package dovetaildb.bagindex;
import gnu.trove.TLongLongHashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import dovetaildb.bytes.ArrayBytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.Bytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.CompoundBytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.SlicedBytes;
import dovetaildb.querynode.AbstractRangeQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.FilteredRangeQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.LiteralRangeQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.OrderedOrQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.QueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.RangeQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.util.PriorityQueue;
import dovetaildb.util.Util;
public abstract class BlueSteelBagIndex extends BagIndex {
* Term tree alternative:
* TokenTable:
* Fixed prefix token (optional)
* An ordered list of Tokens
* TokenRec:
* 1 byte of term content
* offset pointer to sub TokenTable
* SegmentPush (pointer to doc id list + count)
* TermRec is either a DocRec or a SegmentPush.
* DocRec:
* Doc id delta
* Partial term
* (not including term tree already traversed and
* not including suffix covered by subterms, if any)
* SegmentPush is:
* doc id list offset pointer
* document count
public static class TokenTable {
private Bytes fixedPrefix;
private ArrayList<TokenRec> tokenRecs;
TokenTable(Bytes fixedPrefix, ArrayList<TokenRec> tokenRecs) {
this.fixedPrefix = fixedPrefix;
this.tokenRecs = tokenRecs;
public TokenTable(byte prefixByte, ArrayList<TokenRec> tokenRecs) {
this(new ArrayBytes(new byte[]{prefixByte}), tokenRecs);
public Bytes getFixedPrefix() { return fixedPrefix; }
public ArrayList<TokenRec> getTokenRecs() { return tokenRecs; }
public String toString() {
String s="\nTokenTable("+fixedPrefix+"):\n";
for(TokenRec r:tokenRecs) {
s += r+"\n";
return s;
public static class TokenRec {
private byte token;
private TokenTable tokenTable;
private SegmentPush segmentPush;
public TokenRec(byte token, TokenTable tokenTable, SegmentPush segmentPush) {
this.token = token;
this.tokenTable = tokenTable;
this.segmentPush = segmentPush;
public byte getToken() { return token; }
public TokenTable getTokenTable() { return tokenTable; }
public SegmentPush getSegmentPush() { return segmentPush; }
public String toString() {
return "('"+((char)token)+"') summary: "+segmentPush+"\n"+tokenTable;
public static class PostingNode {
private long docId;
private Bytes token;
private SegmentPush push; // optional
// must have either this (for nonmaterialized):
public PostingNode next;
// or this (for materialized):
private long idxPos;
public PostingNode(long idxPos) {
this.idxPos = idxPos;
public PostingNode(long docId, Bytes token) {
this.docId = docId;
this.token = token;
public PostingNode(SegmentPush push, long docId, Bytes token) {
this(docId, token);
this.push = push;
public long getDocId() { return docId; }
public Bytes getToken() { return token; }
public long getCount() {
if (push == null) return 1;
else return push.count + 1;
public SegmentPush getPush() { return push; }
public String toString() {
return "PostingNode dId:"+docId+" tok:"+token+" psh:"+push;
public void copyInto(PostingNode prev) {
prev.docId = docId;
prev.idxPos = idxPos;
prev.push = push;
prev.token = token;
public void setIdxPos(int idxPos) {
this.idxPos = idxPos;
public PostingNode next() {
return next;
public int compareTo(EditRec e) {
long ret = getDocId() - e.docId;
if (ret == 0) return token.compareTo(e.term);
else return (ret > 0) ? 1 : -1;
public static class SegmentPush {
public long count;
public PostingNode leadNode;
public long idxPos;
public List<PostingNode> nodes;
public SegmentPush(List<PostingNode> output) {
nodes = output;
idxPos = 0;
count = 0;
PostingNode lastNode = null;
for (PostingNode node : nodes) {
count += node.getCount();
if (lastNode != null) = node;
lastNode = node;
public SegmentPush(PostingNode start, long count) {
this.idxPos = start.idxPos;
this.leadNode = start;
this.count = count;
this.nodes = null;
public SegmentPush() {
idxPos = 0;
count = 0;
this.nodes = new ArrayList<PostingNode>();
public String toString() {
if (nodes != null) {
return "SegmentPush"+nodes;
} else if (leadNode != null) {
return "SegmentPush(lead="+leadNode+",ct="+count+")";
} else {
return "SegmentPush@"+this.idxPos;
public long getIdxPos() { return idxPos; }
public long getCount() { return count; }
static class NodesItr implements CopyableIterator<PostingNode> {
int nextIdx = 0;
public List<PostingNode> nodes;
NodesItr() {}
NodesItr(List<PostingNode> nodes) {
this.nodes = nodes;
public CopyableIterator<PostingNode> copyInto(CopyableIterator<PostingNode> targetItr) {
NodesItr target;
if (targetItr == null || !(targetItr instanceof NodesItr)) {
target = new NodesItr();
} else {
target = (NodesItr)targetItr;
target.nextIdx = nextIdx;
target.nodes = nodes;
return target;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextIdx < nodes.size();
public PostingNode next() {
return nodes.get(nextIdx++);
public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException(); }
static class SegPushItr implements CopyableIterator<PostingNode> {
PostingNode node;
long remaining;
public SegPushItr() {}
public SegPushItr(PostingNode node, long remaining) {
this.node = node;
this.remaining = remaining;
public boolean hasNext() {
// return remaining > 0;
return node != null;
public PostingNode next() {
PostingNode ret = node;
remaining -= node.getCount();
if (remaining > 0) node =;
else node = null;
return ret;
// if (node==null) node = leadNode;
// else node =;
// remaining -= node.getCount();
// return node;
public void remove() {
throw new RuntimeException();
public CopyableIterator<PostingNode> copyInto(CopyableIterator<PostingNode> targetItr) {
SegPushItr target;
if (targetItr == null || !(targetItr instanceof SegPushItr)) {
target = new SegPushItr();
} else {
target = (SegPushItr)targetItr;
target.node = node;
target.remaining = remaining;
return target;
public CopyableIterator<PostingNode> iterator() {
if (nodes != null) {
return new NodesItr(nodes);
} else {
return new SegPushItr(leadNode, count);
public static ArrayList<EditRec> popTermBytes(ArrayList<EditRec> editBuffer) {
ArrayList<EditRec> newTermBytes = new ArrayList<EditRec>();
for(EditRec edit : editBuffer) {
Bytes term = edit.term;
term = term.subBytes(1, term.getLength()-1);
newTermBytes.add(new EditRec(edit.docId, term, edit.isDeletion));
return newTermBytes;
static abstract class MergeIterator<A,B> {
Iterator<A> a;
Iterator<B> b;
A curA;
B curB;
boolean hasLeft, hasRight;
public MergeIterator() {}
public MergeIterator(Iterator<A> a, Iterator<B> b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
hasLeft = hasRight = true;
public A getLeft() { return hasLeft ? curA : null; }
public B getRight() { return hasRight ? curB : null; }
public void next() {
if (hasLeft) {
curA = (a.hasNext()) ? : null;
if (hasRight) {
curB = (b.hasNext()) ? : null;
if (curA != null && curB != null) {
int cmp = compare(curA, curB);
hasLeft = (cmp <= 0);
hasRight = (cmp >= 0);
} else {
hasLeft = curA != null;
hasRight = curB != null;
public abstract int compare(A a, B b);
static final class TokenEditMergeIterator extends MergeIterator<TokenRec, EditRec> {
TokenEditMergeIterator(Iterator<TokenRec> a, Iterator<EditRec> b) {
super(a, b);
public int compare(TokenRec a, EditRec b) {
int tok = 0xFF & a.getToken();
int edit = 0xFF & b.term.get(0);
return tok - edit;
static final class NodeEditMergeIterator extends MergeIterator<PostingNode, EditRec> {
NodeEditMergeIterator(Iterator<PostingNode> a, Iterator<EditRec> b) {
super(a, b);
public int compare(PostingNode a, EditRec b) {
return a.compareTo(b);
public static TokenTable applyEditsToTokenTable(Collection<EditRec> edits, TokenTable table) {
// prereq: edits are ordered by term, then by doc id
if (edits.isEmpty()) return table;
if (table == null) return null;
Bytes fixedPrefix = table.getFixedPrefix();
if (fixedPrefix != null) {
// ensure all items match
boolean allMatch = true;
if (! allMatch) {
// split table
TokenEditMergeIterator merge = new TokenEditMergeIterator(
TokenRec parent = null;
ArrayList<EditRec> editBuffer = new ArrayList<EditRec>();
byte editBufferByte = 0;
ArrayList<TokenRec> output = new ArrayList<TokenRec>();
while(true) {;
TokenRec rec = merge.getLeft();
EditRec edit = merge.getRight();
// save away rec if co-occurs with edit,
// otherwise write.
if ( edit == null || edit.term.get(0) != editBufferByte) {
// cut a new tree if (1) edit byte changes or
// (2) edit is missing
if (! editBuffer.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<EditRec> subTokenTableEdits = popTermBytes(editBuffer);
SegmentPush push;
TokenTable subTable;
if (parent == null) {
subTable = null;
push = new SegmentPush(new ArrayList<PostingNode>());
} else {
subTable = parent.getTokenTable();
push = parent.getSegmentPush();
subTable = applyEditsToTokenTable(subTokenTableEdits, subTable);
SegmentPush termList = spliceEditsIntoSegmentPush(subTokenTableEdits, push);
output.add(new TokenRec(editBufferByte, subTable, termList));
editBuffer = new ArrayList<EditRec>();
parent = null;
if (edit != null) {
editBufferByte = (byte)edit.term.get(0);
if (rec != null) parent = rec;
} else {
if (rec != null) output.add(rec);
else break;
return new TokenTable(null, output);
public static class AdjacencyRec {
LinkedList<PostingNode> node1, node2;
AdjacencyRec left, right;
long ct1, ct2;
SegmentPush newPush = null;
boolean dirty = false;
public AdjacencyRec(PostingNode node2, AdjacencyRec left) {
this.node2 = new LinkedList<PostingNode>();
this.left = left;
if (left == null) {
this.node1 = null;
} else {
left.right = this;
this.node1 = left.node2;
ct1 = node1.get(0).getCount();
ct2 = node2.getCount();
public AdjacencyRec() {
public AdjacencyRec(PostingNode firstNode, PostingNode secondNode) {
this.node1 = new LinkedList<PostingNode>();
this.node2 = new LinkedList<PostingNode>();
this.left = this.right = null;
this.ct1 = firstNode.getCount();
this.ct2 = secondNode.getCount();
public static SegmentPush balanceSegmentPush(SegmentPush segment, int threshold) {
long ct = segment.count;
if (ct <= threshold) return segment;
PriorityQueue queue = new PriorityQueue(500) {
public int compare(Object a, Object b) {
AdjacencyRec r1 = (AdjacencyRec)a;
AdjacencyRec r2 = (AdjacencyRec)b;
return (int)((r1.ct1+r2.ct2) - (r2.ct1+r2.ct2));
Iterator<PostingNode> itr = segment.iterator();
PostingNode firstNode =;
PostingNode secondNode =;
AdjacencyRec firstAdj = new AdjacencyRec(firstNode, secondNode);
AdjacencyRec prevAdj = firstAdj;
while(itr.hasNext()) {
PostingNode curNode =;
AdjacencyRec adj = new AdjacencyRec(curNode, prevAdj);
prevAdj = adj;
while(queue.size >= threshold) {
AdjacencyRec rec = (AdjacencyRec)queue.pop();
if (rec.dirty) {
rec.dirty = false;
} else {
if (rec.left != null) {
rec.left.right = rec.right;
rec.left.ct2 += rec.ct2;
rec.left.dirty = true;
} else {
firstAdj = rec.right;
if (rec.right != null) {
rec.right.left = rec.left;
rec.right.node1 = rec.node1;
rec.right.ct1 += rec.ct1;
rec.right.dirty = true;
AdjacencyRec adj = firstAdj;
SegmentAccumulator accum = new SegmentAccumulator();
while(true) {
accum.addManyAsBalancedNode(adj.node1, threshold);
if (adj.right == null) {
accum.addManyAsBalancedNode(adj.node2, threshold);
adj = adj.right;
return new SegmentPush(accum.output);
static interface CopyableIterator<T> extends Iterator<T> {
// If possible, copy the state of <this> into <target>
// (and return <target>). If not possible allocate a
// copy of <this> and return the newly allocated copy.
public CopyableIterator<T> copyInto(CopyableIterator<T> target);
static final class TraversalStackDelme {
TraversalStackDelme parent;
CopyableIterator<PostingNode> pointer;
PostingNode current;
long cap;
public TraversalStackDelme() {}
public TraversalStackDelme(SegmentPush push) {
parent = null;
pointer = push.iterator();
current = null;
cap = push.count;
public void copyInto(TraversalStackDelme o) {
o.parent = parent;
o.pointer = pointer;
o.current = current;
o.cap = cap;
public boolean isAt(EditRec edit) {
return (edit==null) ? false : current.compareTo(edit) >= 0;
public void next() {
current =;
cap -= current.getCount();
public void up() {
public void down() {
long childCap = current.push.count;
if (cap >= 0) {
TraversalStackDelme newParent = new TraversalStackDelme();
parent = newParent;
} else { // transfer deficit to subsection
childCap += (cap+1);
CopyableIterator<PostingNode> childPointer = current.push.iterator();
cap = childCap;
pointer = childPointer;
current = null;
public boolean nextOrDown() {
if (cap <= 0) {
if (parent == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
while(current.getPush() != null && current.getPush().getCount()>0) {
return true;
public boolean nextToward(EditRec edit) {
// returns true if the is a summary node visit
if (cap <= 0) {
if (parent == null) {
current = null;
} else {
return true;
current.getPush() != null &&
current.getPush().getCount()>0 &&
return false;
public boolean isEqual(EditRec edit) {
return (current.docId == edit.docId &&
enum CheckpointStatus {NONE, UNCHANGED, CHANGED};
static class StackRec {
private PostingNode current, chkCurrent;
private CopyableIterator<PostingNode> pointer, chkPointer;
private long cap, chkCap;
private CheckpointStatus checkpoint = CheckpointStatus.NONE;
StackRec() {}
void set(CopyableIterator<PostingNode> pointer, long cap) {
this.pointer = pointer;
this.cap = cap;
this.current = null;
void checkpoint() {
if (checkpoint == CheckpointStatus.NONE) {
checkpoint = CheckpointStatus.UNCHANGED;
private boolean uncheckpoint() {
boolean wasCheckpointed = (checkpoint != CheckpointStatus.NONE);
checkpoint = CheckpointStatus.NONE;
chkPointer = null; // allow gc
return wasCheckpointed;
public boolean rewindToCheckpoint() {
if (checkpoint == CheckpointStatus.CHANGED) {
current = chkCurrent;
cap = chkCap;
if (checkpoint == CheckpointStatus.NONE) return false;
checkpoint = CheckpointStatus.NONE;
chkPointer = null; // allow gc
return true;
private void dirty() {
if (checkpoint == CheckpointStatus.UNCHANGED) {
chkCurrent = current;
chkCap = cap;
checkpoint = CheckpointStatus.CHANGED;
public void next() {
current =;
cap -= current.getCount();
public void clearCurrent() {
current = null;
static final class TraversalStack {
StackRec[] primary;
int bottom = -1;
int chkBottom = -1;
public TraversalStack() {
primary = new StackRec[12];
for(int i=0; i< primary.length; i++) {
primary[i] = new StackRec();
public TraversalStack(CopyableIterator<PostingNode> pointer, long cap) {
bottom = 0;
primary[0].set(pointer, cap);
public TraversalStack(SegmentPush push) {
this(push.iterator(), push.count);
// public void copyInto(TraversalStack o) {
// o.parent = parent;
// o.pointer = pointer;
// o.current = current;
// o.cap = cap;
// }
public boolean isAt(EditRec edit) {
return (edit==null) ? false : primary[bottom].current.compareTo(edit) >= 0;
public void next() {
public void up() {
if (chkBottom != -1) {
public PostingNode getCurrent() {
return primary[bottom].current;
private void pushAndCheck() {
if (bottom == primary.length) {
StackRec[] orig = primary;
primary = new StackRec[primary.length*2];
System.arraycopy(orig, 0, primary, 0, bottom);
if (chkBottom != -1) {
public void down() {
StackRec rec = primary[bottom];
long curCap = rec.cap;
SegmentPush push = rec.current.push;
long childCap = push.count;
if (curCap >= 0) {
rec = primary[bottom];
// TraversalStack newParent = new TraversalStack();
// copyInto(newParent);
// parent = newParent;
} else { // transfer deficit to subsection
childCap += (curCap+1);
CopyableIterator<PostingNode> childPointer = push.iterator();
rec.set(childPointer, childCap);
public boolean nextOrDown() {
StackRec rec = primary[bottom];
if (rec.cap <= 0) {
if (bottom == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
while(true) {
SegmentPush push = primary[bottom].current.getPush();
if (push == null || push.getCount()<=0) break;
return true;
public void checkpoint() {
if (chkBottom != -1) uncheckpoint();
chkBottom = bottom;
public void uncheckpoint() {
if (chkBottom == -1) throw new RuntimeException("Illegal state; no checkpoint defined");
chkBottom = -1;
for(int i=bottom; i>=0; i--) {
if (! primary[i].uncheckpoint()) break;
for(int i=bottom+1; i<primary.length; i++) {
if (! primary[i].uncheckpoint()) break;
public void rewindToCheckpoint() {
if (chkBottom == -1) throw new RuntimeException("Illegal state; no checkpoint defined");
bottom = chkBottom;
chkBottom = -1;
for(int i=bottom; i>=0; i--) {
if (! primary[i].rewindToCheckpoint()) break;
for(int i=bottom+1; i<primary.length; i++) {
if (! primary[i].uncheckpoint()) break;
public boolean nextToward(EditRec edit) {
StackRec rec = primary[bottom];
// returns true if this is a summary node visit
if (rec.cap <= 0) {
if (bottom == 0) {
} else {
return true;
while(true) {
SegmentPush push = primary[bottom].current.getPush();
if (push == null || push.getCount()<=0 || ! isAt(edit)) break;
return false;
public boolean isEqual(EditRec edit) {
PostingNode current = primary[bottom].current;
return (current.docId == edit.docId &&
static class SegmentAccumulator {
PostingNode leadNode, lastNode;
long ct;
ArrayList<PostingNode> output = new ArrayList<PostingNode>();
public void register(PostingNode node) {
lastNode = node;
if (ct==0) leadNode = node;
ct += node.getCount();
public void addManyAsBalancedNode(LinkedList<PostingNode> node1, int leafSize) {
if (node1.size() == 1) {
} else {
for(PostingNode n : node1) {
SegmentPush push = n.getPush();
if (push != null) {
for(Iterator<PostingNode> i=push.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
PostingNode last = peekLast();
last.push = balanceSegmentPush(last.getPush(), leafSize);
public PostingNode peekLast() {
return output.get(output.size()-1);
public void cut(long docId, Bytes token) {
SegmentPush push = (ct > 0) ? new SegmentPush(leadNode, ct) : null;
output.add(new PostingNode(push, docId, token));
ct = 0;
public void cut() {
if (ct > 1) {
SegmentPush push = new SegmentPush(leadNode, ct - 1);
output.add(new PostingNode(push, lastNode.docId, lastNode.token));
} else if (ct == 1) {
output.add(new PostingNode(leadNode.docId, leadNode.token));
ct = 0;
public static SegmentPush spliceEditsIntoSegmentPush(List<EditRec> edits, SegmentPush segment) {
SegmentAccumulator accum = new SegmentAccumulator();
TraversalStack stack = new TraversalStack(segment);
Iterator<EditRec> editItr = edits.iterator();
EditRec edit = editItr.hasNext() ? : null;
do {
boolean isSummaryVisit = stack.nextToward(edit);
PostingNode node = stack.getCurrent();
if (node == null) break;
boolean deleteCur = false;
while (edit != null && stack.isAt(edit)) {
if (edit.isDeletion) {
deleteCur = true;
} else {
accum.cut(edit.docId, edit.term);
edit = editItr.hasNext() ? : null;
if (isSummaryVisit) {
if (deleteCur) {
} else {
accum.cut(node.docId, node.token);
} else {
if (deleteCur) {
} else {
} while (stack.getCurrent() != null);
while (edit != null) {
if (edit.isDeletion) throw new RuntimeException("data moved");
accum.cut(edit.docId, edit.term);
edit = editItr.hasNext() ? : null;
return new SegmentPush(accum.output);
protected abstract TokenTable getRootTokenTable(long revNum);
protected abstract void setNewTokenTable(TokenTable newTokenTable);
protected String homeDir;
protected long topRevNum;
protected long nextDocId = 1;
public long getCurrentRevNum() {
return topRevNum;
public String getHomedir() {
return homeDir;
public void setHomedir(String homeDir) {
this.homeDir = homeDir;
class BlueSteelPostingListQuery extends AbstractRangeQueryNode {
TraversalStack traversal;
CompoundBytes termBuffer;
public BlueSteelPostingListQuery(Bytes prefix, byte suffix, SegmentPush segmentPush) {
this(new ArrayBytes(Util.appendByte(prefix.getBytes(), suffix)), segmentPush);
public BlueSteelPostingListQuery(Bytes prefix, SegmentPush segmentPush) {
super(prefix, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, false, false);
termBuffer = new CompoundBytes(prefix, null);
traversal = new TraversalStack(segmentPush);;
public void adjustPrefix(Bytes prefix) {
throw new RuntimeException("Query adjustment not supported");
public void adjustSuffixMax(Bytes newMax, boolean isExclusive) {
throw new RuntimeException("Query adjustment not supported");
public void adjustSuffixMin(Bytes newMin, boolean isExclusive) {
throw new RuntimeException("Query adjustment not supported");
public long doc() {
return traversal.getCurrent().docId;
public boolean next() {
long curDocId = (traversal.getCurrent()!=null) ? traversal.getCurrent().docId : -1;
do {
boolean nxt = traversal.nextOrDown();
if (!nxt) return false;
} while(traversal.getCurrent().docId == curDocId);
return true;
public NextStatus nextTerm() {
long curDocId = traversal.getCurrent().docId;
boolean nxt = traversal.nextOrDown();
if (!nxt) return NextStatus.AT_END;
if (traversal.getCurrent().docId == curDocId) {
return NextStatus.NEXT_TERM;
} else {
return NextStatus.NEXT_DOC;
public void resetTerms() {
public boolean skipTo(long target) {
do {
traversal.nextToward(new EditRec(target, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, false));
if (traversal.getCurrent() == null) return false;
} while(traversal.getCurrent().docId < target);
return true;
public Bytes term() {
return termBuffer;
public RangeQueryNode getRange(Bytes prefix, Bytes term1, Bytes term2,
boolean isExclusive1, boolean isExclusive2, long revNum) {
TokenTable table = getRootTokenTable(revNum);
int len = prefix.getLength();
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
for(TokenRec rec : table.tokenRecs) {
if (rec.token >= prefix.get(i)) {
if (rec.token > prefix.get(i)) return null;
if (rec.tokenTable==null) {
Bytes pre = new SlicedBytes(prefix, 0, i+1);
pre = new ArrayBytes(pre.getBytes()); // optimize
RangeQueryNode ret = new BlueSteelPostingListQuery(pre, rec.segmentPush);
return FilteredRangeQueryNode.make(ret, prefix, term1, term2, isExclusive1, isExclusive2);
table = rec.tokenTable;
if (bos.size() > 0) {
prefix = new CompoundBytes(prefix, new ArrayBytes(bos.toByteArray())).flatten();
if (table == null) return null;
int top,bottom;
if (term1 == null) {
top = 0;
isExclusive1 = false;
} else if (term1.getLength() > 0) {
top = term1.get(0);
} else {
top = 0;
if (term2 == null) {
bottom = 255;
isExclusive2 = false;
} else if (term2.getLength() > 0) {
bottom = term2.get(0);
} else { //specified, but is empty (must be a very narrow range!)
bottom = 0;
Iterator<TokenRec> itr = table.getTokenRecs().iterator();
TokenRec rec;
do {
if (! itr.hasNext()) return null;
rec =;
} while((0xFF & rec.token) < top);
if (top==bottom) {
RangeQueryNode q = new BlueSteelPostingListQuery(prefix, rec.token, rec.segmentPush);
return FilteredRangeQueryNode.make(q, null, term1, term2, isExclusive1, isExclusive2);
List<RangeQueryNode> queries = new ArrayList<RangeQueryNode>();
if (rec.token == top) {
RangeQueryNode q = new BlueSteelPostingListQuery(prefix, rec.token, rec.segmentPush);
q = FilteredRangeQueryNode.make(q, null, term1, null, isExclusive1, false);
while(rec.token < bottom) {
queries.add(new BlueSteelPostingListQuery(prefix, rec.token, rec.segmentPush));
if (! itr.hasNext()) break;
rec =;
if (rec.token == bottom) {
RangeQueryNode q = new BlueSteelPostingListQuery(prefix, rec.token, rec.segmentPush);
q = FilteredRangeQueryNode.make(q, null, null, term2, false, isExclusive2);
return new OrderedOrQueryNode(queries, prefix, term1, term2, isExclusive1, isExclusive2);
public QueryNode getTerm(Bytes term, long revNum) {
return getRange(term, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, false, false, revNum);
public long commitNewRev(Collection<EditRec> edits) {
TLongLongHashMap idMap = new TLongLongHashMap();
for(EditRec edit : edits) {
long docId = edit.docId;
if (docId < 0) {
if (idMap.contains(docId)) {
edit.docId = idMap.get(docId);
} else {
long newDocId = nextDocId++;
idMap.put(docId, newDocId);
edit.docId = newDocId;
TokenTable newTokenTable = applyEditsToTokenTable(edits, getRootTokenTable(topRevNum));
return topRevNum;