Project "com.quui.chat.core" (C) 2006 Fabian Steeg
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.quui.chat.ui;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import com.quui.chat.Log;
import com.quui.chat.Preprocessor;
import com.quui.chat.Talk;
* Based on Testbot extends BasicIRCBot by David Seager
* http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-javabot/index.html
* Hollala the Chatbot, IRC Interface
* @author Fabian Steeg (fsteeg)
public class Hollala extends SuperBot {
* Lists for different categories of users, content comes from property file
private List<String> users, admins, ignore, listen;
* Config data, content comes from property file
private String name, description, logLocation, wnLocation, topicFolder,
* The connection to the Chatbot Engine
private Talk talk;
* The Random for generating variations of answers
private Random r = new Random();
* Properties containing content of the above fields
private Properties properties;
* Instantiate a new bot
* @param configFile
* The location of the properties file to use
public Hollala(String configFile) {
if (properties.get("run").equals("yes")) {
* Initializes the content of the fields
* @param propertiesLocation
* The location of the properties file to use
private void initProperties(String propertiesLocation) {
properties = new Properties();
this.name = properties.getProperty("name");
this.server = properties.getProperty("server");
this.description = properties.getProperty("description");
this.logLocation = properties.getProperty("log") + "-"
+ name.toLowerCase();
this.wnLocation = properties.getProperty("wn");
this.topicFolder = properties.getProperty("config");
this.topicFile = properties.getProperty("topics") + "-"
+ name.toLowerCase() + ".xml";
this.channels = getItems("channels");
this.users = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(getItems("users")));
this.admins = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(getItems("admins")));
this.ignore = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(getItems("ignore")));
this.listen = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(getItems("listen")));
* @param propertiesLocation
* The location of the properties file to load
private void loadProperties(String propertiesLocation) {
try {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(propertiesLocation);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Failed to load properties file: "
+ propertiesLocation + ".");
* @param key
* The key int the properties file
* @return An array containing the comma-serapated elements in the value for
* key
private String[] getItems(String key) {
return properties.getProperty(key).split(",");
* Loads the topics by initializing the Talk-Object
private void initCoreBot() {
talk = new Talk(topicFolder, topicFile, wnLocation, logLocation);
* Process a private message
protected void srv_privmsg(String sender, String message, String channel) {
Log.logger.debug("Message: " + message + " from: " + sender
+ " on channel: " + channel);
if (message.equals("!quit") && admins.contains(sender.toLowerCase()))
// build up the knowledge of users... TODO actually the users shoudl be
// requested from the server...
// !forget-command...
handleForget(sender, message, channel);
boolean toBot = message.toLowerCase().contains(name.toLowerCase());
// processing everytihng cause performance probs!
if (!toBot || ignore.contains(sender.toLowerCase())) {
// first filter: ascii - to filter arabic stuff and such.
// if (Preprocessor.containsNonAscii(message)) {
// Log.logger.debug("Skipping because of non-ascii: " + message);
// return;
// }
boolean learn = toBot || listen.contains(sender.toLowerCase());
String orig = message;
for (String nick : users) {
nick = nick.toLowerCase();
// clean user names from message:
if (!nick.equals(name.toLowerCase())) {
message = Preprocessor.clean(message, nick);
boolean equal = orig.equals(message.trim());
message = Preprocessor.clean(message, name.toLowerCase());
// save only if not other users were removed, results in nonsensical
// sentences, allow only one missing, like "?"
String answer = converse(channel, sender, message, learn && equal);
if (talk.getMind().interested)
learn = true;
if (learn) {
Log.logger.info("Will reply on: " + sender + " in channel "
+ channel + " says: <<< " + orig + " | cleaned to: "
+ message + ", will learn is: " + learn);
.info("Believing topic is: \""
+ talk.getMind().getLastTopicName()
+ ", will answer in channel " + channel + ": >>> "
+ answer);
this.send_privmsg(channel, answer);
private void handleForget(String sender, String message, String channel) {
if (message.equals("!forget")) {
if (admins.contains(sender)) {
String answer = "";
if (talk.getMind().lastAnswer == null)
answer = "Hm... I ain't got no thing to forget...";
else {
answer = "Uh... I'm forgetting about '"
+ this.talk.getMind().lastAnswer + "'";
this.send_privmsg(channel, answer);
} else {
this.send_privmsg(channel, "Who are you to mess with my mind, "
+ sender + " :P");
* Retrieves an answer for message and answers on channel
* @param channel
* The channel
* @param sender
* The sender
* @param message
* The message to answer
public String converse(String channel, String sender, String message,
boolean answerInAnyCase) {
try {
Thread.sleep(message.split(" ").length
* Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("millis")));
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// get an answer for the message
String answer = talk.process(message.trim().toLowerCase(),
if (answer == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"Mind returned null as answer - this could mean there is an error in the topics.xml or other nasty stuff.");
answer = constructFinalAnswer(sender, answer);
try {
Thread.sleep(answer.split(" ").length
* Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("millis")));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (answerInAnyCase)
return answer;
* @param sender
* The sender
* @param answer
* The answer
* @return A string lik "sender, answer" or "answer, sender" or "answer"
private String constructFinalAnswer(String sender, String answer) {
// normal reply, with randomly generated variations
int variants = 5;
int v = r.nextInt(variants + 3);
if (v == 0) {
answer = sender + ": " + answer;
} else if (v == 1) {
answer = sender + ", " + answer;
} else if (v == 2) {
answer = answer + ", " + sender;
} else if (v == 3) {
answer = sender + " " + answer;
} else if (v == 4) {
answer = answer + " " + sender;
return answer;