package org.gvt.model;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* This class implements a compound structure which can include a list of
* children (nodes and edges). Each compound node maintains a label and margins.
* @author Cihan Kucukkececi
* Copyright: I-Vis Research Group, Bilkent University, 2007
public class CompoundModel extends NodeModel
private boolean isRoot = false;
private boolean isDirected = false;
protected List children;
public CompoundModel()
this(new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), CompoundModel.DEFAULT_SIZE));
public CompoundModel(Point pt)
this(new Rectangle(pt, CompoundModel.DEFAULT_SIZE));
public CompoundModel(Rectangle rect)
this.text = DEFAULT_TEXT;
this.textFont = DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT;
this.textColor = DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR;
this.color = DEFAULT_COLOR;
this.borderColor = DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR;
this.shape = DEFAULT_SHAPE;
this.children = new ArrayList();
public CompoundModel(Point pt, Color c, String lbl)
this(new Rectangle(pt, CompoundModel.DEFAULT_SIZE));
public void addChild(Object o)
firePropertyChange(P_CHILDREN, -1, o);
public List getChildren()
return children;
public void removeChild(Object o)
firePropertyChange(P_CHILDREN, o, null);
public void calculateSize()
if (getParentModel() != null && !isRoot)
if (this.children.size() == 0)
Rectangle bound = calculateBounds();
Dimension diff =
setLocationAbs(new Point(bound.x - this.MARGIN_SIZE,
bound.y - this.MARGIN_SIZE));
setSize(new Dimension(bound.width + (2 * this.MARGIN_SIZE),
bound.height + (2 * this.MARGIN_SIZE) + this.LABEL_HEIGHT));
Iterator iter = this.children.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
NodeModel child = (NodeModel);
diff.width + this.MARGIN_SIZE,
diff.height + this.MARGIN_SIZE));
public void setMarginSize(int margin)
this.MARGIN_SIZE = margin;
CompoundModel root = this;
while (root.getParentModel() != null)
root = root.getParentModel();
for (Object o : root.getChildren())
if (o instanceof CompoundModel)
updateMarginSize((CompoundModel) o);
private void updateMarginSize(CompoundModel root)
for (Object o : root.getChildren())
GraphObject child = (GraphObject) o;
if (child instanceof CompoundModel)
updateMarginSize((CompoundModel) child);
public Iterator getEdgeIterator(int edgeType,
boolean isRecursive,
boolean onlyEndsWithinRoot)
new EdgeIterator(this, edgeType, isRecursive, onlyEndsWithinRoot);
public void setAsRoot()
this.isRoot = true;
public boolean isRoot()
return this.isRoot;
public boolean isDirected()
return this.isDirected;
public void setDirected(boolean directed)
this.isDirected = directed;
public Set getEdges()
return ((EdgeIterator)
getEdgeIterator(CompoundModel.ALL_EDGES, true, false)).getEdges();
public Set getNodes()
return ((NodeIterator) getNodeIterator(true)).getNodes();
public Iterator getNodeIterator(boolean isRecursive)
return (new NodeIterator(this, isRecursive));
public boolean isAncestorofNode(NodeModel node)
CompoundModel root = node.getParentModel();
while (root != null)
if(root == this)
return true;
root = root.getParentModel();
return false;
* This method finds the boundaries of this compound node.
public Rectangle calculateBounds()
int top = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int left = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int right = 0;
int bottom = 0;
int nodeTop;
int nodeLeft;
int nodeRight;
int nodeBottom;
/* Checks the nodes' locations which are children of
* this compound node.
Iterator itr = this.getChildren().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
NodeModel node = (NodeModel);
Point locAbs = node.getLocationAbs();
Dimension size = node.getSize();
nodeTop = locAbs.y;
nodeLeft = locAbs.x;
nodeRight = locAbs.x + size.width;
nodeBottom = locAbs.y + size.height;
if (top > nodeTop)
top = nodeTop;
if (left > nodeLeft)
left = nodeLeft;
if (right < nodeRight)
right = nodeRight;
if (bottom < nodeBottom)
bottom = nodeBottom;
// Checks the bendpoints' locations.
if (this.isRoot)
itr = this.getEdges().iterator();
itr = this.getEdgeIterator(ALL_EDGES, true, true);
while (itr.hasNext())
EdgeModel edge = (EdgeModel);
for (int i = 0; i < edge.bendpoints.size(); i++)
EdgeBendpoint eb = (EdgeBendpoint) edge.bendpoints.get(i);
Point loc = eb.getLocationFromModel(edge);
int x = loc.x;
int y = loc.y;
if (top > y)
top = y;
if (left > x)
left = x;
if (right < x)
right = x;
if (bottom < y)
bottom = y;
// Do we have any nodes in this graph?
if (top == Double.MAX_VALUE)
return null;
return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Class Variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static Dimension DEFAULT_SIZE = new Dimension(40, 40);
public static String DEFAULT_TEXT = "Compound";
public static Font DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT =
new Font(null, new FontData("Arial", 8, SWT.NORMAL));
public static Color DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = ColorConstants.white;
public static Color DEFAULT_COLOR = new Color(null, 177, 83, 112);
public static Color DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR = new Color(null, 177, 83, 112);
public static int MARGIN_SIZE = 10;
public static int LABEL_HEIGHT = 20;
public static int DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Class Constants
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final int ALL_EDGES = 0;
public static final int INTRA_GRAPH_EDGES = 1;
public static final int INTER_GRAPH_EDGES = 2;
public static final String P_CHILDREN = "_children";