package org.gvt.model;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.gvt.ChisioMain;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class implements a node in a graph. A node can have its own color,
* border color, label/text, source and target edges.
* @author Cihan Kucukkececi
* @author Ozgun Babur
* Copyright: Bilkent Center for Bioinformatics, 2007 - present
public class NodeModel extends GraphObject
private CompoundModel parentModel = null;
protected Rectangle constraint = new Rectangle();
protected String shape;
protected Color borderColor;
protected List sourceConnections = new ArrayList();
protected List targetConnections = new ArrayList();
public static String[] shapes = {
public NodeModel()
this(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), NodeModel.DEFAULT_SIZE));
public NodeModel(Point pt)
this(new Rectangle(pt, NodeModel.DEFAULT_SIZE));
public NodeModel(Rectangle rect)
this.text = DEFAULT_TEXT;
this.textFont = DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT;
this.textColor = DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR;
this.color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
this.borderColor = DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR;
this.shape = DEFAULT_SHAPE;
public void setConstraint(Rectangle rectangle)
firePropertyChange(P_CONSTRAINT, null, this.constraint);
public Rectangle getConstraint()
return this.constraint;
public void addSourceConnection(EdgeModel connx)
firePropertyChange(P_CONNX_SOURCE, null, null);
public void addTargetConnection(EdgeModel connx)
firePropertyChange(P_CONNX_TARGET, null, null);
public void removeSourceConnection(EdgeModel connx)
firePropertyChange(P_CONNX_SOURCE, null, null);
public void removeTargetConnection(EdgeModel connx)
firePropertyChange(P_CONNX_TARGET, null, null);
public List getSourceConnections()
return this.sourceConnections;
public List getTargetConnections()
return this.targetConnections;
public String getShape()
return this.shape;
public void setShape(String s)
this.shape = s;
firePropertyChange(P_SHAPE, null, this.shape);
public void setBorderColor(Color c)
this.borderColor = c;
firePropertyChange(P_BORDERCOLOR, null, this.borderColor);
public Color getBorderColor()
return this.borderColor;
public NodeModel(Point pt, String str, Color c, String lbl)
this(new Rectangle(pt, NodeModel.DEFAULT_SIZE));
public CompoundModel getParentModel()
return this.parentModel;
public void setParentModel(CompoundModel parent)
this.parentModel = parent;
* This method sets the location of this graph object relative to its
* container, if any.
* @param p the new location of this graph object
public void setLocation(Point p)
firePropertyChange(P_CONSTRAINT, null, constraint);
* This method sets the absolute location of this graph object; that is,
* w.r.t the root container as opposed to the parent container.
* @param p the new location of this graph object
public void setLocationAbs(Point p)
CompoundModel parent = this.getParentModel();
if (parent != null && parent instanceof CompoundModel)
Point parentLocation = parent.getLocationAbs();
p.translate(-parentLocation.x, -parentLocation.y);
* This method gets the current location of this graph object relative to
* its parent container.
* @return current location relative to its parent
public Point getLocation()
return this.constraint.getLocation();
* This method gets the current absolute location of this graph object; that
* is, w.r.t. the root container as opposed to the parent container.
* @return current absolute location
public Point getLocationAbs()
Point location = this.constraint.getLocation();
CompoundModel parent = this.getParentModel();
if (parent != null && parent instanceof CompoundModel)
return location;
public void setSize(Dimension d)
firePropertyChange(P_CONSTRAINT, null, constraint);
public Dimension getSize()
return this.constraint.getSize();
public List getEdgeListToNode(NodeModel to)
List<EdgeModel> edgeList = new ArrayList();
if (sourceConnections != null)
int i = 0;
while (i < sourceConnections.size())
EdgeModel edge = (EdgeModel) sourceConnections.get(i++);
if (edge.getTarget() == to)
return edgeList;
public boolean isNeighbor(NodeModel node)
if(sourceConnections.contains(node) || targetConnections.contains(node))
return true;
return false;
public List<NodeModel> getNeighborsList()
List<NodeModel> neigbors = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0 ; i < this.sourceConnections.size() ; i++)
EdgeModel edge = (EdgeModel) this.sourceConnections.get(i);
for (int i = 0 ; i < this.targetConnections.size() ; i++)
EdgeModel edge = (EdgeModel) this.targetConnections.get(i);
return neigbors;
public int getLeft()
return this.constraint.x;
public int getRight()
return this.constraint.x + this.constraint.width;
public int getTop()
return this.constraint.y;
public int getBottom()
return this.constraint.y + this.constraint.height;
public void setPositiveLocation(Rectangle r)
Point loc = this.getLocationAbs();
if (loc.x < 0)
loc.x = 0;
if (loc.y < 0)
loc.y = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Class Variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static Dimension DEFAULT_SIZE = new Dimension(40, 40);
public static String DEFAULT_TEXT = "Node";
public static Font DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT =
new Font(null, new FontData("Arial", 8, SWT.NORMAL));
public static Color DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR =;
public static Color DEFAULT_COLOR = new Color(null, 14, 112, 130);
public static Color DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR = new Color(null, 14, 112, 130);
public static String DEFAULT_SHAPE = shapes[0];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Class Constants
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final String P_CONSTRAINT = "_constraint";
public static final String P_SHAPE = "_shape";
public static final String P_BORDERCOLOR = "_borderColor";
public static final String P_CONNX_SOURCE = "_connx_source";
public static final String P_CONNX_TARGET = "_connx_target";