Package connection

Source Code of connection.ConnectionWSTest

package connection;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

import org.junit.Test;

import connection.Connection.EnumState;
import fpdu.FPDU;
import fpdu.FPDUParameter;
import fpdu.WrongFPDUException;
import fpdu.FPDU.EnumFPDU;

* @brief  Test
*         @test  Test the http message parser
*         @result  parsing of the "" string should return null.
*         @test  Test disconnection
*         @result  *  close the connection with a bank with which there is
*               no connection should raise ConnectionException
*             *  close the connection with a bank with which there is
*               a connection should trigger the creation of a
*               release fpdu and the connection's state should be
*               "waitfor_relconf".
*             *  close the connection with a bank with which
*               connection is not in the "connected" state
*               should raiseWrongFPDUException
*         @test  Test connection
*         @result  one connection at a time should be open by the local
*             user and it should trigger the creation of a CONNECT
*             packet.
*         @test  Test fpdu reception.
*         @result  *   reception of CONNECT fpdu from an unknown remote
*               bank should trigger creation of ACONNECT fpdu.
*             *   reception of CONNECT fpdu from a remote bank which
*               has already ask for a connection should raise
*               ConnectionException.
*            *   reception of ACONNECT fpdu from a remote bank as the
*              local user did not ask for a connection should raise
*              a WrongFPDUException.
*            *   reception of ACONNECT fpdu from a remote bank as the
*              local user did not ask for a connection should raise
*              a WrongFPDUException.
*            *   reception of RCONNECT, RELEASE or RELCONF fpdu from
*              a remote bank as the local user did not ask for a
*              connection or is not connected to the remote bank
*              should raise a WrongFPDUException.
public class ConnectionWSTest {

  public void testMessageParser() {
    ConnectionWS cws = new ConnectionWS();
    OutputConnectionWS ocws;
    try {
      ocws = cws.messageParser("");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      fail("testMessageParser : No exception " +
      "should have been raised");

  public void testDisconnect() {
    ConnectionWS cws = new ConnectionWS();
    // Case 1
    System.out.println("testDisconnect : Case 1/3");
    OutputConnectionWS ocws;
    try {
      ocws = cws.disconnect("Remote");
      fail("testDisconnect : ConnectionException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Case 2
    System.out.println("testDisconnect : Case 2/3");
    Connection c = new Connection("Local", "Remote");
    ConnectionPool.getOutConnections().put("Remote", c);
    try {
      ocws = cws.disconnect("Remote");
      assertEquals(EnumState.waitfor_relconf, c.getState());
      assertEquals(EnumFPDU.RELEASE, ocws.getFpdu().getType());         
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      fail("testDisconnect : No exception " +
      "should have been raised");
    // Case 3
    System.out.println("testDisconnect : Case 3/3");
    try {
      ocws = cws.disconnect("Remote");
      fail("testDisconnect : WrongFPDUException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (WrongFPDUException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
  public void testConnect() {
    ConnectionWS cws = new ConnectionWS();
    // Case 1
    System.out.println("testConnect : Case 1/1");
    OutputConnectionWS ocws;
    try {
      ocws = cws.connect("Remote");
      assertEquals(EnumFPDU.CONNECT, ocws.getFpdu().getType())
      assertEquals("Remote", ocws.getFpdu().getParameter().getReceiver());
      assertEquals("Local", ocws.getFpdu().getParameter().getSender());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      fail("testConnect : No exception " +
      "should have been raised");
  public void testFPDUReception() {
    ConnectionWS cws = new ConnectionWS();
    FPDUParameter parameter = new FPDUParameter("Bob", "Local");
    FPDU fpdu = new FPDU(EnumFPDU.CONNECT, parameter);
    // Case 1
    System.out.println("testFPDUReception : Case 1/6");
    OutputConnectionWS ocws;
    try {
      ocws = cws.FPDUReception(fpdu);
      assertEquals(EnumFPDU.ACONNECT, ocws.getFpdu().getType())
      assertEquals("Bob", ocws.getFpdu().getParameter().getReceiver());
      assertEquals("Local", ocws.getFpdu().getParameter().getSender());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      fail("testFPDUReception : No exception " +
      "should have been raised");
    // Case 2
    System.out.println("testFPDUReception : Case 2/6");
    try {
      ocws = cws.FPDUReception(fpdu);
      fail("testFPDUReception : ConnectionException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Case 3
    System.out.println("testFPDUReception : Case 3/6");
    parameter = new FPDUParameter("Alice", "Local");
    fpdu = new FPDU(EnumFPDU.ACONNECT, parameter);
    try {
      ocws = cws.FPDUReception(fpdu);
      fail("testFPDUReception : WrongFPDUException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (WrongFPDUException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Case 4
    System.out.println("testFPDUReception : Case 4/6");
    try {
      fail("testFPDUReception : WrongFPDUException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (WrongFPDUException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Case 5
    System.out.println("testFPDUReception : Case 5/6");
    try {
      fail("testFPDUReception : WrongFPDUException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (WrongFPDUException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // Case 6
    System.out.println("testFPDUReception : Case 6/6");
    try {
      fail("testFPDUReception : WrongFPDUException " +
      "should have been raised");
    } catch (WrongFPDUException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

Related Classes of connection.ConnectionWSTest

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