Package koala.api

Source Code of koala.api.KBasic

* Created on April 5, 2007, 1:22 AM
* by John Palermo
* VARRO media
* class version: 0.9a (r9)

package koala.api;

import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import koala.components.KCell;

* This class builds a calerndar's day pane.  She screenshots for examples of
* how the class creates the pane.  This class is identical to
* It is replicated and named KDay for ease of understanding.  You can equally
* use and to render the same day pane.
* This version is without error handling.  It is assumed that the calling
* object sends a proper calArray to this class.
* Rules for well-formed calArrays:
* 1) All the cells in the same row must have the same height.
* 2) The sum of the cell widths in a row must be the same for all rows; that
* is, all rows must have the same total cell width.
* @author John Palermo
* @version 0.9a (r9)
public class KBasic extends JPanel implements MouseListener { //ID=KMonthCLASS
    //Declare an arrary that will store the cell objects of the calendar
    private KCell[][] calendarCellArray;
    private String groupThatIsOn; //This represents the ID of cells with the same ID (and form a group) that are currently on
    private boolean groupCellsAreOn = false; //This represents whether a group of cells with the same ID are on (true) or are not on (false)
     * Creates a new instance of KDay WITHOUT the array parameter that sets the grid of the calendar
    public KBasic(Color borderColor, int borderThickness, Color backgroundColor) { //ID=KMonthCONSTRUCTOR1
        //call the constructor of the super class (JPanel) and make it use the GridBag Layout Manager
        super(new GridBagLayout());
        //Set the Border with the boderColor and borderThickness
        //Set the Background color with backgroundColor
        //Create a new constraints object
        GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
        //Set the constraints - make cells as wide and tall as possible in the cells they occupy
        c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
        //Set the constraints - allow cells to stretch both Horizontally and Vertically, so that the entire panel is filled
        //when the frame is made larger
        //By default all cells with have the same weight, meaning that they will stretch in the same proportions.
        c.weightx = 1.0;
        c.weighty = 1.0;
     * Creates a new instance of KDay WITH the array parameter that sets the grid of the calendar
    public KBasic(Color borderColor, int borderThickness, Color backgroundColor, String[][][] calArray) { //ID=KMonthCONSTRUCTOR2
        //call the constructor of the super class (JPanel) and make it use the GridBag Layout Manager
        super(new GridBagLayout());
        //Auxiliary variables
        int row,col,par;
        int save_gridx, save_gridy;
        int save_gridwidth, save_gridheight;
        //Set the Border with the boderColor and borderThickness
        //Set the Background color with backgroundColor
        //Create a new constraints object
        GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
        //Set the constraints - make cells as wide and tall as possible in the cells they occupy
        c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
        //Set the constraints - allow cells to stretch both Horizontally and Vertically, so that the entire panel is filled
        //when the frame is made larger
        //By default all cells with have the same weight, meaning that they will stretch in the same proportions.
        c.weightx = 1.0;
        c.weighty = 1.0;
        //Initialize auxiliary variables
        //For the following 2 variables, it is assumed all cells in the same row have the same height
        save_gridx = 0; //Used to store the previous cell's x-coordinate; that is, the cell that is to the left and in the same row
        save_gridy = 0; //Used to store the previous row's y-coordinate
        save_gridwidth = 0; //Used to store the previous cell's width; that is, the width of the cell that is to the left and in the same row
        save_gridheight = 0; //Used to store the previous row's height
        //Create each cell, one by one, creating the cell as a KCell object
        //NOTE: KCell extends VBox_2D which extends JPanel
        calendarCellArray = new KCell[calArray.length][];
        for (row=0; row < calArray.length; row++) { //ID=FOR_BLOCK1
            save_gridx = 0;     //reset before each new row
            save_gridwidth = 0; //reset before each new row
            calendarCellArray[row] = new KCell[calArray[row].length];

            for (col=0; col < calArray[row].length; col++) { //ID=FOR_BLOCK1
                //Create the calendar cell
                calendarCellArray[row][col] = new KCell(calArray[row][col][0], calArray[row][col][1]);
                for (par=4; par<calArray[row][col].length; par++) {
                    switch   (par) {
                        case 4: c.weightx = (calArray[row][col][par].equals("true")) ? 0 : 1; break; //lock the width of the cell if true
                        case 5: calendarCellArray[row][col].setBorderColor(Color.decode(calArray[row][col][par])); break;
                        case 6: calendarCellArray[row][col].setOffBackgroundColor(Color.decode(calArray[row][col][par])); break;
                        case 7: calendarCellArray[row][col].setTextColor(Color.decode(calArray[row][col][par])); break;
                        case 8: calendarCellArray[row][col].setTextBorderColor(Color.decode(calArray[row][col][par])); break;
                        case 9: calendarCellArray[row][col].setTextBackgroundColor(Color.decode(calArray[row][col][par])); break;
                //Set the width of the cell (in column units); for example - width of one column, width of two columns;
                //Use the analogy of column span in HTML; for example, a cell spans 2 columns (has a columnspan of 2)
                c.gridwidth = Integer.decode(calArray[row][col][2])//use decode to convert String to Integer
                //Set the height of the cell (in row units); for example - height of one row, height of two rows;
                //Use the analogy of row span in HTML; for example, a cell spans 2 rows (has a rowspan of 2)
                c.gridheight = Integer.decode(calArray[row][col][3]); //use decode to convert String to Integer
                //NOTE: Since we assume that all cells in a row must have the same height, controlling the height
                //of a row by setting c.gridheight for each cell doesn't actually affect the height of the row.
                //This is because Java only uses this value to determine if a column should span more than 1 row.
                //Java has made this confusing.  It should have been named rowspan (like in HTML) instead of
                //gridheight.  So, just because all the columns in a row actually span 2 rows, it doesn't mean
                //that this row that's actually 2 rows looks twice as big as the previous row.
                //To make a long story short, in order to acheive what seems to be the height of a row, we
                //need to change the weight of the column(s) in the row.  This is acheived by setting weighty
                //to the height value from calArray[row][col][3].  So for example, if the first row had all
                //it's weighty values as 1 and the current (second) row had all it's weighty values as 2 (which
                //we call the height of the row), then the second row will LOOK twice as tall as the first row.
                //Clear as mud?
                c.weighty = c.gridheight;
                //The x positon of the current cell should be determined by the previous cell's x postion plus
                //the previous cell's cell width
                c.gridx = save_gridx + save_gridwidth;  
                //It is assumed that gridy is the same for all cells in the same row
                c.gridy = save_gridy + save_gridheight;
                //Save values pertaining to the current column
                save_gridx = c.gridx;
                save_gridwidth = c.gridwidth;

                //Attach the calendar cell to the calendar panel
            } //ID=FOR_BLOCK2
            //Save values pertaining to the current row
            save_gridy = c.gridy;
            save_gridheight = c.gridheight;
        } //ID=FOR_BLOCK1
    public String getID(int row, int col) {
        String id;
        id = calendarCellArray[row][col].getCellID();
        return id;
    public KCell[][] getCalendarCells() {
        return calendarCellArray;
    private void changeState(String ID) {
        //Auxiliary variables
        int row,col;
        if (groupCellsAreOn && !(groupThatIsOn.equals(ID))) { //turn off
            groupCellsAreOn = false;
        //change the state of all cells with ID
        for (row=0; row<calendarCellArray.length; row++) {
            for (col=0; col<calendarCellArray[row].length; col++) {
                if (ID == calendarCellArray[row][col].getCellID()) {
                    if (calendarCellArray[row][col].getState() == "on")  { //Set off
                        groupCellsAreOn = false;
                    else { //Set on
                        groupThatIsOn =  calendarCellArray[row][col].getCellID();
                        groupCellsAreOn = true;

    private void addMouseListeners() {
        //Auxiliary variables
        int row,col;
        //Go through all the calendar cells and add mouse listeners for each
        for (row=0; row< calendarCellArray.length; row++) {
            for (col=0; col< calendarCellArray[row].length; col++) {
    private void handleEvent(MouseEvent e) {
        KCell calendarCell;
        calendarCell = (KCell) e.getComponent();

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {

    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {

    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {

    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {

    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {

} //ID=KMonthCLASS

Related Classes of koala.api.KBasic

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