* Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Wessex Water Services Limited
* This file is part of Chellow.
* Chellow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Chellow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Chellow. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.chellow.physical;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.chellow.billing.Dno;
import net.sf.chellow.billing.SupplierContract;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.Hiber;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.HttpException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.InternalException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.Invocation;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.NotFoundException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.Urlable;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.UserException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.types.MonadUri;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.types.UriPathElement;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
public class Mpan extends PersistentEntity {
static public Mpan getMpan(Long id) throws HttpException {
Mpan mpan = (Mpan) Hiber.session().get(Mpan.class, id);
if (mpan == null) {
throw new UserException("There is no mpan with that id.");
return mpan;
static public List<Mpan> getMpans(String mpanStr, HhStartDate from,
HhStartDate to) throws HttpException {
MpanRaw raw = new MpanRaw(mpanStr);
MpanCore core = MpanCore.getMpanCore(raw.getCore());
List<SupplyGeneration> supplyGenerations = core.getSupply()
.getGenerations(from, to);
Dno dno = core.getDno();
return (List<Mpan>) Hiber
"from Mpan mpan where mpan.core = :core and mpan.supplyGeneration in (:supplyGenerations) and mpan.supplyGeneration.pc = :pc and mpan.mtc = :mtc and mpan.llfc = :llfc")
.setEntity("core", core).setEntity("pc",
Mtc.getMtc(dno, raw.getMtcCode())).setEntity("llfc",
"supplyGenerations", supplyGenerations).list();
static public String getCore(String mpan) throws HttpException {
return new MpanRaw(mpan).getCore();
static public Pc pc(String mpan) throws HttpException {
return Pc.getPc(new MpanRaw(mpan).getPcCode());
static public Dno dno(String mpan) throws HttpException {
String core = getCore(mpan);
String dnoCode = core.substring(0, 2);
return Dno.getDno(dnoCode);
static public Mtc mtc(String mpan) throws HttpException {
Dno dno = dno(mpan);
return Mtc.getMtc(dno, new MpanRaw(mpan).getMtcCode());
static public boolean haveEqualCores(List<String> mpans1,
List<String> mpans2) throws HttpException {
List<String> cores1 = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String mpan : mpans1) {
cores1.add(new MpanRaw(mpan).getCore());
List<String> cores2 = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String mpan : mpans2) {
cores2.add(new MpanRaw(mpan).getCore());
return cores1.equals(cores2);
static public boolean isEqual(List<String> mpans1, List<String> mpans2)
throws HttpException {
List<MpanRaw> mpansRaw1 = new ArrayList<MpanRaw>();
for (String mpan : mpans1) {
mpansRaw1.add(new MpanRaw(mpan));
List<MpanRaw> mpansRaw2 = new ArrayList<MpanRaw>();
for (String mpan : mpans2) {
mpansRaw2.add(new MpanRaw(mpan));
return mpansRaw1.equals(mpansRaw2);
private SupplyGeneration supplyGeneration;
private Llfc llfc;
private MpanCore core;
private SupplierContract supplierContract;
private String supplierAccount;
private int agreedSupplyCapacity;
Mpan() {
Mpan(SupplyGeneration supplyGeneration, String llfcCode, String core,
SupplierContract supplierContract, String supplierAccount,
int agreedSupplyCapacity) throws HttpException {
this.supplyGeneration = supplyGeneration;
update(llfcCode, core, supplierContract, supplierAccount,
public SupplyGeneration getSupplyGeneration() {
return supplyGeneration;
protected void setSupplyGeneration(SupplyGeneration supplyGeneration) {
this.supplyGeneration = supplyGeneration;
public Llfc getLlfc() {
return llfc;
void setLlfc(Llfc llfc) {
this.llfc = llfc;
public MpanCore getCore() {
return core;
void setCore(MpanCore core) {
this.core = core;
public SupplierContract getSupplierContract() {
return supplierContract;
void setSupplierContract(SupplierContract supplierContract) {
this.supplierContract = supplierContract;
public String getSupplierAccount() {
return supplierAccount;
void setSupplierAccount(String supplierAccount) {
this.supplierAccount = supplierAccount;
public int getAgreedSupplyCapacity() {
return agreedSupplyCapacity;
protected void setAgreedSupplyCapacity(int agreedSupplyCapacity) {
this.agreedSupplyCapacity = agreedSupplyCapacity;
public void update(String llfcCode, String core, SupplierContract supplierContract,
String supplierAccount, Integer agreedSupplyCapacity)
throws HttpException {
if (agreedSupplyCapacity == null) {
throw new InternalException("agreedSupplyCapacity can't be null");
MpanCore mpanCore = MpanCore.findMpanCore(core);
if (mpanCore == null) {
mpanCore = supplyGeneration.getSupply().addMpanCore(core);
Dno dno = mpanCore.getDno();
Llfc llfc = dno.getLlfc(llfcCode);
if (!mpanCore.getSupply().equals(supplyGeneration.getSupply())) {
throw new UserException(
"This MPAN core is already attached to another supply.");
if (!llfc.getDno().equals(dno)) {
throw new UserException(
"The MPAN top line DNO doesn't match the MPAN core DNO.");
if (getLlfc() != null && getLlfc().getIsImport() != llfc.getIsImport()) {
throw new UserException(
"You can't change an import mpan into an export one, and vice versa. The existing MPAN has LLFC "
+ getLlfc()
+ " that has IsImport "
+ getLlfc().getIsImport()
+ " whereas the new MPAN has LLFC "
+ llfc
+ " which has IsImport " + llfc.getIsImport() + ".");
if (supplierContract == null) {
throw new UserException("An MPAN must have a supplier contract.");
if (supplierAccount == null) {
throw new UserException("An MPAN must have a supplier account.");
public String toString() {
return supplyGeneration.getPc() + " "
+ supplyGeneration.getMtc() + " " + llfc + " " + core;
public Element toXml(Document doc) throws HttpException {
Element element = super.toXml(doc, "mpan");
element.setAttribute("agreed-supply-capacity", Integer
element.setAttribute("mpan", supplyGeneration.getPc().toXml(doc)
+ " "
+ supplyGeneration.getMtc().toXml(doc).getTextContent()
+ " "
+ llfc.toXml(doc).getTextContent() + " " + core.toString());
element.setAttribute("supplier-account", supplierAccount);
return element;
public MonadUri getEditUri() {
return null;
public Urlable getChild(UriPathElement uriId) throws HttpException {
throw new NotFoundException();
public void httpGet(Invocation inv) throws HttpException {
public void httpPost(Invocation inv) throws HttpException {
static private class MpanRaw {
private String pcCode;
private String mtcCode;
private String llfcCode;
private String mpanCore;
public MpanRaw(String mpan) throws HttpException {
mpan = mpan.replace(" ", "");
if (mpan.length() != 21) {
throw new UserException(
"An MPAN must contain exactly 21 digits.");
pcCode = mpan.substring(0, 2);
mtcCode = mpan.substring(2, 5);
llfcCode = mpan.substring(5, 8);
mpanCore = mpan.substring(8);
public String getPcCode() {
return pcCode;
public String getMtcCode() {
return mtcCode;
public String getLlfcCode() {
return llfcCode;
public String getCore() {
return mpanCore;
public String toString() {
return pcCode + " " + mtcCode + " " + llfcCode + " " + mpanCore;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return toString().equals(obj.toString());
public int hashCode() {
return getPcCode().hashCode() + getMtcCode().hashCode()
+ getLlfcCode().hashCode() + getCore().hashCode();
public URI getViewUri() throws HttpException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;