* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Brigham Young University
* This file is part of the BYU RapidSmith Tools.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is free software: you may redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* BYU RapidSmith Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with the BYU
* RapidSmith Tools. It can be found at doc/gpl2.txt. You may also
* get a copy of the license at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configuration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.Bitstream;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.Packet;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.PacketList;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.PacketOpcode;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.PacketType;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.bitstream.RegisterType;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.BlockType;
import edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.bitstreamTools.configurationSpecification.XilinxConfigurationSpecification;
* This class models the configuration of a Xilinx FPGA.
* This class contains the configuration data of a configured FPGA
* (organized as Frames) and a frame address register. This
* object is "configured" by using Bitstream objects (pre-parsed
* Xilinx bitstreams). This class is used for creating, manipulating,
* and querying bitstreams in Xilinx FPGAs.
public class FPGA {
* Construct an empty unconfigured FPGA based on the FPGA specification.
public FPGA(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec) {
this.spec = spec;
frameBuffer = new FrameData(spec);
frameAddress = new FrameAddressRegister(spec);
//configData = new FrameData[frameAddress.getNumberOfFrames()];
configData = new Frame[FrameAddressRegister.getNumberOfFrames(spec)];
int frameSize = spec.getFrameSize();
frameMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < configData.length; i++) {
int currentFAR = frameAddress.getAddress();
configData[i] = new Frame(frameSize,currentFAR);
frameMap.put(currentFAR, i);
//configData[i] = new FrameData(frameSize);
* Construct empty FPGA with debug flag (instance specific debug)
public FPGA(XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec, boolean debug) {
this.DEBUG = debug;
* Configure the FPGA object with the data in the bitstream packets.
* Iterate over each packet and individually configure them.
public void configureBitstream(Bitstream bitstream) {
// TODO: Check to see if bitstream matches part?
// TODO: make sure that the bitstream ends on the proper boundry?
// TODO: keep track of where the packet data ends up on the FPGA? (i.e. a map
// between array data and FAR addresses).
// Iterate through all of the packets of the bitstream
PacketList packets = bitstream.getPackets();
for (Iterator<Packet> i = packets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
* Perform 'configuration' operations on an individual packet. This method
* will respond to a subset of packets that affect the configuration
* process. Many packets will be ignored. The following packets are processed:
* FAR: update the internal FAR address
* @param packet
protected void configureBitstream(Packet packet) {
// Find all the write packets. Only Writes impact the configuration
if (packet.getOpcode() == PacketOpcode.WRITE) {
// Access the data associated with the register write
List<Integer> data = packet.getData();
// Look for specific registers
RegisterType rT = packet.getRegType();
// Update the the FAR within FPGA
if (rT == RegisterType.FAR) {
if (data.size() == 0) {
System.err.println("Warning: FAR write with no data");
} else {
int farVal = data.get(0);
// Write data written to FDRI in the FPGA for packet type 2 FDRI writes
else if(rT == RegisterType.FDRI || packet.getPacketType() == PacketType.TWO) {
// Performs a multiple frame write operation
else if(rT == RegisterType.MFWR){
* Execute a FDRI command by configuring the FPGA with the data in the packet.
* Note that the FAR must be set before executing this command.
* @param packet
protected void FDRICommand(Packet packet) {
List<Integer> data = packet.getData();
protected void configureWithData(List<Integer> data) {
// This method will be called when a FDRI packet with no data is found.
// Such a call should be ignored - the following packet should be a
// type 2 data packet.
if (data.size() == 0)
int frameSize = getDeviceSpecification().getFrameSize();
// TODO: is this necessary?
// Load the frame buffer and then set the frame
for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); i+=frameSize) {
for(int j = 0; (j < frameSize) && (j + i < data.size()); j++) {
setFDRIBuffer(j, data.get(i+j));
* Allows for multiple frame writes to different addresses.
* This function works similar to SetFrame, although frameBuffer is never changed or written to. As
* with SetFrame, if the write is successful, the FAR is incremented.
public void MFWRCommand(){
* Set the address of the FAR.
public void setFAR(int far) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Setting FAR to 0x"+Integer.toHexString(far));
public FrameAddressRegister getFAR() {
return frameAddress;
public boolean incrementFAR() {
return frameAddress.incrementFAR();
public XilinxConfigurationSpecification getDeviceSpecification() {
return spec;
public void clearFDRIFrameBuffer() {
public boolean setFDRIBuffer(int index, int value) {
return frameBuffer.setData(index, value);
* Writes the value of the FDRI buffer into the frame at the current FAR.
public void writeFDRIToCurrentFrame() {
Frame currentFrame = getCurrentFrame();
if (currentFrame == null) {
//System.out.println("Warning: configuring an invalid frame");
// it is possible that the current frame is invalid (i.e. a bogus
// frame at the end of the bitstream). It is not clear what is supposed to happen
// but this implementation will ignore it.
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Configuring frame "+
(new FrameAddressRegister(this.spec,currentFrame.frameAddress)));
* Obtain the frame pointed to by the current FAR address. If the current
* FAR is invalid, return null.
public Frame getCurrentFrame() {
if (!frameAddress.validFARAddress()) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Frame Address is invalid:" +
return null;
int index = frameAddress.getConsecutiveAddress();
if (index >= configData.length)
return null;
return configData[index];
* Return the frame specified by the farAddress parameter.
* This method will have to
* perform a frame address to sequential address translation.
public Frame getFrame(int farAddress) {
//int index = FrameAddressRegister.getConsecutiveAddress(spec,farAddress);
int index = frameMap.get(new Integer(farAddress));
if (index >= configData.length)
return null;
return configData[index];
* Returns the frame from the address set in the FrameAddressRegister.
* @param far The FAR containing the address of the frame to get.
* @return The frame object with the requested far, or null if the
* far is invalid.
public Frame getFrame(FrameAddressRegister far) {
return getFrame(far.getAddress());
public ArrayList<Frame> getAllFrames() {
ArrayList<Frame> frames = new ArrayList<Frame>(configData.length);
for (int i = 0; i < configData.length; i++)
return frames;
public ArrayList<Frame> getConfiguredFrames() {
ArrayList<Frame> configuredFrames = new ArrayList<Frame>();
for (int i = 0; i < configData.length; i++)
if (configData[i].isConfigured())
return configuredFrames;
public List<Frame> getConsecutiveFrames(int farAddress, int numFrames) {
int c_far = FrameAddressRegister.getConsecutiveAddress(spec, farAddress);
List<Frame> frames = new ArrayList<Frame>(numFrames);
for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
return frames;
public List<Frame> getConfigurationBlockFrames(int topBottom, BlockType blockType, int row, int column) {
int blockNum = FrameAddressRegister.getBlockTypeNumber(spec, blockType);
int startingFAR = FrameAddressRegister.createFAR(spec, topBottom, blockNum, row, column, 0);
int numFrames = FrameAddressRegister.getFramesPerConfigurationBlock(spec, blockNum, column);
return getConsecutiveFrames(startingFAR, numFrames);
* Return the contents of a set of continuous frames as a String.
public String getFrameContents(int startFrame, int numberOfFrames) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
XilinxConfigurationSpecification partInfo = getDeviceSpecification();
FrameAddressRegister far = new FrameAddressRegister(partInfo, startFrame);
// Iterate over the number of requested frames but stop if we
// get to an invalid frame address
for (int i = startFrame; i < (startFrame + numberOfFrames) && far.validFARAddress(); i++) {
Frame f = getFrame(far);
if (f != null) {
if (f.isConfigured()) {
FrameData data = f.getData();
} else {
sb.append(far + " Not configured\n");
return sb.toString();
* Return the contents of a set of continuous frames as a String.
public String getFrameContents() {
return getFrameContents(0,FrameAddressRegister.getNumberOfFrames(getDeviceSpecification()));
* Compares every frame of this FPGA with the FPGA passed in as a parameter and
* returns a list of those frames that differ in contents. This method will return a null
* if the parameter FPGA is a different device than this FPGA.
* @param ignoreUnconfiguredFrames If true, this method will only compare frames
* that are configured on both FPGAs.
public ArrayList<Integer> getDifferingFrames(FPGA fpga, boolean ignoreUnconfiguredFrames) {
XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec = fpga.getDeviceSpecification();
if (this.spec != spec) {
return null;
ArrayList<Integer> dFrames = new ArrayList<Integer>();
FrameAddressRegister far = new FrameAddressRegister(spec);
for (; far.validFARAddress(); far.incrementFAR()) {
Frame f1 = getFrame(far);
Frame f2 = fpga.getFrame(far);
// Check #1: see if frames are configured or not
if ( (!f1.isConfigured() && f2.isConfigured()) ||
(f1.isConfigured() && !f2.isConfigured())) {
if (!ignoreUnconfiguredFrames)
} else {
// both frames configured
FrameData d1 = f1.getData();
FrameData d2 = f2.getData();
if (!d1.isEqual(d2)) {
return dFrames;
public String getFrameData() {
String str = spec.getDeviceName() + "\n";
return str;
protected void init() {
protected boolean DEBUG = false;
protected FrameData frameBuffer;
//protected final FrameData[] configData;
protected final Frame[] configData;
protected FrameAddressRegister frameAddress;
protected XilinxConfigurationSpecification spec;
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> frameMap;