This file is part of spectralHMM.
spectralHMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
spectralHMM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with spectralHMM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.oneD;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.nevec.rjm.BigDecimalMath;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.datatypes.Pair;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.EigenSystem;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded.EigenRefineError;
import edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded.EigenRefineException;
public class SelectionEigenfunktion {
private SelectionEigenfunktion () {
public static BigDecimal evaluate (BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int n, BigDecimal y, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
int offset = JacobiPolynomials.calculateOffset (alpha, beta);
// check sizes (+1, cause that's our notation convention)
assert (maxM < matrixCutoff);
assert (n < matrixCutoff);
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
TreeMap<Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>, BigDecimal> t = findTreeMap (cacheEigenfunctions, metaArgs);
Pair<Integer, BigDecimal> cacheEntry = new Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>(n, y);
BigDecimal eigenFunction = t.get(cacheEntry);
if (eigenFunction != null) {
return eigenFunction;
// if eigenfunction not found in the cache, check if the eigensystem for the w coefficients was solved earlier
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem (metaArgs);
assert (matrixCutoff == eigenSystem.eigenVectors.length);
// eigensystem exists, now compute the eigenfunction using it
eigenFunction = BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(mc.getPrecision());
// TODO memoize that
//using heterozygous and homozygous fitnesses
BigDecimal expHalfWeight = BigDecimalMath.exp (meanFitness(hetF, homF, y, mc).divide (mTWO, mc), mc);
// and do the sum over the coefficients
for (int m=0; m <= maxM; m++) {
eigenFunction = eigenFunction.add (eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n][m].multiply(JacobiPolynomials.evaluate(alpha, beta, m + offset, y, mc), mc), mc);
// and multiply the the half exponential
eigenFunction = eigenFunction.multiply(expHalfWeight, mc);
t.put(new Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>(n, y), eigenFunction);
return eigenFunction;
static public BigDecimal evaluateSquaredLength (BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int n, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
int offset = JacobiPolynomials.calculateOffset (alpha, beta);
// check sizes (+1, cause that's our notation convention)
assert (maxM < matrixCutoff);
assert (n < matrixCutoff);
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal> t = findHashMap (cacheSquaredLength, metaArgs);
BigDecimal squaredEigenLength = t.get(n);
if (squaredEigenLength != null) {
return squaredEigenLength ;
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem(metaArgs);
assert(matrixCutoff == eigenSystem.eigenVectors.length);
squaredEigenLength = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// TODO Should this be summing till maxM?
for (int m=0; m <= maxM; m++) {
squaredEigenLength = squaredEigenLength.add(eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n][m].multiply(eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n][m], mc).multiply(JacobiPolynomials.evaluateSquaredLength(alpha, beta, m + offset, mc), mc), mc);
t.put(n, squaredEigenLength);
return squaredEigenLength;
// the final matrix
public static BigDecimal[][] buildMatrix (BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int systemCutoff, MathContext mc) {
int offset = JacobiPolynomials.calculateOffset (alpha, beta);
// what's the offset
assert ((offset >= 0) && (offset <= 2));
// build up the matrix
BigDecimal[][] H = new BigDecimal[systemCutoff][systemCutoff];
// fill her up
for (int i=0; i<H.length; i++) {
Arrays.fill(H[i], BigDecimal.ZERO);
// be aware of offset
// main index
for (int m=0; m<H.length; m++) {
// diagonal and off-diagonal elements
for (int d=-4; d<= 4; d++) {
// this index stuff should yield the right thing
if ((m+d >= 0) && (m+d < systemCutoff)) {
H[m+d][m] = b (d, m + offset, alpha, beta, hetF, homF, offset, mc);
// the diagonal needs the eigenvalue
H[m][m] = H[m][m].add (JacobiPolynomials.lambda (m + offset, alpha, beta, mc), mc);
// give it away
return H;
// the b^(i)_m
public static BigDecimal b (int i, int m, BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int offset, MathContext mc) {
// we need a return container
BigDecimal b = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// now do want we need to do
// make the sum
for (int l = Math.abs(i); l <= 4; l++) {
b = b.add(q(l, alpha, beta, hetF, homF, mc).multiply(JacobiPolynomials.L(alpha, beta, m, m+i, l, offset, mc), mc), mc);
//give it away
return b;
/// these are the coefficients in the Q-polynomial
public static BigDecimal q (int l, BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, MathContext mc) {
// safety first
assert (l >= 0);
// some locals
BigDecimal t1, t2,t3;
// then give a q
BigDecimal q = BigDecimal.ZERO;
switch (l) {
case 0:
q = alpha.multiply(hetF, mc);
// q0 = alpha*hetF;
case 1:
t1 = BigDecimal.ONE.add(alpha, mc).multiply(homF, mc);
t2 = (new BigDecimal("3")).multiply(alpha, mc).add(beta, mc).add(TWO, mc);
t3 = TWO.multiply(hetF, mc).subtract(t2, mc);
q = hetF.multiply(t3, mc).add(t1, mc);
// q1 = hetF*(2*hetF - (3*alpha + beta + 2)) + (1 + alpha)*homF;
case 2:
t1 = BigDecimal.ONE.add(alpha, mc).add(beta, mc);
t2 = t1.add(TWO.multiply(homF, mc), mc).subtract((new BigDecimal("5")).multiply(hetF, mc), mc);
q = TWO.multiply(hetF, mc).multiply(t2, mc).subtract(homF.multiply(t1, mc), mc);
// q2 = 2*hetF*(1 + alpha + beta + 2*homF - 5*hetF) - homF*(1 + alpha + beta);
case 3:
t1 = (new BigDecimal("16")).multiply(hetF, mc).multiply(hetF, mc);
t2 = (new BigDecimal("12")).multiply(homF, mc).multiply(hetF, mc);
t3 = TWO.multiply(homF, mc).multiply(homF, mc);
q = t1.subtract(t2, mc).add(t3, mc);
// q3 = 16*hetF*hetF - 12*homF*hetF + 2*homF*homF
case 4:
t1 = homF.subtract(TWO.multiply(hetF, mc), mc);
q = (new BigDecimal("-2")).multiply(t1, mc).multiply(t1, mc);
// q4 = -2*(homF - 2*hetF)*(homF - 2*hetF);
// this should not happen
assert (false);
// give it away now
return q;
// the mean fitness
public static BigDecimal meanFitness (BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
// return 2*homF*x*x + 4*hetF*x*(1-x);
BigDecimal zeroOne = (new BigDecimal("4")).multiply(hetF, mc).multiply(x, mc).multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(x, mc), mc);
BigDecimal oneOne = TWO.multiply(homF, mc).multiply(x, mc).multiply(x, mc);
return oneOne.add(zeroOne, mc);
// the derivative of the mean fitness
public static BigDecimal meanFitnessDerivative (BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
// function is 2*homF*x*x + 4*hetF*x*(1-x);
// so the derivative is 4*homF*x + 4*hetF*(1-2*x)
BigDecimal zeroOne = (new BigDecimal("4")).multiply(hetF, mc).multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(TWO.multiply(x, mc), mc), mc);
BigDecimal oneOne = (new BigDecimal("4")).multiply(homF, mc).multiply(x, mc);
return oneOne.add(zeroOne, mc);
// the constant C
public static BigDecimal getC (BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
// get the eigensystem
// TODO we don't need maxM for this eigensystem actually
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
EigenSystem theSystem = findEigenSystem (metaArgs);
// initialize return value
BigDecimal result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// initialize the running value of the "multinomial"
BigDecimal multi = BigDecimal.ONE;
// run
for (int m=0; m<=maxM; m++) {
// add the current stuff
// calcutate the summand
BigDecimal summand = theSystem.eigenVectors[0][m].multiply(multi, mc);
// even or odd
if (m % 2 == 0) {
// even, add it
result = result.add(summand, mc);
else {
// even, subtract it
result = result.subtract(summand, mc);
// update the multinomial-factor
BigDecimal bigM = new BigDecimal(m);
multi = multi.multiply(bigM.add(alpha, mc), mc).divide(bigM.add(BigDecimal.ONE, mc), mc);
// give it away now
return result;
private static <MapKeyType, HashKeyType, HashValueType> HashMap<HashKeyType, HashValueType > findHashMap (Map<MapKeyType, HashMap<HashKeyType, HashValueType >> cache, MapKeyType key) {
for (Entry<MapKeyType, HashMap<HashKeyType, HashValueType > > currEntry: cache.entrySet()) {
if (currEntry.getKey().equals(key)) {
return currEntry.getValue();
HashMap<HashKeyType, HashValueType > hashMap = new HashMap<HashKeyType, HashValueType >();
cache.put(key, hashMap);
return hashMap;
private static <MapKeyType, TreeKeyType, TreeValueType> TreeMap<TreeKeyType, TreeValueType > findTreeMap (Map<MapKeyType, TreeMap<TreeKeyType, TreeValueType >> cache, MapKeyType key) {
for (Entry<MapKeyType, TreeMap<TreeKeyType, TreeValueType > > currEntry: cache.entrySet()) {
if (currEntry.getKey().equals(key)) {
return currEntry.getValue();
TreeMap<TreeKeyType, TreeValueType > treeMap = new TreeMap<TreeKeyType, TreeValueType >();
cache.put(key, treeMap);
return treeMap;
private static EigenSystem findEigenSystem(EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError{
for (Entry<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, EigenSystem> mp: cacheEigensystem.entrySet()) {
if (mp.getKey().equals(metaArgs)) {
return mp.getValue();
// eigensystem not already solved, so do it now
EigenSystem eigenSystem;
// first let us create a coefficient matrix
// for solving the system appropriately later (especially making 0 an eigenvalue), we need some extra precision
int extraPrecision = Math.max(0, (int)(3. * Math.log10(1. * metaArgs.matrixCutoff / 100.) + 1)) + 5;
System.out.println("# Old precision = " + metaArgs.mc.getPrecision());
System.out.println("# extraPrecision for M matrix = " + extraPrecision);
// now build the actual matrix
BigDecimal[][] M = buildMatrix (metaArgs.alpha, metaArgs.beta, metaArgs.hetF, metaArgs.homF, metaArgs.matrixCutoff, new MathContext (metaArgs.mc.getPrecision() + extraPrecision, metaArgs.mc.getRoundingMode()));
// get some eigensystem
int bw = 4;
//parameterized by hetF and homF
if (metaArgs.hetF.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0 && metaArgs.homF.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) { // sigma and sigma * h are both 0
bw = 0;
else if (new BigDecimal("2").multiply(metaArgs.hetF).compareTo(metaArgs.homF) == 0) { // h = 1/2
bw = 2;
System.out.printf("# Using bw = %d for coefficient matrix\n", bw);
// we need to know the weighting for the inner product in the hilbert space
System.out.println("# Get weights of the Jacobi polynomials.");
int offset = JacobiPolynomials.calculateOffset (metaArgs.alpha, metaArgs.beta);
BigDecimal jacobiWeights[] = new BigDecimal[M.length];
for (int k=0; k<jacobiWeights.length; k++) {
jacobiWeights[k] = JacobiPolynomials.evaluateSquaredLength (metaArgs.alpha, metaArgs.beta, k+offset, metaArgs.mc);
// solve the eigensystem (with extra precision for the refinement)
eigenSystem = TDFEigenSolverBanded.solve (M, jacobiWeights, bw, metaArgs.mc.getPrecision(), extraPrecision, offset == 0);
// put it into cache
cacheEigensystem.put(metaArgs, eigenSystem);
return eigenSystem;
public static BigDecimal getEigenValue(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int n, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem(metaArgs);
return eigenSystem.eigenValues[n];
public static BigDecimal getEigenVectorEntry(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int n, int m, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem(metaArgs);
return eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n][m];
public static BigDecimal[] getEigenVectorCopy(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int n, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem(metaArgs);
return Arrays.copyOf (eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n], eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n].length);
public static BigDecimal[][] getEigenVectorMatrixCopy(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int numRows, int numCols, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
// maxM is numCols-1
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, numCols-1, mc);
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem(metaArgs);
BigDecimal[][] result = new BigDecimal[numRows][numCols];
for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<numCols; j++) {
result[i][j] = eigenSystem.eigenVectors[i][j];
return result;
public static void main (String[] args) {
try {
// some parameters
int precision = 80;
int scale = precision;
// set precision and some math context
MathContext mc = new MathContext(precision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
// get population genetic parameters
BigDecimal alpha = new BigDecimal("0.02");
BigDecimal beta = new BigDecimal("0.02");
BigDecimal sigma = new BigDecimal("2");
BigDecimal h = new BigDecimal("0.5");
BigDecimal hetF = new BigDecimal("1");
BigDecimal homF = new BigDecimal("2");
h = h.setScale(scale);
System.out.println("# sigma: " + sigma + "\t h: " + h);
// # matrixCutoff = 500
// # maxM = 495
// # maxN = 490
// set some method parameters
int matrixCutoff = 150;
int maxM = 140;
int maxN = 2;
// make a grid
int resolution = 40;
BigDecimal bigResolution = new BigDecimal(resolution);
BigDecimal[] theGrid = new BigDecimal[resolution + 1];
// beginning
theGrid[0] = BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(scale);
// the middle
for (int i=1; i< resolution; i++) {
theGrid[i] = (new BigDecimal(i).divide(bigResolution, mc)).setScale(scale);
// end
theGrid[resolution] = BigDecimal.ONE.setScale(scale);
// print eigenfunctions
for (int n = 0; n<=maxN; n++) {
for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
BigDecimal value = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluate (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, theGrid[y], mc);
System.out.print (value + "\t");
// some derivative
for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
BigDecimal value = SelectionEigenfunktion.evaluateDerivative (alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, n, theGrid[y], mc);
System.out.print (value + "\t");
// BigDecimal C = BigDecimalSelectionEigenfunktion.getC (alpha, beta, sigma, h, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
// System.out.println(C);
// // get second eigenvector
// BigDecimal[] blub = BigDecimalSelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenVectorCopy (alpha, beta, sigma, h, matrixCutoff, maxM, 2, mc);
// for (BigDecimal entry : blub) {
// System.out.print (entry + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
// // second eigenvalue
// System.out.println (BigDecimalSelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenValue (alpha, beta, sigma, h, matrixCutoff, maxM, 2, mc));
// // get the coefficients for the 0-th eigenfunction
// BigDecimal[] w0 = BigDecimalSelectionEigenfunktion.getEigenVectorCopy(alpha, beta, sigma, h, matrixCutoff, maxM, 0, mc);
// System.out.print ("# orig: ");
// for (BigDecimal value : w0) {
// System.out.print (value.divide(C, mc).doubleValue() + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
// // print exp(\bar\sigma/2)
// for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
// System.out.print (BigDecimalMath.exp (meanFitness(sigma, h, theGrid[y], mc).divide(new BigDecimal("2"), mc)) + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
// // get the jacobi polynomial approximation to it
// for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
// // calculate for this y
// BigDecimal value = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// for (int m=0; m<=maxM; m++) {
// value = value.add(w0[m].multiply(BigDecimalJacobiPolynomials.evaluate(alpha, beta, m, theGrid[y], mc), mc), mc);
// }
// value = value.divide(C, mc);
// System.out.print (value + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
// // print exp( - \bar\sigma/2)
// for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
// System.out.print (BigDecimalMath.exp (meanFitness(sigma, h, theGrid[y], mc).divide(new BigDecimal("-2"), mc)) + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
// // get the jacobi polynomial approximation to it
// // truncate the w
// BigDecimal[] truncW = Arrays.copyOf(w0, maxM+1);
// // get the invers
// BigDecimal[] v = BigDecimalJacobiPolynomials.invertJacobiSequence(alpha, beta, truncW, mc);
// // print it
// System.out.println ("# C = "+ C);
// System.out.print ("# inv: ");
// for (BigDecimal value : v) {
// System.out.print (value.multiply(C, mc).doubleValue() + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
// for (int y=0; y<theGrid.length; y++) {
// // calculate for this y
// BigDecimal value = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// for (int m=0; m<v.length; m++) {
// value = value.add(v[m].multiply(BigDecimalJacobiPolynomials.evaluate(alpha, beta, m, theGrid[y], mc), mc), mc);
// }
// value = value.multiply (C, mc);
// System.out.print (value + "\t");
// }
// System.out.println();
catch (EigenRefineException e) {
System.out.println ("# [EXCEPTION (maybe recoverable)] " + e.getMessage());
} catch (EigenRefineError e) {
System.out.println ("# [ERROR (not recoverable)] " + e.getMessage());
public static void clearCaches () {
// containers
private static final BigDecimal mTWO = new BigDecimal("-2");
private static final BigDecimal TWO = new BigDecimal("2");
// tree map, cause no good hashing for BigDecimal
private static HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, TreeMap<Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>, BigDecimal> > cacheEigenfunctions = new HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, TreeMap<Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>, BigDecimal> >();
private static HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, TreeMap<Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>, BigDecimal> > cacheEigenfunctionDerivatives = new HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, TreeMap<Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>, BigDecimal> >();
private static HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, EigenSystem> cacheEigensystem = new HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, EigenSystem>();
private static HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal> > cacheSquaredLength = new HashMap<EigenfunctionMetaArguments, HashMap<Integer, BigDecimal> >();
// look up class for polynomials
private static class EigenfunctionMetaArguments {
// variables for look up
public BigDecimal alpha, beta;
//hetF is heterozygous fitness
//homF is homozygous fitness
public BigDecimal hetF, homF;
public int matrixCutoff, maxM;
MathContext mc;
public EigenfunctionMetaArguments(BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, MathContext mc) {
this.alpha = alpha;
this.beta = beta;
this.hetF = hetF;
this.homF = homF;
this.matrixCutoff = matrixCutoff;
this.maxM = maxM;
this.mc = mc;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
assert (o instanceof EigenfunctionMetaArguments);
EigenfunctionMetaArguments newO = ((EigenfunctionMetaArguments) o);
return (alpha.compareTo(newO.alpha) == 0) && (beta.compareTo(newO.beta) == 0) && (hetF.compareTo(newO.hetF) == 0) && (homF.compareTo(newO.homF) == 0) && (matrixCutoff == newO.matrixCutoff) && (maxM == newO.maxM) && (mc == newO.mc);
public static BigDecimal evaluateDerivative (BigDecimal alpha, BigDecimal beta, BigDecimal hetF, BigDecimal homF, int matrixCutoff, int maxM, int n, BigDecimal y, MathContext mc) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
int offset = JacobiPolynomials.calculateOffset (alpha, beta);
// check sizes (+1, cause that's our notation convention)
assert (maxM < matrixCutoff);
assert (n < matrixCutoff);
EigenfunctionMetaArguments metaArgs = new EigenfunctionMetaArguments(alpha, beta, hetF, homF, matrixCutoff, maxM, mc);
TreeMap<Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>, BigDecimal> t = findTreeMap (cacheEigenfunctionDerivatives, metaArgs);
Pair<Integer, BigDecimal> cacheEntry = new Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>(n, y);
BigDecimal eigenFunctionDerivative = t.get(cacheEntry);
if (eigenFunctionDerivative != null) {
return eigenFunctionDerivative;
// if eigenfunction not found in the cache, check if the eigensystem for the w coefficients was solved earlier
EigenSystem eigenSystem = findEigenSystem (metaArgs);
assert (matrixCutoff == eigenSystem.eigenVectors.length);
// gets a bit more complicated due to product rule
// we do need the exponential weight
BigDecimal expHalfWeight = BigDecimalMath.exp (meanFitness(hetF, homF, y, mc).divide (mTWO, mc), mc);
// also some derivate factor
BigDecimal dFactor = expHalfWeight.divide(mTWO,mc).multiply(meanFitnessDerivative(hetF, homF, y, mc), mc);
// also the sum of jacobis
BigDecimal weightedJacobiSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// and the derivatives
BigDecimal weightedJacobiDerivativeSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
// do the sum over the coefficients
for (int m=0; m <= maxM; m++) {
weightedJacobiSum = weightedJacobiSum.add (eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n][m].multiply(JacobiPolynomials.evaluate (alpha, beta, m + offset, y, mc), mc), mc);
weightedJacobiDerivativeSum = weightedJacobiDerivativeSum.add (eigenSystem.eigenVectors[n][m].multiply(JacobiPolynomials.evaluateDerivative (alpha, beta, m + offset, y, mc), mc), mc);
// then combine everything
eigenFunctionDerivative = dFactor.multiply(weightedJacobiSum, mc).add(expHalfWeight.multiply(weightedJacobiDerivativeSum, mc), mc);
t.put(new Pair<Integer, BigDecimal>(n, y), eigenFunctionDerivative);
return eigenFunctionDerivative;