package org.jmathml;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.sbml.libsbml.Event;
import org.sbml.libsbml.EventAssignment;
import org.sbml.libsbml.FunctionDefinition;
import org.sbml.libsbml.ListOfFunctionDefinitions;
import org.sbml.libsbml.Model;
import org.sbml.libsbml.SBMLDocument;
import org.sbml.libsbml.Trigger;
import org.sbml.libsbml.libsbml;
* Test execution of complef function
public class LightFunctionTest {
// Uncommment this to load libsbml from wherever
// static String FRAGMENT_LOCATION = "../" + "macosx"
// + "/os/" + "macosx";
// static File f = new File(FRAGMENT_LOCATION);
// static {
// System.load(f.getAbsolutePath() + "/libxml2.2.dylib");
// System.load(f.getAbsolutePath() + "/libsbml.3.4.0.dylib");
// System.load(f.getAbsolutePath() + "/libsbmlj.jnilib");
// }
File Light = new File("TestData/BasicLight.xml");
ASTSymbolFactory timeFactory =new ASTSymbolFactory("time") {
protected ASTSymbol createSymbol(String urlEncoding) {
return new ASTSymbol("t", true);
protected boolean canCreateSymbol(String urlEncoding) {
return ""
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testEvaluateLightFunction() throws IOException {
SBMLDocument light = libsbml.readSBML(Light.getAbsolutePath());
Model m = light.getModel();
ListOfFunctionDefinitions lofd = m.getListOfFunctionDefinitions();
for (long i = 0; i < lofd.size(); i++) {
FunctionDefinition fd = lofd.get(i);
ASTNode root = convertSBMLMathToJavaMath(fd.getMath());
System.err.println(new FormulaFormatter().formulaToString(root));
// over each timestep
for (double step = 0.1; step < 100; step += 0.5) {
EvaluationContext ec = new EvaluationContext();
for (ASTCi s : root.getIdentifiers()) {
if (!("t".equals(s.getString()))) {
double value = m.getParameter(s.getString()).getValue();
ec.setValueFor(s.getString(), value);
ec.setValueFor("t", step);
// evaluate 7th child of function math which is the actual formula
ASTNumber num = root.getChildAtIndex(7).evaluate(ec);
// this is the output
System.err.println(step + "\t" + num.getValue());
// now check events
for (long j = 0; j < m.getListOfEvents().size(); j++) {
Event eve = m.getListOfEvents().get(j);
Trigger trig = eve.getTrigger();
// check triggers which we know are just time dependent
ASTNode root3 = convertSBMLMathToJavaMath(trig.getMath());
EvaluationContext e2 = new EvaluationContext();
e2.setValueFor("t", step);
// if triggered
if (root3.evaluate(e2).isTruth()) {
// now do assignments
for (long k = 0; k < eve.getNumEventAssignments(); k++) {
EventAssignment ea = eve.getEventAssignment(k);
String var = ea.getVariable();
ASTNode rootAssign =convertSBMLMathToJavaMath(ea.getMath());
// evaluate assignment statements
EvaluationContext ec3 = new EvaluationContext();
for (ASTCi s : rootAssign.getIdentifiers()) {
// assume we're just using parameters but this may
// not be valid. T is not a parameter so must be defined
// separately.
if (!("t".equals(s.getString()))) {
double value = m
ec3.setValueFor(s.getString(), value);
ec3.setValueFor("t", step);
// assume we're assigning a parameter value.
if (m.getParameter(var) != null) {
public ASTNode convertSBMLMathToJavaMath(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode sbmlmath) throws IOException{
String mathmlAssign = libsbml
ASTNode rootAssign = new MathMLReader()
return rootAssign;
String getElementString(Element node) {
Document mathDoc = new Document();
String xmlString = xmlToString(mathDoc, false);
return xmlString;
String xmlToString(Document xmlDoc, boolean bTrimAllWhiteSpace) {
XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
return xmlOut.outputString(xmlDoc);