=maxN; n++) {
// for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
// results[n][y] = weightFunction[y].multiply(SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluate (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, theGrid[y], mc), mc);
// }
// }
// return results;
// }
public static BigDecimal N(int j, int l, int nk, int sk, BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, MathContext mc) {
// just to be sure
assert (nk >= sk);
// initialize return value
BigDecimal ret = BigDecimal.ZERO;
int offset = JacobiPolynomials.calculateOffset(alpha, beta);
for (int mu = Math.max(0, Math.max(j - sk, l - (nk - sk))); mu <= Math.min(j + sk, l + (nk - sk)); mu++){
ret = ret.add(JacobiPolynomials.L(alpha, beta, j, mu, sk, offset, mc).multiply(JacobiPolynomials.M(alpha, beta, mu, l, (nk-sk), offset, mc), mc), mc);
// multiply it with length
BigDecimal clSquaredLength = JacobiPolynomials.evaluateSquaredLength (alpha, beta, l, mc);
ret = ret.multiply(clSquaredLength, mc);
// return the final thing
return ret;
// debugging output of the vector
private static void printVector (String name, ArrayList<BigDecimal> vb0, int maxN, BigDecimal c0, BigDecimal C, MathContext mc) {
System.out.println ("# " + name + "\t");
for (BigDecimal value : vb0) {
System.out.println (value + "\t");
assert (vb0.size() == maxN + 1);
// wrapper to catch exceptions a bit better
public static void main (String[] args) {
try {
realMain (args);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println ("Error: Invalid input file secified:\n\t" + e.getMessage());
} catch (JSAPException e) {
System.err.println ("Error while parsing command line arguments (--help for usage):\n\t" + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println ("I/O error:\n\t" + e.getMessage());
public static void realMain (String[] args) throws JSAPException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// build a parser for the input file, with the right parameters
FileStringParser myFileParser = FileStringParser.getParser();
// build the jsap object
SimpleJSAP jsap = new SimpleJSAP(
"Analyze temporal data using a spectral HMM method.",
new Parameter[] {
new FlaggedOption( "inputFile", myFileParser, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'f', "inputFile", "Specify an input file. See documentation for formatting." ),
new Switch ("mutSelBalance", 'j', "mutSelBalance", "Set the initial condition to be selection-drift balance."),
new Switch ("mutDriftBalance", 'd', "mutDriftBalance", "Set the initial condition to be mutation-drift balance."),
new FlaggedOption( "initFrequency", JSAP.BIGDECIMAL_PARSER, "-0.5", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'i', "initFrequency", "Set the initial frequency." ),
new FlaggedOption( "initTime", JSAP.BIGDECIMAL_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 't', "initTime", "The initial time. If not given, the initial time is expected to be in the file with each dataset. Also, this only works with multiplexing." ),
new FlaggedOption( "mutToBenef", JSAP.BIGDECIMAL_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'a', "mutToBenef", "The mutation rate from the wild type allele to the selected allele." ),
new FlaggedOption( "mutFromBenef", JSAP.BIGDECIMAL_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'b', "mutFromBenef", "The mutation rate from the selected allele to the wild-type allele." ),
new FlaggedOption( "selection", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 's', "selection", "Selection coefficient s (can be a range: [start:step:stop])." ),
new FlaggedOption( "dominance", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'h', "dominance", "Dominance parameter h (can be a range: [start:step:stop])." ),
new FlaggedOption( "hetF", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'w', "hetF", "Fitness of the heterozygote (can be a range: [start:step:stop])." ),
new FlaggedOption( "homF", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'v', "homF", "Fitness of the homozygote (can be a range: [start:step:stop])." ),
new FlaggedOption( "effPopSize", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'e', "effPopSize", "The effective population size (diploid)." ),
new FlaggedOption( "yearsPerGen", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'y', "yearsPerGen", "Specify how many years a generation takes." ),
new FlaggedOption( "matrixCutoff", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'c', "matrixCutoff", "The cutoff for the matrix whose eigenvectors yield the coefficients for the eigenfunctions." ),
new FlaggedOption( "maxM", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'm', "maxM", "Specify how many summands to use in the infinite sum for each eigenfunction." ),
new FlaggedOption( "maxN", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'n', "maxN", "Specify how many eigenfunctions/-values to use in the computations." ),
new FlaggedOption( "precision", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, 'p', "precision", "Specify a precision to be used for the computations. This gives the number of significant digits used." ),
new Switch ("ignoreBinomials", 'z', "ignoreBinomials", "If set, the likelihood is calculated without the binomial coefficients required to make it a probability."),
new Switch ("multiplex", JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG, "multiplex", "Analyze each of the multiple datasests given in the input file using all the selection parameters specified."),
new Switch ("condOnLastSegregating", JSAP.NO_SHORTFLAG, "condOnLastSegregating", "When set, condition on the last sample being segregating."),
JSAPResult config = jsap.parse(args);
if (jsap.messagePrinted()) { System.exit(1); }
// what about the binomials
boolean ignoreBinomials = config.getBoolean ("ignoreBinomials");
// what about multiplexing
boolean multiplex = config.getBoolean ("multiplex");
// what about conditioning
boolean condOnLastSegregating = config.getBoolean ("condOnLastSegregating");
// precision
int precision = config.getInt("precision");
int scale = precision;
// set precision and some math context
MathContext mc = new MathContext (precision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
// what is the parametrization
boolean paramByHS = false;
String param1Name = null, param2Name = null;
// selection parameterization
if (config.contains("selection") && config.contains("dominance")) {
paramByHS = true;
param1Name = "selection";
param2Name = "dominance";
if (config.contains("hetF") || config.contains("homF")) {
System.err.println("Specify exactly either the selection and dominance parameters, or the heterozygote and homozygote advantage parameters");
else if (config.contains("hetF") && config.contains("homF")) {
param1Name = "hetF";
param2Name = "homF";
if (config.contains("selection") || config.contains("dominance")) {
System.err.println("Specify exactly either the selection and dominance parameters, or the heterozygote and homozygote advantage parameters");
else {
System.err.println("Specify exactly either the selection and dominance parameters, or the heterozygote and homozygote advantage parameters");
// initial time?
BigDecimal initTime = null;
boolean initTimesInFile = !config.contains ("initTime");
if (initTimesInFile) {
if (!multiplex) {
System.err.println ("The flag timesInFile only works together with multiplexing.");
else {
//we do have an initial time
initTime = config.getBigDecimal("initTime");
// get the initial condition right
BigDecimal initialFrequency = config.getBigDecimal("initFrequency");
boolean initFreqSet = (initialFrequency.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0d) && (initialFrequency.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) <= 0d);
boolean mutSelSet = config.getBoolean ("mutSelBalance");
boolean mutDriftSet = config.getBoolean ("mutDriftBalance");
// not check whether exactly one is set, and which one it is
InitialConditionEnum initialCondition = null;
if (initFreqSet && !mutSelSet && !mutDriftSet) {
// initial frequency given
initialCondition = InitialConditionEnum.InitialFrequency;
else if (!initFreqSet && mutSelSet && !mutDriftSet) {
// mutation selection balance requested
initialCondition = InitialConditionEnum.MutationSelection;
else if (!initFreqSet && !mutSelSet && mutDriftSet) {
// mutation drift balance requested
initialCondition = InitialConditionEnum.MutationDrift;
else {
System.err.println ("Must specify consistent initial conditions.");
// get input file
File inputFile = config.getFile("inputFile");
// get raw mutation parameters
BigDecimal Ne = (new BigDecimal(config.getString("effPopSize"))).setScale(scale);
BigDecimal preAlpha = config.getBigDecimal("mutToBenef").setScale(scale);
if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(preAlpha) >= 0) throw new IOException ("Zero mutation rate not implemented yet.");
BigDecimal preBeta = config.getBigDecimal("mutFromBenef").setScale(scale);
if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(preBeta) >= 0) throw new IOException ("Zero mutation rate not implemented yet.");
// and rescale them to be population scaled
BigDecimal alpha = (new BigDecimal("4")).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(preAlpha, mc);
BigDecimal beta = (new BigDecimal("4")).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(preBeta, mc);
BigDecimal yearsPerGen = (new BigDecimal(config.getString("yearsPerGen"))).setScale(scale);
BigDecimal[] param1Range = null;
BigDecimal[] param2Range = null;
// some raw selection coefficients
if (config.contains("selection")) {
param1Range = parseRange (config.getString("selection"), scale, mc);
param2Range = parseRange (config.getString("dominance"), scale, mc);
if (config.contains("hetF")) {
param1Range = parseRange (config.getString("hetF"), scale, mc);
param2Range = parseRange (config.getString("homF"), scale, mc);
// fill the list of values
ArrayList<BigDecimal> param1s = buildRange (param1Range[0], param1Range[1], param1Range[2], mc);
// also we need the other parameters
// make a list of other parameters
ArrayList<BigDecimal> param2s = buildRange (param2Range[0], param2Range[1], param2Range[2], mc);
// the remaining parameters
int matrixCutoff = config.getInt("matrixCutoff");
int maxM = config.getInt("maxM");
int maxN = config.getInt("maxN");
assert(maxM <= matrixCutoff);
assert(maxN <= maxM);
//print the command line arguments directly, and also the parameters nicely
// PrintStream[] outStreams = new PrintStream[]{System.out, System.err};
PrintStream[] outStreams = new PrintStream[]{System.out};
for (PrintStream outStream: outStreams) {
outStream.print("# Command-line arguments: ");
for (String arg: args) {
outStream.print(arg + " ");
outStream.println("# Parameter values:");
outStream.println("# mutToBenef = " + bigDecimalToString(preAlpha));
outStream.println("# alpha = " + bigDecimalToString(alpha));
outStream.println("# mutFromBenef = " + bigDecimalToString(preBeta));
outStream.println("# beta = " + bigDecimalToString(beta));
outStream.println("# selection param 1 (" + param1Name + ") = " + bigDecimalToString(param1Range[0]) + "\t" + bigDecimalToString(param1Range[1]) + "\t" + bigDecimalToString(param1Range[2]));
outStream.println("# selection param 2 (" + param2Name + ") = " + bigDecimalToString(param2Range[0]) + "\t" + bigDecimalToString(param2Range[1]) + "\t" + bigDecimalToString(param2Range[2]));
outStream.println("# precision = " + precision);
outStream.println("# matrixCutoff = " + matrixCutoff);
outStream.println("# maxM = " + maxM);
outStream.println("# maxN = " + maxN);
outStream.println("# effective Population size = " + bigDecimalToString(Ne) + " diploids");
outStream.println("# Years per generation = " + bigDecimalToString(yearsPerGen));
outStream.println("# ignore binomials = " + ignoreBinomials);
outStream.println("# mulitplex = " + multiplex);
outStream.println("# condition on last segregating = " + condOnLastSegregating);
outStream.println ("# initial times in input file = " + initTimesInFile);
ArrayList<TimedSample> listOfSamples = new ArrayList<TimedSample>();
// get the data
if (!multiplex) {
// only one dataset
// read it
ArrayList<BigDecimal> rawTimes = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
ArrayList<Integer> N = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> S = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// parse it from file
parseInputSingleData (new FileReader(inputFile), rawTimes, N, S, scale);
// add an additional time for the beginning
assert (!rawTimes.isEmpty());
rawTimes.add (0, initTime);
// check here
if (!ordered (rawTimes)) {
throw new IOException ("The times are not increasing.");
// adjust times in the sample for Ne and generation time
BigDecimal divisor = (new BigDecimal("2")).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(yearsPerGen, mc);
ArrayList<BigDecimal> times = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
for (BigDecimal time : rawTimes) {
times.add (time.divide(divisor, mc));
// put it into a list
listOfSamples.add (new TimedSample(times, N, S));
else {
// a lot of datasets
listOfSamples = parseInputMultipleSamples (new FileReader(inputFile), initTimesInFile, initTime, Ne, yearsPerGen, mc);
if (condOnLastSegregating) {
// see, what's the minimal sample that occurs at the last position
int minLastPosition = scanLastPosForMin (listOfSamples);
if (minLastPosition < 1) {
System.err.println ("If we analyze samples conditional on segregation at last timepoint, then all your samples should be segregating.");
// build some likelihood surface
for (BigDecimal param1 : param1s) {
for (BigDecimal param2 : param2s) {
// some variables
BigDecimal hetF, homF, h=null, s;
//which parametrization?
if (paramByHS) {
// homF = s
homF = param1;
// homF = s*h
hetF = param2.multiply(param1, mc);
// get the others for printing
s = param1;
h = param2;
else {
hetF = param1;
homF = param2;
// get the others to print nicely
s = homF;
if (homF.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) {
h = hetF.divide(homF, mc);
BigDecimal hetFScaled = (new BigDecimal("2")).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(hetF, mc);
BigDecimal homFScaled = (new BigDecimal("2")).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(homF, mc);
BigDecimal sigma = (new BigDecimal("2")).setScale(scale).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(s, mc);
// print sigma into comment
System.out.println("# " + param1Name + " = " + bigDecimalToString(hetF) + "\t" + param2Name + " = " + bigDecimalToString(homF));
System.out.println("# hetF = " + bigDecimalToString(hetF) + "\thomF = " + bigDecimalToString(homF));
System.out.println("# hetFScaled = " + bigDecimalToString(hetFScaled) + "\thomFScaled = " + bigDecimalToString(homFScaled));
System.out.println("# s = " + bigDecimalToString(s) + "\th = " + (h == null ? "undefined" : bigDecimalToString(h)));
System.out.println("# sigma = " + bigDecimalToString(sigma));
// need a flag
boolean successful = true;
// now iterate over all samples
for (int d=0; d<listOfSamples.size(); d++) {
TimedSample thisSample = listOfSamples.get(d);
// compute the likelihood
BigDecimal ans;
try {
// have we been successful before
if (successful) {
// run it
ans = run (alpha, beta, hetFScaled, homFScaled, initialCondition, initialFrequency, matrixCutoff, maxM, maxN, thisSample, ignoreBinomials, condOnLastSegregating, mc);
else {
// if not, return the dummy
ans = returnUnsuccessful;
} catch (EigenRefineException e) {
// say something about not converged
System.out.println ("# [EXCEPTION (maybe recoverable)] " + e.getMessage());
// remember that it was not successful
successful = false;
// and give a dummy value
ans = returnUnsuccessful;
} catch (EigenRefineError e) {
// say something about not converged
System.out.println ("# [ERROR (not recoverable)] " + e.getMessage());
// remember that it was not successful
successful = false;
// and give a dummy value
ans = returnUnsuccessful;
// print sample
printSample (thisSample, initialCondition, initialFrequency, System.out);
// print result out
String outPut = "";
// add sample number if you want
if (listOfSamples.size() > 1) {
// plus one, cause we want a more natural numbering
outPut += (d+1) + "\t";
// add first selection parameter
outPut += bigDecimalToString(param1) + "\t";
// add second selection parameter
outPut += bigDecimalToString(param2) + "\t";
// print it
System.out.println (outPut + ans);
// clear caches
// only selection, after all samples have been done
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.printf("# Elapsed time = %d ms\n", endTime-startTime);
private static boolean ordered (ArrayList<BigDecimal> times) {
for (int i=1; i<times.size(); i++) {
if (times.get(i-1).compareTo(times.get(i)) >= 0) return false;
return true;
private static int scanLastPosForMin(ArrayList<TimedSample> listOfSamples) {
// get the number of sampling times
// WARNING: we allow this to vary
// and start finding the minimum
int thisNumSamplingTimes = listOfSamples.get(0).S.size();
int min = listOfSamples.get(0).S.get(thisNumSamplingTimes-1);
for (int i=1; i<listOfSamples.size(); i++) {
thisNumSamplingTimes = listOfSamples.get(i).S.size();
min = Math.min (min, listOfSamples.get(i).S.get(thisNumSamplingTimes-1));
// give it away
return min;
private static ArrayList<TimedSample> parseInputMultipleSamples (FileReader fileReader, boolean initTimesInFile, BigDecimal initTime, BigDecimal Ne, BigDecimal yearsPerGen, MathContext mc) throws IOException {
// the list with the results
ArrayList<TimedSample> listOfSamples = new ArrayList<SelectionHMM.TimedSample>();
// create an object to read lines
LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader (fileReader);
// and go through lines
String line;
// each line should contain a sample
while ((line = lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
// ignore lines starting with '#'
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.trim().isEmpty()) continue;
// new containers
ArrayList<BigDecimal> rawTimes = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
if (!initTimesInFile) {
// add the standard initTime
rawTimes.add (initTime);
ArrayList<Integer> sampleSizes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> numDerivedAlleles = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// get the values
readVectorFromLine (line, initTimesInFile, rawTimes, sampleSizes, numDerivedAlleles);
// there should be some time
if (rawTimes.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("no times");
// adjust times in the sample for Ne and generation time
BigDecimal divisor = (new BigDecimal("2")).multiply(Ne, mc).multiply(yearsPerGen, mc);
ArrayList<BigDecimal> times = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
for (BigDecimal time : rawTimes) {
times.add (time.divide(divisor, mc));
// put it into a list
listOfSamples.add (new TimedSample(times, sampleSizes, numDerivedAlleles));
// give away the list of samples read in
return listOfSamples;
static void readVectorFromLine(String line, boolean initTimesInFile, ArrayList<BigDecimal> rawTimes, ArrayList<Integer> sampleSizes, ArrayList<Integer> numDerivedAlleles) throws IOException {
// first clear the lists
// get the three-tuples from the vector
// first split it into larger pieces
String[] fields = line.split(";");
int sampleIdx = 0;
if (initTimesInFile) {
// the first entry should only be the time
rawTimes.add (new BigDecimal(fields[0].trim()));
// set index to skip the first entry in the rest
sampleIdx = 1;
// now, if we should have a time in the file, then it should be at the first position
for (; sampleIdx<fields.length; sampleIdx++) {
// then split the fields into hopefully three pieces
String[] pieces = fields[sampleIdx].split("(\\))|(\\()|(\\,)");
// we have to clean it a bit
ArrayList<String> cleanPieces = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String piece : pieces) {
// throw away empty ones
if (!piece.trim().isEmpty()) {
// now it should be three pieces
if (cleanPieces.size() != 3) {
throw new IOException ("Component does not contain the right number of values: " + fields[sampleIdx] + "\nin line: " + line);
// now store them
rawTimes.add (new BigDecimal(cleanPieces.get(0).trim()));
sampleSizes.add (new Integer (cleanPieces.get(1).trim()));
numDerivedAlleles.add (new Integer (cleanPieces.get(2).trim()));
// before we go, check the times
if (!ordered (rawTimes)) {
throw new IOException ("The times are not increasing in at least one dataset.");
static void printSample (TimedSample thisSample, InitialConditionEnum initialCondition, BigDecimal initialFrequency, PrintStream outStream) {
// print initial condition
if (initialCondition == InitialConditionEnum.InitialFrequency) {
outStream.println("# initial condition: frequency (" + initialFrequency + ")");
else if (initialCondition == InitialConditionEnum.MutationSelection) {
outStream.println("# initial condition: mutation selection balance");
else if (initialCondition == InitialConditionEnum.MutationDrift) {
outStream.println("# initial condition: mutation drift balance");
else {
assert (false);
outStream.println("# Sample");
outStream.print("# ");
for (BigDecimal time : thisSample.times) {
outStream.print(bigDecimalToString(time) + "\t");
outStream.print("# \t");
for (Integer n : thisSample.N) {
outStream.print(n + "\t");
outStream.print("# \t");
for (Integer k : thisSample.S) {
outStream.print (k + "\t");
private static ArrayList<BigDecimal> buildRange (BigDecimal start, BigDecimal step, BigDecimal stop, MathContext mc) {
// just be sure
assert (start.compareTo(stop) < 1);
assert (step.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > -1);
ArrayList<BigDecimal> result = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
// initial
BigDecimal tmp = start;
while (tmp.compareTo(stop) < 1){
// add
// increase
tmp = tmp.add(step, mc);
return result;
private static BigDecimal[] parseRange(String rangeString, int bigDecimalScale, MathContext mc) throws JSAPException {
if (rangeString.startsWith("[")) {
// expect a real range
if (!rangeString.endsWith("]")) { throw new JSAPException ("Range for selection has to be in format [start:step:stop]"); }
// parse the range
String[] fields = rangeString.substring(1, rangeString.length()-1).split(":");
// get the array
if (fields.length != 3) { throw new JSAPException ("Range for selection has to be in format [start:step:stop]"); }
BigDecimal[] tmp = new BigDecimal[] { (new BigDecimal(fields[0])).setScale(bigDecimalScale), (new BigDecimal(fields[1])).setScale(bigDecimalScale), (new BigDecimal(fields[2])).setScale(bigDecimalScale) };
// now check for the right stepping direction
if (tmp[2].subtract(tmp[0], mc).multiply(tmp[1], mc).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) { throw new JSAPException ("Range for selection has to be in format [start:step:stop]"); }
// and change the order if necessary
if (tmp[0].compareTo(tmp[2]) > 0) {
BigDecimal swap = tmp[0];
tmp[0] = tmp[2];
tmp[1] = tmp[1].multiply(new BigDecimal("-1"), mc);
tmp[2] = swap;
// special case, if boundaries are equal
if (tmp[0].compareTo(tmp[2]) == 0 && tmp[1].compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
// step is negative, so change it
tmp[1] = tmp[1].multiply(BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE, mc), mc);
// give it away now
return tmp;
else {
// should just be a single value
BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(rangeString);
// give it like this
return new BigDecimal[] {val, BigDecimal.ONE, val};
private static void parseInputSingleData (Reader In, ArrayList<BigDecimal> times, ArrayList<Integer> sampleSizes, ArrayList<Integer> numDerivedAlleles, int bigDecimalScale) throws IOException {
// clear containers
// create an object to read lines
LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader (In);
// and go through lines
String line;
while ((line = lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
// ignore lines starting with '#'
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.trim().isEmpty()) continue;
// get the values
String[] fields = line.split("\\s+");
// should have 3 fields
if (fields.length != 3) {
throw new IOException ("Invalid input format (maybe missing multiplex).");
// add stuff
times.add (new BigDecimal(fields[0]).setScale(bigDecimalScale));
sampleSizes.add (new Integer(fields[1]));
numDerivedAlleles.add (new Integer(fields[2]));
// done
public static String bigDecimalToString (BigDecimal x){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb);
formatter.format("%g", x);
// close the formatter
return sb.toString();
// class for a dataset
public static class TimedSample {
// members
public ArrayList<BigDecimal> times;
public ArrayList<Integer> N;
public ArrayList<Integer> S;
// easy constructor
public TimedSample (ArrayList<BigDecimal> times, ArrayList<Integer> N, ArrayList<Integer> S) {
// check some
assert (times.size() == N.size()+1);
assert (N.size() == S.size());
// remember them
this.times = times;
this.N = N;
this.S = S;
public static int firstObservedIndex (ArrayList<BigDecimal> rawTimes, ArrayList<Integer> numDerivedAlleles) {
// loop through
int observationIndex = 0;
while (numDerivedAlleles.get(observationIndex) == 0) {
// and return the first time
return observationIndex;
public static TimedSample buildSample (BigDecimal t0, ArrayList<BigDecimal> rawTimes, ArrayList<Integer> sampleSizes, ArrayList<Integer> numDerivedAlleles, BigDecimal Ne, BigDecimal yearsPerGen, MathContext mc) {
// get the index of first observation
int observationIndex = firstObservedIndex (rawTimes, numDerivedAlleles);
// t0 should be right
assert (t0.compareTo(rawTimes.get(observationIndex)) < 0);
// make the right times
ArrayList<BigDecimal> diffusionTimes = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
// get the divisor
BigDecimal divisor = (new BigDecimal("2")).multiply(Ne).multiply(yearsPerGen);
// put in the initial time
BigDecimal diffusionT0 = t0.divide (divisor, mc);
diffusionTimes.add (diffusionT0);
// and rest
for (int i=observationIndex; i<rawTimes.size(); i++) {
diffusionTimes.add (rawTimes.get(i).divide(divisor, mc));
// now copy the sample size and derived number appropriately
ArrayList<Integer> newSampleSizes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> newNumDerivedAlleles = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i=observationIndex; i<sampleSizes.size(); i++) {
newSampleSizes.add (sampleSizes.get(i));
newNumDerivedAlleles.add (numDerivedAlleles.get(i));
// and return a new object
return new TimedSample (diffusionTimes, newSampleSizes, newNumDerivedAlleles);
// enumeration for the initial condition
public enum InitialConditionEnum { MutationDrift, MutationSelection, InitialFrequency};
public static BigDecimal returnUnsuccessful = BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);