* Created on 05.05.2005
package owlsmx.reasoning;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.mindswap.owl.OWLClass;
import org.mindswap.pellet.TuBox.NotUnfoldableException;
import org.mindswap.pellet.jena.OWLReasoner;
import owlsmx.exceptions.ConceptNotFoundException;
import owlsmx.exceptions.MatchingException;
import owlsmx.io.ErrorLog;
import owlsmx.utils.MatchmakerUtils;
import aterm.ATerm;
import aterm.ATermAppl;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
* An extension of the Pellet reasoner which includes additional functions
* for unfolding, communication with Mindswap OWL-S API and and serveral
* convinience functions for OWLS-MX
* @author Ben Fries
public class PelletReasoner extends OWLReasoner {
* Constructor, intitializes superclass OWLReasoner
public PelletReasoner() {
* Returns all classes in the local ontology
* @return Set of all RDFNodes in the ontology
public java.util.Set getAllClasses() {
return getClasses();
* Returns the descendent classes of a given class
* @param clazz OntClass whose descendent classes should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNodes
private java.util.Set getDescendantClasses(OntClass clazz) {
return MatchmakerUtils.union(getSubClasses(clazz));
* Returns the immediate subclasse(most generic subsumed concepts) of a given class
* @param clazz OntClass of which the subclasses should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNode items
private java.util.Set getDirectSubClasses(OntClass clazz) {
return MatchmakerUtils.union(getSubClasses(clazz,true));
* Returns the ancestor classes of a given class in the local ontology
* @param clazz OntClass whose ancestor classes should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNodes
private java.util.Set getAncestorClasses(OntClass clazz) {
return MatchmakerUtils.union(getSuperClasses(clazz));
* Computes immediate parents of a given class
* @param clazz OntClass whose immediate parent classes should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNodes
private java.util.Set getDirectParentClasses(OntClass clazz) {
return MatchmakerUtils.union(getSuperClasses(clazz,true));
* Computes the equivalent classes of a given clas
* @param clazz OntClass whose equivalent classes should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNodes
private java.util.Set getAllEquivalentClasses(OntClass clazz) {
return MatchmakerUtils.union(getEquivalentClasses(clazz));
* If concept exists in the reasoner
* @param node RDFNode of the concept
* @return if the concept exists
public boolean conceptExists(RDFNode node) {
return getClasses().contains(node);
* @param clazzURI the class which is questioned whether it exists or not
* @return returns if the Class already exists inside the reasoner
public boolean conceptExists(URI clazzURI) {
RDFNode node;
for(Iterator iter = getClasses().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
node = (RDFNode)iter.next();
if (node.toString().toLowerCase().equals(clazzURI.toString().toLowerCase()) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves the RDFNode of a the class with the given URI
* @param clazzURI URI of the class that should be retrieve(String)
* @return RDFNode of the class
* @throws ConceptNotFoundException
public RDFNode getRDFNode(URI clazzURI) throws ConceptNotFoundException {
RDFNode node;
Iterator iter = getClasses().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
node = (RDFNode)iter.next();
if (node.toString().toLowerCase().equals(clazzURI.toString().toLowerCase()) )
return node;
Resource r = getModel().getResource(clazzURI.toString());
if (r!=null)
return r.as(RDFNode.class);
throw new ConceptNotFoundException(this.getClass().toString() + "|getRDFNode : Could not load class " + clazzURI.toString());
* Unfolds a concept with a given URI
* @param clazzURI URI of the concept
* @return String of th e unfolded concept
* @throws NotUnfoldableException If the concept can't be unfolde
* @throws ConceptNotFoundException If the concept can't be found
* @throws MatchingException If anything else goes wrong
public String unfoldTerm(URI clazzURI) throws NotUnfoldableException, ConceptNotFoundException, MatchingException{
return unfoldTerm(getRDFNode(clazzURI));
* Unfolds a Jena OntClass in the local ontology
* @param clazz the class to unfold
* @return returns the unfolded String of the input class clazz
* @throws NotUnfoldableException if the TBox can't be unfolded
public String unfoldTerm(OntClass clazz) throws NotUnfoldableException,MatchingException {
try {
return unfoldTerm(new URI(clazz.getURI()));
} catch (ConceptNotFoundException e) {
throw new MatchingException(e.getMessage());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new MatchingException(e.getMessage());
* Unfolds a Vector of URIs
* @param uris Vector with STRINGs that are URI.toString()
* @return STRING composed of whitespace seperated unfolded Classes
* @throws NotUnfoldableException if ANY Term can't be unfolded
* @throws URISyntaxException if the STRINGs are malformed for a URI
public String unfoldURIs(Vector uris) throws NotUnfoldableException,MatchingException, URISyntaxException {
String result ="";
URI uri;
for (int i=0; i < uris.size(); i++) {
uri = (URI)uris.get(i);
if (conceptExists(uri))
result += unfoldTerm(getRDFNode(uri));
System.out.println("Concept " + uri + " did not exist in reasoner");
// System.out.println(this.getClass().toString() + "|unfoldURIS: " + result);
return result.trim();
* Retrieves the OntClass of a given class from the reasoner
* @param stringURI URI of the class
* @return Desired OntClass
* @throws URISyntaxException If String was not a valid URI
* @throws ConceptNotFoundException If the concept can't be found
public OntClass getClass(String stringURI) throws URISyntaxException, ConceptNotFoundException {
return getClass(new URI(stringURI));
* Retrieves the OntClass of a given class from the reasoner
* @param uri URI of the class
* @return Desired OntClass
* @throws URISyntaxException If String was not a valid URI
* @throws ConceptNotFoundException If the concept can't be found
public OntClass getClass(URI uri) throws URISyntaxException, ConceptNotFoundException {
if (uri==null)
throw new URISyntaxException("URI was not initialized correctly ","URI was not initialized correctly ");
return (OntClass)getRDFNode(uri).as(OntClass.class);
// throw new ConceptNotFoundException(this.getClass().toString() + "|getClass: Could not find class " + uri.toString() + " in local ontology");//+ localOntology.getURI().toString());
* Unfolds a Jena OntClass
* @param clazz the class to unfold
* @return returns the unfolded String of the input class clazz
* @throws NotUnfoldableException if the TBox can't be unfolded
public String unfoldTerm(RDFNode clazz) throws NotUnfoldableException,MatchingException {
if ( getKB().getTBox().Tu==null) {
ATerm term = node2term(clazz);
if (term==null) {
ErrorLog.instanceOf().report("Can't find Term for class " + clazz.toString());
throw new MatchingException("Can't find Term for class " + clazz.toString());
String result =( (ATerm) getKB().getTBox().Tu.unfoldTerm((ATermAppl) term) ).toString();
return result;
* Unfolds a given concept in the local ontology
* @param clazz OntClass which should be unfolded
* @return String of the unfolded concept
* @throws NotUnfoldableException If the concept can't be unfolded in the ontology
* @throws MatchingException If anything else goes wrong
public String unfoldTerm(OWLClass clazz) throws NotUnfoldableException, MatchingException {
return unfoldTerm((OntClass)clazz.getImplementation());
* Retrieves the equivalent class for the given class
* @param clazz OntClass whose equivalent classes should be retrieved
* @return Set of RDFNode items
public Set retrieveEquivalentClasses(OntClass clazz) {
Set result = this.getAllEquivalentClasses(clazz);
return result;
* Returns the immediate parents (most specific ancestor)
* @param clazz OntClass of which the immediate parents should be retrieved from
* @param equivalentClasses Set of equivalent class (they will be pruned from the result)
* @return Set of RDFNodes which are equivalent to classes
public Set retrieveDirectParentClasses(OntClass clazz, Set equivalentClasses) {
Set result = this.getDirectParentClasses(clazz);
return result;
* Returns the ancestor classes of a given class in the local ontology
* @param clazz OntClass whose ancestor classes should be computed
* @param equivalentClasses Set of equivalent classes (will be pruned)
* @param directParentClasses Set of parent classes (will be pruned)
* @return Set of RDFNodes
public Set retrieveAncestorClasses(OntClass clazz, Set equivalentClasses , Set directParentClasses) {
Set result = this.getAncestorClasses(clazz);
return result;
* Returns the ancestor classes of a given class in the local ontology
* @param clazz OntClass whose ancestor classes should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNodes
public Set retrieveAllAncestorClasses(OntClass clazz) {
return this.getAncestorClasses(clazz);
* Computes children of a given class
* @param clazz OntClass whose children classes should be computed
* @return Set of RDFNodes
public Set retrieveDirectSubClasses(OntClass clazz, Set equivalentClasses) {
Set result = this.getDirectSubClasses(clazz);
return result;
* Returns the descendent classes of a given class
* @param clazz OntClass whose descendent classes should be computed
* @param equivalentClasses Set of equivalent classes (will be pruned)
* @param directSubClasses Set of equivalent classes (will be pruned)
* @return Set of RDFNodes
public Set retrieveDescendantClasses(OntClass clazz, Set equivalentClasses , Set directSubClasses) {
Set result = this.getDescendantClasses(clazz);
return result;
* Retrieves the remaining classes
* (those who are in no subsumtion relation with a class)
* @param clazz OntClass whose descendent classes should be computed
* @param equivalentClasses Set of equivalent classes (will be pruned)
* @param directSubClasses Set of child classes (will be pruned)
* @param directParentClasses Set of parent classes (will be pruned)
* @param AncestorClasses Set of ancestor classes (will be pruned)
* @param DecendantClasses Set of descendent classes (will be pruned)
* @return Set of RDFNodes
public Set retrieveRemainingClasses(OntClass clazz, Set equivalentClasses, Set directParentClasses, Set AncestorClasses, Set directSubClasses, Set DecendantClasses) {
Set result = this.getAllClasses();
return result;
* Retrieves the remaining classes
* (those who are in no subsumtion relation with a class)
* @param clazz OntClass whose descendent classes should be computed
* @param equivalentClasses Set of equivalent classes (will be pruned)
* @param AllAncestorClasses Set of ancestor classes (will be pruned)
* @return Set of RDFNodes
public Set retrieveAllRemainingClasses(OntClass clazz, Set equivalentClasses, Set AllAncestorClasses) {
Set result = this.getClasses();
return result;