Package instance

Source Code of instance.Options

package instance;

import java.util.List;

import list.*;

import structures.Arguments;

public class Options
   public static boolean CRITICAL_ERROR = true;
   private static final int
         ARG_INCLUDE_LIST       = 0,
         ARG_EXCLUDE_LIST       = 1,
         ARG_TRICKY_LIST        = 2,
         ARG_ALL_CONTEXT        = 3,
         ARG_NO_CONTEXT         = 4,
         ARG_EVERY_CONTEXT      = 5,
         ARG_DISCARD_TRICKY     = 6,
         ARG_PARSABLE_OUTPUT    = 8,
         ARG_NO_TABLE           = 9,
         ARG_MAX_THREADS        = 10;
   private static final String[][] VALID_ARGS =
      { "-i", "--include-list"       },
      { "-e", "--exclude-list"       },
      { "-t", "--tricky-list"        },
      { "-a", "--all-context"        },
      { "-n", "--no-context"         },
      { "-v", "--every-context"      },
      { "-d", "--discard-tricky"     },
      { "-m", "--match-include-only" },
      { "-p", "--parsable-output"    },
      { "-s", "--no-table"           },
      { "-h", "--max-threads"        }
   private static final String INFINITY = "infinity";
   private static boolean
         alwaysUsingContext  = false,
         usingContext        = true,
         usingEveryContext   = false,
         discardingTricky    = false,
         matchingIncludeOnly = false,
         usingParsableOutput = false,
         showingTable        = true;
   private static int
         maxThreads = 1;
   private static List< String > documents = null;
   public static boolean initialize( String[] args )
      boolean criticalError = false;
      Arguments arguments = new Arguments( args );
      System.out.println( arguments.toString( ) );
      documents = arguments.getFreeArgs( );
      alwaysUsingContext  =   arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_ALL_CONTEXT        ] );
      usingContext        = ! arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_NO_CONTEXT         ] );
      usingEveryContext   =   arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_EVERY_CONTEXT      ] );
      discardingTricky    =   arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_DISCARD_TRICKY     ] );
      matchingIncludeOnly =   arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_MATCH_INCLUDE_ONLY ] );
      usingParsableOutput =   arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_PARSABLE_OUTPUT    ] );
      showingTable        = ! arguments.contains( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_NO_TABLE           ] );
      List< String > includeLists = arguments.get( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_INCLUDE_LIST ] );
      List< String > excludeLists = arguments.get( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_EXCLUDE_LIST ] );
      List< String > trickyLists  = arguments.get( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_TRICKY_LIST  ] );
      List< String > maxThreadsArgs = arguments.get( VALID_ARGS[ ARG_MAX_THREADS ] );
      if( maxThreadsArgs != null && maxThreadsArgs.size( ) != 0 )
         String lastArg = maxThreadsArgs.get( maxThreadsArgs.size( ) - 1 );
            maxThreads = Integer.parseInt( lastArg );
         catch( NumberFormatException e )
            if( lastArg.toLowerCase( ).equals( INFINITY ) )
               maxThreads = documents.size( );
         if( maxThreads <= 0 )
            maxThreads = 1;
      if( includeLists == null || includeLists.size( ) == 0 )
         System.err.println( "CRITICAL ERROR: You did not specify an 'include' list to use." );
         criticalError = true;
         for( String filename : includeLists )
            if( ! Include.instance.addFile( filename ) )
               System.err.println( "ERROR: Could use \"" + filename + "\" as an 'include' file -" +
                                 " it does not exist." );

      if( excludeLists == null || excludeLists.size( ) == 0 )
         System.err.println( "ERROR: You did not specify an 'exclude' list to use." );
         for( String filename : excludeLists )
            if( ! Exclude.instance.addFile( filename ) )
               System.err.println( "ERROR: Could use \"" + filename + "\" as an 'exclude' file -" +
                                   " it does not exist." );

      if( trickyLists == null || trickyLists.size( ) == 0 )
         System.err.println( "ERROR: You did not specify a 'tricky' list to use." );
         for( String filename : trickyLists )
            if( ! Tricky.instance.addFile( filename ) )
               System.err.println( "ERROR: Could use \"" + filename + "\" as a 'tricky' file -" +
                                   " it does not exist." );
      Exclude.instance.addInclude( Include.instance );
      Misspell.instance.addSet( Include.instance.keySet( ) );

      arguments = null;
      return criticalError;
   public static List< String > getDocuments( )
      return documents;

   public static boolean isAlwaysUsingContext( )
      return alwaysUsingContext;

   public static boolean isUsingContext( )
      return usingContext;

   public static boolean isUsingEveryContext( )
      return usingEveryContext;

   public static boolean isDiscardingTricky( )
      return discardingTricky;

   public static boolean isMatchingIncludeOnly( )
      return matchingIncludeOnly;

   public static boolean isUsingParsableOutput( )
      return usingParsableOutput;

   public static boolean isShowingTable( )
      return showingTable;
   public static int getMaxThreads( )
      return maxThreads;

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