package org.jmock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsAnything;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;
import org.jmock.api.Action;
import org.jmock.internal.Cardinality;
import org.jmock.internal.ChangeStateSideEffect;
import org.jmock.internal.ExpectationBuilder;
import org.jmock.internal.ExpectationCollector;
import org.jmock.internal.InvocationExpectationBuilder;
import org.jmock.internal.State;
import org.jmock.internal.StatePredicate;
import org.jmock.internal.InStateOrderingConstraint;
import org.jmock.lib.action.ActionSequence;
import org.jmock.lib.action.DoAllAction;
import org.jmock.lib.action.ReturnIteratorAction;
import org.jmock.lib.action.ReturnValueAction;
import org.jmock.lib.action.ThrowAction;
import org.jmock.syntax.ActionClause;
import org.jmock.syntax.ArgumentConstraintPhrases;
import org.jmock.syntax.CardinalityClause;
import org.jmock.syntax.MethodClause;
import org.jmock.syntax.ReceiverClause;
* Provides most of the syntax of jMock's "domain-specific language" API.
* The methods of this class don't make any sense on their own, so the
* Javadoc is rather sparse. Consult the documentation on the jMock
* website for information on how to use this API.
* @author nat
public class Expectations implements ExpectationBuilder,
CardinalityClause, ArgumentConstraintPhrases, ActionClause
private List<InvocationExpectationBuilder> builders = new ArrayList<InvocationExpectationBuilder>();
private InvocationExpectationBuilder currentBuilder = null;
private void initialiseExpectationCapture(Cardinality cardinality) {
currentBuilder = new InvocationExpectationBuilder();
public void buildExpectations(Action defaultAction, ExpectationCollector collector) {
for (InvocationExpectationBuilder builder : builders) {
protected InvocationExpectationBuilder currentBuilder() {
if (currentBuilder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("no expectations have been specified " +
"(did you forget to to specify the cardinality of the first expectation?)");
return currentBuilder;
private void checkLastExpectationWasFullySpecified() {
if (currentBuilder != null) {
* Syntactic sugar
public ReceiverClause exactly(int count) {
return currentBuilder;
public <T> T one (T mockObject) {
return exactly(1).of(mockObject);
public ReceiverClause atLeast(int count) {
return currentBuilder;
public ReceiverClause between(int minCount, int maxCount) {
initialiseExpectationCapture(Cardinality.between(minCount, maxCount));
return currentBuilder;
public ReceiverClause atMost(int count) {
return currentBuilder;
public MethodClause allowing(Matcher<Object> mockObjectMatcher) {
return atLeast(0).of(mockObjectMatcher);
public <T> T allowing(T mockObject) {
return atLeast(0).of(mockObject);
public <T> T ignoring(T mockObject) {
return allowing(mockObject);
public MethodClause ignoring(Matcher<Object> mockObjectMatcher) {
return allowing(mockObjectMatcher);
public <T> T never(T mockObject) {
return exactly(0).of(mockObject);
private void addParameterMatcher(Matcher<?> matcher) {
public <T> T with(Matcher<T> matcher) {
return null;
public boolean with(Matcher<Boolean> matcher) {
return false;
public byte with(Matcher<Byte> matcher) {
return 0;
public short with(Matcher<Short> matcher) {
return 0;
public int with(Matcher<Integer> matcher) {
return 0;
public long with(Matcher<Long> matcher) {
return 0;
public float with(Matcher<Float> matcher) {
return 0.0f;
public double with(Matcher<Double> matcher) {
return 0.0;
public void will(Action action) {
/* Common constraints
public <T> Matcher<T> equal(T value) {
return new IsEqual<T>(value);
public <T> Matcher<T> same(T value) {
return new IsSame<T>(value);
public <T> Matcher<T> any(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class<T> type) {
return new IsAnything<T>();
public <T> Matcher<T> anything() {
return new IsAnything<T>();
public Matcher<Object> a(Class<?> type) {
return new IsInstanceOf(type);
public Matcher<Object> an(Class<?> type) {
return new IsInstanceOf(type);
public <T> Matcher<T> aNull(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class<T> type) {
return new IsNull<T>();
public <T> Matcher<T> aNonNull(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class<T> type) {
return new IsNot<T>(new IsNull<T>());
/* Common actions
public Action returnValue(Object result) {
return new ReturnValueAction(result);
public Action throwException(Throwable throwable) {
return new ThrowAction(throwable);
public Action returnIterator(Collection<?> collection) {
return new ReturnIteratorAction(collection);
public <T> Action returnIterator(T ... items) {
return new ReturnIteratorAction(items);
public Action doAll(Action...actions) {
return new DoAllAction(actions);
public Action onConsecutiveCalls(Action...actions) {
return new ActionSequence(actions);
/* Naming and ordering
public void when(StatePredicate predicate) {
currentBuilder().addOrderingConstraint(new InStateOrderingConstraint(predicate));
public void then(State state) {
currentBuilder().addSideEffect(new ChangeStateSideEffect(state));
public void inSequence(Sequence sequence) {