package grammar.model.verbs;
import grammar.model.Language;
import grammar.model.MatchType;
import grammar.model.WordMatcher;
import grammar.model.Form.FormCategory;
//import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>A secondary verb, used for conjugating some tenses. In many languages,
* the inflection of verbs in some tenses requires the use of
* an <i>auxiliary verb</i> form. For instance, in English, to indicate that
* an action occured in the past, you can say "I <i>have</i> eaten", "we <i>had</i>
* seen", or "you <i>were</i> dreaming". In the first two examples, a form of the
* auxiliary <i>to have</i> is used to denote past tense forms; in the third example,
* the auxiliary used is <i>to be</i>.</p>
* <p>Auxiliary verbs function as model verbs, and thus sit within the same
* inheritance hierarchy of conjugation rules. However, they have two additional
* features:</p>
* <ol>
* <li>They are 'singletons' in that they match exactly one verb infinitive
* (there is thus one ConjugatedVerb per AuxiliaryVerb).</li>
* <li>They define a list of auxiliary match criteria; the lists against each
* model verb are used when conjugating a verb to determine which auxiliary is
* the best match.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>As with ModelVerb instances, each AuxiliaryVerb instance is defined by an XML
* file in <code>{language}/model-verbs</code>.
* @author Duncan Roberts
public class AuxiliaryVerb extends ModelVerb {
private final boolean pronounAgreement;
private final boolean reflexiveAuxiliary;
private final List<WordMatcher> auxiliaryOf;
public AuxiliaryVerb(Language language, String infinitive,
List<ModelVerb> parents, List<WordMatcher> infinitiveMatchers,
Map<Tense, Map<FormCategory, Map<Segment, String>>> tenseMap,
Map<Tense, Map<FormCategory, Map<Segment, Tense>>> refTenseMap,
Map<Tense, Map<FormCategory, Map<Segment, FormCategory>>> refPronounMap,
Map<Tense, Map<FormCategory, Map<Segment, Tense>>> auxiliaryRefTenseMap,
Map<Tense, Map<FormCategory, Map<Segment, FormCategory>>> auxiliaryRefPronounMap,
List<WordMatcher> auxiliaryOf, String summary, boolean pronounAgreement,
boolean reflexiveAuxiliary) {
super(language, infinitive, parents, infinitiveMatchers, tenseMap, refTenseMap, refPronounMap,
auxiliaryRefTenseMap, auxiliaryRefPronounMap, summary);
this.auxiliaryOf = auxiliaryOf;
this.pronounAgreement = pronounAgreement;
this.reflexiveAuxiliary = reflexiveAuxiliary;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result
+ ((auxiliaryOf == null) ? 0 : auxiliaryOf.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (pronounAgreement ? 1231 : 1237);
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!super.equals(obj))
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof AuxiliaryVerb))
return false;
final AuxiliaryVerb other = (AuxiliaryVerb) obj;
if (auxiliaryOf == null) {
if (other.auxiliaryOf != null)
return false;
} else if (!auxiliaryOf.equals(other.auxiliaryOf))
return false;
if (pronounAgreement != other.pronounAgreement)
return false;
return true;
public ConjugatedVerb getConjugatedVerb() {
return getConjugatedVerb(getName().toLowerCase());
public boolean isAuxiliaryOf(String infinitive, boolean reflexive) {
return isAuxiliaryOfInternal(infinitive, reflexive) != MatchType.NONE;
private MatchType isAuxiliaryOfInternal(String infinitive, boolean reflexive) {
//System.err.println("AuxiliaryVerb.isAuxiliaryOfInternal():"+new Date());
if (reflexive && isReflexiveAuxiliary())
return MatchType.REFLEXIVE;
for (WordMatcher inf : auxiliaryOf) {
MatchType matchType = inf.getMatchType();
MatchType match = null;
switch (matchType) {
case ALL:
match = MatchType.ALL;
case NONE:
if (infinitive.equals(inf.getMatchString()))
match = MatchType.FULL_NAME;
if (infinitive.matches(inf.getMatchString()))
match = MatchType.PATTERN;
case SUFFIX:
if (infinitive.endsWith(inf.getMatchString()))
match = MatchType.SUFFIX;
if (match != null)
return match;
return MatchType.NONE;
private String getAuxiliaryMatchString(String infinitive) {
//System.err.println("AuxiliaryVerb.getAuxiliaryMatchString():"+new Date());
for (WordMatcher inf : auxiliaryOf) {
MatchType matchType = inf.getMatchType();
boolean match = false;
switch (matchType) {
if (infinitive.equals(inf.getMatchString()))
match = true;
if (infinitive.matches(inf.getMatchString()))
match = true;
case SUFFIX:
if (infinitive.endsWith(inf.getMatchString()))
match = true;
if (match)
return inf.getMatchString();
return "";
public boolean isCloserMatch(String infinitive, boolean reflexive, AuxiliaryVerb other) {
//System.err.println("AuxiliaryVerb.isCloserMatch():"+new Date());
MatchType thisMt = isAuxiliaryOfInternal(infinitive, reflexive);
MatchType otherMt = other.isAuxiliaryOfInternal(infinitive, reflexive);
/*if (isReflexiveAuxiliary()) {
if (reflexive) {
return true;
if (thisMt == MatchType.SUFFIX && otherMt == MatchType.SUFFIX) {
return getAuxiliaryMatchString(infinitive).length() >
if (thisMt.ordinal() > otherMt.ordinal())
return true;
return false;
public boolean pronounAgreement() {
return pronounAgreement;
public boolean isReflexiveAuxiliary() {
return reflexiveAuxiliary;
public WordMatcher getInfinitiveMatcher(String infinitive, boolean reflexive) {
// if (reflexive && isReflexiveAuxiliary())
// return new WordMatcher(MatchType.REFLEXIVE, infinitive);
return super.getInfinitiveMatcher(infinitive, reflexive);