Package codec.x509

Source Code of codec.x509.X509TBSCertificate

/* ========================================================================
*  This file is part of CODEC, which is a Java package for encoding
*  and decoding ASN.1 data structures.
*  Author: Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
*          Department A8: Security Technology
*          Fraunhoferstr. 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
*  Rights: Copyright (c) 2004 by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
*          zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
*          Hansastr. 27c, 80686 Munich, Germany.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*  The software package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
*  License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  Lesser General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
*  License along with this software package; if not, write to the Free
*  Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
*  MA 02110-1301, USA or obtain a copy of the license at
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*  The CODEC library can solely be used and distributed according to
*  the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License .
*  The CODEC library has not been tested for the use or application
*  for a determined purpose. It is a developing version that can
*  possibly contain errors. Therefore, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur
*  Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. does not warrant that the
*  operation of the CODEC library will be uninterrupted or error-free.
*  Neither does Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten
*  Forschung e.V. warrant that the CODEC library will operate and
*  interact in an uninterrupted or error-free way together with the
*  computer program libraries of third parties which the CODEC library
*  accesses and which are distributed together with the CODEC library.
*  Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
*  does not warrant that the operation of the third parties's computer
*  program libraries themselves which the CODEC library accesses will
*  be uninterrupted or error-free.
*  Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
*  shall not be liable for any errors or direct, indirect, special,
*  incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits resulting
*  from the combination of the CODEC library with software of any user
*  or of any third party or resulting from the implementation of the
*  CODEC library in any products, systems or services of any user or
*  of any third party.
*  Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.
*  does not provide any warranty nor any liability that utilization of
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*  cause damage to third parties. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung
*  der angewandten Forschung e.V. is currently not aware of any such
*  rights.
*  The CODEC library is supplied without any accompanying services.
* ========================================================================
package codec.x509;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import codec.asn1.ASN1BitString;
import codec.asn1.ASN1Boolean;
import codec.asn1.ASN1Choice;
import codec.asn1.ASN1Exception;
import codec.asn1.ASN1GeneralizedTime;
import codec.asn1.ASN1Integer;
import codec.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import codec.asn1.ASN1SequenceOf;
import codec.asn1.ASN1TaggedType;
import codec.asn1.ASN1Time;
import codec.asn1.ASN1UTCTime;
import codec.asn1.ConstraintException;
import codec.asn1.DERDecoder;
import codec.asn1.DEREncoder;
import codec.x501.Name;

* Implements a X.509v3 certificate TBS block according to the following ASN.1
* data structure:
* <p>
* <pre>
* TBSCertificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
*  version             [0]  EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
*  serialNumber      CertificateSerialNumber,
*  signature        AlgorithmIdentifier,
*  issuer          Name,
*  validity        Validity,
*  subject          Name,
*  subjectPublicKeyInfo  SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
*  issuerUniqueID      [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,  -- If present, version must be v2 or v3
*  subjectUniqueID      [2] IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL, -- If present, version must be v2 or v3
*  extensions          [3] EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL          -- If present, version must be v3
* }
* UniqueIdentifier  ::=  BIT STRING
* Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
*       notBefore      Time,
*       notAfter       Time
* }
* Time ::= CHOICE {
*      utcTime        UTCTime,
*      generalTime    GeneralizedTime
* }
* </pre>
* If you want to create a certificate, you should create a
* {@link X509TBSCertificate X509TBSCertificate}, fill it with useful data
* (certificate serial number, validity period, subject and issuer DN, subject
* public key) and the signature algorithm!
* <p>
* Note that you have to set the signature algorithm before encoding a
* X509TBSCertificate or putting it into a X509Certificate!
* <p>
* Certificate version will be set automatically to "V2" if issuerUniqueID or
* subjectUniqueID is set and to "V3" if any extension is added. Version
* defaults to "V1".
* <p>
* Example:
* <pre>
* ... tbd
* </pre>
* @author Markus Tak
public class X509TBSCertificate extends ASN1Sequence implements Externalizable {
     * The default version identifier for this class, which is v3(2).
    public static final int DEFAULT_VERSION = 2;

    private ASN1Integer version_ = null;
    private ASN1TaggedType versionTag_ = null;
    private ASN1Integer serialNumber_ = null;
    private AlgorithmIdentifier signature_ = null;
    private Name issuer_ = null;
    private ASN1Choice notBefore_ = null;
    private ASN1Choice notAfter_ = null;
    private Name subject_ = null;
    private SubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo_ = null;
    private ASN1BitString issuerUniqueID_ = null;
    private ASN1TaggedType issuerUniqueIDTag_ = null;
    private ASN1BitString subjectUniqueID_ = null;
    private ASN1TaggedType subjectUniqueIDTag_ = null;
    private ASN1SequenceOf extensions_ = null;
    private ASN1TaggedType extensionsTag_ = null;

     * Constructor that builds the data structure
    public X509TBSCertificate() {

  // create TBS certificate Sequence

   * The standard says, default version number is v1(0). We set it to
   * v3(2) by default based on customer demand ;-) --volker roth
  version_ = new ASN1Integer(DEFAULT_VERSION);

   * Consequently, we must set the version to NOT OPTIONAL. So, the last
   * boolean must be false. --volker roth
  versionTag_ = new ASN1TaggedType(0, version_, true, false);

  serialNumber_ = new ASN1Integer();

  signature_ = new codec.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier();

  issuer_ = new codec.x501.Name();

  ASN1Sequence validity = new ASN1Sequence();
  notBefore_ = new ASN1Choice();
  notBefore_.addType(new ASN1UTCTime());
  notBefore_.addType(new ASN1GeneralizedTime());
  notAfter_ = new ASN1Choice();
  notAfter_.addType(new ASN1UTCTime());
  notAfter_.addType(new ASN1GeneralizedTime());

  subject_ = new codec.x501.Name();

  subjectPublicKeyInfo_ = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo();

  issuerUniqueID_ = new ASN1BitString();
  issuerUniqueIDTag_ = new ASN1TaggedType(1, issuerUniqueID_, false, true);

  subjectUniqueID_ = new ASN1BitString();
  subjectUniqueIDTag_ = new ASN1TaggedType(2, subjectUniqueID_, false,

  extensions_ = new ASN1SequenceOf(X509Extension.class);
  extensionsTag_ = new ASN1TaggedType(3, extensions_, true, true);

     * Adds an extension to this certificate. Note that calling this method
     * automatically means setting the version field to "2" (X.509 version V3)
     * @param ext
     *                the extension to be added.
    public void addExtension(X509Extension ext) {

   * Commented out the code below. The version number is v3(2) already by
   * default so this is not necessary any longer. Based on agreement, the
   * version number shall only be changed explicitly.

  // // must set version to v3 (=2)
  // versionTag_.setOptional(false);
  // try {
  // version_.setBigInteger(new BigInteger("2"));
  // }
  // catch (ConstraintException ignore) {}

     * From Returns the value of the
     * pathLenConstraint in a BC extension if present and cA set to true. If the
     * Basic Constraints extension (OID is not present in this
     * certificate, null is returned.
     * <pre>
     * BasicConstraints ::= SEQUENCE {
     * cA                  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
     *  pathLenConstraint   INTEGER (0..MAX) OPTIONAL
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @return the value of pathLenConstraint if present and cA set to true or
     *          null if the extension is not present
    public int getBasicConstraints() {
  int res = -1;
  byte[] ext_value;
  DERDecoder dec;
  ByteArrayInputStream bais;
  ASN1Sequence seq;
  ASN1Integer pathLen;
  ASN1Boolean ca;

  String bc_oid = "";

  // get the extension "basic constraints"
  ext_value = getExtensionValue(bc_oid);

  // is it present?
  if (ext_value != null) {

      // read the extension value through a byte array input stream
      bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(ext_value);

      try {

    // build outer sequence
    seq = new ASN1Sequence();

    ca = new ASN1Boolean();

    pathLen = new ASN1Integer();

     * Switched decoding to the correct way of doing it, which is to
     * take the ASN.1 object and to call its decode() method, rather
     * than calling readX() methods of the decoder. --volker roth
    dec = new DERDecoder(bais);

    if (ca.isTrue()) {
         * Replaced long->string->int parsing with a simpler method
         * with the same type of loss of precision. --volker roth
        res = pathLen.getBigInteger().intValue();
      } catch (Exception e) {

    System.out.println("gbc Internal Error.Shouldnt happen");
  return res;

     * From Gets a set of Strings containing
     * all extension oids present being marked as critical.
    public Set getCriticalExtensionOIDs() {
  X509Extension theEx;
  HashSet res = new HashSet();

  if (extensionsTag_.isOptional())
      return null;

  try {
      Iterator it = extensions_.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {
    theEx = (X509Extension);
    if (theEx.isCritical())
  } catch (Exception ignore) {
      System.out.println("gcritoid Internal Error.Shouldnt happen");
      // Exception-handling!

  return res;

     * returns the DER-encoded bytearray of this certificate
     * @throws CertificateEncodingException
     *                 if TBSCertificate could not be encoded correctly
    public byte[] getEncoded() throws CertificateEncodingException {
  byte[] res = null;

  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

  try {
      encode(new DEREncoder(baos));
      res = baos.toByteArray();
  } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("internal error:");
  } catch (ASN1Exception e) {
      throw new CertificateEncodingException(e.getMessage());
  return res;

     * Returns a Collection containing all extensions
    public Collection getExtensions() {
  if (extensionsTag_.isOptional())
      return null;
  return extensions_;

     * From Gets the value of the extensions
     * denoted by ex or null if not present.
    public byte[] getExtensionValue(String ex) {
  X509Extension theEx;
  byte[] res = null;

  if (extensionsTag_.isOptional())
      return null;

  try {
      Iterator it = extensions_.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {
     * Moved variable declaration to beginning of method. Otherwise,
     * the variable gets created and destroyed each time the loop is
     * entered, which is inefficient. --volker roth
    theEx = (X509Extension);

    if (theEx.getOID().toString().equals(ex)) {
        res = (byte[]) theEx.getValue();

         * Inserted a break - no need to iterate through the rest of
         * the extensions after having found a match. --volker roth

  } catch (Exception ignore) {
      System.out.println("getextval Internal Error.Shouldnt happen");
  return res;

     * From Returns this certificate's
     * issuer as a Principal.
    public getIssuerDN() {
  return issuer_;

     * From Returns the issuer's Unique ID
     * or null if not present.
    public boolean[] getIssuerUniqueID() {

  if (issuerUniqueIDTag_.isOptional())
      return null;
  return issuerUniqueID_.getBits();

     * From Returns the bits of the KeyUsage
     * extension (OID if present in this certificate or null
     * otherwise.
     * <pre>
     * KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING {
     *        digitalSignature        (0),
     *        nonRepudiation          (1),
     *        keyEncipherment         (2),
     *        dataEncipherment        (3),
     *        keyAgreement            (4),
     *        keyCertSign             (5),
     *        cRLSign                 (6),
     *        encipherOnly            (7),
     *        decipherOnly            (8)
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @return the key usage bits if present in this certificate, otherwise
     *          null.
    public boolean[] getKeyUsage() {
  boolean[] res = null;
  byte[] ext_value;
  DERDecoder dec;
  ByteArrayInputStream bais;
  ASN1BitString bits;

  String ku_oid = "";

  // get the extension "key usage"
  ext_value = getExtensionValue(ku_oid);

  // is it present?
  if (ext_value != null) {

      // read the extension value through a byte array input stream
      bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(ext_value);

      try {

    // build outer sequence
    bits = new ASN1BitString();

    dec = new DERDecoder(bais);

     * Replaced the construct dec.readX(X) by the correct use of
     * X.decode(dec). The latter takes into consideration any
     * special decoding steps (such as optimizations) done by the
     * decoded class in its decode method. Not of importance with a
     * bitstring, but in other classes. --volker roth

    res = bits.getBits();
      } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Internal Error.Shouldnt happen");
  return res;

     * From Gets a set of Strings containing
     * all extension oids present being marked as critical.
    public Set getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs() {

  HashSet res = new HashSet();

  if (extensionsTag_.isOptional())
      return null;

  try {
      Iterator it = extensions_.iterator();

      while (it.hasNext()) {
    X509Extension theEx = (X509Extension);
    if (!theEx.isCritical())
  } catch (Exception ignore) {

  return res;

     * From Returns the Date after which
     * this certificate is not valid anymore.
    public Date getNotAfter() {
  return ((ASN1Time) notAfter_.getInnerType()).getDate();

     * From Returns the Date before which
     * this certificate is not valid.
    public Date getNotBefore() {
  return ((ASN1Time) notBefore_.getInnerType()).getDate();

     * From Returns the Public Key inside
     * this certificate
    public getPublicKey()
      throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
  return subjectPublicKeyInfo_.getPublicKey();

     * From Returns the Serial Number of
     * this certificate
    public BigInteger getSerialNumber() {
  return serialNumber_.getBigInteger();

     * From Returns the JCA-compliant
     * Algorithm Name of the signature algorithm.
    public String getSigAlgName() {
  return codec.util.JCA.getName(getSigAlgOID());

     * From Returns the Object Identifier
     * (OID) of the signature algorithm.
    public String getSigAlgOID() {
  return signature_.getAlgorithmOID().toString();

     * From Returns the Algorithm Parameters
     * for the signature algorithm in a DER encoded form.
    public byte[] getSigAlgParams() {
  byte[] res = null;

  try {
      res = signature_.getParameters().getEncoded();
  } catch (Exception intern) {
      System.out.println("internal Error:");

  return res;

     * From Returns this certificate's
     * subject as a Principal.
    public getSubjectDN() {
  return subject_;

     * From Returns the subject's Unique ID
     * or null if not present.
    public boolean[] getSubjectUniqueID() {
  if (issuerUniqueIDTag_.isOptional())
      return null;
  return issuerUniqueID_.getBits();

     * Returns the version of this X509 certificate (0=v1, 1=v2, 2=v3)
    public int getVersion() {
  if (versionTag_.isOptional()) {
       * This branch should never be taken, though, because the version
       * will not ever be OPTIONAL again (we changed the default to v3(2).
       * --volker roth
      return 0;
  return version_.getBigInteger().intValue();

     * Sets the version number of this instance explicitly. If the version
     * number is '0' then the version representation is set to OPTIONAL. Please
     * note that the version number passed to this method is the internal
     * version number identifier. Hence, a '2' must be passed if the certificate
     * shall be a version 3 certificate.
     * @param version
     *                The internal version number, one of v1(0), v2(1), v3(2).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *                 if version number is smaller than 2 but extensions are
     *                 present.
    public void setVersion(int version) {
   * Added this method to set the version number explicitly. -- volker
   * roth
  ASN1TaggedType tt;
  boolean opt;

  if (version < 0 || version > 2) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal version number: "
        + version);
   * This if statement is for safety reasons. If it causes trouble, and
   * you are willing to accept certificates with bad version numbers then
   * feel free to remove it. --volker roth
  if (version < 2 && !extensionsTag_.isOptional()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't set to " + version
        + ", extensions are present");
  opt = (version == 0);
  tt = new ASN1TaggedType(0, new ASN1Integer(version), true, opt);

  set(0, tt);

     * From Returns true if this certificate
     * contains any extension being marked as critical but not supported by this
     * implementation.
     * <p>
     * Currently, this function will always return false since extensions are
     * managed in an abstract way.
    public boolean hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension() {

  return false;

     * needed to explicitly name an encoding method in order to change between
     * encodings during runtime.
     * @param nissuer
     *                the name of the issuer
     * @param encType
     *                ITU Tag of the Stringtype
    public void setIssuerDN(Principal nissuer, int encType) {

  if (nissuer instanceof codec.x501.Name) {
      issuer_ = (codec.x501.Name) nissuer;
  } else {

      try {
    issuer_ = new codec.x501.Name(nissuer.getName(), encType);
      } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Internal Error:");

  // update the structure!
  set(3, issuer_);


     * Sets the issuers distinguished name (DN). This method is especially for
     * issuing a certificate.
     * @param nissuer
     *                the Principal object describing the issuer.
    public void setIssuerDN(Principal nissuer) {

  if (nissuer instanceof codec.x501.Name) {
      issuer_ = (codec.x501.Name) nissuer;
  } else {

      try {
    issuer_ = new codec.x501.Name(nissuer.getName(),
      } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Internal Error:");

  // update the structure!
  set(3, issuer_);


     * Sets the issuer's unique id. This method is especially for issuing a
     * certificate.
     * @param nid
     *                the issuer's unique id
    public void setIssuerUniqueID(byte[] nid) {

  try {
      issuerUniqueID_.setBits(nid, 0);
  } catch (ConstraintException e) {
      System.out.println("internal error. shouldnt happen:");

   * Here, I commented out some code that set the version to v2(1) if
   * there are no extensions. We already have v3(2) as default, so we're
   * fine. --volker roth

  // must set version to v2 (=1) if there are not already extensions (v3!)
  // if (extensionsTag_.isOptional() || versionTag_.isOptional()) {
  // versionTag_.setOptional(false);
  // try {
  // version_.setBigInteger(new BigInteger("1"));
  // }
  // catch (ConstraintException ignore) {}
  // }

     * Sets the "not after" field. This method is especially for issuing a
     * certificate.
     * @param nnaf
     *                "not after" date
    public void setNotAfter(Calendar nnaf) {

  ASN1Time nai = (ASN1Time) notAfter_.getInnerType();

  if (nai == null) {
      nai = new ASN1UTCTime();


     * Sets the "not after" field. This method is especially for issuing a
     * certificate.
     * @param nnaf
     *                "not after" date
    public void setNotAfter(Date nnaf) {

  Calendar x = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));


     * Sets the "not before" field. This method is especially for issuing a
     * certificate.
     * @param nnbf
     *                "not before" date
    public void setNotBefore(Calendar nnbf) {
  ASN1Time nai = (ASN1Time) notBefore_.getInnerType();

  if (nai == null) {
      nai = new ASN1UTCTime();


     * Sets the "not before" field. This method is especially for issuing a
     * certificate.
     * @param nnbf
     *                "not before" date
    public void setNotBefore(Date nnbf) {
  Calendar x = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));

     * Sets the serial number of this certificate
    public void setSerialNumber(int nsnr) {
  setSerialNumber(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(nsnr), 10));

     * Sets the serial number of this certificate
    public void setSerialNumber(BigInteger nsnr) {

  try {
  } catch (ConstraintException ignore) {

     * Sets the signature algorithm. Note that the AlgorithmIdentifier will be
     * cloned in order to prevent side-effects
     * @param aid
     *                AlgorithmID of the signature algorithm
    public void setSignatureAlgorithm(codec.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier aid) {

  signature_ = (codec.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier) aid.clone();
  set(2, signature_);


     * Sets the subject's distinguished name (DN). This method is especially for
     * issuing a certificate.
     * @param nsubject
     *                the Principal object describing the subject.
    public void setSubjectDN(Principal nsubject) {

  // FIXME Add and adjust saftey check for new Name implementation of
  // Fraunhofer IGD
  // if(!Name.defaultEncoding_)
  // throw new BadNameException("Use the function call that explicit set
  // the Name encoding type");

  if (nsubject instanceof codec.x501.Name) {
      subject_ = (codec.x501.Name) nsubject;
  } else {

      try {
    subject_ = new codec.x501.Name(nsubject.getName(),
      } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Internal Error:");

  set(5, subject_);

     * same as above but with an explicit name encoding
     * @param nsubject
     * @param encType
     *                (the String Type the Name shall be encoded.
    public void setSubjectDN(Principal nsubject, int encType) {

  if (nsubject instanceof codec.x501.Name) {
      subject_ = (codec.x501.Name) nsubject;
  } else {

      try {
    subject_ = new codec.x501.Name(nsubject.getName(), encType);
      } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Internal Error:");

  set(5, subject_);

     * Sets the subject's public key
    public void setSubjectPublicKey( pk)
      throws InvalidKeyException {

     * Sets the subjects's unique id. This method is especially for issuing a
     * certificate.
     * @param nid
     *                the subjects's unique id
    public void setSubjectUniqueID(byte[] nid) {
  try {
      subjectUniqueID_.setBits(nid, 0);
  } catch (ConstraintException e) {
      System.out.println("internal error. shouldnt happen:");

  // must set version to v2 (=1) if there are not already extensions (v3!)
  if (extensionsTag_.isOptional() || versionTag_.isOptional()) {

      try {
    version_.setBigInteger(new BigInteger("1"));
      } catch (ConstraintException ignore) {


     * human-readable String representation of this certificate
    public String toString() {
  String res = "";

  int vrs;
  if (versionTag_.isOptional())
      vrs = 1;
      vrs = version_.getBigInteger().intValue() + 1;

  res = "TBS Certificate {";
  res = res + "\nX509 certificate V" + vrs;
  res = res + "\nserial number:" + serialNumber_.toString();
  res = res + "\nsignature algorithm:" + signature_.toString();
  res = res + "\nissuer:" + issuer_.getName();
  res = res + "\nsubject:" + subject_.getName();
  res = res + "\nvalidity:"
    + ((ASN1Time) notBefore_.getInnerType()).toString();
  res = res + " - " + ((ASN1Time) notAfter_.getInnerType()).toString();
  res = res + "\nsubject public key algorithm:"
    + subjectPublicKeyInfo_.getAlgorithmIdentifier().toString();
  res = res + "\nsubject public key:";
  try {
      res = res + "\n" + subjectPublicKeyInfo_.getPublicKey().toString();
  } catch (codec.InconsistentStateException ise) {
      res = res + "<key data corrupted!>";
  } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException cce) {
      res = res + "<key algorithm not supported!>";

  // issueruid+subuid
  if (!issuerUniqueIDTag_.isOptional())
      res = res + "\n(V2)issuer unique ID:" + issuerUniqueID_.toString();
  if (!subjectUniqueIDTag_.isOptional())
      res = res + "\n(V2)subject unique ID:"
        + subjectUniqueID_.toString();

  // extensions
  if (!extensionsTag_.isOptional() && !extensions_.isEmpty()) {
      res = res + "\n(V3)extensions (" + extensions_.size() + ")\n";
      Iterator it = extensions_.iterator();
      int j = 1;
      while (it.hasNext()) {
    res = res + " " + String.valueOf(j++) + ":";
    try {
        X509Extension mye = (X509Extension);
        res = res + mye.toString(" ") + "\n";
    } catch (Exception e) {
        res = res + " not handled:" + e.getMessage() + "\n";

  return res;


Related Classes of codec.x509.X509TBSCertificate

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