* Copyright (c) 2010 Brigham Young University
* This file is part of the BYU RapidSmith Tools.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is free software: you may redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with the BYU
* RapidSmith Tools. It can be found at doc/gpl2.txt. You may also
* get a copy of the license at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.examples;
import com.trolltech.qt.core.QPointF;
import com.trolltech.qt.core.QRectF;
import com.trolltech.qt.core.QSize;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QBrush;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QColor;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsPixmapItem;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsRectItem;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsScene;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPainter;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPen;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPixmap;
import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage.Format;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.device.Device;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.device.Tile;
* @author marc
public class PartTileBrowserScene extends QGraphicsScene {
double currX, currY, prevX, prevY;
int tileSize, numCols, numRows;
double lineWidth;
Device device;
public Signal0 updateStatus = new Signal0();
private QGraphicsRectItem highlit;
private QImage qImage;
public PartTileBrowserScene(Device device) {
this.device = device;
this.highlit = null;
this.prevX = 0;
this.prevY = 0;
this.tileSize = 20;
this.lineWidth = 1;
if (device != null) {
this.numRows = device.getRows();
this.numCols = device.getColumns();
} else {
this.numRows = 8;
this.numCols = 8;
setSceneRect(new QRectF(0, 0, (numCols + 1) * (tileSize + 1),
(numRows + 1) * (tileSize + 1)));
public void setDevice(Device newDevice) {
this.device = newDevice;
this.highlit = null;
this.prevX = 0;
this.prevY = 0;
if (device != null) {
this.numRows = device.getRows();
this.numCols = device.getColumns();
} else {
this.numRows = 8;
this.numCols = 8;
setSceneRect(new QRectF(0, 0, (numCols + 1) * (tileSize + 1),
(numRows + 1) * (tileSize + 1)));
private void drawSliceBackground() {
setBackgroundBrush(new QBrush(QColor.black));
//Create transparent QPixmap that accepts hovers
// so that moveMouseEvent is triggered
QPixmap qpm = new QPixmap(new QSize((numCols + 1) * (tileSize + 1),
(numRows + 1) * (tileSize + 1)));
qpm.fill(new QColor(255, 255,255, 0));
QGraphicsPixmapItem background = addPixmap(qpm);
// Draw colored tiles onto QImage
qImage = new QImage(new QSize((numCols + 1) * (tileSize + 1),
(numRows + 1) * (tileSize + 1)), Format.Format_RGB16);
QPainter painter = new QPainter(qImage);
painter.setPen(new QPen(QColor.black, lineWidth));
// Draw lines between tiles
for (int i = 0; i <= numCols; i++) {
painter.drawLine((i) * tileSize, tileSize, (i) * tileSize,
(numRows) * tileSize);
for (int j = 0; j <= numRows; j++) {
painter.drawLine(tileSize, (j) * tileSize, (numCols) * tileSize,
(j) * tileSize);
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
Tile tile = device.getTile(i, j);
String name = tile.getName();
int hash = name.hashCode();
int idx = name.indexOf("_");
if (idx != -1) {
hash = name.substring(0, idx).hashCode();
QColor color = QColor.fromRgb(hash);
if (name.startsWith("DSP")) {
// color = QColor.fromRgb(145, 145, 145);
color = QColor.darkCyan;
} else if (name.startsWith("BRAM")) {
// color = QColor.fromRgb(165, 165, 165);
color = QColor.darkMagenta;
} else if (name.startsWith("INT")) {
// color = QColor.fromRgb(125, 125, 125);
color = QColor.darkYellow;
} else if (name.startsWith("CLB")) {
color = QColor.blue;
// color = QColor.fromRgb(185, 185, 185);
} else if (name.startsWith("DCM")) {
// color = QColor.fromRgb(205, 205, 205);
} else if (name.startsWith("EMPTY")) {
// color = QColor.white;
} else {
// color = QColor.black;
painter.fillRect(j * tileSize, i * tileSize, tileSize - 2, tileSize - 2, new QBrush(color));
public void drawBackground(QPainter painter, QRectF rect){
super.drawBackground(painter, rect);
painter.drawImage(0, 0, qImage);
public void mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent event) {
QPointF mousePos = event.scenePos();
currX = Math.floor((mousePos.x()) / tileSize);
currY = Math.floor((mousePos.y()) / tileSize);
if (currX >= 0 && currY >= 0 && currX < numCols && currY < numRows
&& (currX != prevX || currY != prevY)) {
prevX = currX;
prevY = currY;
private void updateCursor() {
if (highlit == null) {
QPen cursorPen = new QPen(QColor.yellow, 3);
highlit = addRect(currX * tileSize, currY * tileSize, tileSize - 2,
tileSize - 2, cursorPen);
} else {
highlit.moveBy((currX - prevX) * tileSize, (currY - prevY)
* tileSize);
public double getCurrX() {
return currX;
public double getCurrY() {
return currY;