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package nl2sql.matcher;
import nl2sql.parserQuestion.LinguisticComponent;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
import nl2sql.lexicon.Database;
import nl2sql.lexicon.GetElement;
import nl2sql.lexicon.Synonym;
* @author TAMHD
public class PairWithDB {
ArrayList<String[]> pairs = new ArrayList<String[]>();
ArrayList<String> right;
public PairWithDB(ArrayList<String> Right){
this.right = Right;
// Get all pair of elements, including the missing attribute
public void matchingElementPair(String parser, Database db, ArrayList<String> Left, ArrayList<String> Right, ArrayList<String> Tag) throws Exception{
TagProcess tag = new TagProcess();
for(int i = 0; i < right.size(); i ++){
String current = right.get(i);
System.out.println("Trying to match " + current + "...");
// Kiểm tra giá trị đó là value
String attr;
String valu = current;
// Xử lý ngữ nghĩa trước
int tagPos = tag.getTag(Tag.get(i));
if(tagPos!= -1){
attr = tag.getCol(db, tagPos);
Synonym sy = new Synonym();
ArrayList<String> syn = sy.getSynonym(current);
valu = syn.get(0);
} else{
valu = current;
System.out.println("Getting attribute " + attr + " through tag processing OF " + current);
GetAttribute getA = new GetAttribute(parser, db, current, Left, Right);
attr = getA.getAttr();
System.out.println("Getting attribute " + attr + " through parser OF " + current);
valu = current;
// If it is unable to find the attribute
if(attr == null) continue;
String[] tmp = {attr, valu};
int Vindex = right.indexOf(current);
// Remove vi tri cua current
System.out.println("right" + right);
System.out.println("Right" + Right);
int Aindex = right.indexOf(attr);
if(Aindex != -1){
i = -1;// Xoa di 2 phần tử rồi mà
} else{
System.out.println("Matcher " + current + " fail");
public ArrayList<String[]> getPairs(){
return this.pairs;
public ArrayList<String> getRemainers(){
return this.right;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Database db = new Database("đại học công nghệ");
//System.out.println(attach("19", "điểm", db));