Package edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix

Source Code of edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded$EigenRefineError

    This file is part of spectralHMM.

    spectralHMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    spectralHMM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.netlib.lapack.DGEEV;
import org.netlib.util.intW;

public class TDFEigenSolverBanded {

  public static EigenSystem solve(BigDecimal[][] matrix, BigDecimal[] weights, int bandwidth, int precision, int extaPrecision, boolean firstEValBeZero) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
    if (bandwidth == 0)  {
      return diagonalMatrixEigensolution(matrix);
    // get some dimension
    int dim = matrix.length;
    assert (dim == weights.length);
    // also some MathContext
    MathContext mc = new MathContext(precision + 5, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
    // now find some eigenvalues using jLAPACK (and time it)
    System.out.println("# Start jLApack.");
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    EigenSystem mySystem = solveJLAPackEigs(matrix);
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();   
    System.out.printf("# jLAPACK took %d ms\n", (end-start));
    // now we have some seed eigenvalues and vectors
    // lets do something

    // copy results we got from jLApack (and normalize it on the way)
    BigDecimal[] eigenValues = new BigDecimal[dim];
    BigDecimal[][] eigenVectors = new BigDecimal[dim][dim];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      // copy eigenvalue
      eigenValues[i] = mySystem.eigenValues[i];
      // calculate norm of vec
      BigDecimal norm = getNorm (mySystem.eigenVectors[i], mc);
      // copy normalized vec
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        eigenVectors[i][j] = mySystem.eigenVectors[i][j].divide(norm, mc);
    // refine the eigenvectors by inverse Arnoldi iteration (also time it)
    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    EigenSystem refinedESystem = refineEvecs (matrix, weights, eigenVectors, eigenValues, bandwidth, precision, extaPrecision, firstEValBeZero);
    end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.printf("# Refining eigenvectors took %d ms\n", (end-start));
    System.out.println("# Done solving eigensystem");
    return refinedESystem;

  private static EigenSystem diagonalMatrixEigensolution(BigDecimal[][] matrix) {
    int n = matrix.length;
    BigDecimal[][] eigenVectors = new BigDecimal[n][n];
    BigDecimal[] eigenValues = new BigDecimal[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  {
      eigenValues[i] = matrix[i][i];
      Arrays.fill(eigenVectors[i], BigDecimal.ZERO);
      eigenVectors[i][i] = BigDecimal.ONE;
    return new EigenSystem(eigenVectors, eigenValues);

  // calls JLapack for solving initial system
  public static EigenSystem solveJLAPackEigs (BigDecimal[][] H) throws EigenRefineException {

    int dim = H.length;
    // assert squaredness
    for (BigDecimal[] row : H) {
      assert (row.length == dim);

    // we should make a copy of the original matrix, cause finding eigensystem might mess up the matrix
    // also convert into double
    double[][] workMatrix = new double[dim][dim];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        workMatrix[i][j] = H[i][j].doubleValue();

    // use jlapack stuff for basic eigendecomposition

    // the sandboxes for the jlapack eigenstuff
    double[] realValues = new double[dim];
    double[] imaginaryValues = new double[dim];
    double[][] leftVectors = new double[dim][dim];
    double[][] rightVectors = new double[dim][dim];
    double[] sandBox = new double[5 * dim];
    intW returnInt = new intW(0);
    // calculate some eigenstuff (hopefully the correct call)
    DGEEV.DGEEV("N", "V", dim, workMatrix, realValues, imaginaryValues, leftVectors, rightVectors, sandBox, sandBox.length, returnInt);

    // put them into the new container, fill class variable
    double[] eigenValues = new double[dim];
    // also check that all imaginary parts are zero, that is we only
    // want to have positive eigenvalues
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      // copy (might actually be too much, but ok)
      eigenValues[i] = realValues[i];
      // we allow them to be a bit imaginary, but only if the real part is very small
      // the orthogonalization should take care of this later
      if (Math.abs (imaginaryValues[i]) > jLApackPrecision.doubleValue()) {
        throw new EigenRefineException("After jLApack, eigenvalue " + i + " is too complex.");
      // it's ok that two eigenvalues are the same,
      // cause they will be treated differently anyways
    // seems like the eigenvalues are not ordered
    // I think the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalues i is now in
    // eigenVector[:][i]
    // so transpose the matrix, cause i want to
    // fill class variable
    double[][] eigenVectors = new double[dim][dim];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        eigenVectors[i][j] = rightVectors[j][i];

    //convert to BigDecimal
    BigDecimal[][] bdEigenVectors = new BigDecimal[dim][dim];
    BigDecimal[] bdEigenValues = new BigDecimal[dim];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
        bdEigenVectors[i][j] = BigDecimal.valueOf(eigenVectors[i][j]);
      bdEigenValues[i] = BigDecimal.valueOf(eigenValues[i]);
    // everything said and done
    // this also sorts them
    return new EigenSystem(bdEigenVectors, bdEigenValues);

  // refine eigenvectors up to given precision
  private static EigenSystem refineEvecs(BigDecimal[][] matrix, BigDecimal[] weights, BigDecimal[][] eigenVectors, BigDecimal[] eigenValues, int bandwidth, int precision, int extraPrecision, boolean firstEValBeZero) throws EigenRefineException, EigenRefineError {
    // get a MathContext and an epsilon that are precise enough
    MathContext globalMC = new MathContext(precision + extraPrecision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
    // here is the epsilon, but leave some room
    BigDecimal epsilon = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen (- precision + 3);
    // remember the eigenvalues that are close together in one group
    ArrayList<TreeSet<Integer>> closeToGroups = new ArrayList<TreeSet<Integer>>();
    boolean secondEVSmall = false;
    // this is a bit ugly hacking:
    if ((eigenValues[0].abs(globalMC).compareTo(jLApackPrecision) > 0) && firstEValBeZero) {
      throw new EigenRefineError("The given seed for the 0-th eigenvalue is NOT smaller than " + jLApackPrecision);
    if (firstEValBeZero) {
      if (! (eigenValues[1].abs(globalMC).compareTo(jLApackPrecision) < 0) ) {
        // only the first one is very small
        secondEVSmall = false;
        // so we can seed it with zero
        eigenValues[0] = BigDecimal.ZERO;
      else {
        // first two are very small
        secondEVSmall = true;
        System.out.println ("# [WARNING] eigenvalue 1 smaller than " + jLApackPrecision + " in absolute value: " + eigenValues[1]);
        // seed first one to zero
        eigenValues[0] = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        // and second one to precision
        eigenValues[1] = jLApackPrecision;

    assert (jLApackPrecision.compareTo(groupingPreciscion) < 0);
    // we need a tmp group for the loop
    TreeSet<Integer> tmpGroup = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    // loop over rest
    for (int eigIdx=0; eigIdx<eigenVectors.length-1; eigIdx++) {
      // make sure that all the other eigenvalues are bigger
      if ((eigIdx > 1) && (eigenValues[eigIdx].abs(globalMC).compareTo(groupingPreciscion) < 0)) {
        throw new EigenRefineError("Seed for eigenvalue " + eigIdx + " is also smaller than " + groupingPreciscion);
      // remember the eigenvalues that are very close to their upper neighbour
      if (!(eigenValues[eigIdx+1].subtract (eigenValues[eigIdx], globalMC).compareTo (groupingPreciscion) > 0)) {
        // also, it can only be eigenvalue number one, if we are not in the second eigenvalue small mode
        if ((eigIdx == 1) && secondEVSmall && firstEValBeZero) {
          throw new EigenRefineError("Eigenvalue 1 is close to zero, but also to the neighbour above.");

        // and remember it (the lower one of the two)
        tmpGroup.add(new Integer(eigIdx));
      else {
        // the current one is NOT close to its upper neighbor
        // put it into the current group anyway
        tmpGroup.add(new Integer(eigIdx));
        // we have to end the current group and add it to the list of groups
        // but only if it is big enough
        if (tmpGroup.size() > 1) {
          closeToGroups.add (tmpGroup);
        // and start a new group
        tmpGroup = new TreeSet<Integer>();

    // one set to rule them all
    TreeSet<Integer> closeToFullSet = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    // go through and save (maybe have a look)
    System.out.println("# After jLApack, the following eigenvalues are close to one another:");
    for (TreeSet<Integer> thisGroup : closeToGroups) {
      System.out.print("# ");
      for (Integer thisInt : thisGroup) {
        // add it to full set
        closeToFullSet.add (thisInt);
        // but also show it
        System.out.print(thisInt + ", ");
    // remember seed for eigenvector 0
    BigDecimal[] zeroSeed = new BigDecimal[eigenVectors[0].length];
    // fill it
    for (int i=0; i<zeroSeed.length; i++) {
      zeroSeed[i] = eigenVectors[0][i];
    // now start the real refinement
    int n = eigenVectors.length;
    int maxRestarts = 10;
    int maxIters = 40//increase this if worried that won't converge to within precision even in these many iterations
    int iterReset = 20; // if we reset iterations, go back by this much
    int totIters = 0//track the total number of iterations of refinement across all eigenvalues
    int totItersSq = 0//track the sum of squares of iterations, to calculate the variance later
    // vector to calculate the squaredlengthes as we go
    BigDecimal[] squaredLength = new BigDecimal[n];
    // initialize it to something negative
    for (int i=0; i<squaredLength.length; i++) {
      squaredLength[i] = mOne;
    System.out.println("# Starting refinement");
    // attention, now in reversed order
    for (int eigIdx = n-1; eigIdx >= 0; eigIdx--) {

      // we need a local mc, because we might have to adjust it in some situations
      // also reset it with each iteration
      MathContext localMC = globalMC;
      int thisMaxIters = maxIters;
      // we might have to re-seed some eigenvalues
      if (closeToFullSet.contains(new Integer(eigIdx))) {

        // if zero it's special, cause we can reseed it against everything else
        if (eigIdx == 0) {
          // first get the set of all indices exceot 0
          TreeSet<Integer> allButOne = new TreeSet<Integer>();
          for (int d=1; d<eigenValues.length; d++) {
            allButOne.add(new Integer(d));
          // now start from the given seed and make the eigenvector orthogonal to everything else
          eigenVectors[0] = orthogonalizeToHigherVectorGroup(eigenVectors, eigenVectors[0], 0, allButOne, weights, globalMC);
          // also normalize the vector
          BigDecimal norm = getNorm(eigenVectors[0], globalMC);
          for (int d=0; d<eigenVectors[0].length; d++) {
            eigenVectors[0][d] = eigenVectors[0][d].divide(norm, globalMC);
          // then set the value accordingly
          BigDecimal[] vectorResult = MatrixPower.matrixVectorBanded(matrix, eigenVectors[0], bandwidth, globalMC);
          // get the fraction of the entries
          // so just take the maximum in the original vector
          int maxIdx = 0;
          BigDecimal maxValue = eigenVectors[0][0].abs();
          // see though
          for (int d=1; d<eigenVectors[0].length; d++) {
            // is it the new maximum?
            if (eigenVectors[0][d].abs().compareTo(maxValue) > 0) {
              // yes, update
              maxValue = eigenVectors[0][d].abs();
              maxIdx = d;
          // at the end, take the quotient at the max position
          BigDecimal newEigenValue = vectorResult[maxIdx].divide(eigenVectors[0][maxIdx], globalMC);
          System.out.println ("# newEigenValue: " + newEigenValue);
          // and update it
          eigenValues[0] = newEigenValue;

        // otherwise just standard
        else {
          // re-seed it to be orthogonal to the other guys in his group
          eigenVectors[eigIdx] = orthogonalizeToHigherVectorGroup (eigenVectors, eigenVectors[eigIdx], eigIdx, findHisGroup (eigIdx, closeToGroups), weights, localMC);
      // is it converged yet?
      boolean converged = false;
      // the error
      BigDecimal maxErr = null;
      // storage for vector from previous iteration
      BigDecimal[] prevVec = null;
      // just get it
      BigDecimal smallestError = BigDecimal.ONE;
      int restarts = 0;
      // iterate until conversion
      for (int iter = 0; iter < thisMaxIters; iter++) {

        // debugging
        if (eigIdx < 4) {
          System.out.print("# (" + eigIdx + "," + iter + ") \t" + eigenValues[eigIdx]);
          for (int l=0; l<6; l++){
            BigDecimal value = eigenVectors[eigIdx][l];
            if (value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
              System.out.print ("\t" + value);
              System.out.print ("\t " + value);
          System.out.println ();

        // how good are we now?
        if (eigIdx == 0 || (eigIdx == 1 && secondEVSmall)) {
          // in this case the error is the paralleleness
          // TODO: maybe do this parallelness business for all of them
          // but we need at least one previous iteration
          if (iter > 0) {
            // check whether direction to previous iteraton changed much
            maxErr = normVectorDifference (eigenVectors[eigIdx], prevVec, localMC);
            // for relative error we should normalize this by the norm of one of the vectors
            // but this should be one
            if (getNorm (eigenVectors[eigIdx], localMC).subtract (BigDecimal.ONE, localMC).abs(localMC).compareTo(epsilon) > 0) {
              throw new EigenRefineException("During refinement, the norm of eigenvector " + eigIdx + " is not 1: " + getNorm (eigenVectors[eigIdx], localMC));
            // and remember error (this list works as a queue, put it in front)
            smallestError = smallestError.min (maxErr);
            // if we get close to the end, we might have to increase the precision
            if ((iter > maxIters - 3) && (restarts < maxRestarts)) {
              // see if you can update the precision somehow
              // first get the magnitude of the smallest error
              int magnitude = getMagnitude (smallestError, localMC);
              // and make a new math context (with some wiggling room)
              int newPrecision = localMC.getPrecision() + magnitude + precision + 5;
              System.out.println ("# current precision: " + localMC.getPrecision() + ", magnitude of the error: " + magnitude);
              System.out.println ("# new precision we would like: " + newPrecision);
              // make the new context
              // but don't be ridiculous, yeha, another magic constant
              if (magnitude < 0) {
                localMC = new MathContext (newPrecision, localMC.getRoundingMode());
                // also clear the old errors, so we start kind of afresh
                smallestError = BigDecimal.ONE;
                // and reset your iterations
                iter -= iterReset;
                // remember the restarting
                restarts += 1;
          else {
            // not done yet
            maxErr = BigDecimal.ONE;
        else {
          // in the non-small cases, we take the absolute error
          maxErr = normAxMinusLambdaX (matrix, eigenValues[eigIdx], eigenVectors[eigIdx], bandwidth, localMC);

        // show some error
        if (eigIdx < 4) {
          System.out.println ("# maxErr: " + maxErr);
        // if we are as good as we want to be, we can stop iterating
        if (maxErr.compareTo(epsilon) <= 0) {
          // remember the number of iterations
          totIters += iter;
          totItersSq += iter*iter;
          // and say that you are done
          converged = true;
        // if we are not good enough, let's try to become better
        // now lets try to improve the current eigenvalue/vector pair
        BigDecimal currValue = eigenValues[eigIdx];
        // we need to copy everything, so we do not loose it
        BigDecimal[] copyVec = new BigDecimal[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          copyVec[i] = eigenVectors[eigIdx][i];
        // now build the matrix for the linear system (matrix - currValue * Id)
        BigDecimal[][] sysMatrix = new BigDecimal[n][n];
        // fill her up
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            // copy the value from matrix
            sysMatrix[i][j] = matrix[i][j];
          // and on the diagonal we have - currValue
          sysMatrix[i][i] = sysMatrix[i][i].subtract(currValue, localMC);

        // and solve it
        LinearSolver.geppLinearSolveBanded (sysMatrix, copyVec, bandwidth, localMC);
        // update the eigenvalue [ALWAYS]
        // we need some inner products to update the eigenvalue
        BigDecimal innProdNumerator = innerProduct(copyVec, eigenVectors[eigIdx], localMC);
        BigDecimal innProdDenominator = innerProduct(eigenVectors[eigIdx], eigenVectors[eigIdx], localMC);
        //calculate new value
        BigDecimal newValue = currValue.add(innProdDenominator.divide(innProdNumerator, localMC), localMC);

        // and update it
        eigenValues[eigIdx] = newValue;
        // update the eigenvector (always)
        // but first get norm of new copyVec
        BigDecimal norm = getNorm (copyVec, localMC);
        // and normalize it
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          copyVec[i] = copyVec[i].divide(norm, localMC);

        // save old one
        prevVec = eigenVectors[eigIdx];
        // update vector pair
        eigenVectors[eigIdx] = copyVec;
        // and got to next round of checking goodness of fit
      //if didn't converge in the given number of iterations, it sucks
      if (!converged) {
        // we should actually leave this run
        System.out.println ("# [WARNING] the eigen refinement did not converge. Perhaps your cutoff and recision are not high enough.");
        // that's what we do now
        throw new EigenRefineException (String.format("eigIdx = %d\t DID NOT converge in %d iterations\t maxErr = %s", eigIdx, thisMaxIters, maxErr.toEngineeringString()));
    // set scales right [since they might have been increased at some point]
    for (int i=0; i<eigenVectors[0].length; i++) {
      eigenVectors[0][i] = eigenVectors[0][i].setScale(extraPrecision + precision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
    if (secondEVSmall) {
      for (int i=0; i<eigenVectors[1].length; i++) {
        eigenVectors[1][i] = eigenVectors[1][i].setScale(extraPrecision + precision, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
    System.out.println ("# Eigenvalue 0: " + eigenValues[0]);
    System.out.println ("# Eigenvalue 1: " + eigenValues[1]);
    // first two eigenvalues are allowed to have switched order, but only if the second one is small
    if ((eigenValues[0].compareTo(eigenValues[1]) > 0) && !secondEVSmall) {
      throw new EigenRefineException("Eigenvalue 1 is smaller than 0, although they were far apart berfore refinement.");
    // now we have to sort the eigenvectors according to increasing eigenvalue
    // constructor of eigensystem does this (at the end, when we return the values)
    EigenSystem resultSystem = new EigenSystem(eigenVectors, eigenValues);
    // just so that the remaining checks work
    // we should actually also be able to modify them
    // YES, WE CAN
    eigenValues = resultSystem.eigenValues;
    eigenVectors = resultSystem.eigenVectors;
    // now look at the result
    if (eigenValues[1].abs(globalMC).compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) < 0) {
      secondEVSmall = true;
      System.out.println ("# [WARNING] the second eigenvalue is smaller than 1, so maybe the answer is bogus.");
    else {
      secondEVSmall = false;
    // check first two for matrix equation
    // first we check the first
    BigDecimal diff0 = normAxMinusLambdaX(matrix, eigenValues[0], eigenVectors[0], bandwidth, globalMC);
    // norm of vector should be one
    if (getNorm (eigenVectors[0], globalMC).subtract (BigDecimal.ONE, globalMC).abs(globalMC).compareTo(epsilon) > 0) {
      throw new EigenRefineException("After refinement, the norm of eigenvector 0 is not 1: " + getNorm (eigenVectors[0], globalMC));
    // first eigenvalue very small, so just take absolute thing
    if (diff0.compareTo(epsilon) > 0) {
      throw new EigenRefineException ("Eigenvalue 0 does not satisfy eigenequation: " + eigenValues[0]);
    // then the second one, but only if we have to
    if (secondEVSmall) {
      BigDecimal diff1 = normAxMinusLambdaX(matrix, eigenValues[1], eigenVectors[1], bandwidth, globalMC);
      // norm of vector should be one
      if (getNorm (eigenVectors[1], globalMC).subtract (BigDecimal.ONE, globalMC).abs(globalMC).compareTo(epsilon) > 0) {
        throw new EigenRefineException("After refinement, the norm of eigenvalue 1 is not 1: " + getNorm (eigenVectors[0], globalMC));
      // second one should not be too small
      if (eigenValues[1].abs().compareTo(epsilon.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(5),globalMC)) < 0) {
        // too small for comfort
        throw new EigenRefineException("The second eigenvalue is indistinguishable from zero. Try increasing cutoff or precision.");
      // second eigenvalue very small, so just take absolute thing
      if (diff1.compareTo(epsilon) > 0) {
        throw new EigenRefineException ("Eigenvalue 1 does not satisfy eigenequation: " + eigenValues[1]);
    // the vectors all have to be pairwise orthogonal with respect to given weight vector
    // but since we know that only those guys that where close to their above partner might be problematic
    // we only check those
    for (TreeSet<Integer> currentGroup : closeToGroups) {
      //no go through and assert that the inner products are small enough
      System.out.println("# Close to group:");
      for (Integer I : currentGroup) {
        for (Integer J : currentGroup) {
          if (I < J) {
            // get the final difference of the eigenvalues
            BigDecimal diff = eigenValues[I.intValue()].subtract(eigenValues[J.intValue()], globalMC).abs();
            // and the inner product
            BigDecimal innerProdAbs = weightedInnerProduct (eigenVectors[I.intValue()], eigenVectors[J.intValue()], weights, globalMC).abs();

            // some debugging
            System.out.println("# difference between " + I.intValue() + " and " + J.intValue() + " is: " + diff);
            System.out.println("# inner product (absolute value) <" + I.intValue() + ", " + J.intValue() + "> is: " + innerProdAbs);

            // see whether they are as orthogonal as our method can make them
            if (diff.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
              // if the two eigencalues are exactly equal, we don't thtrow an exception, but maybe a warning
              System.out.println ("# [WARNING] eigenvalue " + I.intValue() + " and " + J.intValue() + " are exactly equal, so you might not trust your results.");
            else {
              // difference is not zero, so usual stuff
              if (innerProdAbs.compareTo (epsilon.divide (diff, globalMC)) > 0) {
                // somehow it is still too  big
                throw new EigenRefineException ("Too big <" + I.intValue() + "," + J.intValue() + "> " + innerProdAbs);

      // then orthogonalify all vectors against the ones above
      for (Integer I : currentGroup) {
        // orthogonalize this one
        eigenVectors[I.intValue()] = orthogonalizeToHigherVectorGroup (eigenVectors, eigenVectors[I.intValue()], I.intValue(), currentGroup, weights, globalMC);      
      // check at least the guys in this group against the rest
      int min = currentGroup.first();
      int max = currentGroup.last();
      for (int l=0; l<eigenVectors.length; l++) {
        // only if it is not the same vector
        // we assume them consecutive
        if (l < min || max<l) {
          for (Integer I : currentGroup) {
            BigDecimal orthFirst = weightedInnerProduct (eigenVectors[I.intValue()], eigenVectors[l], weights, globalMC);
            if (orthFirst.abs(globalMC).compareTo (epsilon) > 0) {
              throw new EigenRefineException ("Too big <" + I.intValue() + "," + l + "> " + orthFirst);
    // see whether the pairwise inner products are actually what we expect
    System.out.printf("# Total # of refinement iterations for all %d eigenvalues = %d\n", n, totIters);
    System.out.printf("# Standard deviation of # of refinement iterations = %f\n", Math.sqrt((1.*totItersSq - 1.*totIters*totIters/n)/n));
    // and return it
    return resultSystem;

  private static TreeSet<Integer> findHisGroup(int value, ArrayList<TreeSet<Integer>> groups) {
    Integer intObject = new Integer(value);
    // find the group that value belongs to
    for (TreeSet<Integer> thisGroup : groups) {
      if (thisGroup.contains(intObject)) {
        // found it
        return thisGroup;
    // otherwise return null
    return null;

  // function to orthogonalize the vectors
  private static BigDecimal[] orthogonalizeToHigherVectorGroup (BigDecimal[][] basisVectors, BigDecimal[] vec, int vecIdx, TreeSet<Integer> vectorGroup, BigDecimal[] weights, MathContext localMC) throws EigenRefineException {
    // something to orthogonalize it against
    // the result
    BigDecimal[] resultVec = new BigDecimal[vec.length];
    // copy old vector
    for (int i=0; i<resultVec.length; i++) {
      resultVec[i] = vec[i];
    // and now go through all vectors that we should be orthogonal to and subtract the right thing
    for (Integer groupMember : vectorGroup) {
      int toOrthAgainstIdx = groupMember.intValue();
      // the index should be larger, we only orthogonalize against higher guys
      if (toOrthAgainstIdx > vecIdx) {
        // get the requisite inner products
        BigDecimal ab = weightedInnerProduct (vec, basisVectors[toOrthAgainstIdx], weights, localMC);
        BigDecimal bb  = weightedInnerProduct (basisVectors[toOrthAgainstIdx], basisVectors[toOrthAgainstIdx], weights, localMC);
        if (bb.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
          throw new EigenRefineException("The length of basisVector " + toOrthAgainstIdx + " is 0.");

        // get the factor
        BigDecimal factor = ab.divide(bb, localMC);
        // then adjust the result vector
        for (int i=0; i<resultVec.length; i++) {
          resultVec[i] = resultVec[i].subtract(basisVectors[toOrthAgainstIdx][i].multiply(factor, localMC), localMC);
        // this should be done
    // give it away now
    return resultVec;
  private static BigDecimal normVectorDifference(BigDecimal[] newVec, BigDecimal[] oldVec, MathContext mc) {
    assert (newVec.length == oldVec.length);
    // the first component should point in the right direction
    if (newVec[0].unscaledValue().signum() != oldVec[0].unscaledValue().signum()) {
      // flip oldVec
      for (int l=0; l<newVec.length; l++) {
        oldVec[l] = BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract (oldVec[l]);
    // make a new container for the difference
    BigDecimal[] vectorDiff = new BigDecimal[newVec.length];
    for (int i=0; i<newVec.length; i++) {
      vectorDiff[i] = newVec[i].subtract(oldVec[i], mc).abs(mc);
    // give it away now (the norm of the vector difference)
    return getNorm (vectorDiff, mc);

  private static BigDecimal normAxMinusLambdaX (BigDecimal[][] A, BigDecimal lambda, BigDecimal[] w, int bandwidth, MathContext mc) {
    //MathContext extraMc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 10, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
    assert (w.length == A.length);
    // now do the matrix multiplication
    BigDecimal[] vectorResult = MatrixPower.matrixVectorBanded(A, w, bandwidth, mc);

    // now we only want the distance to the scalar multiplication to be small
    // in every component
    for (int i = 0; i < vectorResult.length; i++) {
      // get the scalar from the normal multiplication
      vectorResult[i] = vectorResult[i].subtract (lambda.multiply (w[i], mc), mc);

    // return the norm of the difference vector
    return getNorm (vectorResult, mc);

  private static BigDecimal getNorm(BigDecimal[] vector, MathContext mc) {
    // store it here
    BigDecimal norm = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    // go through and do stuff
    for (int j = 0; j < vector.length; j++) {
      norm = norm.max(vector[j].abs(mc));
    // return stuff
    return norm;
  private static BigDecimal innerProduct(BigDecimal[] a, BigDecimal[] b, MathContext mc) {
    assert (a.length == b.length);
    BigDecimal ret = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      ret = ret.add(a[i].multiply(b[i], mc), mc);
    return ret;

  private static BigDecimal weightedInnerProduct (BigDecimal[] a, BigDecimal[] b, BigDecimal[] weights, MathContext mc) {
    assert (a.length == b.length);
    assert (a.length == weights.length);
    BigDecimal ret = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      ret = ret.add(a[i].multiply(b[i], mc).multiply(weights[i], mc), mc);
    return ret;

  // get a rough magnitude of the big decimal at hand
  private static int getMagnitude (BigDecimal value, MathContext mc) {
    boolean smallerThanOne = false;
    // get absolute value
    BigDecimal tmpVal = value.abs (mc);
    // smaller or larger than one
    if (value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) < 0) {
      smallerThanOne = true;
      tmpVal = BigDecimal.ONE.divide (tmpVal, mc);

    int magnitude = 0;
    // now iterate to get the approximate magnitude
    while (tmpVal.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) > 0) {
      tmpVal = tmpVal.scaleByPowerOfTen (-1);
    // return it in the appropriate way
    if (smallerThanOne) return - magnitude;
    else return magnitude;

  // just an exception class
  // this one might be recoverable with more precision
  public static class EigenRefineException extends Exception {
    public EigenRefineException(String err) {
      super (err);
  // and here goes the real errors
  // the ones that don't seem to be recoverable even with higher precision
  public static class EigenRefineError extends Exception {
    public EigenRefineError(String err) {
      super (err);
  public static BigDecimal groupingPreciscion = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-4);
  public static BigDecimal jLApackPrecision = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-5);
  static public BigDecimal ZeroPointOne = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(-1);
  static public BigDecimal mOne = BigDecimal.ZERO.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);

Related Classes of edu.berkeley.spectralHMM.matrix.TDFEigenSolverBanded$EigenRefineError

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