* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Brigham Young University
* This file is part of the BYU RapidSmith Tools.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is free software: you may redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with the BYU
* RapidSmith Tools. It can be found at doc/gpl2.txt. You may also
* get a copy of the license at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configuration;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.BitstreamUtils;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.AbstractConfigurationSpecification;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.BlockSubType;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.BlockType;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.XilinxConfigurationSpecification;
* Represents the contents of a Xilinx Frame Address Register and performs proper
* frame address register incrementing. This class stores the FAR as
* a set of fields in the FAR rather than as a 32 bit number. This facilitates
* the FAR incrementing.
* This class contains many static methods that are used to evaluate Frame Address information
* based on configuration specifications. These static methods form a bridge between the
* values in the configuration specification and the frame adddress.
public class FrameAddressRegister {
* Creates an initial frame address register initialized to 0.
public FrameAddressRegister(XilinxConfigurationSpecification xcs) {
configSpec = xcs;
public FrameAddressRegister(XilinxConfigurationSpecification xcs, int farAddress) {
configSpec = xcs;
public void initFAR() {
top_bottom = 0;
blockType = 0;
row = 0;
column = 0;
minor = 0;
public void setFAR(int address){
top_bottom = getTopBottomFromAddress(address);
blockType = getBlockTypeFromAddress(address);
row = getRowFromAddress(address);
column = getColumnFromAddress(address);
minor = getMinorFromAddress(address);
* This function will increment the Frame Address Register (FAR) to the next address.
* The frame address register does not follow a sequential increment pattern. Instead,
* it follows a very particular pattern. There are smaller counters within the FAR that
* in the following order (from first to last): minor, column, row, top_bottom, and then
* type. See Xilinx UG071, Virtex-4 FPGA Configuration User Guide for more detail and
* Xilinx UG191, Virtex-5 FPGA Configuration User Guide.
* @return true if the resulting FAR is valid. return false if increment is invalid.
* Need better error checking and feedback
public boolean incrementFAR() {
// Check to see if the block number is beyond the last block number.
// If so, we can't increment and return false (bad FAR address - beyond the end)
if (blockType >= configSpec.getBlockTypes().size())
return false;
// Check to see if we have reached the last frame in a given COnfifguration block.
if(minor == getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(configSpec, blockType, column) - 1){
// End of a block. Initialize minor and check column.
minor = 0;
//If we have reached the max column for the specified type of block
//set it to zero the check the row
if(column == getNumberOfColumns(configSpec, blockType) - 1) {
column = 0;
// Last column. Move to a new row.
//If we have reached the max row, then check the top_bottom,
//else increment row
if ((top_bottom == 0 && row == configSpec.getTopNumberOfRows() - 1) ||
(top_bottom == 1 && row == configSpec.getBottomNumberOfRows() - 1)) {
row = 0;
//If max top_bottom has been reached, set top_bottom to zero and check the
//block type, else increment top_bottom
if(top_bottom == 0){
top_bottom = 1;
else if(top_bottom == 1){
top_bottom = 0;
//If the incremented type is greater than two, it is invalid and we
//will return false. Otherwise, we are finished and return true.
if(blockType >= configSpec.getBlockTypes().size() ){
return false;
} else
// not last row. Increment.
} else
// Not last column. Increment.
else {
// Still in the middle of a block. Just increment the minor number.
return true;
public boolean incrementFAR(int num) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (!incrementFAR())
return false;
return true;
public boolean validFARAddress() {
if (blockType >= configSpec.getBlockTypes().size())
return false;
return true;
* Convert the current FAR address into a consecutive address
public int getConsecutiveAddress() {
int address = 0;
int i=0;
// add addresses of block types that are *before* the current block type
for (i = 0; i < blockType; i++)
address += getFramesPerFARBlockType(configSpec, i);
// add addresses of top for current block type if we are in the bottom
if (top_bottom > 0)
address += getFramesInTop(configSpec, blockType);
// add addresses of rows in current block type that are *before* the current row
// but in the same FAR block type
address += row * getFramesPerRow(configSpec, blockType);
// Add addresses of columns in current row that are *before* the current column
for (i = 0; i < column; i++)
address += getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(configSpec, blockType, i);
// Add addresses of frames *before* current frame
address += minor;
return address;
public void setFARAddressFromConsecutiveAddress(int consecutiveAddress){
int address = consecutiveAddress;
//int i=0;
// Determine block number
blockType = 0;
for (blockType = 0; // Initialize block type to 0
address >= getFramesPerFARBlockType(configSpec, blockType); // See if address is large enough to skip current block
address -= getFramesPerFARBlockType(configSpec, blockType++)) // If so, reduce the address count and increment block count
// Determine Top or Bottom
if (address >= getFramesInTop(configSpec, blockType)) {
top_bottom = 1;
address -= getFramesInTop(configSpec, blockType);
// Determine Row
row = address / getFramesPerRow(configSpec, blockType);
address -= getFramesPerRow(configSpec, blockType) * row;
// Determine column
for (column = 0; // Initialize block type to 0
address >= getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(configSpec, blockType, column);
address -= getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(configSpec, blockType, column++))
// detrmine minor
minor = address;
public int getTopBottomFromAddress(int address) {
return getTopBottomFromAddress(configSpec,address);
public int getAddressFromTopBottom(int topBottom) {
return getAddressFromTopBottom(configSpec, topBottom);
public int getBlockTypeFromAddress(int address) {
return getBlockTypeFromAddress(configSpec, address);
public int getAddressFromBlockType(int blockType) {
return getAddressFromBlockType(configSpec, blockType);
public int getColumnFromAddress(int address) {
return getColumnFromAddress(configSpec, address);
public int getAddressFromColumn(int column) {
return getAddressFromColumn(configSpec, column);
public int getRowFromAddress(int address) {
return getRowFromAddress(configSpec, address);
public int getAddressFromRow(int row) {
return getAddressFromRow(configSpec, row);
public int getMinorFromAddress(int address) {
return getMinorFromAddress(configSpec, address);
public int getAddressFromMinor(int minor) {
return getAddressFromMinor(configSpec, minor);
public XilinxConfigurationSpecification getConfigurationSpecification() {
return configSpec;
* Returns the FAR address as an integer based on the values of the FAR
* address fields.
public int getAddress() {
int far = 0;
far |= getAddressFromTopBottom(top_bottom);
far |= getAddressFromBlockType(blockType);
far |= getAddressFromRow(row);
far |= getAddressFromColumn(column);
far |= getAddressFromMinor(minor);
return far;
public String getHexAddress() {
return BitstreamUtils.toHexString(getAddress());
public int getTopBottom() { return top_bottom; }
public int getBlockType() { return blockType; }
public int getRow() { return row; }
public int getColumn() { return column; }
public int getMinor() { return minor; }
* Prints out information about a frame address.
public String toString() {
return toString(1);
* Level 0: hex address only
* Level 1: Single line string that decodes the FAR
public String toString(int level) {
if (level == 0)
return getHexAddress();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// Print address
sb.append("FAR="+BitstreamUtils.toHexString(getAddress())+", ");
// Print top & bottom
sb.append(" Type=" + AbstractConfigurationSpecification.getBlockType(configSpec, blockType) + " ("+blockType+")");
sb.append(", Row="+ row);
sb.append(", Column=" + column +" (" +
AbstractConfigurationSpecification.getBlockSubtype(configSpec, blockType, column) + "),");
sb.append(" Minor="+ minor);
return sb.toString();
// Static Methods
// Methods for extracting specific fields from a FAR address
public static int getTopBottomFromAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
return (address & spec.getTopBottomMask()) >>> spec.getTopBottomBitPos();
public static int getBlockTypeFromAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
return (address & spec.getBlockTypeMask()) >>> spec.getBlockTypeBitPos();
public static int getColumnFromAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
return (address & spec.getColumnMask()) >>> spec.getColumnBitPos();
public static int getRowFromAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
return (address & spec.getRowMask()) >>> spec.getRowBitPos();
public static int getMinorFromAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
return (address & spec.getMinorMask()) >>> spec.getMinorBitPos();
// Methods for creating FAR addresses from field values
public static int getAddressFromTopBottom(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int topBottom) {
return topBottom << spec.getTopBottomBitPos();
public static int getAddressFromBlockType(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockType) {
return blockType << spec.getBlockTypeBitPos();
public static int getAddressFromColumn(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int column) {
return column << spec.getColumnBitPos();
public static int getAddressFromRow(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int row) {
return row << spec.getRowBitPos();
public static int getAddressFromMinor(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int minor) {
return (minor) << spec.getMinorBitPos();
// Methods for determining frame counts for various bitstream regions
public static int getFramesPerFARBlockType(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int block) {
return getFramesInTop(spec, block) + getFramesInBottom(spec, block);
public static int getFramesInTop(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int block) {
return getFramesPerRow(spec, block) * spec.getTopNumberOfRows();
public static int getFramesInBottom(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int block) {
return getFramesPerRow(spec, block) * spec.getBottomNumberOfRows();
public static int getFramesPerRow(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int block) {
int frames = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfColumns(spec, block); i++) {
frames += getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(spec, block,i);
return frames;
public static int getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockNum, int column) {
BlockType type = spec.getBlockTypes().get(blockNum);
BlockSubType subType = spec.getBlockSubTypeLayout(type).get(column);
int result = subType.getFramesPerConfigurationBlock();
return result;
public static int getNumberOfColumns(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockNum) {
BlockType type = spec.getBlockTypes().get(blockNum);
int result = spec.getBlockSubTypeLayout(type).size();
return result;
public static int getNumberOfFramesPerBlockRow(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockNum) {
int columns = getNumberOfColumns(spec, blockNum);
int frames = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
frames+=getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(spec, blockNum, i);
return frames;
public static int getNumberOfFramesPerBlockTop(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockNum) {
return getNumberOfFramesPerBlockRow(spec, blockNum) * spec.getTopNumberOfRows();
public static int getNumberOfFramesPerBlockBottom(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockNum) {
return getNumberOfFramesPerBlockRow(spec, blockNum) * spec.getBottomNumberOfRows();
public static int getNumberOfFramesPerBlock(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockNum) {
return getNumberOfFramesPerBlockTop(spec, blockNum) + getNumberOfFramesPerBlockBottom(spec, blockNum);
public static int getNumberOfFrames(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec) {
int blockTypes = spec.getBlockTypes().size();
int frames = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < blockTypes; i++)
frames += getNumberOfFramesPerBlock(spec, i);
return frames;
// Misc. static methods
* Create an integer frame address from the various fields that make up the frame address
* register.
public static int createFAR(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int topBottom, int blockType,
int row, int column, int minor) {
int far = 0;
far |= getAddressFromTopBottom(spec, topBottom);
far |= getAddressFromBlockType(spec, blockType);
far |= getAddressFromRow(spec, row);
far |= getAddressFromColumn(spec, column);
far |= getAddressFromMinor(spec, minor);
return far;
* Determine the starting FAR address for a given block type
public static int createBlockStartingFAR(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int blockType) {
return createFAR(spec,0,blockType,0,0,0);
* Deterimine the block type number from a fixed block type object.
public static int getBlockTypeNumber(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, BlockType blocktype) {
return spec.getBlockTypes().indexOf(blocktype);
public static int getBRAMContentFrameAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec) {
int blockTypeNum = getBlockTypeNumber(spec, spec.getBRAMContentBlockType());
return createBlockStartingFAR(spec,blockTypeNum);
public static int getNumberOfBRAMContentFrames(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec) {
int blockTypeNum = getBlockTypeNumber(spec, spec.getBRAMContentBlockType());
return getFramesPerFARBlockType(spec, blockTypeNum);
public static String toString(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
FrameAddressRegister far = new FrameAddressRegister(spec,address);
return far.toString();
* Return the 'consecutive' address from a FAR address. This is usually
* used for accessing frame data from the sequential frame data array.
public static int getConsecutiveAddress(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, int address) {
FrameAddressRegister far = new FrameAddressRegister(spec,address);
return far.getConsecutiveAddress();
// Class Fields
* The configuration specification object that this class needs to know
* how to incrememnt and manipulate the FAR.
protected XilinxConfigurationSpecification configSpec;
* Determines if we are accessing the top or bottom partition of the FPGA.
* 0 = top
* 1 = bottom
protected int top_bottom;
* Represents bits 21:19 (V4) or 23:21 (V5) of the Frame Address Register (FAR).
* Determines the type of block currently addressed.
* Virtex-4 Block types are:
* Logic blocks, CLB/IO/CLK/DSP/MGT: 000
* Block RAM interconnect blocks: 001
* Block RAM content blocks: 010
* CFG_CLB blocks: 011
* CFG_BRAM blocks: 100
* A normal V4 bitstream does not include CFG_CLB or CFG_BRAM
* Virtex-5 Block types are:
* Logic blocks and interconnect, CLB/IO/CLK/DSP/BRAM interconnect: 000
* Block RAM content blocks: 001
* Interconnect and Block Special Frames (used in partial reconfiguration): 010
* Block RAM Non-Configuration Frames (not accessible by users): 011
protected int blockType;
* Represents bits 18:14 (V4) or 19:15 (V5) of the Frame Address Register (FAR).
* Determines the row currently being addressed.
protected int row;
* Represents bits 13:6 (V4) or 14:7 (V5) of the Frame Address Register (FAR).
* Determines the column currently being addressed.
protected int column;
* Represents bits 5:0 (V4) or 6:0 (V5) of the Frame Address Register (FAR).
* Determines the frame within the block currently being addressed.
protected int minor;