package dovetaildb.bagindex;
import java.nio.LongBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import dovetaildb.fileaccessor.MappedFile;
import dovetaildb.fileaccessor.OffsetValueFilePair;
import dovetaildb.fileaccessor.PagedFile;
import dovetaildb.scan.AbstractScanner;
import dovetaildb.scan.IntegerScanner;
import dovetaildb.scan.Scanner;
import dovetaildb.scan.ScannerUtil;
import dovetaildb.score.Score;
import dovetaildb.score.Scorer;
import dovetaildb.util.Pair;
import dovetaildb.util.Util;
import dovetaildb.util.VIntScanner;
public class TrieBagIndex extends BagIndex {
* Pages:
* Trie page (link up + summary list + link complete list + 256 links down)
* Single value posting list page (link up + single value + compressed doc id list) -- NOT USED
* Multi value posting list page (link prev:4 + link next:4 + compressed doc id list + value list) (as much as fits on one page)
* First offset is the complete initial doc number, subsequent offsets are increments with the low bit reserved for whether the value is different than the previous.
* When low bit is not set, a value pointer VLong follows, the low bit of which indicates whether the value is inline.
* When this low bit is not set, the value is considered an offset into the values file and a Vlong for the value length follows.
* ID terms are suffixed with pointers to remainder of data -> (compressed value page link & offset) list
* Deletions: add a *del:<docid>*(<txn>) field
PagedFile pages;
BytesInterface pageBi;
protected final int pageSize;
protected final int overflowThreshold;
protected final int minRecsPerPage;
protected BytesInterface maxDocIdFile;
long maxDocId;
/** Simple 4 bytes per docId, indexed from zero, representing an unsigned pointer into the docFields file */
protected MappedBytesInterface docIdToDoc;
/** Each doc is a list of VInts, each doc is an ordered list of value pointers, low bit indicates
* an offset into the page file (1) or
* an offset into the overflow file (0)
* In the case of the overflow data, a VInt for length follows
protected MappedBytesInterface docFields;
/** Raw overflow data */
protected ChannelBasedMappedFile overflowFieldData;
protected enum PageType {TRIE, SINGLE_VAL, MULTI_VAL};
protected final int LEAF_MASK = 0x80000000;
protected final int SINGLE_MASK = 0x80000000;
private String homeDir;
protected int getPrevLeafPage(int page) {
// (link prev:4 + link next:4 + docs)
return pageBi.getInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page));
protected int getNextLeafPage(int page) {
// (link prev:4 + link next:4 + docs)
return pageBi.getInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page)+1);
private void setPrevLeafPage(int page, int prevPage) {
pageBi.putInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page), prevPage);
private void setNextLeafPage(int page, int nextPage) {
pageBi.putInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page+1), nextPage);
private long descendOffset(int page, byte byteValue) {
return pages.getIntOffestForPage(page) + 3 + (byteValue & 0xff);
private int descend(int page, byte byteValue) {
long intOffset = descendOffset(page, byteValue);
if (intOffset == 0) return 0;
else return pageBi.getInt(intOffset);
private int getParentPage(int page) {
// (link up + summary list + link complete list + 256 links down)
return pageBi.getInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page));
private int getSummaryPage(int page) {
// (link up + summary list + link complete list + 256 links down)
return pageBi.getInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page)+1);
private int getLinkCompletePage(int page) {
return pageBi.getInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page)+2);
final class LookedUpTerm {
public int page, termPrefixLen, parentPage;
public LookedUpTerm(int page, int termPrefixLen, int parentPage) { = page;
this.termPrefixLen = termPrefixLen;
this.parentPage = parentPage;
protected LookedUpTerm descendByTerm(byte[] term) {
int parentPage = -1;
int page = 0;
int termIdx = 0;
while(termIdx < term.length) {
page = descend(page, term[termIdx++]);
if ((LEAF_MASK & page) == LEAF_MASK) {
return new LookedUpTerm(page, termIdx, parentPage);
protected LookedUpTerm findLeafForTerm(byte[] term) {
LookedUpTerm result = descendByTerm(term);
int page =;
if ((LEAF_MASK & page) != LEAF_MASK) {
page = getLinkCompletePage(page);
} = page & ~LEAF_MASK;
return result;
/** returns the next page */
private int extendSingleValuedPage(int page) {
int newPage = pages.newPageIndex();
long offset = pages.getIntOffestForPage(page);
pageBi.putInt(offset, newPage);
long newPageByteOffset = pages.getByteOffestForPage(newPage);
// 4 bytes for next page, one byte for the first vint
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
pageBi.putByte(newPageByteOffset+i, (byte) 0);
return newPage;
final class TermInDocRec implements Comparable {
final byte[] term;
final long docId;
final long termValueOffset;
final int termValueLength;
int bump;
public TermInDocRec(byte[] term, long docId) {
this(term, docId, 0);
public TermInDocRec(byte[] term, long docId, long termValueOffset) {
this.term = term;
this.docId = docId;
this.termValueOffset = termValueOffset;
this.termValueLength = 0;
this.bump = 0;
public TermInDocRec(long docId, long termValueOffset, int termValueLength) {
this.termValueOffset = termValueOffset;
this.termValueLength = termValueLength;
this.docId = docId;
this.term = null;
public TermInDocRec(long docId, TermInDocRec prev) {
this.docId = docId;
this.bump = prev.bump;
this.term = prev.term;
this.termValueOffset = prev.termValueOffset;
this.termValueLength = prev.termValueLength;
public boolean equals(Object otherObj) {
TermInDocRec o = (TermInDocRec)otherObj;
if (this.term == o.term &&
this.termValueOffset == o.termValueOffset &&
this.termValueLength == o.termValueLength) {
return true;
return compareTo(otherObj) == 0;
public int compareTo(Object otherObj) {
if (bump != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
TermInDocRec other = (TermInDocRec)otherObj;
int cmp = Util.compareBytes(this.term, other.term);
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = (int)(this.docId - other.docId);
return cmp;
public int getLength() {
if (term != null) return term.length - bump;
else return termValueLength;
public int firstByte() {
if (term != null) {
return term[bump];
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public byte[] getTerm() {
if (term != null) {
if (bump != 0) throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
return term;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
public byte getByteAt(int i) {
if (term != null) {
return term[bump+i];
} else {
return pageBi.getByte(this.termValueOffset+bump+i);
public void bump(int bump) {
if (term == null) {
this.bump = bump;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("not yet implemented");
class PagePlan {
ArrayList<TermInDocRec> docs; // list of terminating docs if this is an internal node
// one of these is null, the other is non-null:
PagePlan[] subPlans; // always of length 256 if non-null
public PagePlan() {
docs = new ArrayList<TermInDocRec>();
subPlans = null;
public PagePlan(ArrayList<TermInDocRec> docs) { = docs;
private PagePlan generatePlan(List<TermInDocRec> docs) {
// assumes input is sorted
int numDocs = docs.size();
PagePlan plan = new PagePlan();
if ((numDocs <= minRecsPerPage) ||
(docs.get(0).compareTo(docs.get(numDocs-1))==0)) {
// no more splitting required
for(TermInDocRec doc : docs) {;
} else {
// split
plan.subPlans = new PagePlan[256];
ArrayList<TermInDocRec>[] buckets = new ArrayList[256];
for(TermInDocRec doc : docs) {
int len = doc.getLength();
if (len == 0) {;
} else {
int insertIdx = doc.firstByte() & 0xff;
ArrayList<TermInDocRec> bucket = buckets[insertIdx];
if (bucket == null) {
buckets[insertIdx] = bucket = new ArrayList<TermInDocRec>();
int i=-1;
for(ArrayList<TermInDocRec> bucket : buckets) {
if (i == -1) {
if (bucket != null) { = bucket;
} else {
if (bucket != null) {
plan.subPlans[i-1] = generatePlan(bucket);
return plan;
private int writePlan(PagePlan plan, int parentPage) {
int newPage = pages.newPageIndex();
if (plan.subPlans == null) {
// a leaf page
TermInDocRec prev = null;
VarPosition position = new VarPosition(pages.getByteOffestForPage(newPage ));
VarPosition cap = new VarPosition(pages.getByteOffestForPage(newPage+1));
for(TermInDocRec rec : {
writeTermInDocRecAndValue(prev, rec, position, cap);
prev = rec;
} else {
// a trie page
long intOffset = pages.getIntOffestForPage(newPage);
// link up + summary list + link complete list + 256 links down
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, parentPage);
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, 0);
if (( != null) && ( > 0)) {
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, writePlan(new PagePlan(, newPage));
} else {
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, 0);
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, 0);
for(PagePlan subPlan : plan.subPlans) {
if (subPlan == null) {
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, 0);
} else {
int subPageId = writePlan(subPlan, newPage);
pageBi.putInt(intOffset++, subPageId);
return newPage;
/** page is assumed to be a multi-valued leaf page */
private void split(int parentPage, byte byteValue) {
int page = descend(parentPage, byteValue);
ArrayList<TermInDocRec> recs = parseMultiValuedLeafPage(page);
PagePlan plan = generatePlan(recs);
int newRootPage = writePlan(plan, parentPage);
// swap the parent over to the new page
pageBi.putInt(descendOffset(page, byteValue), newRootPage);
// mark the original for deletion
private ArrayList<dovetaildb.bagindex.TrieBagIndex.TermInDocRec> parseMultiValuedLeafPage(int page) {
ArrayList<TermInDocRec> recs = new ArrayList<TermInDocRec>();
long firstPage = page;
long nextPage = -1;
do {
long byteOffset = pages.getByteOffestForPage(page)+8L;
VarPosition top = new VarPosition(pages.getByteOffestForPage(page+1));
VarPosition vp = new VarPosition(byteOffset);
while (true) {
TermInDocRec rec = this.readTermInDocRec(null, vp, top);
if (rec == null) break;
else recs.add(rec);
nextPage = pageBi.getUInt(pages.getIntOffestForPage(page)+1);
} while(firstPage != nextPage);
return recs;
private int makeLeafPageUsing(List<TermInDocRec> bucket, int newTriePage) {
int page = pages.newPageIndex();
byte[] firstTerm = bucket.get(0).term;
boolean isSingleValued = true;
for(TermInDocRec rec : bucket) {
if (Util.compareBytes(firstTerm, rec.term) != 0) {
isSingleValued = false;
long byteOffset = pages.getByteOffestForPage(page);
long byteOffsetCap = pages.getByteOffestForPage(page+1);
long intOffset = pages.getIntOffestForPage(page);
if (isSingleValued) {
pageBi.putInt(intOffset, SINGLE_MASK);
VarPosition vp = new VarPosition(byteOffset + 4);
for(TermInDocRec rec : bucket) {
pageBi.putVLong(vp, rec.docId, byteOffsetCap);
pageBi.putVLong(vp, 0, byteOffsetCap);
} else {
pageBi.putByte(byteOffset++, (byte)0);
VarPosition vp = new VarPosition(byteOffset);
for(TermInDocRec rec : bucket) {
pageBi.putVLong(vp, rec.docId, byteOffsetCap);
pageBi.putVLong(vp, rec.term.length, byteOffsetCap);
byteOffsetCap -= rec.term.length;
pageBi.putBytes(byteOffsetCap, rec.term.length, rec.term, 0);
pageBi.putVLong(vp, 0, byteOffsetCap);
return page;
protected void backUp(VarPosition vp) {
long i = vp.position - 2;
while ((pageBi.getByte(i) & 0x80) == 0) {
vp.position = i + 1;
protected boolean writeTermInDocRecAndValue(TermInDocRec prev, TermInDocRec rec, VarPosition position, VarPosition top) {
int len = rec.getLength();
if (len <= overflowThreshold) {
if (position.position - top.position <= len) return false;
if (! writeTermInDocRec(prev, rec, position, top.position - len)) return false;
top.position -= len;
pageBi.putBytes(top.position, len, rec.term, (int)rec.termValueOffset);
return true;
} else {
return writeTermInDocRec(prev, rec, position, top.position);
protected boolean writeTermInDocRec(TermInDocRec prev, TermInDocRec rec, VarPosition position, long cap) {
if (prev.compareTo(rec) == 0) {
return pageBi.putVLong(position, (rec.docId<<1) | 0x01, cap);
} else {
if (! pageBi.putVLong(position, rec.docId<<1, cap)) return false;
int len = rec.getLength();
if (len <= overflowThreshold) {
if (pageBi.putVLong(position, (len<<1) | 0x01, cap)) return true;
} else {
// write into the overflow file
long insertPosition = overflowFieldData.logicalAppend(rec.term, rec.bump, rec.getLength());
if (pageBi.putVLong(position, (insertPosition<<1), cap)) {
if (pageBi.putVLong(position, len, cap)) return true;
else backUp(position);
// success returns immediately, this is a fail:
pageBi.putVLong(position, 0, cap);
return false;
// returns null when page is exhausted
protected TermInDocRec readTermInDocRec(TermInDocRec prev, VarPosition position, VarPosition top) {
long docId = pageBi.getVLong(position);
boolean sameVal = (docId & 0x01) == 0x01;
docId >>= 1;
if (docId == 0) {
return null;
} else if (sameVal) {
return new TermInDocRec(docId, prev);
} else {
int valLen = (int)pageBi.getVLong(position);
boolean isInline = (valLen & 0x01) == 0x01;
valLen >>= 1;
if (isInline) {
top.position -= valLen;
byte[] literal = new byte[valLen];
pageBi.getBytes(top.position, valLen, literal, 0);
return new TermInDocRec(literal, docId);
} else {
long valPos = pageBi.getVLong(position);
return new TermInDocRec(docId, valPos, valLen);
/** returns the offset to the written entry */
protected long insertTerm(TermInDocRec rec) {
LookedUpTerm ret = findLeafForTerm(rec.getTerm());
int termPrefixLen = ret.termPrefixLen;
int parentTriePage = ret.parentPage;
int firstLeafPage =;
int lastLeafPage = this.getPrevLeafPage(firstLeafPage); // get last page
VarPosition pos = getDocsStartForPage(lastLeafPage);
VarPosition top = getDocsCapForPage(lastLeafPage);
TermInDocRec cur = null;
TermInDocRec prev = null;
boolean allSame = true;
do {
cur = readTermInDocRec(prev, pos, top);
if (allSame && prev != null && ! cur.equals(prev)) allSame = false;
} while(cur!=null);
long startingPos = pos.position;
boolean wroteIt = writeTermInDocRecAndValue(prev, rec, pos, top);
if (wroteIt) {
return startingPos;
// page full, either add a new page or split the existing set
if (allSame) {
// add page; split may be unproductive (last page all had the same value)
int newPage = pages.newPageIndex();
setNextLeafPage(newPage, firstLeafPage);
setPrevLeafPage(newPage, lastLeafPage);
pos = getDocsStartForPage(newPage);
top = getDocsCapForPage( newPage);
startingPos = pos.position;
wroteIt = writeTermInDocRecAndValue(prev, rec, pos, top);
if (! wroteIt) throw new RuntimeException();
setNextLeafPage(lastLeafPage, newPage);
setPrevLeafPage(firstLeafPage, newPage);
return startingPos;
// split the page
byte lastByte = rec.getByteAt(termPrefixLen-1);
split(parentTriePage, lastByte);
// and try again
return insertTerm(rec);
private VarPosition getDocsStartForPage(int leafPage) {
long offset = pages.getByteOffestForPage(leafPage);
// link prev:4 + link next:4 + doc list
return new VarPosition(offset+8);
private VarPosition getDocsCapForPage(int leafPage) {
return new VarPosition(pages.getByteOffestForPage(leafPage+1));
TrieBagIndex() {
this(1036, 8);
TrieBagIndex(int pageSize, int overflowThreshold) {
this.pageSize = 0;
this.overflowThreshold = overflowThreshold;
this.minRecsPerPage = (pageSize - 8)/(overflowThreshold+20);
public void close() {
public long commitNewRev(long[] deletions,
Collection<Pair<byte[][], byte[][]>> inserts) {
int numInserts = inserts.size();
long revNum = maxDocId + numInserts;
if (numInserts == 0) {
// commits with only deletions occupy a docId space, so pre-delete it
inserts.add(new Pair<byte[][],byte[][]>(null,null));
deleteInRev(deletions, revNum);
ByteArrayOutputStream docEntryBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream termValueBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
VIntScanner.writeVLong(docEntryBuf, (long)termValueBuf.size());
byte[][][] groups = new byte[2][][];
for(Pair<byte[][],byte[][]> docPair : inserts) {
byte[][] indexTerms = docPair.getLeft();
byte[][] storeTerms = docPair.getRight();
groups[0] = storeTerms;
groups[1] = indexTerms;
for(byte[][] insertTerms : groups) {
for(byte[] term : insertTerms) {
long sz = term.length;
VIntScanner.writeVLong(docEntryBuf, sz);
try { termValueBuf.write(term); }
catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
//if (insertTerms == indexTerms) {
TermInDocRec rec = new TermInDocRec(term, maxDocId);
long dataPosition = insertTerm(rec);
maxDocIdFile.putLong(0, maxDocId);
return maxDocId;
protected void deleteInRev(long[] deletions, long revNum) {
byte[] delTerm = new byte[2+8];
delTerm[0] = 0;
delTerm[1] = 'd';
TermInDocRec rec = new TermInDocRec(delTerm, revNum, 2+8);
for(long deletion : deletions) {
Util.beLongToBytes(deletion, delTerm, 2);
public void fetchSubRange(
int rootPage, int termIdx,
ArrayList<Scanner> scanners,
byte[] term1, byte[] term2,
boolean isOpen1, boolean isOpen2,
boolean isExclusive1, boolean isExclusive2,
long revNum, Score score) {
long offset = this.getTrieStartForPage(rootPage);
long t1 = isOpen1 || termIdx>=term1.length ? 0 : term1[termIdx] & 0xff;
long t2 = isOpen2 || termIdx>=term2.length ? 255 : term2[termIdx] & 0xff;
for(long t = t1; t <= t2; t++) {
int page = pageBi.getInt(offset + t);
if (page == 0) { // dead end
boolean isLeaf = (LEAF_MASK & page) == LEAF_MASK;
if (isLeaf) {
page &= ~LEAF_MASK;
scanners.add(new LeafScanner(page, revNum, score));
} else {
Score nextScore = null;
if (score != null) {
nextScore = score.duplicate();
fetchSubRange(page, termIdx+1, scanners, term1, term2,
t>t1 || isOpen1, t<t2 || isOpen2,
isExclusive1, isExclusive2, revNum, nextScore);
private long getTrieStartForPage(int page) {
// Trie page (link up + summary list + link complete list + 256 links down)
return pages.getIntOffestForPage(page) + 3;
public Scanner fetchRange(byte[] prefix,
byte[] term1, byte[] term2,
boolean isExclusive1, boolean isExclusive2,
long revNum, Scorer scorer) {
Score score = scorer == null ? null : scorer.newScore();
LookedUpTerm prefixResult = descendByTerm(prefix);
for(int i=0; i < prefixResult.termPrefixLen; i++) {
final int page =;
boolean isLeaf = (LEAF_MASK & page) == LEAF_MASK;
if (isLeaf) {
return new LeafScanner(page, revNum, score);
} else {
ArrayList<Scanner> scanners = new ArrayList<Scanner>();
fetchSubRange(page, 0, scanners, term1, term2, false, false,
isExclusive1, isExclusive2, revNum, score);
return ScannerUtil.conjunctiveScanner(scanners);
private final class LeafScanner extends AbstractScanner {
int page, firstPage;
VarPosition pos, top;
TermInDocRec cur = null;
TermInDocRec prev = null;
long revNum;
double min, max;
LeafScanner(int firstPage, long revNum, Score score) {
this.firstPage = firstPage;
int page = firstPage;
pos = getDocsStartForPage(page);
top = getDocsCapForPage(page);
this.revNum = revNum;
if (score == null) {
this.min = Double.MIN_VALUE;
this.max = Double.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
this.min = score.min();
this.max = score.max();
public long doc() {
return cur.docId;
public boolean next() {
cur = readTermInDocRec(prev, pos, top);
while (cur == null) { // try next page
page = getNextLeafPage(page);
if (page == firstPage) {
return false;
} else {
pos = getDocsStartForPage(page);
top = getDocsCapForPage(page);
cur = readTermInDocRec(prev, pos, top);
prev = null;
return true;
public boolean dropDocsScoringLessThan(double amount) {
if (amount > max) {
cur = null;
return false;
} else {
return true;
public boolean dropDocsScoringMoreThan(double amount) {
if (amount < min) {
cur = null;
return false;
} else {
return true;
public Scanner fetchTd(byte[] term, long revNum) {
LookedUpTerm leaf = findLeafForTerm(term);
int firstPage =;
return new LeafScanner(firstPage, revNum, null);
public Scanner fetchAll(long revNum) {
return new IntegerScanner(revNum);
public Scanner fetchDeletions(long revNum) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public BagIndexDoc fetchDoc(long docId) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public BagIndexDoc refetchDoc(BagIndexDoc doc, long docId) {
return fetchDoc(docId);
public String getHomedir() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
protected FileChannel openFile(String name) {
String filename = homeDir + File.separatorChar + "maxdocid";
RandomAccessFile maxDocIdRaf;
try {
maxDocIdRaf = new RandomAccessFile(new File(filename), "rw");
return maxDocIdRaf.getChannel();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void setHomedir(String homeDir) {
try {
this.homeDir = homeDir;
File pagesFile = new File(homeDir+File.separatorChar+"pages");
boolean newIndex = ! pagesFile.exists();
if (newIndex) {
System.out.println("No index present at "+homeDir+"; creating a new index.");
pages = new PagedFile(pagesFile);
pageBi = pages.getBytesInterface();
maxDocIdFile = new MappedBytesInterface(openFile("maxdocid"));
if (newIndex) {
maxDocIdFile = maxDocIdFile.ensureSizeAtLeast(8);
maxDocIdFile.putLong(0, 0);
int pageLocation = writePlan(new PagePlan(), 0);
if (pageLocation != 0)
throw new RuntimeException("page location not at root - unexpected");
docIdToDoc = new MappedBytesInterface(openFile("docidtodoc"));
docFields = new MappedBytesInterface(openFile("docfields"));
overflowFieldData = new ChunkedMemoryMappedFile(openFile("overflow"));
this.maxDocId = maxDocIdFile.getLong(0);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public long getCurrentRevNum() {
return maxDocId;