* Copyright (c) 2006 Elondra S.L.. All Rights Reserved.
package bm.mvc;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OpenBaseMovil User Interface Library
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Elondra S.L.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.
If not, see <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses">http://www.gnu.org/licenses</a>.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import bm.core.mvc.AbstractView;
import bm.core.mvc.Controller;
import bm.core.mvc.ControllerEvent;
import bm.core.mvc.AbstractController;
import bm.core.Application;
import bm.core.ResourceManager;
import bm.db.ScrollSet;
* File Information
* Created on : 31-mar-2006 11:27:46
* Created by : narciso
* Last modified by : $Author$
* Last modified on : $Date$
* Revision : $Revision$
* BrowserView, browses rows of a scrollset, one by one.
* @author <a href="mailto:narciso@elondra.org">Narciso Cerezo</a>
* @version $Revision$
public abstract class BrowserView
extends AbstractView
implements ScrollerView
public static final int MOVE_PREVIOUS = 41000;
public static final int MOVE_NEXT = 41001;
private static final Byte STATE_0 = new Byte( (byte) 0 );
private static final Byte STATE_N = new Byte( (byte) 1 );
private static final Byte STATE_S = new Byte( (byte) 2 );
private static final Byte STATE_NS = new Byte( (byte) 3 );
private static final Integer LOCK = new Integer( 0 );
protected static Image prevImage;
protected static Image nextImage;
protected static Image selectImage;
protected Command selectCommand;
protected int selectCommandId;
private Hashtable forms = new Hashtable( 4 );
private Hashtable items = new Hashtable( 4 );
private Hashtable values = new Hashtable( 10 );
private Byte state = STATE_0;
private ImageItem previousN;
private ImageItem nextN;
private ImageItem selectButtonS;
private ImageItem previousNS;
private ImageItem nextNS;
private ImageItem selectButtonNS;
private Command previousCommand;
private Command nextCommand;
protected byte lastButton = 1;
protected boolean navigationEnabled;
protected boolean selectionEnabled;
protected ScrollSet scrollSet;
protected BrowserView(
final Controller controller,
final String title,
final int selectCommandId
super( controller );
final Spacer spacerN = new Spacer( 3, 3 );
spacerN.setLayout( Item.LAYOUT_LEFT | Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER );
final Spacer spacerS = new Spacer( 3, 3 );
spacerS.setLayout( Item.LAYOUT_LEFT | Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER );
final Spacer spacerNS = new Spacer( 3, 3 );
spacerNS.setLayout( Item.LAYOUT_LEFT | Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER );
this.selectCommandId = selectCommandId;
selectCommand = Application.getCommandFactory().getCommand(
final Form form0 = new Form( title );
final Form formN = new Form( title );
final Form formS = new Form( title );
final Form formNS = new Form( title );
formN.append( nextN );
formN.append( previousN );
formN.append( spacerN );
formS.append( selectButtonS );
formS.append( spacerS );
formNS.append( nextNS );
formNS.append( previousNS );
formNS.append( selectButtonNS );
formNS.append( spacerNS );
form0.setCommandListener( this );
formN.setCommandListener( this );
formS.setCommandListener( this );
formNS.setCommandListener( this );
final Hashtable forms = this.forms;
final Hashtable items = this.items;
forms.put( STATE_0, form0 );
forms.put( STATE_N, formN );
forms.put( STATE_S, formS );
forms.put( STATE_NS, formNS );
items.put( STATE_0, new Hashtable( 10 ) );
items.put( STATE_N, new Hashtable( 10 ) );
items.put( STATE_S, new Hashtable( 10 ) );
items.put( STATE_NS, new Hashtable( 10 ) );
public void setTitle( final String title )
//noinspection MethodCallInLoopCondition
for( Enumeration i = forms.elements(); i.hasMoreElements(); )
((Form) i.nextElement()).setTitle( title );
protected void addStringItem(
final String id,
final String label,
final String text,
final int layout
final StringItem item0 = newStringItem( label, text, layout );
final StringItem itemN = newStringItem( label, text, layout );
final StringItem itemS = newStringItem( label, text, layout );
final StringItem itemNS = newStringItem( label, text, layout );
values.put( id, text );
final Hashtable forms = this.forms;
final Hashtable items = this.items;
((Form) forms.get( STATE_0 ) ).append( item0 );
((Form) forms.get( STATE_N ) ).append( itemN );
((Form) forms.get( STATE_S ) ).append( itemS );
((Form) forms.get( STATE_NS ) ).append( itemNS );
((Hashtable) items.get( STATE_0 )).put( id, item0 );
((Hashtable) items.get( STATE_N )).put( id, itemN );
((Hashtable) items.get( STATE_S )).put( id, itemS );
((Hashtable) items.get( STATE_NS )).put( id, itemNS );
protected void setItemText( final String id, final String text )
values.put( id, text );
( (StringItem) ((Hashtable) items.get( state )).get( id ) ).setText(
private StringItem newStringItem(
final String label,
final String text,
final int layout
final StringItem item = new StringItem( label, text );
item.setLayout( layout );
return item;
private void initButtons()
previousCommand = new Command(
nextCommand = new Command(
final Command previousCommand = this.previousCommand;
final Command nextCommand = this.nextCommand;
previousN = newButton( prevImage, previousCommand );
previousNS = newButton( prevImage, previousCommand );
nextN = newButton( nextImage, nextCommand );
nextNS = newButton( nextImage, nextCommand );
selectButtonS = newButton( selectImage, selectCommand );
selectButtonNS = newButton( selectImage, selectCommand );
private ImageItem newButton( final Image image, final Command command )
final ImageItem next = new ImageItem(
next.setDefaultCommand( command );
next.setItemCommandListener( this );
return next;
private void initImages()
synchronized( LOCK )
if( prevImage == null )
prevImage = getImage( "/prevdoc.png", "<" );
if( nextImage == null )
nextImage = getImage( "/nextdoc.png", ">" );
if( selectImage == null )
selectImage = getImage( "/select.png", "+" );
private Image getImage( final String resource, final String alt )
Image image;
image = Image.createImage(
getClass().getResourceAsStream( resource )
catch( IOException e )
image = Image.createImage( 14, 14 );
final Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
g.setColor( 215, 215, 215 );
g.fillRect( 0, 0, 13, 13 );
g.setColor( 0, 0, 0 );
g.drawString( alt, 1, 1, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT );
return image;
public ScrollSet getScrollSet()
return scrollSet;
public void setScrollSet( final ScrollSet scrollSet )
this.scrollSet = scrollSet;
setNavigationEnabled( scrollSet != null );
public boolean isNavigationEnabled()
return navigationEnabled;
public void setNavigationEnabled( final boolean navigationEnabled )
if( this.navigationEnabled != navigationEnabled )
this.navigationEnabled = navigationEnabled;
Byte state = this.state;
if( navigationEnabled )
if( state == STATE_0 )
state = STATE_N;
state = STATE_NS;
if( state == STATE_NS )
state = STATE_S;
state = STATE_0;
this.state = state;
if( isShown() )
protected void setSelectionEnabled( final boolean enabled )
if( this.selectionEnabled != enabled )
this.selectionEnabled = enabled;
Byte state = this.state;
if( enabled )
if( state == STATE_0 )
state = STATE_S;
state = STATE_NS;
if( state == STATE_NS )
state = STATE_N;
state = STATE_0;
this.state = state;
if( isShown() )
public boolean isShown()
final Displayable current =
//noinspection MethodCallInLoopCondition
for( Enumeration i = forms.elements(); i.hasMoreElements(); )
if( current == i.nextElement() )
return true;
return false;
public void addCommand( final Command command )
//noinspection MethodCallInLoopCondition
for( Enumeration i = forms.elements(); i.hasMoreElements(); )
((Form) i.nextElement()).addCommand( command );
public void removeCommand( Command command )
//noinspection MethodCallInLoopCondition
for( Enumeration i = forms.elements(); i.hasMoreElements(); )
((Form) i.nextElement()).removeCommand( command );
private void refresh()
final Hashtable current = ( (Hashtable) items.get( state ) );
//noinspection MethodCallInLoopCondition
for( Enumeration i = current.keys(); i.hasMoreElements(); )
final String id = (String) i.nextElement();
final Item item = (Item) current.get( id );
if( item instanceof StringItem )
((StringItem) item).setText( (String) values.get( id ) );
public void show()
final Display display = Application.getManager().getDisplay();
display.setCurrent( ((Form) forms.get( state )) );
// if( navigationEnabled )
// {
// if( lastButton == 0 )
// {
// display.setCurrentItem( selectionEnabled ? previousNS : previousN );
// }
// else
// {
// display.setCurrentItem( selectionEnabled ? nextNS : nextN );
// }
// }
AbstractView.setCurrent( this );
public void commandAction(
final Command command,
final Displayable displayable
if( !handleAction( command ) )
if( command == selectCommand )
controller.handle( new ControllerEvent( selectCommandId, this ) );
else if( !handleCommand( command ) )
AbstractController.commandAction( this, command );
public void commandAction( final Command command, final Item item )
if( !handleAction( command ) )
if( command == previousCommand )
lastButton = 0;
final ControllerEvent event = new ControllerEvent( this );
event.setCode( MOVE_PREVIOUS );
getController().handle( event );
else if( command == nextCommand )
lastButton = 1;
final ControllerEvent event = new ControllerEvent( this );
event.setCode( MOVE_NEXT );
getController().handle( event );
else if( command == selectCommand )
controller.handle( new ControllerEvent( selectCommandId, this ) );
* Allow inheritors to provide custom commands, prior to calling default
* AbstractController.commandAction method
* @param command command executed
* @return if the command has been consumed
protected boolean handleCommand( final Command command )
return false;