package org.gvt.layout;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
import org.gvt.model.CompoundModel;
import org.gvt.model.NodeModel;
import org.gvt.util.ChsTransform;
import org.gvt.util.ChsRectangle;
* This class represents a node (l-level) for layout purposes.
* @author Erhan Giral
* @author Ugur Dogrusoz
* @author Cihan Kucukkececi
* Copyright: i-Vis Research Group, Bilkent University, 2007 - present
public class LNode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Instance variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Owner graph manager of this node
protected LGraphManager graphManager;
* Possibly null child graph of this node
protected LGraph child;
* Owner graph of this node; cannot be null
private LGraph owner;
* List of edges incident with this node
protected List edges;
* Geometry of this node
public ChsRectangle rect;
protected int estimatedInitialSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private int inclusionTreeDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Used by hashing operations in createTopology method of LGraphManager
protected int LPID;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Constructors and Initialization
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Empty constructor
public LNode()
this.graphManager = null;
rect = new ChsRectangle();
* Constructor
public LNode(LGraphManager gm)
this.graphManager = gm;
rect = new ChsRectangle();
* Alternative constructor
public LNode(LGraphManager gm, Point loc, Dimension size)
this.graphManager = gm;
rect = new ChsRectangle(loc.x, loc.y, size.height, size.width);
public void initialize()
this.edges = new LinkedList();
public List getEdges()
return this.edges;
public void setEdges(List edges)
this.edges = edges;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public LGraph getChild()
return child;
public void setChild(LGraph child)
this.child = child;
public LGraph getOwner()
return owner;
public void setOwner(LGraph owner)
this.owner = owner;
public double getWidth()
return this.rect.width;
public void setWidth(double width)
this.rect.width = width;
public double getHeight()
return this.rect.height;
public void setHeight(double height)
this.rect.height = height;
public double getLeft()
return this.rect.x;
public double getRight()
return this.rect.x + this.rect.width;
public double getTop()
return this.rect.y;
public double getBottom()
return this.rect.y + this.rect.height;
public double getCenterX()
return this.rect.x + this.rect.width / 2;
public double getCenterY()
return this.rect.y + this.rect.height / 2;
public PrecisionPoint getLocation()
return new PrecisionPoint(this.rect.x, this.rect.y);
public ChsRectangle getRect()
return this.rect;
public double getDiagonal()
return(Math.sqrt(this.rect.width * this.rect.width + this.rect.height * this.rect.height));
public void setRect(Point upperLeft, Dimension dimension)
this.rect.x = upperLeft.x;
this.rect.y = upperLeft.y;
this.rect.width = dimension.width;
this.rect.height = dimension.height;
public void setCenter(double cx, double cy)
this.rect.x = cx - this.rect.width / 2;
this.rect.y = cy - this.rect.height / 2;
public void setLocation(double x, double y)
this.rect.x = x;
this.rect.y = y;
public void moveBy(double dx, double dy)
// if (! (this instanceof CiSEOnCircleNode))
// System.out.printf("mb\t%s:(%5.1f,%5.1f)\n", new Object [] {this.getText(), dx, dy});
this.rect.x += dx;
this.rect.y += dy;
* This method returns the name of the corresponding v-level node of this
* node, if any.
public String getText()
NodeModel vNode =
if (vNode != null)
return vNode.getText();
return null;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Remaining Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public List getEdgeListToNode(LNode to)
List<LEdge> edgeList = new ArrayList();
if (edges != null)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
LEdge edge = (LEdge) edges.get(i);
if (edge.source == this && == to)
return edgeList;
* This method returns all edges between this node and the given node.
public List getEdgesBetween(LNode other)
List<LEdge> edgeList = new ArrayList();
if (edges != null)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
LEdge edge = (LEdge) edges.get(i);
if ((edge.source == this && == other) ||
( == this && edge.source == other))
return edgeList;
public boolean isNeighbor(LNode node)
if (edges != null)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
LEdge edge = (LEdge) edges.get(i);
if (edge.source == node || == node)
return true;
return false;
public Set getNeighborsList()
Set<LNode> neighbors = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
LEdge edge = (LEdge) edges.get(i);
if (edge.source.equals(this))
return neighbors;
public Set getSuccessors()
Set<LNode> neighbors = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
LEdge edge = (LEdge) edges.get(i);
if (edge.source.equals(this))
return neighbors;
* This method returns the estimated size of this node, taking into account
* node margins and whether this node is a compound one containing others.
public int getEstimatedSize()
if (this.estimatedInitialSize != Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return this.estimatedInitialSize;
if (this.child == null)
this.estimatedInitialSize = (int)this.rect.width;
return this.estimatedInitialSize;
this.estimatedInitialSize = this.child.getEstimatedSize();
this.rect.width = this.estimatedInitialSize;
this.rect.height = this.estimatedInitialSize;
return this.estimatedInitialSize;
* This method positions this node randomly in both x and y dimensions.
protected void scatter()
// We assume the center to be at (GRAVITY_CENTER_X,GRAVITY_CENTER_Y).
double randomCenterX;
double randomCenterY;
double minX = -AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY / 10000;
double maxX = AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY / 10000;
randomCenterX = AbstractLayout.GRAVITY_CENTER_X +
(LNode.random.nextDouble() * (maxX - minX)) + minX;
double minY = -AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY / 10000;
double maxY = AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY / 10000;
randomCenterY = AbstractLayout.GRAVITY_CENTER_Y +
(LNode.random.nextDouble() * (maxY - minY)) + minY;
this.rect.x = randomCenterX;
this.rect.y = randomCenterY;
* This method updates the bounds of this compound node.
public void updateBounds()
assert this.getChild() != null;
if (this.getChild().getNodes().size() != 0)
// wrap the children nodes by re-arranging the boundaries
LGraph childGraph = this.getChild();
this.rect.x = childGraph.getLeft();
this.rect.y = childGraph.getTop();
this.setWidth(childGraph.getRight() - childGraph.getLeft() +
2 * compoundNodeMargin);
this.setHeight(childGraph.getBottom() - childGraph.getTop() +
2 * compoundNodeMargin + CompoundModel.LABEL_HEIGHT);
* This method returns the maximum depth of this node in the inclusion tree.
public int getInclusionTreeDepth()
if (this.inclusionTreeDepth == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
int depth = 0;
LGraph root = this.owner.getGraphManager().getRoot();
LGraph parent = this.owner;
while (true)
if (parent != root)
parent = parent.getParent().getOwner();
this.inclusionTreeDepth = depth;
return this.inclusionTreeDepth;
* This method returns all parents of this node.
public Vector getAllParents()
Vector parents = new Vector();
LNode rootNode = this.owner.getGraphManager().getRoot().getParent();
LNode parent = this.owner.getParent();
while (true)
if (parent != rootNode)
parent = parent.getOwner().getParent();
return parents;
public int getRootGraphIndex()
return owner.getNodes().indexOf(this);
* This method transforms the layout coordinates of this node using input
* transform.
public void transform(ChsTransform trans)
double left = this.rect.x;
if (left > AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY)
left = AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY;
else if (left < -AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY)
left = -AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY;
double top = this.rect.y;
if (top > AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY)
top = AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY;
else if (top < -AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY)
top = -AbstractLayout.WORLD_BOUNDARY;
PrecisionPoint leftTop = new PrecisionPoint(left, top);
PrecisionPoint vLeftTop = trans.inverseTransformPoint(leftTop);
this.setLocation(vLeftTop.preciseX, vLeftTop.preciseY);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Class Variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compound nodes normally have no margins in Chisio but we'll maintain some
* safety buffer for node-node overlaps. Labels are accounted for
* separately. Notice that graph margins are also handled separately!
public static int compoundNodeMargin = 5;
* Nodes are assumed to have this margin when calculating sizes.
public static final int NODE_MARGIN = 4;
* Used for random initial positioning
private static Random random = new Random();