* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Brigham Young University
* This file is part of the BYU RapidSmith Tools.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is free software: you may redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with the BYU
* RapidSmith Tools. It can be found at doc/gpl2.txt. You may also
* get a copy of the license at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.examples;
import joptsimple.OptionSet;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.Bitstream;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configuration.FPGA;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configuration.Frame;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configuration.FrameAddressRegister;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configuration.FrameData;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.XilinxConfigurationSpecification;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.examples.support.BitstreamOptionParser;
public class PartialBitstreamRepair {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Begin command line parsing
BitstreamOptionParser cmdLineParser = new BitstreamOptionParser();
// Custom options
String FULL_OPTION = "full";
String STATIC_OPTION = "static";
String PARTIAL_OPTION = "partial";
String VERBOSE = "v";
String VERBOSE_HELP = "Verbose output";
cmdLineParser.accepts(FULL_OPTION,"Name of full bitfile (static+partial)").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class);
cmdLineParser.accepts(STATIC_OPTION,"Name of static bitfile (static that is empty)").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class);
cmdLineParser.accepts(PARTIAL_OPTION,"Name of partial bitfile").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class);
String PATCH_PARTIAL = "patchPartial";
cmdLineParser.accepts(PATCH_PARTIAL,"Changes will be made in the partial, not static").withRequiredArg().ofType(String.class);
// Parse arguments
OptionSet options = cmdLineParser.parseArgumentsExitOnError(args);
// Print executable header
// Check for and print help
// Get bitstreams
Bitstream fullBitstream = cmdLineParser.parseRequiredBitstreamFromOptionsExitOnError(options, FULL_OPTION,
Bitstream staticBitstream = cmdLineParser.parseRequiredBitstreamFromOptionsExitOnError(options, STATIC_OPTION,
Bitstream partialBitstream = cmdLineParser.parseRequiredBitstreamFromOptionsExitOnError(options, PARTIAL_OPTION,
boolean patchPartial = false;
if (options.has(PATCH_PARTIAL))
patchPartial = true;
boolean verbose = false;
if (options.has(VERBOSE)) {
verbose = true;
boolean printData = false;
// Get and check parts
XilinxConfigurationSpecification partInfo = cmdLineParser.getPartInfoExitOnError(options, fullBitstream, true);
XilinxConfigurationSpecification staticPartInfo = cmdLineParser.getPartInfoExitOnError(options, staticBitstream, false);
XilinxConfigurationSpecification partialPartInfo = cmdLineParser.getPartInfoExitOnError(options, partialBitstream, false);
if (staticPartInfo != partInfo || partialPartInfo != partInfo) {
System.err.println("Bitstreams do not match");
// 3. Create FPGA object
FPGA fullFPGA = new FPGA(partInfo);
FPGA staticFPGA = new FPGA(partInfo);
FPGA partialFPGA = new FPGA(partInfo);
// Configure FPGA
boolean staticChanged = false;
boolean partialChanged = false;
// Iterate over all of the frames
FrameAddressRegister far = new FrameAddressRegister(partInfo);
for (; far.validFARAddress(); far.incrementFAR()) {
Frame fullFrame = fullFPGA.getFrame(far);
if (!fullFrame.isConfigured()) {
System.err.println("Error: Unconfigured Frame in the full bitstream at FAR:"+far.getHexAddress());
Frame staticFrame = staticFPGA.getFrame(far);
Frame partialFrame = partialFPGA.getFrame(far);
FrameData fullData = fullFrame.getData();
FrameData staticData = staticFrame.getData();
FrameData partialData = partialFrame.getData();
if (staticFrame.isConfigured() && partialFrame.isConfigured()) {
// Both static and partial frames configured
if (fullData.isEqual(staticData)) {
if (fullData.isEqual(partialData)) {
// TODO: All equal: could probably remove the partial frame (future)
if (verbose)
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress()+" Static, full, and partial all equal");
} else {
// full and static equal, partial not equal
System.out.println("Full and static equal, partial not equal:"+far.getHexAddress());
if (printData) {
System.out.println("Full Data\n"+fullData);
System.out.println("Static Data\n"+staticData);
System.out.println("Partial Data\n"+partialData);
} else {
// full is not equal to static
if (fullData.isEqual(partialData)) {
// This is OK. Don't need to do anything here.
if (staticData.isEmpty())
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress() + " Full and partial equal, static empty");
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress() + " Full and partial equal, static not equal and not empty");
if (printData) {
System.out.println("Full Data\n"+fullData);
System.out.println("Static Data\n"+staticData);
System.out.println("Partial Data\n"+partialData);
} else {
// Full data is NOT equal to partial data
if (staticData.isEqual(partialData)) {
System.out.println("*** Full not equal but static and partial equal:"+far.getHexAddress());
} else {
System.out.println("*** All three not equal:"+far.getHexAddress());
} else if (staticFrame.isConfigured()) {
// static frame is configured and partial frame is NOT configured
if (fullData.isEqual(staticData)) {
if (verbose)
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress()+" Static and full Equal (partial not configured)");
} else {
if (!fullData.isEmpty()) {
// full has data
if (!staticData.isEmpty()) {
// Full and static have data
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress()+" * Full and static NOT equal (partial not configured)");
if (printData) {
System.out.println("Full Data\n"+fullData);
System.out.println("Static Data\n"+staticData);
} else {
// full has data , static is empty
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress()+" * Full has data, static is empty (partial not configured)");
} else {
// full does not have data
System.out.println(far.getHexAddress()+" * Full empty and static NOT equal (partial not configured)");
if (!patchPartial) {
staticChanged = true;
} else {
partialChanged = true;
} else if (partialFrame.isConfigured()) {
// partial frame is configured, static frame is NOT configured
if (fullData.isEqual(partialData)) {
System.out.println("Partial and full Equal (static not configured):"+far.getHexAddress());
} else {
System.out.println("Partial Not Equal:"+far.getHexAddress());
} else {
// neither frame is configured
if (!fullData.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Frame not empty and static/partial not conifgured:"+far);
if (staticChanged) {
String oldStaticFileName = cmdLineParser.getBitstreamFileNameFromOptions(options,STATIC_OPTION);
String newStaticFilename = oldStaticFileName + ".new";
// create the bitstream
Bitstream newBitstream = partInfo.getBitstreamGenerator().createFullBitstream(staticFPGA, staticBitstream.getHeader());
BitstreamManipulation.writeBitstreamToBIT(newBitstream, newStaticFilename);
if (partialChanged) {
String oldPartialFileName = cmdLineParser.getBitstreamFileNameFromOptions(options,PARTIAL_OPTION);
String newPartialFilename = oldPartialFileName + ".new";
// create the bitstream
Bitstream newBitstream = partInfo.getBitstreamGenerator().createPartialBitstream(partialFPGA, partialBitstream.getHeader());
BitstreamManipulation.writeBitstreamToBIT(newBitstream, newPartialFilename);