// =============================================================================
// com.bitmovers.maui.engine.render.A_Renderer
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
//++ 363 SL 2001.08.13
// If MTable is created by string rather than MComponents, then check to see
// if theContainers[i] != null before getting the value for thePhase to catch
// the nullpointer error for WML
// =============================================================================
package com.bitmovers.maui.engine.render;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
import com.bitmovers.utilities.StringParser;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.resourcemanager.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.logmanager.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.MComponent;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.foundation.HasLabel;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.foundation.Settable;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.foundation.MSettable;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.foundation.MContainer;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.foundation.MFrame;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.foundation.HasPostValue;
import com.bitmovers.maui.MauiApplication;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver.HTTPSession;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.wmlcompositor.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.events.MActionEvent;
// ========================================================================
// CLASS: A_Renderer
// ========================================================================
// I think that the rendering system passes around too many String
// objects. Perhaps we should make use of streams? - Ian [2001.08.28]
/** This object provides a lot of common or basic functionality for many
* renderers. It also implements some of the general render patterns.
public abstract class A_Renderer implements I_Renderer
protected String [] renderTemplate = new String [10];
protected int renderTemplateCount = 0;
protected String [] renderPhaseNames = null;
protected HashMap renderPhaseMap = null;
protected static int uniqueReference = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis () & 0x7fffffff);
protected boolean html = true;
protected HasPostValue [] valuePosters = null;
protected String [] clientClassification;
protected I_Renderable renderable;
protected I_Renderable representativeRenderable;
protected I_Renderable containingFrame = null;
protected static int mainCounter = 0;
protected static int postCardCounter = 0;
protected static int currentMain = 0;
protected static int currentPostCard = 0;
protected StringBuffer generatedPseudo = null;
protected boolean isUp = false;
protected boolean isNokia = false;
protected boolean useBackKey = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected A_Renderer ()
// Do nothing.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Simple constructor.
* @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object (typically an
* MComponent, or subclass, or a layout manager).
* @param aClientClassification A String array describing the client.
protected A_Renderer (I_Renderable aRenderable, String [] aClientClassification)
initialize (aRenderable, null, aClientClassification);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: initialize
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Initialize the renderer.
* @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object (typically an
* MComponent, or subclass, or a layout manager).
* @param aComponent The MComponent associated with I_Renderable (if
* the I_Renderable is different).
* @param aClientClassification A String array describing the client.
public void initialize (I_Renderable aRenderable, MComponent aComponent, String [] aClientClassification)
renderable = aRenderable;
clientClassification = aClientClassification;
html = (aClientClassification [0].equals ("html"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: reloadTemplates
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method does not currently attempt to load superclass templates.
// e.g. If my FunkyButton renderer in not accompanied by a
// FunkyButton.html template, this method should attempt to load all
// appropriate superclass templates, such as MButton.html.
// - Ian [2001.08.29]
/** This method loads the <code>renderTemplate<code> String array with
* all templates applicable to the specified renderable object. The
* appropriate templates are loaded based on the contents of the
* <code>clientClassification</code> String array.
protected void reloadTemplates()
// Look for resources for this renderable object
ResourceManager theResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance ();
String theNameBase;
boolean theUseNameBase = true;
if (this instanceof I_Generator)
// Use the generator template rather than the renderable template
theNameBase = getGeneratorClassName ();
theUseNameBase = false;
// If the object is a MauiApplication then use the MauiApplication class name rather than the
// I_Renderable's class name
theNameBase = (renderable instanceof MauiApplication ?
"com.bitmovers.maui.MauiApplication" :
getResourceClassName (renderable));
// Fix up the name, and look in the resource file for resources with the appropriate name
int thePeriod = theNameBase.lastIndexOf (".");
String thePackageBase = theNameBase.substring (0, thePeriod).replace ('.', '/');
theNameBase = theNameBase.substring (theNameBase.lastIndexOf (".") + 1);
String [] theTemplateTypes = getTemplateTypes ();
// Iterate through template types (e.g. "off", "selected", "")
TEMPLATE_TYPE_LOOP: for (int i = 0; i < theTemplateTypes.length; i++)
// Walk through the client classification array and look for templates starting at the most
// detailed descriptions, (e.g. "MButton.off.netscape.4.html") and descending to the least
// detailed (e.g. "MButton.off.html").
CLASSIFICATION_LOOP: for (int j = clientClassification.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
StringBuffer resourceName;
byte [] theRenderTemplate;
if (theTemplateTypes[i].equals(""))
resourceName = new StringBuffer(thePackageBase + "/" +
(theUseNameBase ? theNameBase + "/" : "") +
theNameBase + ".");
resourceName = new StringBuffer(thePackageBase + "/" +
(theUseNameBase ? theNameBase + "/" : "") +
theNameBase + "." + theTemplateTypes [i] + ".");
// Append the client classification string in the format
// [<client_type>[.<version>[.<other_stuff>]]].<data_format>
// e.g. "up.3.wml" or "html"
for (int k = 1; k <= j; k++)
if (clientClassification[k] == null)
// Cross your fingers here.
theRenderTemplate = theResourceManager.getResource (resourceName.toString());
System.out.println(new DebugString("[A_Renderer] Loaded: " + resourceName.toString()));
renderTemplate [renderTemplateCount++] = (theRenderTemplate != null ?
new String (theRenderTemplate) :
new String ());
// At this point, we have sucessfully loaded the most appropriate template
// for this type. So move on to the next template type.
// Don't worry, just keep looking.
catch (ResourceNotFoundException e)
System.out.println(new DebugString("[A_Renderer] Skipped: " + resourceName.toString() + " (Does not exist.)"));
// Uh oh.
if (renderTemplate.length == 0)
System.out.println(new WarningString("Could not load any templates for " + theNameBase));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setHtml
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Set the boolean indicating if this html or not
* @param aHtml The html boolean
public void setHtml(boolean aHtml)
html = aHtml;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getTemplateTypes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the template types. This is used for determining the naming
* scheme to use in searching for the resources.
* @return The String array of template types
protected String[] getTemplateTypes()
return new String [] {""};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getResourceClassName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getResourceClassName(I_Renderable aRenderable)
Class theRenderableClass = aRenderable.getClass ();
String retVal;
while (!(retVal = theRenderableClass.getName ()).startsWith ("com.bitmovers.maui.components") &&
!retVal.startsWith ("com.bitmovers.maui.layouts"))
theRenderableClass = theRenderableClass.getSuperclass ();
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getGeneratorClassName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getGeneratorClassName()
return getClass ().getName ();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: doRenderComponent
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String doRenderComponent (MComponent aComponent)
/* This code implemented backwards compatibility with the first
version of the rendering system. Legacy rendering as been
removed from the components, so this code is no longer necessary.
-- ian (2001.05.14) */
return (aComponent instanceof I_Renderable ?
((I_Renderable) aComponent).render () :
(html ? aComponent.renderHTML () :
aComponent.renderWML ()));
return aComponent.render();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: renderComponents
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String renderComponents (MContainer aParent, String aSeparator)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer();
MComponent[] theComponents = getComponents (aParent);
I_Renderer theRenderer = null;
if (theComponents.length == 1 &&
theComponents [0] instanceof MContainer &&
(theRenderer = theComponents [0].getRenderer ()) instanceof I_HasDepth)
retVal.append (((I_HasDepth) theRenderer).depthBasedRender ((I_Renderable) theComponents [0],
else if (theComponents.length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < theComponents.length - 1; i++)
retVal.append(renderSeparatedComponent(theComponents[i], aSeparator));
retVal.append(doRenderComponent(theComponents[theComponents.length - 1]));
return retVal.toString();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: renderSeparatedComponent
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String renderSeparatedComponent(MComponent aComponent, String aSeparator)
String retVal = doRenderComponent (aComponent);
return (retVal.trim ().length () == 0 ?
retVal :
retVal + aSeparator);
protected HasPostValue [] getValuePosters (I_Renderable aRenderable)
if (valuePosters == null)
Vector thePosters = new Vector ();
MComponent.getContainedHasPostValueComponents(thePosters, getMauiApplication (aRenderable));
valuePosters = new HasPostValue [thePosters.size ()];
for (int i = 0; i < valuePosters.length; i++)
valuePosters [i] = (HasPostValue) thePosters.elementAt (i);
return valuePosters;
protected String setVar (I_Renderable aRenderable)
return setVar (aRenderable, getValue (aRenderable));
protected String setVar (I_Renderable aRenderable, String aValue)
return setVar (((MComponent) aRenderable).getWMLSafeComponentID (), aValue);
protected String setVar (String aId, String aValue)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ("<setvar name=\"");
retVal.append (aId);
retVal.append ("\" value=\"");
retVal.append (aValue);
retVal.append ("\"/>\n");
return retVal.toString ();
private void addInterfaces (MComponent aComponent, HashMap aPhaseMap, String [] aInterfaces)
for (int i = 0; i < aInterfaces.length; i++)
if (aInterfaces [i] != null)
HashMap theComponentPhase = (HashMap) aPhaseMap.get (aInterfaces [i]);
if (theComponentPhase == null)
theComponentPhase = new HashMap ();
aPhaseMap.put (aInterfaces [i], theComponentPhase);
theComponentPhase.put (aComponent.getComponentID (), aComponent);
private void addComponentToPhases (MComponent aComponent, HashMap aPhaseMap)
if (aComponent != null)
I_Renderer theRenderer = aComponent.getRenderer ();
String [] theInterfaces;
if (theRenderer != null)
theInterfaces = theRenderer.getRenderPhases ();
addInterfaces (aComponent, aPhaseMap, theInterfaces);
theInterfaces = A_Renderer.getRenderPhases (aComponent.getClass ());
addInterfaces (aComponent, aPhaseMap, theInterfaces);
protected MComponent [] getComponentsForPhase (String aPhaseClass, HashMap aPhaseMap)
MComponent [] retVal = null;
HashMap theComponentPhase = (HashMap) aPhaseMap.get (aPhaseClass);
if (theComponentPhase != null)
Object [] theComponents = theComponentPhase.values ().toArray ();
retVal = new MComponent [theComponents.length];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
retVal [i] = (MComponent) theComponents [i];
return (retVal == null ? new MComponent [0] : retVal);
protected void clean (MContainer aContainer)
HashMap theRenderPhaseMap = null;
boolean theDirty = aContainer.isDirty ();
if (theDirty)
theRenderPhaseMap = new HashMap ();
renderPhaseMap.put (aContainer, theRenderPhaseMap);
theRenderPhaseMap = (HashMap) renderPhaseMap.get (aContainer);
I_Renderer theRenderer = aContainer.getRenderer ();
if (theDirty && aContainer instanceof MFrame)
addComponentToPhases (aContainer, theRenderPhaseMap);
MComponent [] theComponents = (theRenderer instanceof A_Renderer ?
((A_Renderer) theRenderer).getComponents (aContainer) :
getComponents (aContainer));
for (int i = 0; i < theComponents.length; i++)
if (theDirty)
addComponentToPhases (theComponents [i], theRenderPhaseMap);
if (theComponents [i] instanceof MContainer)
clean ((MContainer) theComponents [i]);
aContainer.setDirty (false);
public MContainer getContainer (MComponent aComponent)
return aComponent.getParent ();
* Get all of the components that should be included as part of this simple post
* card
* @param aRenderable The current component (current point in deep navigation)
* @return The I_Renderable array
public I_Renderable [] getSimplePostCardComponents (I_Renderable aRenderable)
return new I_Renderable [] {aRenderable};
protected MComponent [] getComponents (MContainer aContainer)
return aContainer.getComponents ();
protected String generatePhase (String aPhase, I_PhaseGenerationCallback aCallback, I_Renderable aContainer)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ();
Object [] theContainers = (aContainer == null ?
renderPhaseMap.values ().toArray () :
new Object [] {renderPhaseMap.get (aContainer)});
//Object [] theContainers = renderPhaseMap.values ().toArray ();
if (aContainer == null || aContainer instanceof MContainer)
I_Renderer theRenderer = (aContainer != null ? aContainer.getRenderer () : null);
if (theRenderer == null ||
theRenderer.generatePhaseOkay (aContainer, aPhase))
/*if (! (aContainer instanceof MFrame))
// The MFrame always has to generate some prologue stuff
MComponent theComponent = ((MComponent) aContainer).getParent ();
while (! (theComponent instanceof MFrame) && theComponent != null)
theComponent = theComponent.getParent ();
if (theComponent instanceof MFrame)
retVal.append (aCallback.generatePhase (aPhase, new Object [] {theComponent}));
for (int i = 0; i < theContainers.length; i++)
//++ SL 2001.08.13
// Solves the nullpointer error if MTable is built with strings
// rather than with MComponents
if (theContainers[i] != null)
HashMap thePhase = (HashMap) ((HashMap) theContainers [i]).get (aPhase);
if (thePhase != null)
Object [] theComponents = thePhase.values ().toArray ();
retVal.append (aCallback.generatePhase (aPhase, theComponents));
//-- SL 2001.08.10
return retVal.toString ();
protected void generate (I_Renderable aRenderable, StringParser aParser)
if (aRenderable instanceof MContainer)
if (renderPhaseMap == null)
renderPhaseMap = new HashMap (10);
clean ((MContainer) aRenderable);
aParser.setVariable ("prologue", ((I_HasPrologue) this).generatePrologue (aRenderable));
aParser.setVariable ("content", ((I_HasContent) this).generateContent (aRenderable));
aParser.setVariable ("epilogue", ((I_HasEpilogue) this).generateEpilogue (aRenderable));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: render
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This is the default rendering method for renderers. This methods
* looks for templates according to the following naming scheme, and
* substitutes the <code>^^variables^^</code> with values declared in
* the component's <code>fillParserValues()</code> method.<p>
* Naming scheme:<p>
* <pre>
* ComponentType.[browser.[version.]]{html|wml}
* </pre>
* e.g.<p>
* <pre>
* MLabel.up.2.wml
* </pre>
* or<p>
* <pre>
* MButton.wca.html
* </pre>
* If your component requires more complex rendering procedures for a
* particular client environment, simply subclass
* <code>A_Renderer</code> and override this method.
public synchronized String render(I_Renderable aRenderable)
String retVal = null;
if (renderTemplate != null)
StringParser theStringParser = aRenderable.getParser();
if (theStringParser == null)
theStringParser = new StringParser ();
if (this instanceof I_Generator)
generate (aRenderable, theStringParser);
doRender (theStringParser, aRenderable);
retVal = theStringParser.parseString (getRenderTemplate (aRenderable));
catch(NullPointerException e)
System.out.println(new ErrorString("[A_Renderer.render()] No templates available for " + aRenderable.getClass().getName()));
return (retVal == null ? "" : retVal);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getRenderTemplate
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getRenderTemplate (I_Renderable aRenderable)
return renderTemplate [0];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostList
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Generate a protocol independent based post list.
* @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object
* @return The WML String representing the post list
public String generatePostList (I_Renderable aRenderable)
return generatePostList (aRenderable, null);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateDoneButton
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String generateDoneButton (I_Renderable aRenderable)
I_Renderable theFrame = getContainingFrame (aRenderable);
return generateSimpleAnchor (theFrame, "pop", "Done");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: zapGremlins
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String zapGremlins (String aString)
return aString.replace ('/', '_');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateCard
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Generate a card.
* @param aCardID The id to use for the card.
* @param aTitle The title to use for the card.
* @param aPrefix Any event information.
* @param aContent The content to be placed in the card.
* @param aIncludeP A boolean indicating whether or not to include a
* <code><p></code> tag.
public String generateCard (String aCardID,
String aTitle,
String aPrefix,
String aContent,
boolean aIncludeP)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ("\n\n<card id=\"");
retVal.append (zapGremlins (aCardID));
retVal.append ("\" title=\"");
retVal.append (zapGremlins (aTitle));
retVal.append ("\">\n");
if (aPrefix != null && aPrefix.length () > 0)
retVal.append (aPrefix);
if (aIncludeP)
retVal.append ("<p>");
retVal.append ("\n");
retVal.append (aContent);
retVal.append ("\n");
if (aIncludeP)
retVal.append ("</p>");
retVal.append ("</card>");
return retVal.toString ();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateCard
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Generate a card.
* @param aCardID The id to use for the card.
* @param aTitle The title to use for the card.
* @param aPrefix Any event information.
* @param aContent The content to be placed in the card.
public String generateCard (String aCardID, String aTitle, String aPrefix, String aContent)
return generateCard (aCardID, aTitle, aPrefix, aContent, true);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateCard
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Generate a card.
* @param aCardID The id to use for the card.
* @param aTitle The title to use for the card.
* @param aContent The content to be placed in the card.
public String generateCard(String aCardID, String aTitle, String aContent)
return generateCard (aCardID, aTitle, null, aContent);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getContainingFrame
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public I_Renderable getContainingFrame(I_Renderable aRenderable)
if (containingFrame == null)
MComponent theComponent = (MComponent) aRenderable;
while (theComponent != null && !(theComponent instanceof MFrame))
theComponent = theComponent.getParent ();
containingFrame = (I_Renderable) theComponent;
return containingFrame;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getMauiApplication
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the MauiApplication object from the renderable.
* @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object
* @return The MauiApplication object
protected MauiApplication getMauiApplication(I_Renderable aRenderable)
return (MauiApplication) ((MComponent) aRenderable).getRootParent ();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostList
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Generate a post list
* @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object
* @param aRenderableValue A value to put into the post list for this I_Renderable object
* @return The WML String representing the post list
public String generatePostList(I_Renderable aRenderable, String aRenderableValue)
MauiApplication theApplication = getMauiApplication (aRenderable);
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ("<go href=\"");
if (isUp && !theApplication.getRuntimeName ().equals (""))
retVal.append (theApplication.getServletAndApplication ());
generatePseudo (getContainingFrame (aRenderable), "peek");
retVal.append (getGeneratedPseudo ());
retVal.append ("#postCard_");
retVal.append (Integer.toString (currentPostCard));
retVal.append ("\">\n");
if (aRenderable != null && aRenderableValue != null)
if (aRenderable instanceof HasPostValue)
retVal.append ("<setvar name=\"");
retVal.append (((MComponent) aRenderable).getWMLSafeComponentID ());
retVal.append ("\" value=\"");
retVal.append (aRenderableValue);
retVal.append ("\" />\n");
retVal.append ("<setvar name=\"mauiOneEventID\" value=\"");
retVal.append (((MComponent) aRenderable).getWMLSafeComponentID ());
retVal.append ("\" />\n");
retVal.append ("<setvar name=\"mauiOneEventValue\" value=\"");
retVal.append (aRenderableValue);
retVal.append ("\" />\n");
I_Renderer theFrameRenderer = (I_Renderer) getContainingFrame (aRenderable).getRenderer ();
if (theFrameRenderer instanceof I_FrameRenderer)
((I_FrameRenderer) theFrameRenderer).setUseMauiOneEvent (true);
retVal.append ("</go>\n");
/*StringBuffer retVal = generatePostHeader ();
StringBuffer theEventQueue = new StringBuffer ();
String theComponentID;
HasPostValue [] thePostValues = getValuePosters (aRenderable);
for (int i = 0; i < thePostValues.length; i++)
MComponent theComponent = (MComponent) thePostValues [i];
theComponentID = (theComponent instanceof MauiApplication ?
"sessionID" :
theComponent.getWMLSafeComponentID ());
retVal.append (generatePostStatement (theComponentID,
thePostValues [i].getPostValue ()));
if (! (theComponent instanceof MauiApplication))
theEventQueue.append (theComponentID);
theEventQueue.append (",");
if (aRenderableValue != null)
theComponentID = ((MComponent) aRenderable).getWMLSafeComponentID ();
retVal.append (generatePostStatement (theComponentID, aRenderableValue));
theEventQueue.append (theComponentID);
else if (theEventQueue.length () > 0)
theEventQueue.setLength (theEventQueue.length () - 1); // Strip off trailing comma
retVal.append (generatePostStatement ("mauiEventQueue", theEventQueue.toString ()));
retVal.append (generatePostFooter ());*/
return retVal.toString ();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostHeader
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected StringBuffer generatePostHeader()
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ("<go href=\"#postCard_");
retVal.append (Integer.toString (currentPostCard));
retVal.append ("\"");
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostFooter
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected StringBuffer generatePostFooter()
return new StringBuffer ();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostStatement
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected StringBuffer generatePostStatement(String aName, String aValue)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ("<postfield name=\"");
retVal.append (aName);
retVal.append ("\" value=\"");
retVal.append (aValue);
retVal.append ("\"/>\n");
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePseudoHref
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected StringBuffer generatePseudoHref(String aPseudoCommand, String aSuffix, boolean aUsePreviousApp)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer ("<go href=\"/");
MauiApplication theApplication = getMauiApplication (renderable);
if (aUsePreviousApp)
HTTPSession theSession = theApplication.getSession ();
Object thePreviousApp = theSession.getShared ("previousApp");
if (thePreviousApp != null)
theApplication = (MauiApplication) thePreviousApp;
//if (!theApplication.getRuntimeName ().equals (""))
// retVal.append (theApplication.getRuntimeName ());
retVal.append (theApplication.getServletAndApplication ().substring (1));
if (retVal.charAt (retVal.length () - 1) != '/')
retVal.append ("/");
if (aPseudoCommand != null)
generatePseudo (renderable, aPseudoCommand);
doGeneratePseudo ();
String theGeneratedPseudo = getGeneratedPseudo ();
if (theGeneratedPseudo.length () > 0)
retVal.append (theGeneratedPseudo);
retVal.append (generateUniqueReference ());
generatePseudo ("uniqueRef", generateShortUniqueReference ());
retVal.append (getGeneratedPseudo ());
retVal.append ("\" ");
retVal.append (aSuffix != null ? aSuffix : "/");
retVal.append (">\n");
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: doGeneratePseudo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void doGeneratePseudo()
// Do nothing.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostGoStatement
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected StringBuffer generatePostGoStatement(I_Renderable aRenderable)
return generatePostGoStatement (aRenderable, "push");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePostGoStatement
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected StringBuffer generatePostGoStatement(I_Renderable aRenderable, String aSuffix)
return generatePseudoHref (aSuffix, " method=\"post\"", false);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateSimpleAnchor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String generateSimpleAnchor(I_Renderable aRenderable,
String aEventValue,
String aLabel)
MComponent theComponent = (MComponent)aRenderable;
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer("<anchor id=\"");
retVal.append("\" title=\"Link\">");
retVal.append(generatePostList (aRenderable, aEventValue));
return retVal.toString();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateSimpleAnchor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String generateSimpleAnchor(I_Renderable aRenderable,
String aEventValue)
return generateSimpleAnchor(aRenderable, aEventValue, getLabel(aRenderable));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getLabel
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This method returns a short string which can be used to describe the
* given <code>I_Renderable</code> object.
protected String getLabel(I_Renderable aRenderable)
return (aRenderable instanceof HasLabel ? ((HasLabel)aRenderable).getLabel() :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: doRender
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void doRender(StringParser aParser, I_Renderable aRenderable)
// Do nothing.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateComponentID
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Generate a unique component ID that is safe on all devices.
public String generateComponentID(MComponent aComponent)
return "IDz" + aComponent.getComponentID();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateForwardPrologue
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public String generateForwardPrologue(I_Renderable aRenderable)
String theValue = getValue (aRenderable);
return (theValue == null ?
"" :
setVar (generateComponentID ((MComponent) aRenderable),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getValue
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getValue(I_Renderable aRenderable)
Settable theSettable = (Settable) aRenderable;
return theSettable.getValue ().toString ();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateBackwardPrologue
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public String generateBackwardPrologue(I_Renderable aRenderable)
MComponent theComponent = (MComponent) aRenderable;
return setVar (generateComponentID (theComponent) + "_Label", "$(" + generateComponentID (theComponent) + ")");//":e)");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: filter
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static String [] filter(Class [] aInterfaces)
Vector theList = new Vector ();
String theInterfaceName;
for (int i = 0; i < aInterfaces.length; i++)
theInterfaceName = aInterfaces [i].getName ();
if (theInterfaceName.startsWith ("com.bitmovers.maui."))
theList.addElement (theInterfaceName);
Object [] theValues = theList.toArray ();
String [] retVal = new String [theValues.length];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
retVal [i] = (String) theValues [i];
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getRenderPhases
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static String[] getRenderPhases(Class aClass)
String [] retVal = null;
String [] theClasses = filter (aClass.getInterfaces ());
if (aClass.getSuperclass () != Object.class)
String [] theSuperClasses = getRenderPhases (aClass.getSuperclass ());
if (theSuperClasses.length == 0)
retVal = theClasses;
retVal = new String [theSuperClasses.length + theClasses.length];
System.arraycopy (theSuperClasses, 0, retVal, 0, theSuperClasses.length);
System.arraycopy (theClasses, 0, retVal, theSuperClasses.length - 1, theClasses.length);
retVal = theClasses;
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getRenderPhases
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public String[] getRenderPhases()
if (renderPhaseNames == null)
renderPhaseNames = getRenderPhases (getClass ());
return renderPhaseNames;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateUniqueReference
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static synchronized String generateUniqueReference ()
return "?uniqueRef=" + uniqueReference++;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateShortUniqueReference
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static synchronized String generateShortUniqueReference()
return Integer.toString (uniqueReference++);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePseudo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void generatePseudo(String aReference, String aValue)
if (generatedPseudo == null)
generatedPseudo = new StringBuffer ("pseudo");
generatedPseudo.append ("/");
generatedPseudo.append (aReference);
generatedPseudo.append ("_");
generatedPseudo.append (aValue);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePseudo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void generatePseudo(I_Renderable aRenderable, String aValue)
generatePseudo (((MComponent) aRenderable).getWMLSafeComponentID (), aValue);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getGeneratedPseudo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getGeneratedPseudo()
String retVal = (generatedPseudo == null ? "" : generatedPseudo.toString ());
generatedPseudo = null;
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generateBackKey
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected boolean generateBackKey()
return useBackKey;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getDepthBasedAlignment
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public String getDepthBasedAlignment()
return null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getRepresentativeRenderable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public I_Renderable getRepresentativeRenderable(I_Renderable aRenderable)
return (representativeRenderable == null ? aRenderable : representativeRenderable);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getEventSource
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the event source for this renderer... In some cases this may not
* be the same as the actual its associated <code>I_Renderable</code>.
public I_Renderable getEventSource(I_Renderable aRenderable)
return (renderable == null ? aRenderable : renderable);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: autoPop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean autoPop(MActionEvent aActionEvent, Stack aStack)
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: generatePhaseOkay
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Is it okay to generate a phase for this renderer?
* @param aRenderable The target renderable.
* @param aPhase The String describing the phase being generated.
* @return Boolean indicating if phase generation should be
* done for this component.
public boolean generatePhaseOkay(I_Renderable aRenderable, String aPhase)
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: convertToRenderable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected I_Renderable[] convertToRenderable(MComponent [] aComponents)
I_Renderable [] retVal = new I_Renderable [aComponents.length];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
if (aComponents [i] instanceof I_Renderable)
retVal [j++] = (I_Renderable) aComponents [i];
if (j != retVal.length)
I_Renderable [] theTemp = new I_Renderable [j];
System.arraycopy (retVal, 0, theTemp, 0, j);
retVal = theTemp;
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: finish
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public void finish()
renderTemplate = null;
renderPhaseNames = null;
renderPhaseMap = null;
valuePosters = null;