Copyright (C) 2008 Praneet Tiwari
This source code is release under the BSD License.
This file is part of JQuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://jquantlib.org/
JQuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the JQuantLib license. You should have received a
copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
<jquant-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>. The license is also available online at
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.
JQuantLib is based on QuantLib. http://quantlib.org/
When applicable, the original copyright notice follows this notice.
package org.jquantlib;
import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
import com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.Factory;
import com.sun.star.lang.XSingleComponentFactory;
import com.sun.star.registry.XRegistryKey;
import com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.WeakBase;
import org.jquantlib.ooimpl.MathHelper;
import org.jquantlib.ooimpl.OptionHelper;
public final class JQAddInImpl extends WeakBase
implements com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo,
private final XComponentContext m_xContext;
private static final String m_implementationName = JQAddInImpl.class.getName();
private static final String[] m_serviceNames = {
"org.jquantlib.JQAddIn" };
private com.sun.star.lang.Locale m_locale = new com.sun.star.lang.Locale();
public JQAddInImpl( XComponentContext context )
m_xContext = context;
public static XSingleComponentFactory __getComponentFactory( String sImplementationName ) {
XSingleComponentFactory xFactory = null;
if ( sImplementationName.equals( m_implementationName ) )
xFactory = Factory.createComponentFactory(JQAddInImpl.class, m_serviceNames);
return xFactory;
public static boolean __writeRegistryServiceInfo( XRegistryKey xRegistryKey ) {
return Factory.writeRegistryServiceInfo(m_implementationName,
// com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo:
public String getImplementationName() {
return m_implementationName;
public boolean supportsService( String sService ) {
int len = m_serviceNames.length;
for( int i=0; i < len; i++) {
if (sService.equals(m_serviceNames[i]))
return true;
return false;
public String[] getSupportedServiceNames() {
return m_serviceNames;
// com.sun.star.lang.XLocalizable:
public void setLocale(com.sun.star.lang.Locale eLocale)
m_locale = eLocale;
public com.sun.star.lang.Locale getLocale()
return m_locale;
// org.jquantlib.XJQAddIn:
public int JQlnFactorial(int parameter0)
return (int) MathHelper.getlNFactorial(parameter0);
public double JQfactorial(int n)
return MathHelper.getFactorial(n);
public double BetaContinuedFraction(double BetaContinuedFraction, double b, double x, double accuracy, int a)
// TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for "BetaContinuedFraction" !!!
// NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems
// because of missing default initialization of primitive types of
// some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++
// polymorphic structs.
return 0;
public int JQIncompleteBetaFunction(double accuracy, double maxiteration, double x, double b, double a)
// TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for "JQIncompleteBetaFunction" !!!
// NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems
// because of missing default initialization of primitive types of
// some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++
// polymorphic structs.
return 0;
public int JQBetaFunction(double z, double w)
// TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for "JQBetaFunction" !!!
// NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems
// because of missing default initialization of primitive types of
// some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++
// polymorphic structs.
return 0;
public double JQEuropeanBlackScholes(double strike, double underlying, double riskFreeRate, double volatility, double dividendYield, String optionType, int settlementDay, int settlementMonth, int settlementYear, int maturityDay, int maturityMonth, int maturityYear)
double npv = OptionHelper.europeanBlackScholes(strike, underlying, riskFreeRate, volatility, dividendYield, optionType, settlementDay, settlementMonth, settlementYear, maturityDay, maturityMonth, maturityYear);
if (npv >= 0.0)
return npv;
else return 0.0;
public double JQEuropeanBlackScholesCall( double strike, double underlying, double riskFreeRate, double volatility, double dividendYield, int settlementDay, int settlementMonth, int settlementYear, int maturityDay, int maturityMonth, int maturityYear)
// return OptionHelper.europeanBlackScholes(strike, underlying, riskFreeRate, volatility, dividendYield, settlementDay, settlementMonth, settlementYear, maturityDay, maturityMonth, maturityYear);
return 0.0;
public double JQBlackFormula(double strike, double stdDev, double forward, String optionType)
// TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for "JQBlackFormula" !!!
// NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems
// because of missing default initialization of primitive types of
// some C++ compilers or different Any initialization in Java and C++
// polymorphic structs.
return 0;
// FIXME: sigma is used as random variable, it's not the real sigma
public int JQEvaluatePoissonDistribution(double mu, double sigma)
return (int) MathHelper.evaluatePoissonDistribution(mu, sigma);
public double JQEvaluateNonCentralChiSquaredDistribution(double df, double x, double ncp)
return MathHelper.evaluateNonCentralChiSquaredDistribution(df, x, ncp);
public double JQEvaluateInverseCumulativePoisson(double lambda, double x)
return MathHelper.evaluateInverseCumulativePoisson(lambda, x);
public double JQEvaluateInverseCumulativeNormal(double average, double sigma, double x)
return MathHelper.evaluateInverseCumulativeNormal(average, sigma, x);
public double JQEvaluateGammaDistribution(double a, double x)
return MathHelper.evaluateGammaDistribution(a, x);
public double JQEvaluateCumulativePoissonDistribution(double mean, int k)
return MathHelper.evaluateCumulativePoissonDistribution(mean, k);
public double JQEvaluateCumulativeNormalDistribution(double mean, double sigma, double z)
return MathHelper.evaluateCumulativeNormalDistribution(mean, sigma, z);
public int JQEvaluateBinomialDistributionValue(double probability, int k)
return (int) MathHelper.evaluateBinomialDistributionValue(probability, k);
public double JQGetPrimeNumberAt(double absoluteIndex)
int n = (int) absoluteIndex;
return MathHelper.getPrimeNumberAt(n);