package trafficdefinition;
import classes.Pair;
import classes.Project;
import classes.TypeSelection;
import enums.MotionRestriction;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import shapes.Ellipse2DExt;
import shapes.Point2DExt;
import shapes.Rectangle2DExt;
import simulation.VehicleType;
import tdl.XMLHelpers;
* Class representing a hotspot. A hotspot can be defined as incoming, outgoing, or both. An incoming hotspot serves as a destination for vehicles that start from anywhere on the map. An outgoing hotspot serves as the source of vehicles that drive to anywhere on the map. If the hotspot is both incoming and outgoing, the vehicles that leave the hotspot will drive back where they came from. The hotspot is drawn on screen using an ellipsoid.
public class HotSpot extends TrafficDefinitionElement implements Serializable {
* Enumeration used to define how the incoming time will be used when creating traffic for the hotspot.
public enum DirectionInTimeType {
* Specifies that the time entered by the user is the time that the
* vehicles will be arriving to their destination. The emission time of
* the vehicles is estimated based on their distance from the
* destination.
* Specifies that the time entered by the user is the time that the
* vehicles will be leaving their source (i.e. their emission time)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The ellipsoid defining the shape of the hotspot
private Ellipse2DExt area;
* The hotspot's center
private Point2DExt center;
* The hotspot's color. All created vehicles and routes will have this
* color.
private Color color = new Color((float) Math.random(), (float) Math.random(), (float) Math.random());
* Flag to know whether this hotspot is an incoming hotspot
private boolean DirectionIn = false;
* The time that vehicles will start coming (or arriving) to the hotspot.
* How this value will be used is defined by the value of the
* DirectionInType variable.
private int directionInBeginTime = 0;
* The time that vehicles will stop coming (or arriving) to the hotspot. How
* this value will be used is defined by the value of the DirectionInType
* variable.
private int directionInEndTime = 100;
* How the incoming time will be used when creating traffic for the hotspot
private DirectionInTimeType DirectionInType = DirectionInTimeType.TimeOfDepartureFromSource;
* Flag to know whether this hotspot is an outgoing hotspot
private boolean DirectionOut = false;
* The time that vehicles will start leaving from the hotspot.
private int directionOutBeginTime = 0;
* The time that vehicles will end leaving from the hotspot.
private int directionOutEndTime = 100;
* The number of vehicles to create
private int numberOfVehicles = 100;
* The hotspot's horizontal radius
private double radiusx;
* The hotspot's vertical radius
private double radiusy;
* The selection of the vehicle types that will be created for this hotspot
* name="vehicleSelection"
* @uml.associationEnd
private TypeSelection<VehicleType> vehicleSelection;
* Default constructor. Assigns a random name to the hotspot and selects
* the default vehicle type.
* @param center
public HotSpot(Point2D.Double center) {
name = "Hotspot " + String.valueOf(increment++); = new Point2DExt(center);
area = new Ellipse2DExt();
vehicleSelection = new TypeSelection<VehicleType>();
vehicleSelection.add(new Pair<VehicleType, Float>(Project.getCurrentlyLoadedProject().getDefaultVehicleType(), 1.f));
* Class constructor that creates a new hotspot as a copy of the specified hotspot
* @param source
public HotSpot(HotSpot source) {
numberOfVehicles = source.numberOfVehicles;
color = new Color(source.color.getRGB());
area = new Ellipse2DExt(source.area);
center = new Point2DExt(;
radiusx = source.radiusx;
radiusy = source.radiusy;
DirectionIn = source.DirectionIn;
directionInBeginTime = source.directionInBeginTime;
directionInEndTime = source.directionInEndTime;
DirectionInType = source.DirectionInType;
DirectionOut = source.DirectionOut;
directionOutBeginTime = source.directionOutBeginTime;
directionOutEndTime = source.directionOutEndTime;
vehicleSelection = new TypeSelection<VehicleType>(source.vehicleSelection);
public void Draw(Graphics2D g, double zoomFactor, boolean isDeleted, boolean isSelected) {
// Save the previous color to restore it later
Color prev = g.getColor();
if (!isSelected) {
g.setColor(new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), 100));
if (isSelected) {
g.setColor(new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), 200));
// Draw the ellipsoid
if (area != null) {
// Draw the handles
super.Draw(g, zoomFactor, isDeleted, isSelected);
public Rectangle2DExt getBounds() {
Rectangle2D bounds = area.getBounds2D();
return new Rectangle2DExt(bounds.getCenterX(),bounds.getCenterY(),bounds.getWidth(),bounds.getHeight());
* Creates the handles that enable UI manipulation of the hotspot
public void createHandles() {
List<Handle> handles = new ArrayList<Handle>();
Handle centerHandle = new Handle(center, "center", MotionRestriction.None);
Handle XRadiusHandle = new Handle(new Point2D.Double(center.x + radiusx, center.y), "XRadius", MotionRestriction.Horizontal);
Handle YRadiusHandle = new Handle(new Point2D.Double(center.x, center.y + radiusy), "YRadius", MotionRestriction.Vertical);
* @return the area
* name="area"
public Ellipse2DExt getArea() {
return area;
* @return the color
* name="color"
public Color getColor() {
return color;
* @return the directionInBeginTime
* name="directionInBeginTime"
public int getDirectionInBeginTime() {
return directionInBeginTime;
* @return the directionInEndTime
* name="directionInEndTime"
public int getDirectionInEndTime() {
return directionInEndTime;
* @return the directionInType
* name="directionInType"
public DirectionInTimeType getDirectionInType() {
return DirectionInType;
* @return the directionOutBeginTime
* name="directionOutBeginTime"
public int getDirectionOutBeginTime() {
return directionOutBeginTime;
* @return the directionOutEndTime
* name="directionOutEndTime"
public int getDirectionOutEndTime() {
return directionOutEndTime;
* @return the numberOfVehicles
* name="numberOfVehicles"
public int getNumberOfVehicles() {
return numberOfVehicles;
public String getToolTip() {
String tooltip = "<html>" + "<b>HotSpot</b> " + name + "<br>" + "<b>Number of vehicles: </b> " + String.valueOf(numberOfVehicles) + "<br>" + "<b>Direction: </b>";
if (DirectionIn) {
tooltip += "Incoming ";
if (DirectionOut) {
tooltip += "Outgoing ";
return tooltip;
* @return the vehicleSelection
* name="vehicleSelection"
public TypeSelection<VehicleType> getVehicleSelection() {
return vehicleSelection;
public void handleLocationChanged(Handle h) {
if (h.getName().equals("center")) {
center = new Point2DExt(h.getLocation());
handles.get("XRadius").setUnrestrictedLocation(new Point2D.Double(center.x + radiusx, center.y));
handles.get("YRadius").setUnrestrictedLocation(new Point2D.Double(center.x, center.y + radiusy));
} else if (h.getName().equals("XRadius")) {
radiusx = h.getLocation().x - center.x;
} else if (h.getName().equals("YRadius")) {
radiusy = h.getLocation().y - center.y;
area.setFrameFromCenter(center, new Point2D.Double(center.x + radiusx, center.y + radiusy));
public boolean Hit(Point p) {
if (area.getBounds2D().contains(p.x, p.y)) {
if (area.contains(p.x, p.y)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean Hit(Rectangle transformedRectangle) {
return area.intersects(transformedRectangle);
* @return the directionIn
* name="directionIn"
public boolean isDirectionIn() {
return DirectionIn;
* @return the directionOut
* name="directionOut"
public boolean isDirectionOut() {
return DirectionOut;
* @param color the color to set
* name="color"
public void setColor(Color color) {
this.color = color;
* @param directionIn the directionIn to set
* name="directionIn"
public void setDirectionIn(boolean directionIn) {
DirectionIn = directionIn;
* @param directionInBeginTime the directionInBeginTime to set
* name="directionInBeginTime"
public void setDirectionInBeginTime(int directionInBeginTime) {
this.directionInBeginTime = directionInBeginTime;
* @param directionInEndTime the directionInEndTime to set
* name="directionInEndTime"
public void setDirectionInEndTime(int directionInEndTime) {
this.directionInEndTime = directionInEndTime;
* @param directionInType the directionInType to set
* name="directionInType"
public void setDirectionInType(DirectionInTimeType directionInType) {
DirectionInType = directionInType;
* @param directionOut the directionOut to set
* name="directionOut"
public void setDirectionOut(boolean directionOut) {
DirectionOut = directionOut;
* @param directionOutBeginTime the directionOutBeginTime to set
* name="directionOutBeginTime"
public void setDirectionOutBeginTime(int directionOutBeginTime) {
this.directionOutBeginTime = directionOutBeginTime;
* @param directionOutEndTime the directionOutEndTime to set
* name="directionOutEndTime"
public void setDirectionOutEndTime(int directionOutEndTime) {
this.directionOutEndTime = directionOutEndTime;
* @param numberOfVehicles the numberOfVehicles to set
* name="numberOfVehicles"
public void setNumberOfVehicles(int numberOfVehicles) {
this.numberOfVehicles = numberOfVehicles;
public void setRadius(Point2D.Double p) {
radiusx = p.x - center.x;
radiusy = p.y - center.y;
area.setFrameFromCenter(center, new Point2D.Double(center.x + radiusx, center.y + radiusy));
* @param vehicleSelection the vehicleSelection to set
* name="vehicleSelection"
public void setVehicleSelection(TypeSelection<VehicleType> vehicleSelection) {
this.vehicleSelection = vehicleSelection;
public TrafficDefinitionElement elementClone() {
return new HotSpot(this);
public String toXML() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("<hotspot name=\""+name+"\" incoming=\""+String.valueOf(DirectionIn)+"\" incomingTimeType=\"""\" incomingStartingTime=\""+String.valueOf(directionInBeginTime)+"\" incomingEndingTime=\""+String.valueOf(directionInEndTime)+"\" outgoing=\""+String.valueOf(DirectionOut) +"\" outgoingStartingTime=\""+String.valueOf(directionOutBeginTime)+"\" outgoingEndingTime=\""+String.valueOf(directionOutEndTime)+"\" numberOfVehicles=\""+String.valueOf(numberOfVehicles)+"\">\n");
return sb.toString();