package trafficdefinition;
import classes.Pair;
import classes.Project;
import classes.TypeSelection;
import helpers.DrawingHelper;
import helpers.TimeConverter;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import roadnetwork.Edge;
import shapes.Line2DExt;
import shapes.Point2DExt;
import shapes.Rectangle2DExt;
import simulation.VehicleType;
* Class representing a flow of vehicles from one edge to another. The flow is drawn on screen using an arrow from the source edge to the destination edge. Vehicles will be emitted at random points in time between beginTime and endTime.
public class Flow extends TrafficDefinitionElement implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The time that vehicles will start being emitted
private int beginTime = 0;
* The time that vehicles will end being emitted
private int endTime = 100;
* The number of vehicles to emit
private int numberOfVehicles = 100;
* The flow's color. All created vehicles and routes will have this color.
private Color color = Color.BLUE;
* The edge from which the vehicles will start
private Edge start = null;
* The edge to which the vehicles will end
private Edge end = null;
* The selection of the vehicle types that will be created for this area flow.
* name="vehicleSelection"
* @uml.associationEnd
private TypeSelection<VehicleType> vehicleSelection;
* The line used to draw the flow
private Line2DExt shape;
* The point from which the line starts. This is the starting edge's center.
private Point2DExt from;
* Default constructor. Assigns a random name to area flow and selects the
* default vehicle type.
public Flow() {
name = "Flow " + String.valueOf(increment++);
vehicleSelection = new TypeSelection<VehicleType>();
vehicleSelection.add(new Pair<VehicleType, Float>(Project.getCurrentlyLoadedProject().getDefaultVehicleType(), 1.f));
* Class constructor that creates a new flow as a copy of the specified flow
* @param source
public Flow(Flow source) {
beginTime = source.beginTime;
endTime = source.endTime;
numberOfVehicles = source.numberOfVehicles;
color = new Color(source.color.getRGB());
start = source.start;
end = source.end;
shape = new Line2DExt(source.shape);
from = new Point2DExt(source.from);
vehicleSelection = new TypeSelection<VehicleType>(source.vehicleSelection);
public void Draw(Graphics2D g, double zoomFactor, boolean isDeleted, boolean isSelected) {
// Save the previous color to restore it later
Color prev = g.getColor();
if (!isSelected) {
if (isSelected) {
// Draw the direction arrow
if (shape != null) {
DrawingHelper.drawArrowHead(g, shape.x1, shape.y1, shape.x2, shape.y2, 1.f);
public Rectangle2DExt getBounds() {
return new Rectangle2DExt((Rectangle2D.Double)shape.getBounds2D());
* @return the beginTime
* name="beginTime"
public int getBeginTime() {
return beginTime;
* @return the color
* name="color"
public Color getColor() {
return color;
* @return the end
* name="end"
public Edge getEnd() {
return end;
* @return the endTime
* name="endTime"
public int getEndTime() {
return endTime;
* @return the numberOfVehicles
* name="numberOfVehicles"
public int getNumberOfVehicles() {
return numberOfVehicles;
* @return the start
* name="start"
public Edge getStart() {
return start;
public String getToolTip() {
return "<html>" + "<b>Flow</b> " + name + "<br>" + "<b>From:</b> " + start.getId() + "<br>" + "<b>To:</b> " + end.getId() + "<br>" + "<b>Number of vehicles:</b> " + numberOfVehicles + "<br>" + "<b>Start time:</b> " + TimeConverter.toString(beginTime) + "<br>" + "<b>End time:</b> " + TimeConverter.toString(endTime) + "</html>";
* @return the vehicleSelection
* name="vehicleSelection"
public TypeSelection<VehicleType> getVehicleSelection() {
return vehicleSelection;
public void handleLocationChanged(Handle h) {
// No handles for flows
public boolean Hit(Point p) {
if (shape.getBounds2D().contains(p.x, p.y)) {
if (shape.contains(p.x, p.y)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean Hit(Rectangle transformedRectangle) {
return shape.intersects(transformedRectangle);
* @param beginTime the beginTime to set
* name="beginTime"
public void setBeginTime(int beginTime) {
this.beginTime = beginTime;
* @param color the color to set
* name="color"
public void setColor(Color color) {
this.color = color;
* Adds the dependencies to the starting and ending edges so that they
* cannot be deleted.
public void SetDependencies() {
* Removes the dependencies from the starting and ending edges. This method
* is called before the flow is deleted.
public void ReleaseDependencies() {
* @param end the end to set
* name="end"
public void setEnd(Edge end) {
this.end = end;
* @param endTime the endTime to set
* name="endTime"
public void setEndTime(int endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;
public void setFrom(Point2D.Float from) {
this.from = new Point2DExt(from.x, from.y);
* @param numberOfVehicles the numberOfVehicles to set
* name="numberOfVehicles"
public void setNumberOfVehicles(int numberOfVehicles) {
this.numberOfVehicles = numberOfVehicles;
* @param start the start to set
* name="start"
public void setStart(Edge start) {
this.start = start;
public void setTo(Point2D.Double to) {
shape = new Line2DExt(from, to);
* @param vehicleSelection the vehicleSelection to set
* name="vehicleSelection"
public void setVehicleSelection(TypeSelection<VehicleType> vehicleSelection) {
this.vehicleSelection = vehicleSelection;
public TrafficDefinitionElement elementClone() {
return new Flow(this);
public String toXML() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("<flow name=\""+name+"\" from=\""+start.getId()+"\" to=\""+end.getId()+"\" startingTime=\""+String.valueOf(beginTime)+"\" endingTime=\""+String.valueOf(endTime)+"\" numberOfVehicles=\""+String.valueOf(numberOfVehicles)+"\">\n");
for(Pair<VehicleType,Float> vs:vehicleSelection){
sb.append("<selectedVehicle vehicleType=\""+ vs.getFirst().getName()+"\" probability=\""+vs.getSecond().toString()+"\"/>\n");
return sb.toString();