* Copyright (c) 2005, 2013 Wessex Water Services Limited
* This file is part of Chellow.
* Chellow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Chellow is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Chellow. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.chellow.billing;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.Hiber;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.HttpException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.InternalException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.Invocation;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.MonadUtils;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.NotFoundException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.Urlable;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.UserException;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.XmlTree;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.types.MonadDate;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.types.MonadUri;
import net.sf.chellow.monad.types.UriPathElement;
import net.sf.chellow.physical.HhStartDate;
import net.sf.chellow.physical.MarketRole;
import net.sf.chellow.physical.Mpan;
import net.sf.chellow.physical.Participant;
import net.sf.chellow.physical.Snag;
import net.sf.chellow.ui.Chellow;
import net.sf.chellow.ui.GeneralImport;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
public class SupplierContract extends Contract {
static public void generalImport(String action, String[] values,
Element csvElement) throws HttpException {
if (action.equals("insert")) {
String idStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "Id", values, 0);
Long id = null;
if (idStr.length() > 0) {
id = new Long(idStr);
String participantCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
"Participant Code", values, 1);
Participant participant = Participant
String name = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "Name", values, 2);
String startDateStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
"Start Date", values, 3);
HhStartDate startDate = new HhStartDate(startDateStr);
String finishDateStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
"Finish Date", values, 4);
HhStartDate finishDate = null;
if (finishDateStr.length() > 0) {
finishDate = new HhStartDate(finishDateStr);
String chargeScript = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
"Charge Script", values, 5);
String rateScriptIdStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
"Rate Script Id", values, 6);
Long rateScriptId = rateScriptIdStr.length() > 0 ? new Long(
rateScriptIdStr) : null;
String rateScript = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
"Rate Script", values, 7);
insertSupplierContract(id, participant, name, startDate,
finishDate, chargeScript, rateScriptId, rateScript);
} else if (action.equals("delete")) {
String name = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "Name", values, 0);
SupplierContract contract = SupplierContract
static public SupplierContract insertSupplierContract(Long id,
Participant participant, String name, HhStartDate startDate,
HhStartDate finishDate, String chargeScript, Long rateScriptId,
String rateScript) throws HttpException {
SupplierContract contract = new SupplierContract(id, participant, name,
startDate, finishDate, chargeScript);
contract.insertFirstRateScript(rateScriptId, startDate, finishDate,
return contract;
public static SupplierContract getSupplierContract(Long id)
throws HttpException {
SupplierContract contract = findSupplierContract(id);
if (contract == null) {
throw new UserException(
"There isn't a supplier contract with that id.");
return contract;
public static SupplierContract findSupplierContract(Long id) {
return (SupplierContract) Hiber.session().get(SupplierContract.class,
static public SupplierContract getSupplierContract(String name)
throws HttpException {
SupplierContract contract = (SupplierContract) Hiber
"from SupplierContract contract where contract.name = :name")
.setString("name", name).uniqueResult();
if (contract == null) {
throw new NotFoundException("There's no supplier contract named '"
+ name + "'.");
return contract;
Provider supplier;
public SupplierContract() {
public SupplierContract(Long id, Participant participant, String name,
HhStartDate startDate, HhStartDate finishDate, String chargeScript)
throws HttpException {
super(id, Boolean.FALSE, name, startDate, finishDate, chargeScript);
internalUpdate(participant, name, chargeScript);
void setParty(Provider supplier) {
this.supplier = supplier;
public Provider getParty() {
return supplier;
public void update(Participant participant, String name, String chargeScript)
throws HttpException {
internalUpdate(participant, name, chargeScript);
onUpdate(null, null);
public void internalUpdate(Participant participant, String name,
String chargeScript) throws HttpException {
super.internalUpdate(name, chargeScript);
SupplierContract existing = (SupplierContract) Hiber
"from SupplierContract contract where contract.name = :name")
.setString("name", getName()).uniqueResult();
if (existing != null && getId() != existing.getId()) {
throw new UserException(
"There's already a supplier contract called " + getName());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
boolean isEqual = false;
if (obj instanceof SupplierContract) {
SupplierContract contract = (SupplierContract) obj;
isEqual = contract.getId().equals(getId());
return isEqual;
public MonadUri getEditUri() throws HttpException {
public void httpPost(Invocation inv) throws HttpException {
Hiber.session().setReadOnly(this, false);
if (inv.hasParameter("delete")) {
try {
} catch (HttpException e) {
throw e;
} else {
String chargeScript = inv.getString("charge-script");
String name = inv.getString("name");
Long participantId = inv.getLong("participant-id");
if (!inv.isValid()) {
throw new UserException(document());
chargeScript = chargeScript.replace("\r", "").replace("\t", " ");
try {
update(Participant.getParticipant(participantId), name,
} catch (HttpException e) {
throw e;
void onUpdate(HhStartDate startDate, HhStartDate finishDate)
throws HttpException {
// Debug.print("Checking on update from " + startDate + " to " +
// finishDate);
Query query = null;
if (getFinishDate() == null) {
query = Hiber
"from Mpan mpan where mpan.supplierContract = :contract and mpan.supplyGeneration.startDate.date < :startDate order by mpan.supplyGeneration.startDate.date desc");
} else {
query = Hiber
"from Mpan mpan where mpan.supplierContract = :contract and (mpan.supplyGeneration.startDate.date < :startDate or (mpan.supplyGeneration.finishDate is null or mpan.supplyGeneration.finishDate.date > :finishDate)) order by mpan.supplyGeneration.startDate.date desc")
.setTimestamp("finishDate", getFinishDate().getDate());
List<Mpan> mpansOutside = query.setEntity("contract", this)
.setTimestamp("startDate", getStartDate().getDate()).list();
if (!mpansOutside.isEmpty()) {
throw new UserException(document(),
mpansOutside.size() > 1 ? "The MPANs with cores "
+ mpansOutside.get(0).getCore()
+ " and "
+ mpansOutside.get(mpansOutside.size() - 1)
.getCore() + " use this contract"
: "An MPAN with core "
+ mpansOutside.get(0).getCore()
+ " uses this contract and lies outside "
+ startDate
+ " to "
+ (getFinishDate() == null ? "ongoing"
: getFinishDate() + "."));
private Document document() throws HttpException {
Document doc = MonadUtils.newSourceDocument();
Element source = doc.getDocumentElement();
source.appendChild((Element) toXml(doc, new XmlTree("party",
new XmlTree("participant"))));
for (Provider provider : (List<Provider>) Hiber
"from Provider provider where provider.role.code = :roleCode order by provider.name")
.setCharacter("roleCode", MarketRole.SUPPLIER).list()) {
source.appendChild(provider.toXml(doc, new XmlTree("participant")));
source.appendChild(new MonadDate().toXml(doc));
return doc;
public void httpGet(Invocation inv) throws HttpException {
public int compareTo(SupplierContract arg0) {
return 0;
public Snag getSnag(UriPathElement uriId) throws HttpException {
Snag snag = (Snag) Hiber
"from Snag snag where snag.contract = :contract and snag.id = :snagId")
.setEntity("contract", this)
.setLong("snagId", Long.parseLong(uriId.getString()))
if (snag == null) {
throw new NotFoundException();
return snag;
public Urlable getChild(UriPathElement uriId) throws HttpException {
if (Batches.URI_ID.equals(uriId)) {
return new Batches(this);
} else if (RateScripts.URI_ID.equals(uriId)) {
return new RateScripts(this);
} else {
throw new NotFoundException();
public void httpDelete(Invocation inv) throws InternalException,
HttpException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public Element toXml(Document doc) throws HttpException {
Element element = super.toXml(doc, "supplier-contract");
return element;
public String missingBillSnagDescription() {
return "Missing supplier bill.";
public URI getViewUri() throws HttpException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;