Package jpiv2

Source Code of jpiv2.VecImg

* Copyright 2008 Peter Vennemann
* This file is part of JPIV.
* JPIV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* JPIV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with JPIV.  If not, see <>.

package jpiv2;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;

//import org.freehep.graphics2d.VectorGraphics;

* Pixel image representing vector data. This class provides some methods for
* displaying vector data as pixel images. The data needs to be organized as
* described in detail at @see jpiv2.PivData.
public class VecImg {

  private jpiv2.JPiv jpiv;
  private jpiv2.PivData pivData;
  private jpiv2.Settings settings;
  // private VectorGraphics vg;
  private Graphics2D vg;
  private String pathname;
  private ArrayList<Shape> shapeList = new ArrayList<Shape>();
  // convenience values
  private int[] size;
  private int[] imgSize;
  private int xoffset;
  private int yoffset;
  private float zm;

   * Creates a new instance of VecImg
   * @param jpiv
   *            The parent component.
   * @param pathname
   *            The pathname of the UTF-8 file containing vector data.
  public VecImg(jpiv2.JPiv jpiv, String pathname) {
    this.jpiv = jpiv;
    this.settings = jpiv.getSettings();
    this.pathname = pathname;
    this.pivData = new jpiv2.PivData(pathname);
    this.size = pivData.getDimension();
    this.imgSize = pivData.getImgSize();
    this.xoffset = settings.vectorXOffset;
    this.yoffset = settings.vectorYOffset; = settings.vectorZoom;

   * Returns the data as a Planar Image
   * @return The PlanarImage.
  public PlanarImage getAsPlanarImage() {
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(
        (int) (imgSize[0] * zm + 2.8 * xoffset),
        (int) (imgSize[1] * zm + 2 * yoffset),
    // vg = VectorGraphics.create( bi.createGraphics() );
    vg = bi.createGraphics();
    return (PlanarImage.wrapRenderedImage(bi));

   * Export the vector plot in a vector based format like eps, pdf, svg etc.
   * @param filename
   *            the filename
   * @param format
   *            one of the following format strings: "eps", "pdf", "svg",
   *            "emf", or "swf"
  public void drawIntoVectorGraphicsFile(String filename, String format) {
        .println("Function temporarily disabled due to an unsolved bug. Use a pixel image export instead. Sorry for the inconvenience");
     * int index = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if(index != -1) filename =
     * filename.substring(0, index); File file = new File(filename + "." +
     * format); Dimension dim = new Dimension((int) (imgSize[0]*zm +
     * 2.8*xoffset), (int) (imgSize[1]*zm + 2*yoffset) ); try { if
     * (format.equals("eps")) { vg = new
     *, dim); } else if
     * (format.equals("pdf")) { Properties p = new Properties();
     * p.setProperty("PageSize","A4"); vg = new
     * org.freehep.graphicsio.pdf.PDFGraphics2D(file, dim); } else if
     * (format.equals("svg")) { vg = new
     * org.freehep.graphicsio.svg.SVGGraphics2D(file, dim); } else if
     * (format.equals("emf")) { vg = new
     * org.freehep.graphicsio.emf.EMFGraphics2D(file, dim); } else if
     * (format.equals("swf")) { vg = new
     * org.freehep.graphicsio.swf.SWFGraphics2D(file, dim); } } catch
     * (Exception e) { System.out.println( e.toString() ); }
     * vg.startExport(); drawGraphics(); vg.endExport();

   * Returns the name of the data file.
   * @return The filename (not the pathname).
  public String getFilename() {
    return (pathname
        .substring(pathname.lastIndexOf(jpiv.fileSeparator) + 1));

   * Get the vector at a point x, y. Gets the vector that is closest to a
   * given point x, y.
   * @param x
   *            The x coordinate in pixel (zero at upper left corner).
   * @param y
   *            The y coordinate in pixel (zero at upper left corner).
   * @return A single line of the PIV data.
  public double[] getVectorAt(int x, int y) {
    int xoffset = settings.vectorXOffset;
    int yoffset = settings.vectorYOffset;
    return (pivData.getVectorAt((int) Math.rint((x - xoffset) / zm),
        (int) Math.rint((y - yoffset) / zm)));

   * Get the PIV data.
   * @return The data.
  public jpiv2.PivData getPivData() {
    return (pivData);

   * Creates a PlanarImage visualizing PIV-data.
   * @param path
   *            Absolute pathname of a PIV-data set.
   * @return A PlanarImage showing the PIV-data as vectors.
   * @see jpiv2.PivData
  private void drawGraphics() {
    float tckspc = settings.vectorTickSpacing;
    float axsscl = settings.vectorAxisScaling;
    String unitLbl = settings.vectorAxisLabel;
    // draw background
    vg.fillRect(0, 0, (int) (imgSize[0] * zm + 2.8 * xoffset),
        (int) (imgSize[1] * zm + 2.8 * yoffset));
    // draw axes
    vg.drawRect(xoffset, yoffset, (int) (imgSize[0] * zm),
        (int) (imgSize[1] * zm));
    vg.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18));
    FontMetrics fm = vg.getFontMetrics();
    String label = new String();
    int numHeight = fm.getAscent();
    int strWidth;
    // x axis
    float labelVal = 0;
    for (float x = xoffset; x <= imgSize[0] * zm + xoffset; x += tckspc
        * zm / axsscl) {
      vg.drawLine(Math.round(x), yoffset, Math.round(x), yoffset - 10);
      label = String.valueOf(labelVal);
      labelVal += tckspc;
      strWidth = fm.stringWidth(label);
      vg.drawString(label, x - strWidth / 2, yoffset - numHeight);
    // x unit label
    vg.drawString(unitLbl, (int) (1.5 * xoffset) + imgSize[0] * zm, yoffset
        - numHeight);
    // y axis
    labelVal = 0;
    for (float y = yoffset; y <= imgSize[1] * zm + yoffset; y += tckspc
        * zm / axsscl) {
      vg.drawLine(xoffset, Math.round(y), xoffset - 10, Math.round(y));
      label = String.valueOf(labelVal);
      labelVal += tckspc;
      strWidth = fm.stringWidth(label);
      vg.drawString(label, xoffset - 12 - strWidth, y + numHeight / 2);
    // y unit label
    strWidth = fm.stringWidth(unitLbl);
    vg.drawString(unitLbl, xoffset - 12 - strWidth, (int) (1.9 * yoffset)
        + imgSize[1] * zm);
    // background
    // draw background
    if (settings.vectorBackgroundImage) {
      PivImg img = new PivImg(jpiv, settings.vectorBackgroundImagePath);
      AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(
          xoffset, yoffset);
      PlanarImage pi = img.getAsPlanarImageByte(PivImg.RMIN_MAX, 1f);
      pi = scale(pi, zm);
      vg.drawRenderedImage(pi, transform);
    } else {
      vg.fillRect(xoffset, yoffset, (int) (imgSize[0] * zm),
          (int) (imgSize[1] * zm));
    // draw vectors
    // draw color bar
    if (settings.vectorShowColorBar) {
      DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
      int lvls = settings.vectorColorLevels;
      float cMin = settings.vectorMultiColorMin;
      float cMax = settings.vectorMultiColorMax;
      if (settings.vectorBackgroundColorCoding) {
        cMin = settings.vectorBackgroundColorCodingMin;
        cMax = settings.vectorBackgroundColorCodingMax;
      float c;
      float cLow;
      int xpos = xoffset + Math.round(imgSize[0] * zm + 10);
      int ypos = 0;
      int height = Math.round(imgSize[1] * zm / lvls);
      for (int n = 0; n < lvls; n++) {
        cLow = cMin + (cMax - cMin) * n / lvls;
        c = (cMin + (2 * n + 1) * (cMax - cMin) / (2 * lvls));
        ypos = Math.round(yoffset + n * imgSize[1] * zm / lvls);
        vg.setColor(getMultiColorCode(cMin, cMax, c));
        vg.fillRect(xpos, ypos, 10, height);
            df.format(cLow * settings.vectorColorBarUnitConversion),
            xpos + 15, ypos + numHeight / 2);
      vg.drawString(settings.vectorColorBarLabel, xpos + 15, ypos
          + numHeight / 2 + height);
    // draw stamp
    vg.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 8));
    fm = vg.getFontMetrics();
    String stamp = "jpiv";
        (int) (imgSize[0] * zm + 2.8 * xoffset) - fm.stringWidth(stamp)
            - 2, (int) (imgSize[1] * zm + 2 * yoffset) - 2);
    // draw shapes

  private void drawVectors() {
    float zm = settings.vectorZoom;
    int xoffset = settings.vectorXOffset; // border width x
    int yoffset = settings.vectorYOffset; // border width y
    double[][] d = pivData.getPivData(); // the vector data
    int x0, y0; // vector origin
    double dx, dy, // vector components
    l, // vector length
    vs = settings.vectorScale, // vector length scale
    b, // base points of arrow head (-b, +b)
    hl = settings.vectorHeadLength, // head length as a fraction of l
    phi, // pointing direction
    gamma = settings.vectorAngle * Math.PI / 180; // arrow head angle
    float unitScale = settings.vectorReferenceUnitConversion;
    boolean multiColor = settings.vectorMultiColor; // color corresponds to
                            // the vector length
    float colorMin = settings.vectorMultiColorMin / unitScale; // this
                                  // length
                                  // corresponds
                                  // to blue
    float colorMax = settings.vectorMultiColorMax / unitScale; // this
                                  // length
                                  // corresponds
                                  // to red
    int[] px = new int[3]; // x coordinates of the arrowhead points
    int[] py = new int[3]; // y coordinates of the arrowhead points
    int[] spc = pivData.getSpacing(); // horizontal and vertical vector
                      // spacing
    float colorBMin = settings.vectorBackgroundColorCodingMin / unitScale;
    float colorBMax = settings.vectorBackgroundColorCodingMax / unitScale;
    int col = settings.vectorBackgroundColorCodingColumn;
    // draw color coded background
    if (settings.vectorBackgroundColorCoding) {
      for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
        vg.setColor(getMultiColorCode(colorBMin, colorBMax,
            (float) d[i][col]));
            (int) (Math.abs(d[i][0] * zm) + xoffset - (float) spc[0]
                / 2f * zm), (int) (Math.abs(d[i][1] * zm)
                + yoffset - (float) spc[1] / 2f * zm),
            (int) (spc[0] * zm), (int) (spc[1] * zm));
    // draw vectors
    for (int i = 0; i < d.length; ++i) {
      x0 = (int) (Math.abs(d[i][0] * zm) + xoffset);
      y0 = (int) (Math.abs(d[i][1] * zm) + yoffset);
      dx = d[i][2];
      dy = d[i][3];
      phi = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
      l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx + dy * dy)) * vs;
      if (multiColor) {
        vg.setColor(getMultiColorCode(colorMin, colorMax,
            (float) (l / vs)));
      if (d[0].length > 4 && settings.labelInvalidVectors) {
        if (d[i][4] <= 0)
      b = Math.tan(gamma / 2) * l * hl;
      px[0] = (int) (x0 + (hl * l));
      px[1] = (int) (x0 + (hl * l));
      px[2] = (int) (x0 + l);
      py[0] = (int) ((y0 + b));
      py[1] = (int) ((y0 - b));
      py[2] = y0;
      vg.rotate(phi, x0, y0);
      vg.drawLine(x0, y0, (int) (x0 + l), y0);
      vg.fillPolygon(px, py, 3);
      vg.rotate(-phi, x0, y0);
    // draw reference vector
    if (settings.vectorShowReference) {
      x0 = (int) (10 + xoffset);
      y0 = (int) (10 + yoffset);
      dx = settings.vectorReferenceLength;
      dy = 0;
      l = dx * vs / unitScale;
      if (multiColor) {
        vg.setColor(getMultiColorCode(colorMin, colorMax,
            (float) (l / vs)));
      b = Math.tan(gamma / 2) * l * hl;
      px[0] = (int) (x0 + (hl * l));
      px[1] = (int) (x0 + (hl * l));
      px[2] = (int) (x0 + l);
      py[0] = (int) ((y0 + b));
      py[1] = (int) ((y0 - b));
      py[2] = y0;
      vg.drawLine(x0, y0, (int) (x0 + l), y0);
      vg.fillPolygon(px, py, 3);
      FontMetrics fm = vg.getFontMetrics();
      String refLabel = settings.vectorReferenceLabel;
      vg.drawString((dx + " " + refLabel), (int) (x0 + l + 10),
          y0 + fm.getAscent() / 2);

   * Copy a list of shapes into the VecImg. The shapes are drawn at the next
   * call of getAsPlanarImage() or drawIntoVectorGraphicsFile().
   * @param shapeList
   *            A list of shapes.
  public void setShapeList(ArrayList<Shape> shapeList) {
    this.shapeList = shapeList;

  private void drawShapes() {
    java.awt.Color c = settings.shapeColor;
    vg.setColor(new java.awt.Color(c.getRed() / 255f, c.getGreen() / 255f,
        c.getBlue() / 255f, 0.5f));
    for (int i = 0; i < shapeList.size(); i++) {
      vg.fill((Shape) shapeList.get(i));
      vg.draw((Shape) shapeList.get(i));

   * Gets a linearily interpolated color for <code>val</code> between
   * <code>min</code> = blue and <code>max</code> = red with green and yellow
   * inbetween.
  private Color getMultiColorCode(float min, float max, float val) {
    if (val < min)
      val = min;
    if (val > max)
      val = max;
    float h = 2f / 3f * (1f - ((val - min) / (max - min)));
    float s = 1f;
    float b = 1f;
    Color c = Color.getHSBColor(h, s, b);
    return (new java.awt.Color(c.getRed() / 255f, c.getGreen() / 255f,
        c.getBlue() / 255f, settings.vectorMultiColorTransparancy));

  private PlanarImage scale(PlanarImage pi, float factor) {
    // Create a ParameterBlock and specify the source and
    // parameters
    ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    pb.addSource(pi); // The source image
    pb.add(factor); // The xScale
    pb.add(factor); // The yScale
    pb.add(0.0F); // The x translation
    pb.add(0.0F); // The y translation
    pb.add(new InterpolationBilinear()); // The interpolation
    // Create the scale operation
    return (JAI.create("scale", pb, null));


Related Classes of jpiv2.VecImg

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