Package tcg.scada.da

Source Code of tcg.scada.da.SubscriptionItemList

package tcg.scada.da;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.omg.CORBA.LongHolder;

import tcg.common.LoggerManager;
import tcg.common.util.DetachedThread;
import tcg.scada.cos.CosDpErrorEnum;
import tcg.scada.cos.CosDpQualityEnum;
import tcg.scada.cos.CosSubscriptionItemSeqHolder;
import tcg.scada.cos.CosSubscriptionItemStruct;
import tcg.scada.cos.ICosDataPointClient;

public class SubscriptionGroup
  public static long DEF_UPDATE_RATE_MILLIS = 5000;
  public static short DEF_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 3;

  private static Logger logger_ = LoggerManager

  private int keyId_ = 0;
  private String name_ = "";
  private long updateRateMillis_ = DEF_UPDATE_RATE_MILLIS;
  private ICosDataPointClient client_ = null;

  // parent dpserver
  private IDataStore dpServer_ = null;

  // queue to stored change notifications until it is processed
  private LinkedList<IDataPoint> notificationQueue_ = new LinkedList<IDataPoint>();

  // list of subscription items
  private SubscriptionItemList itemList_ = new SubscriptionItemList();

  // optimization. stored list of items with updated info
  // NOTE: this is just an optimization hashmap. never delete the actual
  // pointer!
  private HashMap<Integer, SubscriptionItem> updatesMap_ = new HashMap<Integer, SubscriptionItem>();

  // timestamp of the last push/pull of changes
  private long lastRetrival_ = 0;

  // next updates cycle
  private long nextUpdateCycle_ = 0;

  // worker thread
  private WorkerThread thread_ = null;

  // whether any retrieval/push has been performed so far
  // boolean isInitialRetrival_ = true;

  // whether we use the output value or source value
  private boolean useSourceValue_ = false;

  // error counter
  private int errorCounter_ = 0;

   * Constructor.
   * @param keyId
   *            - subscription group key-id
   * @param name
   *            - subscription group name
   * @param updateRateMillis
   *            - update rate in milliseconds
   * @param client
   *            - reference to client if available
   * @param dpServer
   *            - parent dpserver
  public SubscriptionGroup(int keyId, String name, long updateRateMillis,
      ICosDataPointClient client, IDataStore dpServer)
    keyId_ = keyId;
    name_ = name;
    updateRateMillis_ = updateRateMillis;
    client_ = client;
    dpServer_ = dpServer;
    // create a new worker thread
    thread_ = new WorkerThread();

   * Whether to subscribe to output value (false) or source value (true)
   * @param value
   *            - true is we want to subscribe for source value
  public void useSourceValue(boolean value)
    useSourceValue_ = value;

  public boolean start()
    return true;

  public boolean stop()
    return true;

  public boolean isRunning()
    if (thread_ == null)
      return false;
    return thread_.isRunning();

  // notify of data changes
  public void notifyDataPointChange(DataPoint datapoint)
    // if we subscribe for source value, ignore output value changes
    if (useSourceValue_)

    // validation
    if (datapoint == null)

    // just add into the notification queue
    // the subscription agent is responsible for retriving it and acting on
    // it according
    synchronized (notificationQueue_)

  // notify of data changes (source value)
  public void notifyDataPointSourceChange(DataPoint datapoint)
    // if we subscribe for output value, ignore source value changes
    if (!useSourceValue_)

    // validation
    if (datapoint == null)

    // just add into the notification queue
    // the subscription agent is responsible for retriving it and acting on
    // it according
    synchronized (notificationQueue_)

  // add subscription
  public synchronized CosDpErrorEnum subscribe(IDataPoint dp)
    if (dp == null || dp.getKeyId() == 0)
      return CosDpErrorEnum.ErrInvalidSubscriptionItem;

    // make sure it is unique and no duplicate
    if (itemList_.getByKeyId(dp.getKeyId()) != null)
      // duplicate entry
      return CosDpErrorEnum.ErrDuplicateSubscriptionItem;

    // create new subscription item
    SubscriptionItem item = new SubscriptionItem();
    item.datapoint = dp;

    // insert into the list

    // force update this datapoint for the first time
    synchronized (notificationQueue_)
      item.isUpdated = true;

    return CosDpErrorEnum.ErrNoError;

  // delete subscription
  public synchronized CosDpErrorEnum unsubscribe(IDataPoint dp)
    if (dp == null || dp.getKeyId() == 0)
      return CosDpErrorEnum.ErrInvalidSubscriptionItem;

    // make sure it is unique and no duplicate
    SubscriptionItem item = itemList_.getByKeyId(dp.getKeyId());
    if (item == null)
      return CosDpErrorEnum.ErrInvalidSubscriptionItem;

    // delete the subscription item

    return CosDpErrorEnum.ErrNoError;

  // subscribe to all read-write datapoints hosted in the datapoint server
  public synchronized int subscribeAll()
    // validation
    if (dpServer_ == null)
      return 0;

    IDataPoint dp = null;
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    int counter = 0;

    // use temp queue to reduce the time we lock the main notification queue
    // this way, any update from datapoint server could still go through
    LinkedList<SubscriptionItem> tmpQueue = new LinkedList<SubscriptionItem>();

    // get the datapoint list from the datapoint server
    DataPointList dpList = dpServer_.getDataPointList();

    for (int idx = 0; idx < dpList.size(); idx++)
      dp = dpList.get(idx);

      // ignore null pointer and datapoint without keyid
      if (dp == null || dp.getKeyId() == 0)

      // we do not care about the value of output point
      if (dp.getType() == EDataPointType.TYPE_OUTPUT)

      // make sure it is unique and no duplicate
      if (itemList_.getByKeyId(dp.getKeyId()) != null)
        // duplicate entry

      // create new subscription item
      item = new SubscriptionItem();

      // copy the value
      item.datapoint = dp;

      // insert into the list


    synchronized (notificationQueue_)
      while (tmpQueue.size() > 0)
        item = tmpQueue.remove(0);
        // considered as changed/updated point
        item.isUpdated = true;

    return counter;

  // subscribe to all real datapoints
  // NOTE: the reak datapoint here refers to datapoint that is polled from
  // SWC,
  // not necessarily using modbus protocol
  public int subscribeAllReal()
    // validation
    if (dpServer_ == null)
      return 0;

    IDataPoint dp = null;
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    int counter = 0;

    // use temp queue to reduce the time we lock the main notification queue
    // this way, any update from dpserver could still go through
    LinkedList<SubscriptionItem> tmpQueue = new LinkedList<SubscriptionItem>();

    // get the dplist from the datastore
    DataPointList dpList = dpServer_.getDataPointList();

    for (int idx = 0; idx < dpList.size(); idx++)
      dp = dpList.get(idx);

      // ignore null pointer and datapoint without keyid
      if (dp == null || dp.getKeyId() == 0)

      // only subscribe for real datapoints with proper underlying
      // subsystem
      if (dp.getType() != EDataPointType.TYPE_REAL
          || dp.getSubsystem() == null)

      // make sure it is unique and no duplicate
      if (itemList_.getByKeyId(dp.getKeyId()) != null)
        // duplicate entry

      // create new subscription item
      item = new SubscriptionItem();

      // copy the value
      item.datapoint = dp;

      // insert into the list


    synchronized (notificationQueue_)
      while (tmpQueue.size() > 0)
        item = tmpQueue.remove(0);
        // considered as changed/updated point
        item.isUpdated = true;

    return counter;

  public String getName()
    return name_;

  long getTotalSubscriptionItem()
    return itemList_.size();

  IDataStore getDataPointServer()
    return dpServer_;

  public synchronized int getAllSubscriptionItem(
      CosSubscriptionItemSeqHolder items)
    int counter = 0;
    int size = itemList_.size();
    long curtime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();

    // allocate sequence
    items.value = new CosSubscriptionItemStruct[size];

    // copy all value
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
      item = itemList_.get(idx);
      if (item == null || item.datapoint == null)
        // default value
        items.value[idx].keyId = 0;
        items.value[idx].quality = CosDpQualityEnum.QualityBad;
        items.value[idx].timestamp = 0;

      // copy the value.
      items.value[idx].keyId = item.datapoint.getKeyId();
      if (!useSourceValue_)
        items.value[idx].quality = item.datapoint.getQuality();
        items.value[idx].value = item.datapoint.getValue();
        items.value[idx].timestamp = item.datapoint.getTimestamp();
        items.value[idx].quality = item.datapoint.getSourceQuality();
        items.value[idx].value = item.datapoint.getSourceValue();
        items.value[idx].timestamp = item.datapoint

      // next

    // update timestamp
    lastRetrival_ = curtime;

    // reset the updated flag

    // reset the update map

    return counter;

  public synchronized int getUpdatedSubscriptionItem(LongHolder timestamp,
      CosSubscriptionItemSeqHolder items)
    long curtime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
    long lasttime = timestamp.value;

    int idx = 0;

    logger_.trace("lastRetrival_: " + lastRetrival_ + "; lastTimestamp: "
        + lasttime);

    // if client timestamp is older than internal timestamp
    if (lasttime == 0 || lasttime < lastRetrival_)
      // force to retrieve all items
      return getAllSubscriptionItem(items);

    // get the number of updated items
    int nUpdated = updatesMap_.size();

    // create the container
    items.value = new CosSubscriptionItemStruct[nUpdated];

    // get all the changes
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    Iterator<SubscriptionItem> it = updatesMap_.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext())
      item =;
      if (item == null || item.datapoint == null)
        // default value
        items.value[idx].keyId = 0;
        items.value[idx].quality = CosDpQualityEnum.QualityBad;
        items.value[idx].timestamp = 0;
        // copy the value.
        items.value[idx].keyId = item.datapoint.getKeyId();
        if (!useSourceValue_)
          items.value[idx].quality = item.datapoint.getQuality();
          items.value[idx].value = item.datapoint.getValue();
          items.value[idx].timestamp = item.datapoint.getTimestamp();
          items.value[idx].quality = item.datapoint
          items.value[idx].value = item.datapoint.getSourceValue();
          items.value[idx].timestamp = item.datapoint

      // next

    // update timestamp
    lastRetrival_ = curtime;

    // update returned timestamp
    timestamp.value = curtime;

    // reset the updated flag

    // reset the update map

    logger_.debug(name_ + ": Updated size: " + idx);

    return idx;

  // do work. check for unprocessed change notifications from dpserver
  protected synchronized void doWork()
    // this protect against catastrophic event
    // in the first place, when there is no dpserver configured we should
    // never do any work!
    if (dpServer_ == null)

    if (notificationQueue_.size() == 0)
      // TODO: consider still try to send empty data as a heart beat

    logger_.debug(name_ + "notificationQueue_.size(): "
        + notificationQueue_.size());

    // process the notification and send it to client if necessary
    long curtime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();

    // use temp queue to reduce the time we lock the main notification queue
    // this way, any update from dpserver could still go through
    LinkedList<IDataPoint> tmpQueue = new LinkedList<IDataPoint>();

    // copy the current queue to a temporary queue.
    IDataPoint dp = null;
    synchronized (notificationQueue_)
      // use current size.
      // this ensure that the queue is finite and the update loop will
      // eventually finish
      int size = notificationQueue_.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        // get the front value
        dp = notificationQueue_.remove(0);
        // put it into the temporary queue

    // reset processed flag to prevent multiple processing

    // process all change notification
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    while (tmpQueue.size() > 0)
      // get the front value
      dp = tmpQueue.remove(0);
      if (dp == null || dp.getKeyId() == 0)

      // get the subscription item
      item = itemList_.getByKeyId(dp.getKeyId());
      if (item == null)
        // not in the subscription list

      // if it is already processed in this session, skip it
      if (item.bProcessed)

      // update the subscription item. use the handle directly. much more
      // efficient!
      // NOTE: This requires that the handle always refer to the actual
      // pointer
      // This also brings a question on how to handle BMF datapoints since
      // BMF datapoints
      // can be activated/de-activated according to the operation mode!
      // NOTE: No need to do anything since now we keep the direct pointer
      // to the datapoint

      // mark as updated
      item.isUpdated = true;

      // mark as processed
      item.bProcessed = true;

      // insert it into the update map
      updatesMap_.put(dp.getKeyId(), item);

    logger_.debug("# Changes: " + updatesMap_.size());

    // if client reference is not _nil(), push the changes
    if (client_ != null && updatesMap_.size() > 0)
      CosSubscriptionItemSeqHolder items = new CosSubscriptionItemSeqHolder();

      // get the list of updated subscription items.
      // MUST NOT use getUpdatedSubscriptionItem() because it will clear
      // updatesMap_
      // we want to clear the hash map only on successful push!

      // get the number of updated items
      int nUpdated = updatesMap_.size();

      // create the container
      items.value = new CosSubscriptionItemStruct[nUpdated];

      // get all the changes
      int idx = 0;
      Iterator<SubscriptionItem> it = updatesMap_.values().iterator();
      while (it.hasNext())
        item =;
        if (item == null || item.datapoint == null)
          // default value
          items.value[idx].keyId = 0;
          items.value[idx].quality = CosDpQualityEnum.QualityBad;
          items.value[idx].timestamp = 0;
          // copy the value.
          items.value[idx].keyId = item.datapoint.getKeyId();
          if (!useSourceValue_)
            items.value[idx].quality = item.datapoint.getQuality();
            items.value[idx].value = item.datapoint.getValue();
            items.value[idx].timestamp = item.datapoint
            items.value[idx].quality = item.datapoint
            items.value[idx].value = item.datapoint
            items.value[idx].timestamp = item.datapoint

        // next

      // try push the changes
      // TODO: Consider pushing the changes in groups of 1000 changes
      // maximum
      // instead of pushing all changes at one go!
        // push the changes
            curtime, items.value);

        // reset the error counter
        errorCounter_ = 0;

        // if successful, update the retrieval timestamp
        lastRetrival_ = curtime;

        // reset all updated flag

        // reset the update map
      catch (Exception ex)
        // fail to push changes.
        // do not update retrieval timestamp. do not reset updated flag

        // print out some error
                + ": Fail to push subscription item changes. Exception: "
                + ex.toString());

        // increase error counter

        // if always failed, just reset the reference
        if (errorCounter_ > DEF_ERROR_THRESHOLD)
          client_ = null;

    // update the last processing timestamp
    nextUpdateCycle_ = curtime + updateRateMillis_;

  class WorkerThread extends DetachedThread
     * Constructor
    public WorkerThread()
      precisionMillis = (updateRateMillis_ / 10) + 1;

    protected void _onStart()
    {"Starting subscription group " + name_ + "...");

    protected void _onStop()
    {"Terminating subscription group " + name_ + "...");

    protected void _initial()
    {"Subscription group " + name_ + " is started.");

    protected void _doWork()
      if (nextUpdateCycle_ <= Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())
        // logger_.trace("Subscription group " + name_ +
        // " worker thread is running.");

    protected void _final()
    {"Subscription group " + name_ + " has terminated.");


class SubscriptionItem
  public boolean isUpdated = false;
  public boolean bProcessed = false;

  // CosHandle_t clientHandle;
  public IDataPoint datapoint = null;

class SubscriptionItemList
  ArrayList<SubscriptionItem> items_ = new ArrayList<SubscriptionItem>();

  // lookup table
  HashMap<Integer, SubscriptionItem> keyIdLookup_ = new HashMap<Integer, SubscriptionItem>();

   * Clear the list
  public void clear()

   * Get the size of the list
   * @return - the current size of the list
  public int size()
    return items_.size();

   * Reset updated flag for all subscription items
  public void resetUpdatedFlag()
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++)
      item = items_.get(i);
      if (item != null)
        item.isUpdated = false;

   * Reset processed flag for all subscription items
  public void resetProcessedFlag()
    SubscriptionItem item = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++)
      item = items_.get(i);
      if (item != null)
        item.bProcessed = false;

   * Get read-only list of subscription items
   * @return - read-only array of subscription items
  public final ArrayList<SubscriptionItem> getSubscriptionList()
    return items_;

   * Add a new subscription item into the list
   * @param item
   *            - the subscription item to insert
   * @return position in the list of the item if successful, -1 otherwise
  public int add(SubscriptionItem item)
    // validation
    if (item == null || item.datapoint == null
        || item.datapoint.getKeyId() == 0)
      return -1;

    // validation: existing entry
    // no need perform. it will be the responsibility of caller to ensure
    // that

    // add into the list

    // insert into the lookup
    keyIdLookup_.put(item.datapoint.getKeyId(), item);

    return items_.size() - 1;

  public boolean remove(SubscriptionItem item)
    // validation
    if (item == null || item.datapoint == null
        || item.datapoint.getKeyId() == 0)
      return false;

    boolean status = items_.remove(item);
    if (status)

    return status;

   * Get a subscription item based on the index in the list
   * @param idx
   *            - the index
   * @return the subscription item if found, null otherwise
  public SubscriptionItem get(int idx)
    // validation
    if (idx <= 0 || idx >= items_.size())
      return null;

    return items_.get(idx);

   * Get a subscription item by the datapoint key id
   * @param keyId
   *            - key id of the datapoint to search
   * @return the subscription item if found, null otherwise
  public SubscriptionItem getByKeyId(int keyId)
    return keyIdLookup_.get(keyId);


Related Classes of tcg.scada.da.SubscriptionItemList

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